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At the end of the lesson, 90% of the students should be able to:
a. Define the cycle of communication.
b. Identify and explain the components of the communication cycle.
c. Apply the concept of the communication cycle in real-life scenarios.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Understanding the Communication Cycle
References: Communication Studies: An Introductory Textbook by John Fiske
Material: Whiteboard, markers, handouts, multimedia presentation
Values Integration: Respect, Active Listening, Empathy

III. Procedure:
A. Preparation
Attendance check
Recall of
B. Motivational Activity
"Pass the Message"
Students form a circle. The teacher whispers a message to the first student, who then whispers it to the
next, and so on until it reaches the last student. The last student says the message aloud. The class
compares the original message with the final one to discuss how messages can get distorted during
C. Developmental Activity
What they understand by the term "communication cycle."
D. Lesson Proper
Communication Cycle:
Sender: The person initiating the message.
Message: Information transmitted by the sender.
Encoding: Converting the message into symbols or language.
Channel: Medium through which the message is transmitted.
Receiver: Person who receives and interprets the message.
Decoding: Process of interpreting the message.
Feedback: Response or reaction from the receiver back to the sender.
IV. Enrichment Activity
Scenario Analysis:
Divide students into small groups.Provide different communication scenarios ( texting a friend, delivering
a presentation, resolving a conflict).
In their groups, students analyze the scenarios using the communication cycle components and discuss
how each component plays a role in effective communication.
E. Generalization
Summarize the key points of the communication cycle.
Encourage students to reflect on how understanding the communication cycle can improve their
communication skills.
V. Evaluation
I. Multiple Choice
1. What is the role of the sender in the communication cycle?
a. Encoding
b. Decoding
c. Initiating the message
d. Providing feedback
2. Which component of the communication cycle involves interpreting the message?
a. Encoding
b. Channel
c. Receiver
d. Feedback
3. What does feedback represent in the communication cycle?
a. Encoding
b. Decoding
c. Response from the receiver
d. Medium of transmission
4. In the communication cycle, what does the channel refer to?
a. The sender
b. The message
c. The medium through which the message is transmitted
d. The feedback received
5. Which component of the communication cycle involves converting the message into symbols or
a. Encoding
b. Decoding
c. Feedback
d. Receiver
II. Short Answer
Explain the role of encoding in the communication cycle.
How does feedback contribute to effective communication?
VI. Assignment
Write a reflection paper on a recent communication experience, analyzing it using the communication
cycle model.

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