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Objectives :

At the end of the lesson,90% of the thes students should be able to:

a. Employ appropriate Intonation, Juncture, Stress, Pitch and Temo / Rate;

b. Determine how Intonation, Juncture, stess, pitch and tempo/rate serve as carrier of
meaning ;and
c. Apply knowledge of intonation, juncture, stress pitch and tempo/rate to enhance oral
communication skills.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Elements of the voice
References : Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
Material: Power Point Presentation, Smart TV , Chalk, Black board ,Cartolina
Values Integration: teamwork, Understanding, Cooperation

III. Procedure:
A. Preparation
Checking of attendance
B. Motivational activity
The class will divide into two groups , each group will give three minutes to guess the spoken
tagline of a Filipino movie from their leader without any sound coming from their mouth.
The one who guesses the most correctly.

C. Developmental Activity
1. What do you think is our lesson for today?
D. Lesson Proper:



➢ The sound change produced by the rise and fall of voice when speaking , especially when
this has an object on the meaning of what is said.

Falling intonation

➢Is used on the last stressed syllable of the sentence in:

Ex. SIR, you dropped your noteBOOK.
Rising intonation
➢ Means the pitch of the voice rises over time and is used in the following:
▪ Questions General
Ex. Was she glad to /SEE him?
Rising and Falling Intonation

You're not com⇧ing to the par⇩ty?

You fin⇧ished your home⇩work?


➢Is the manner of moving between two successive syllable in speech. A cue by means in
which listener can distinguish between two otherwise identical sequence of sound that have
different meaning.

Ex. distinguishing I Scream/ from Ice Cream.

that stuff - that’s tough
an aim - a name
my train - might rain
more ice - more rice


➢Accent ,the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note.

➢It emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word, certain words in a phrase or
Ex. photograph - PHOtograph
photographer - phoTOgrapher
photographic - photoGRApic

Rules in Applying Stress

❑Stress on the first syllable

This can be applied to most 2 syllable nouns.
Ex. VACcine ,TREATment ,ILLness
❑Stress on the last syllable
2 – syllable verbs
Ex. infect, preVENT, proTECT ,transMIT, disCHARGE
❑Stress on the first or second syllable
Ex. PREsent preSENT


➢ The property of sound with variation in frequency of vibration.

➢ The relative highness or lowness of a tone as perceived by the ear , which depend on the
number of vibrations per second produced by the vocal cords.
Ex. Thank you Thank you
I love you I love you


❑ Refers to the speed at which you speak SPEECH RATE: SLOW, TOO SLOW, FAST, TOO FAST
SLOW- calmness ,acceptance of others, formality
TOO SLOW- dullness, laziness, lack of intelligence
FAST – enthusiasm , excitement , and information
TOO FAST – nervous, tension, anxiety, or flighty personality


DIRECTION: Say the following statement correctly and determined if it’s a rising intonation or
falling intonation
1. It’s unbelievable
2. That’s great!
3. Oh , sure I will.
4. You must be kidding!
5. Really? That’s good!
6. Don’t worry, I understand.
7. You shouldn’t have.
8. I think I will.
9. Keep it up!
10.It’s okay.

E. Generalization
1. What are the elements of the voice?

V. Evaluation


DIRECTION: Read each question carefully and choose the correct answer.

1. This refers to the rise and fall of voices.

a. Pitch
b. Stress
c. Juncture
d. intonation
2. This refers to the relative highness and lowness of tone in Voice.
a. Pitch
b. Stress
c. Juncture
d. Tempo/Rate
3. This refers to the relative emphasis or prominence given to a certain syllable.
a. Pitch
b. Stress
c. Juncture
d. Intonation
4. This refers to the transition between two successive syllables in speech.
a. Pitch
b. Stress
c. Juncture
d. Intonation
5. This refers to the speed at which you speak.
a. Pitch
b. Intonation
c. Tempo/Rate
d. Stress


1-5 Enumerate the five elements of prosodic

features of speech.
6-8 Give the two pattern of intonation.
9-11 Give the three rules of applying stress.

VI. Assignment

Advance reading on our next lesson.

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