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Objectives :

At the end of the lesson,90% of the the students should be able to:

a. Define extemporaneous speech according to speech is delivery.

b. Utilize appropriate non-verbal cues, such as gestures, eye contact, and posture, to enhance
communication effectiveness and engage the audience.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Types of Speeches According to Delivery ( Extemporaneous Speech)
References : Celebrating Diversity through World Literature 3
Material: Power Point Presentation, Smart TV
Values Integration: Teamwork, Understanding, Cooperation

III. Procedure:
A. Preparation
Checking of attendance
B. Motivational activity
The teacher will select a random student to the class,the students will pick a piece of paper .
Each paper contain either a task or a rewards.

C. Developmental Activity
1. What do you think is our lesson for today?
D. Lesson Proper:


Speech that is planned and prepared for.

It is a type of public speaking that involves delivering a prepared but not memorized speech on


3 Minutes is the maximum time of preparation.


 Question and Answer Portion

 Debate
 Small Group Discussion

Question and Answer

1.What is the greatest challenge facing your generation today?

2.If you will able to talk the president for one hour what would you discuss?

F. Generalization
1. What are the elements of the voice?

IV. Evaluation


DIRECTION: Read each question carefully and choose the correct answer.

1.What is the primary objective of an informative speech?

A) To entertain
B) To persuade
C) To educate and enlighten
D) To confuse
2.Which of the following is NOT a type of informative speech?
A) Speech about objects
B) Speech about events
C) Speech about persuasion techniques
D) Speech about process
3.Which type of persuasive speech focuses on convincing the audience about the worthiness of a
certain idea or concept?
A) Factual persuasive speech
B) Value persuasive speech
C) Policy persuasive speech
D) Entertainment persuasive speech
4.What is the primary aim of a persuasive speech?
A) To inform
B) To confuse
C) To entertain
D) To convince or motivate
5.Which of the following is NOT an example of an entertaining speech?
A) Comedy
B) Horror
C) Seminar
D) Drama
6.What is the delivery style where the speaker reads word-for-word from a written text?
A) Impromptu speech
B) Memorized speech
C) Manuscript reading
D) Extemporaneous speech
7.Which type of speech is committed to memory word for word?
A) Impromptu speech
B) Extemporaneous speech
C) Manuscript reading
D) Memorized speech
8.What is the disadvantage of a memorized speech?
A) It requires improvisation
B) It may cause embarrassment if forgotten
C) It allows for spontaneity
D) It is less impactful
9.Which type of speech is delivered with no preparation at all?
A) Manuscript reading
B) Extemporaneous speech
C) Memorized speech
D) Impromptu speech
10.Which type of speech is planned and prepared for, but not memorized word for word?
A) Manuscript reading
B) Extemporaneous speech
C) Memorized speech
D) Impromptu speech
V. Assignment

On one whole sheet of paper choose at least 2 types of speech and make a Venn diagram
showing the similarities and differences to be submitted tomorrow.

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