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ea Sy Har DRAGON “tua pracons? Yen, ToT. FREAKS, THOSE GUS. IMAGINE dragonborn but then more human. I guess some people will sleep around with just about anyone these days, even dragons. Still I had a few in my party, and I can't argue with their results. Once had a silver one freeze an ore solid before he could cleave my head The lock on his frozen face was hilarious!” = Thorzag, green-dyed beardless dwarf ‘Many dragons are not only fearsome beasts, but renowned ‘masters of magic as well As such, itis not uncommon for ‘one to change shape and walk among the masses, or even take a mortal lover. The children of such unions are known as half dragons. Not quite as monstrous looking as the ... aa SEARCH FOR THE DRAGON Prerequisite: Draconic Race (Dragonborn, Half Dragon, Kobold, or Spellscale) or Dragon You've managed to unlock the sorcerous might within your lineage through the draconic rte of passage. This ritual is ‘mostly done by kobolds, but any draconie race can take it + Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1 toa maximum of 20 + You learn one Ist level and one 2nd level spel of your choice from the sorcerer spel list.You can cast each spell at their lowest level without expending a spell slot. Once you cast either ofthese spells in this way, you can't cast that spell in this way again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level The spells spellcasting ability is the ability increased by this feat. Irems Dracon's DRAUGHT Potion, varying rarity Only dragonborn, half dragons, dragons, and dragon- ‘wrought kobolds can benefit from these potions, You ean drink a draught as an bonus action, which grants you the draughts benefit(s) for 1 minute. Ifyour breath weapon has the recharge property, doing so will immediately recharge your racial breath weapon, and cause it to recharge on a 4-6 ‘on the d6 die roll for the next minute. The draught has two variants: the (ype draught and metabreath draught. Rare draughts grant both benefits and increase your breath ‘weapon's damage. Dragons of Large or larger size require a Digger dose, increasing the draughts rarity by one step. Rarity Draught benefit(s) Common Type Uncommon Metabreath Rare Type, Metabreath, +2¢6 damage ‘Type Draught. You can choose a dragon type from the Dragon Species and Damage Types table (page 117}. Your Breath Weapons damage type changes to the (ype associated with that dragon. ‘Metabreath Draught. You can empower your Breath, ‘Weapon with one of the three empower ‘options of the Improved Breath Weapon feat (page 14) without expending an em- power point. The rules of the feat remain the same, You don't need to have this feat to ‘use this boon, |

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