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Requirements Gathering: Clearly define and document all the requirements for your local delivery


System Design: Create a detailed system design based on the requirements. This involves defining the
architecture, data flow, databases, user interfaces, and any technical specifications.

Implementation: Develop the app according to the specifications outlined in the system design phase.
This phase involves coding, integration of components, and ensuring that the software meets the
specified requirements.

Testing: This includes various types of testing such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing,
and user acceptance testing. The goal is to identify and fix any defects or issues before moving

Deployment: Once testing is complete and the app is ready for deploying it to the target environment.
This may involve setting up servers, databases, and configuring the app for production use.

Maintenance: software requires ongoing maintenance and updates. Any future changes or
enhancements would typically require going through the Waterfall process again, starting from
requirements gathering.

Key Considerations and Challenges:

Rigidity: The Waterfall approach is sequential and rigid, which means changes to requirements after
the project has started can be difficult and costly to implement.

Limited Stakeholder Involvement: Stakeholders might not see the final product until late in the
process, potentially leading to misunderstandings or dissatisfaction if the end product doesn't meet
their expectations.

Long Delivery Time: The sequential nature of Waterfall can lead to longer development and delivery
times, which might not align well with the fast-paced nature of the technology industry.

Risk Management: Comprehensive planning is required to mitigate risks since there's limited room for
change once the project is underway.

Documentation: Extensive documentation is a core element of Waterfall, ensuring that every phase
and decision is well-documented. This can be both an advantage and a challenge, as it ensures clarity
but can also be time-consuming.

If you're considering the Waterfall methodology for your local delivery app, make sure it aligns with
your project's scope, timeline, and stakeholder expectations. Alternatively, a more flexible approach
like Agile might be better suited for software projects, allowing for iterative development and
adaptation to changing requirements.

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