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Wellmenl Features

Configured Profiles For the default and dow nloaded profi les eaeh file represents a single
size ofa speeifie type ofstruetum l member. in SO LID W O R K S 2014
and beyond, configured profi les ean be used to represent m ultiple sizes
of a profi le w ithin the same library feature pan file.
Ifusing a eustom profi le w hich utilizes configurations, the required
folder strueture is slightly different. N e folder for “'lype" is required;
instead the nam e of the library feature part file should represent the
“T ype" of stm etural m em ber and the configurations w ill populate the
size field.
@ am m o“... a C!)

llawnntshilmrlgfllu - NW
I Inininglemplmu HUI-r

I tailspin
I Scam A
I tensor“

tenunllz Xnnaivl
.I some min
Weldmenxvmfilzl .a
,Muir-trauma m onom er.“

For more inform ation cm custom profi les, see leam Structural
M em ller Pm filzx on page 75.

Selecl [he first path segm ent

Select the first segm ent as shown.
T he system creates a plane norm al to
the segm ent and applies profi le sketeh
to it. A preview ofthe struetural
m em ber appears.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Weldmem Fealmes

G roups Sketch segm ents for a structural m em ber

feature are selected in Groups. Members of
a group w ill share the same settings such as
corner treatm ents, profi le position, and
profile orientation. In order for layout sketen
segm ents to belong to the same group, they
m ust either m eet endrtorend, if com er
treatm ents are required, or can be
disconnected but parallel to eaeh other.
By using m ultiple groups w ithin the sam e feature, the system is able to
autom atically perfonn trim m ing operations betw een the bodies being
created. For m ore informaticm see G roups in. Structural Members on
page 24.
Cannedefl; one group

No| connened (to eacn mnerl suit rla| parallel; (we more groups needed

Dlsoanneetctt (irern eacn other) but parallel; a tourm group

Wellment Features

9 Select segments for G roup 1.

Select the rem aining three
segm ents that define the tap of
the frame.
This will be G roupl.

1n Corner treatment.
Select A pply corner treatment.

C liek E nd B utt2
f and Sim ple C ut ‘. ‘—

m men,

nmnunpn Hm:
immune" rum

gm » mmulvumtm
W l??-
Corner Treatm ent C om er treatm ent optians will only be available w hen segm ents of 2
O ptions group m eet at an endpoint. T here w ill be slightly ditrerent settings
available depending on the type ofenrner treatm ent selected.

I End Miter ?
W hen selected, the option exists to M erge miter

trim m ed bodies. This w ould result in one body iineinnnpamam

linemen" rim
being created from the sketch segm ents. inernwmnn.

mm minnflmm
:l Meme m em e nine

I End Bum 9
a. E ndB uttZ U m A

W hen selected, options for a Sim ple

‘ or
m "We,


coped out can be chosen. ‘iliiiiiiiiiiiiii

T he option to A llow protrusion is visible. T his A

allow s a trim m ed m em ber to extend across the

length of the sketch.

a We nm m

Weldmeln Fealures

I A rc Segments
W hen are segm ents are seleeted as part ufa m”our

group, the option to m erge are segm ent bodies is 2133;13:31

visible. This allows for a single body to be i
created from m ultiple sketeh segm ents sueh as w ae-m w m m m
w ould be desired to represent a bent tube.
I W eld Gaps
All eorner treatm ent types inelude fields for
adding w eld gaps w here the m em bers meet. T he ;
I. W m

first field is for gaps betw een the aetive group m em bers w hile the
seeond field ean add w eld gaps betw een the aetive group and another
exi g group.

Individual C orner T he corner trenunent options selected

Treatrnens in the PropertyM anager define the
default condition, but individual
com ers can also be m odified from the

graphies area. To do this, click one of “WW I

the spheres that appear at eaeh eorner

and use the dialog to seleet the
appropriate eorner treatm ent and A into i:
options. 7
This dialog also contains options to control the trim order w hen m ore
than one group m eet at tho seleeted eomer. For more inform ation, see
Trim O rder on page 30.

11 Corner treatment.
C hange the corner treatm ents to
m atch the illustration at right
(the 2 segm ents parallel to the
Front of Fram e plane rest
inside the other tw o).

Welflmenl Features

Profile Position
T he low er section of the dialog eontnins som e
additional settings for positioning the profi le:
MW i i

M irror Profile allow s flipping ofa profi le. This minimum

is useful for non-sym m etric profi les.
:2: m gt m anner

A lignm ent allow s alignm ent of the profile to an W m nl w

edge or skeieh segm ent, or at sam e angle from l: “W
such an entity, or a specific angle from the lummla
current pos n ean be entered.
Locale Profile lets you set the point on the profi le w here the layout
sketelr intersects, sim ilar to a “pierce point" in sweeping. By default the
Origin of the profi le is piereed by the layout. Once the Locate Profile
button is selected, any sketeli point or vertex can be seleeted from the
profile for alignm ent with the path segm ent.

12 L ocating the profile

C lick Locate Profile. T he display zooms in to show the profi le sketch.
C lick the point at the virtual sharp of tlie uppcrvright eorner. T he sketch
profile is repositioned.

13 New group.
C lick New G roup to add
a second set of
com ponents using the
sam e profi le.
Seleet the vertical leg
segm ent for Group2.
N otiee the preview of
the body show s it is
being trim m ed by
Group 1 .
soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Weldmem Fealums

14 Local: Pm fi lel
Locale the profi le as shown.

15 Another group
C roat: anom cr group (Groups), for the
angled lcg support scgmcm.
Locale the profi lc similarly.

16 Resulls.
C lick OK 4 m finish the structural mcmbcr.
Six scparalc solid bodies result from this
C lick Save

a mm.
)1 rs, mm
B! Wampum
L. len
3 Wm
.I Mm
C nm nm
C mm
m rm
7 fitubelwumlwxmxsxm

' Mw as2

m lukmmdauxmxéml
5) Yuklsqumlwxmxssm
a “Abdul-are) m x H:
a: Iubgqumdwxmxmm
mud wnrnxsnxszm

Lessnn 1 soLIDwoRKs
Welflment Features

Groups vs. W hen the elem ents ofa w eldm ent stm cture use the same profi le, they
Structural can exist w ithin the same structural m em ber t‘caturc, albeit in different
M embers groups, depending on the layout. W hen m em bers are Created w ithin the
same feature, trim m ing betw een segm ents is achieved automatically. It
is best practice to take advantage ofgreups w ithin the same feature
w henever possible.
B ut w hat ifthere are different profi les required? Since only one profile
can be used w ithin a structural m em ber feature, separate features m ust
be created. W hen this is the ease, manual trim m ing is ofien required
betw een members.
Introducing: T rim /E xtend is a specialized tool for m anually
Trim/Extend trim m ing structural m em bers and ereating
earner treatm ents. T he same set 0f corner
, .x

treatm ents that are available w hen inserting

structural m em bers are available w ithin this I 9 '5». '79
W '
cum m and and can be used to create end m iters or end butts betw een
m em bers of different sizes or types. In addition, an E nd Trim option
will simply trim or extend a body to seleeted geom etry
W here to Find It I C om m andM anager: Weldmenls > T rim /Extend @
I Menu: Insert, W eldm enls, Trim lE xtend

O pen a part.
0an the file manualjl’imsldprt. It is sim ilar to the Conveyor
Fram e part, but uses difi‘brent protiles for the fram e top and leg/braee
com bination. T hese bodies could not be created w ithin the same
strucm ral m cm bcr feature due to the different structural m em ber

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
wmmem Fealurcs

2 check interference. 9%
”m m ! m
T he interference detection tool w urks with
assem bly Componcnm and budies. C lick
J x

Interference D etection
results. Click OK.
and view the
T rim m ing w ill elim inate these interferences. D we“... V

, g mun-mm .tm m m »
, 5 mmmemmnnn»


3 Triml
C lick T rim /E xtend 9.
Use the renew ing settings;

I End Trim 9.
I For Bodies to be T rim m ed, select the leg and
angled brace components.
I For Trim m ing B oundary, use B odies, and pick the horizontal
angle component.

my... A

“New”... A
Ma: inmnnnn aaxwxwmm
Mn (nu-mun uuxwxwmm

Enuw m m "

m summary
Dru: nnm


Dwem giP

Wellment Features

Trim/Extend T rim lE xIend options vary slightly depending on the Corner Type
O ptions seleemd, sim ilar to options in the Structural M em ber feature (see
C om er Tmalment O ptions on page 20). Some unique options in this
com m and are listed below:
I A llow exlension
I For Bodies to be T rim m ed, this option allows m em bers to be
extended as w ell as trim m ed to m atch the T rim m ing B oundary (the
T rim m ing B oundary is displayed in pink).

Bodies in be Tllmmed, Bodies in be Trimmed,

Allowextenslon seleded Allen extermou deared

I For T rim m ing B oundary, A llow Extension w ill virtually extend

trim m ing boundary selections to com pletely out through m em bers
as shown below (the T rim m ing B oundary is displayed in pink).

Tnmmlng Boundary, rnmmlng Boundary,

Allow exlenslon selected Allen extermou deared

I Facelplane or Bodies
W hen using the E nd Trim eorncr type, the T rim m ing B oundary can be
individually selected faces and planes, or entire structural m em ber
bodies. If trim m ing to geom eny that w as not created with a sn'uctuml
m em ber feature, faces must be se1eeted for the trim m ing boundary.
up 0n com plex w eldm cnt models, consider using Face/Plane selections
for faster perform ance.
soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1

I M iler trim plane point

i: nun/nun (D
W hen using the E nd M iter corner type, a
vertex can be selected in define w here the
v x ,
m iter betw een m em bers should smrL W hen
m em bers of different sizes are com ing to a
m itered com er, ofien the default corner New...“
condition m ay not be dcsim ble as shown I|:SwmvaiMzmb:eV2[2i

below. WW mime

W up pi.“ pun.
Mun. (mini
Dwem inp

Defaufl mnei Miier wm vertex selected

I callouis
C allouts appear in the gm phies area w hen a trim boundary splits n
m em ber into inuhiple pieces. C licking the callout toggles the option to
keep or discard the new bodies.

4 callouls.
U se the eallouts to keep the
2 low er pieces and discard
the small pieces that
pm uude through the top of
the frame.

Woldmcnt Features

C om plete the command.

C lick OK v .
T he result is seen at right.
close the file w ithout saving.

Sketch Layuut sketches are the

Considerations foundalion of w orking with
stnlem ral members. You should
keep in m ind how the groups 0f
structural m em bers w ill be
form cd whcn constructing a
w oldm cnt layout. l-lcrc arc somc
things to considcr w hen
creating a layout skctoh:
I Take advantage of panem s
nnd syminctry.
M irroring or patterning bodies is an Easy w ay to orcctc sim ilar
picccs w ithin thc part w hilc kocping skctch rcquircm cnts at n
m inim um
For tho Conveyur Frame, wc nrc only constructing tho leg and
bm cc mcmlocrs for onc corncr and thcn will m irror the bodies to
comnlcto tho rminc.

. in order to be part ot‘thc same group, path scgm cnls m ust be cithcr:
- Connccmd cndcloccnd.

- D iseonnccm d but parallel to each other.

Skctch segm ents do not have be in the same skctch to belting to thc
same group.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Weldmem Features

You can use 2D» 3D, or a com bination ot‘both types of sketches.
You have to balance the ease of sketching against any benefit that
m ight eom e from having all the paths in one sketeh. The eonveyor
fram e we are w orking on has tw o 2D sketches: one for the top of
the frame, and one for the leg. This could have been done in a
single 3D sketeh.
Layout sketch segm ents can be reused for m ultiple srruetural
m em ber features.
Profile position settings ean be used to m odify how m ultiple
m em bers lie along a single sketeh segm ent (See Profile Posilirm
Sell/figs on page 22).
The profi le is positioned at the .vlur/ point ofthe path segm ent
seleeted first for a group.
The start point is the first point plaeed when draw ing the sketeh
segment. This has im plications w hen w orking with asym m etrical
profi les, although protile position options can be used to m odify
profi le orientation as w ell.
You cannot select more than tw o path segm ents that share a
eommon vertex in a single operation. To create the eorner shown
below, you will need to use tw o groups.

When m ultiple groups m eet at a eom er, Trim Order options can be
adjusted to modify how the groups are trim m ed.
Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
Werdment Features

T rim O rder T he order in w hich gm ups are added determ ines how the segm ents w ill
be trim m ed at their intersections. By default, the first sclectcd gm up
will be left full length and the follow ing groups will be trim m ed to
m eet it.
For exam ple. in the illustration below, the three vertieal blue lines and
two horizontal green lines intersect in the middle ofthe structure. By
selecting the blue lines into a group first, the tw o green lines are
divided zit the interscetions with blue lines.


G R O U P}

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
wmmem Features

T he Trim Order for individual corners can be m odified using same

dialog for m udlfying individual corner treatm ents (sec Individual
C om er Treatm ent: on page 2 l ). By sw itching the Trim Order for the
first group at the intersection to be trim m ed second and the second
group to be trim m ed first, the blue segm ent trim s around the green at
the selected com er.

T he trim order can also be set to be the same for m ultiple groups at the
comer. This w ould result in having all com er m em bers Him to each
other at the same tim e, such as the exam ple below.

Weidment Features

Adding Plates A lthough structural m em bers are the usually prim ary features ofa
and Holes w eldm ent m odel, conventional feature types can also be used to create
geom etry in a w eldm eut part. The Conveyor Fram e will have base
plates with holes w elded to the bottom of each leg. To create this pleee,
w e'll use an E xtruded Boss and Hole W izard feature
C om m on conventional features used with w eldm ents are found on the
Weldments toolbar for ease of access. T hese are the same com m ands
that can be launched from the Features toolbarl

Access the Conveyor Fram e.

This is the file we w orked on previously.
Sketch the plate.
Select the plane Bottom of Legs
and open a Sketch C.
Sketch a Rectangle D as shown. 1 20 60 1

C lick Extruded BossIBase fl.
Use the end condition B lind and a D epth of
20m m . Extrude dow nw ard, away from the legs.

N ote Since this model is defined as a w eldlnent, the M erge Result option
autom atically eleared to generate this feature as a separate solid body in
the part (see Weldmem Feature on page 9).
A dd the holes.
Use the H ole W izard
a to add tw o
clearance holes for M20 bolts.
Locate the holes as shown in the 7

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Weldment Failures

Gussets and G ussets and end caps are eom m on features in w eldm ents, but building
End Caps them m anually ean tedious. The w eldm ent environm ent has speeialized
tools that greatly sim plify and speed up creating these features.

Introducing: G ussets are plates added betw een existing m em bers in a w eldm ent. To
Gusset inseit a gusset tw o faces must be selected w hose included angle is
defined as: on < included angle < I80”.
Gusset Profile and T here are tw o gusset profi les: Polygonal and
Thickness Triangular. D im ension values in the

PropertyM anagcr correspond to callouts _l dz I

Fulygonal Tnangulal
displayed on the profi le icons.

In addition, you can add a C ham fer %r to the root corner ofa gusset
for wcld bead Clearance.
T he thickness of the gusset is set in the same m anner as for rib features
In the icons, the black line indicates the location selected for the gusset
and the blue lines indicate how the thickness w ill be added from that

Inner Side E B oth Sides E Outer Side E

Locating the W hen you select tw o raees, the system
Gusset com putes their virtual intersection. T he

\nmial Intersedlon
gusset is located along that intersection.
T here are three possible positions: Face 2

Stan Petnt Mid Palm End Palnl

An onset distanee can be specified from w hatever position you seleet.

W hen applying a gusset to piping or tubing, the
location w ill autom atically be at the center.

Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
III/eminent Fum es

N ote T he use ufgusscts is not limited to w eldm ent type parts. You can use
the gusset feature in any part w hether m ultibndy or not. (lussets will
alw ays be Created as a separate solid body.

W here to Find It I Commansznager: Weldments > Gusset A

I Mcnu: Insert, W eldm ents, Gusset

Insert a gusset.
C lick Gusset J.
C lick Polygonal Profile . 2

Sci d1 and 112 to 125m m .

Set as to 25m m .
Set Profile A ngle (a1) to 45“.
at mam
Add an internal C ham fer 2E.- with as m am
Set Gusset Thickness to 10m m and click ! .l mm
B oth Sides
For L ocation, click Mid Point -I-. as 2mm
Us 25mm
Select the faces shown in the illustration
. 2mm
fip Ifyou use Select other, be ezreful not ta
select the interior face ofthc tubc. (h mm”

m em
71 m
soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Weldmem Fealmes

6 C lick OK J .
T he results are shown in the illustration at righl.

Introducing: End eaps are metal plates that are w elded aeross the openings ortubes
End Cap and pipes. T hey are generally used to elose bathe openings in order to
keep out dirt, debris, or other contam inants. To ereate an end eap
feature, seleet the end raee ofa strnerural m em ber you wish to eap.
End Cap T he size and shape orthe end eap is prim arily determ ined by the
Param eters structural m em ber face it's applied to. Several options are available
w ithin the End C ap ProportyMzmagCr to eentrol speeifies ofilow the
end eap is ereated.

I Thickness D irection
O utw ard lg] , applies end eap to end ofthc
existing structural member.

inw ard @ J , applies end eap thiehness tow ard

the existing member. The m em ber i. hertened
to m ake room for the eap. (a

Inlernal IE] . adds the end eap tn the inside of ”"7. m m “...
the member. An additional tleld becom es
available with this option to define an offset t‘ "s

from the end face ofthc member. a “an“...

a (may
I O ffset fillet

T he profi le oflhc end eap is dcm rm incd by

orl‘setting the taees orthe struetural member.
T he orrset ean be defined by a thickness ratio or a speeirie value. When
creating an O utw ard or lnw ard eap, the orl‘set is ereated from the
outside faces ofthc tube or pipe, w hile with an lntem al eap, the inside
taees are used.

Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
Welflment Features

T he default offset is cme half nfthe w all

Corner Treatment ouset
Use the corner treatm ent options to specify a
cham fcr or fillet at the corners of the end
can profile. W ithout com er treatm ents, a
sim ple rectangular end cap is created for Chamter
tube members.

W here to Find It - C om m andM anager: Weldments > E nd C ap 63

I Mcnu: Insert, W eldm ents, E nd C ap

N ote G ussets and end caps are children of the structural m em bers they
reference. D eleting a structurnl m em ber deletes any associated gussets
or end Caps.

Insert an end cap. 6 “0' w

C lick E nd C ap a. v x a
C lick Thickness direction: O utw ard.
N ote U sing Inw ard here w ould keep the overall
fram e size the same by shortening the tube by w" ”7“
the cap thickness. Elli. ‘LF‘

Set Thickness to 5m m .
6 Suanmm ;

m. A
U nder O ffset, click Thickness R atio and ! ”WWW"
. vomuvalue
verify it is set to 0.5.
. . \

'i H A

C lick Corner T reatm ent and select C ham fer.

Set the chamfer Distance to 5m m . mm"
Select the cnd face ofthc tube as shown in the (a rim ;
illustm tiun below. C lick OK v .

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Weldmem Features

Using Mirror and pattern features ean be used w ithin a w eidm em m odel in the
Symmetry same w ay as they arc used in eonventionzl parts. The prim ary
difference w hen using these features in a w eidm ent is that you will
m ost ofien be patterning individual Bodies rather than Features.

8 M rror.
C lick Mirror H‘Jt For the Mirror
FacelPlane, select the
R ight. Plane.
U nder Bodies to Mirror, seleet
the leg, the angled braee, the
plate, the gusset and the end cap

C iick OK v .

Male M irm ring features instead of'badm s for this uperm ian w ould not work.
T here is only one structural m em ber feature, but it created m ultiple
bodies We only want to pattern some of the bodies from that feature.
Also, it is best practice to use the Bodies to M irror/Pattern if it is
indeed an entire solid body that is being dupiieeted This w in provide
better perform ance and results.
9 Mirror again.
Use the FI’GDt Plane to m irror
the front bodies as shown

1|] Save E the part.

Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
Weiemenr Features

Advantages of a W eldm ent stm em ral m em bers and features provide a quick and simple
Multibody part w ay to genom ic m ultiple pieees eta w elded structure. C onsider w hai
w ould be required to build the Conveyor Fram e as an assembly:

. [fusing bottolnrup icchniqucs. eaeh unique pieee w ould need in be

created as a separate pan, then inserted and m ated into place. If
changes were required onee the assem bly w as eem plete, separate
files w ould need to be m odified and m ates m ay need to be updated.

. lfiopdown assem bly teehniques were used, updates m ay

autom atically transfer to pans created in the context of the
assembly, but the eom plex filc relationships m ay be difllcult to
m anage or result in slow perform anee.
W hen w orking with a w eldm ent as a m ultibody pan, these limimtions
are elim inated. There is no need for m ultiple files or males, and m aking
changes to m ultiple pieces at once is as easy as m odifying a layout
sketch or feature.

11 Make changes to the C onveyor Fram e.

change the dim ensions oflhc Upper Fram e and L eg Sketch as
show n.
R ebuild the pan.

M em bers arc resizcd and repositioned to m atch the layout. All corner
conditions and profi le locations are mainmincd.

Weldmem Features

12 U ndo changes.
C hange back m the original dim ensions.

Tip Ifthc m e w as previously saved, you ean simply R eload L3] die last
saved version from the File menu.

13 Save and close the part.

Tip B ecause onlie sim plieiry ofm aking changes, wcldmcnm m odels are
very easy to configure. For insianee, ifwc produced several sizes ofa
sim ilar Conveyor Frame, we eould sim ply configure the dim ensions
or structural m em ber pm filcs in the m odel to rcprcscm difi’emnt

Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
Weldment Features

Limitations of a while there are som e benefits to creating m ultiple pieees ofa structure
Multibody Part in am ultibody part, there are also som e lim itations tllat can only be
solved by w orking w ithin an assembly. T he prim ary lim itations
C annot easily reposition com ponents or silnulate m oving pans.
Bodies w ithin a part can be moved by m odifying sketches and
features or by m aking use ofthe M ove/C opy Bodies feature, but
dynam ic m ovem ent in the grapliies area is not possible.

Slow er perform ance than assclnhlics when dealing with large

A ssem blies have m any options to aid in the perform ance ofdealing
with large file sets. Loading lightw eight, using large assem bly
mode, and m aking use ofsim plified configurations are all efficient
ways to increase perform ance for assem blies, but with part m odels
the options are lnore limited. Utilizing the Freeze B ar and
suppressing feanires may aid in pan perform ance, but feature order
and parent child relationships m ust be considered. See the
SOLID WORKS Assembly Mode/[rig Course for more inform ation on
lightw eight and perform ance options with assem blies.

Detail draw ings ofw eldm ent bodies will be tied to the w eldm eut
part tile.
Bodies w ithin a w eldlnem can be detailed individually, but the
m odel referenced will be the w eldm ent part. C om pany standards
lnust be considered to determ ine m m is appropriate. For more
information on detailing w eldm cnt bodies, see D raw ing Views 0/
Individual Bodies on page lUX.
soLIowoRKs Exercise 1
Sign Nome!

Exercise 1: Create the Sign Holder t‘rame pictured here by

Sign Holder using SO LID W O R K S w eldm em features. A pan is
provided with the layout sketches, or you can
choose to start from semteh.
This lab reinforces the follow ing skills:

- Weld/nerd C onfiguration O ptions on page 10

I [me/ling Structural M em ber on page [7
- G m ups on page 19
- Comer Treatment O ptions on page 20
- Pm /i/e Position Settings on page 22
- Gusset on page 33
- Uxirrg Symmetry on page 37
Units: MMGS

Proced u re
Create a new part.
To begin this model from seraceh, create a new part using m illim eters
as the units.
Layout sketches.
Use the default T ap and Front planes to
create the layout sketches as show n.
N ote To make use of existing layout sketches,
open the part Sign Holder from the
Lessono 1 \Exerclses folder.
Modify configurations options.
This sim ple frame w ill nm require any
machining, aficr w elding, so there is no
need for the autom ated derived
Ill Options (it. D ocum ent Properties,
seleet W eldm ents.
C lear the eheekbox for Create derived
N ote Since this setting, is a Document Property this change only afl‘eets the
current docum ent. D ocum ent property settings can be saved in
doeum eut tem plates to establish default settings.

Exemise 1 soLIDwoRKs
sign Nollie!

D ow nload profiles.
Follow the instm etions on page 15 . page [6 to dow nload the ISO
standard profi les. Be sure to R enam e the folder as stated and define the
File L ocation in Options Cit.
A dd a structural member feature.
C lick Structural M em ber ED.
Use the follow ing selections for the structural m em ber profile:
Slandard: ISOJ‘raim'ng
T ype: Tube (square)
Size: 2.0 X 20 x 2.0
Group 1 .
Select the rectangular line segm ents that lie on the T op Plane to be
Group 1 .

N ole T hese segm ents m eet end~torend and require the some settings, sueh as
eorner treatm ents betw een them and profi le loeaticm, so they should be
ereated as a single group.
amp 1 settings.
A pply a corner treatm ent betw een the m em bers and select
End Miler ?as the type.
C lick the Locate Profile button at the
bottom orthe PropertyM anager.
Locate the profi le far this group so
that the m em bers sit above and inside
the lnyout dim ensions.
N ote T he position ofthe profile in the
m odel is determ ined hy the first
sketch segm ent pieked T he profi le
m ay be in a different position than
pietured depending on how you made your seleetions.
C lick the New G roup button.
Select the 3 lines that make up the outside of the fram e as Groupa.
soLIDwoRKs Exercise 1
Sign Maine:

9 Dump: settings
Seleet an E nd M iter fi eoi-ner treatm ent and
loeate the pm file so the m em bers sit inside the
layout dim ensions.

10 Graupst
C lick New G roup.
Seleet the lost horizontal line as Groups.
L oesre the profill: to sit below the layout

C lick OK V .

11 Results.
T he W eldm ent u feature 7
has auw m atically been
:3 so M o moiimwninmw
, mNflaW
added to the in km
FeatureM anager tree. s
E ight (8) separate bodies .1 mm on swash
are ereatecl in the part. u m in“
a norm.
I mainly:
1., any.“
19 w on“
t; is.
. a Yukbmlnxmxmm
g Shad-l
a Yuhalswnrfllflxmxlflmlll
a mnwnnmxmml
a53 Vuhebwmdznxmxzmllil
rm iw onxnxm nu
aa: mVuhrlxurflmxmxmllfil
insm onxnrm nn
a mnelswm‘mxuxlflmlfl
a Imalrsuisymxmxlmlm

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