4e Gy 2022 Prelim p2 QP v2

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Preliminary Examination 2022 O ANDERSON SECONDARY SCHOOL " Secondary Four Express CANDIDATE NAME: CLASS: / INDEX NUMBER: GEOGRAPHY 2236/02 Paper 2 26 August 2022 1 hour 30 minutes Additional Materials: Insert 0800-0930h READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your name, class and index number on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid Candidates should support their answers with the use of relevant examples. Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer. Section A Answer one question Section B ‘Answer one question ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. Section A Question 25 Section B Question 25 Total Marks 50 Setter: Miss Soh Si Ying This document consists of 27 printed pages. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 Section A Answer one que: ion. 4 Study Figs. 1A and 1B, which show the location of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge °. _ eae Sap Oceon a Sx 4 ROCK AGE DETERMINATION SCALE km trom Ridge NT Le 50 0 BO feel ieee th oth Age of rock in millions of yeors i Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 Tectonic map of Mid-Atlantic Ridge Fig. 1B (a) Use Figs. 1A and 1B to describe and explain how the age of rocks may change from A to B. (b) Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 Fig. 2 (Insert) shows a map of the eruption of Eyjallfjallokull in 2010, a volcano in Iceland located in Mid-Atlantic Ridge. With reference to Fig. 2, comment on the effects of the eruption on the surrounding region and the people living there. [4] (c) Describe the effect of altitude on temperature. [4] Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 Study Fig. 3, which shows a diagram of a mountain range. (a) Mountain X range Fig. 3 Use Fig. 3 to identify the type of rainfall and explain the formation of rain at X and Y respectively. [4] Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 (e) Destruction of properties and infrastructures is a greater impact of earthquakes than landslides.” To what extent do you consider this statement to be true? Use examples to support your answer. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 2 Study Fig. 4A which shows temperature over 24 hours in area Z, and Fi 4B which shows incoming solar radiation on a clear and cloudy day. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 Mean hourly temperature in area Z _™ 2x S gm \ Be \ 3 go F we mae bes 8 Midnight Noon Midaght Time of Day Fig. 4A \g solar radiation on a clear and cloudy day (12 noon) CLEARSKY cLoupy sky Be, 100% J incoming 100% Jincoming _e solar | raaiation solar Jradiation SCATTERING AND REFLECTION 4 ‘AsoRPTON By cas MOREUESING Sts o. newcues Seow EARTH'S SURFACE (45* NOATH LATITUDE) Fig. 4B 10 Use Figs. 4A and 4B to describe and explain differences in temperature over 24 hours between a clear and cloudy day. (a) (5) (b) Compare the formation of land and sea breeze. [4] Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 " Study Fig. 5, which shows locations where tropical storms are formed (c) Tropical storm breeding grounds > Pathoteycones Fig. 5 With reference to Fig. 5, describe the occurrence and characteristics of tropical cyclones. (a) Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 12 Fig. 6 shows a building code for the design of cyclone-resistant houses. Cyclone-resistant house design Build beachfront homes ‘Aluminum’ Use timber for ‘on stumps with flow- window frames | | internal inings through design to allow (water- passage of water & resistant) debris (Cross-brace connections between foundation, piers, wall Use timber cladding for framing (wind- resistant) Bulld walls perpendicular to sea Saute Gutlooad for least resistance Reconstruction Autor Fig. 6 Explain how the features in Fig. 6 help to mitigate impacts of tropical cyclones. 14] Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 13 {e) Land use control for mitigating effects of cyclones is more effective than taking emergency action.’ To what extent do you consider this statement to be true? Use examples to support your answer. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 14 Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 15 Section B Answer one question from this section. 3. (a) Study Fig. 7 (Insert), which shows the global spread of tuberculosis, an infectious disease that affects the lungs. Use Fig. 7 to describe the global distribution of tuberculosis. [4] (b) Study Photograph A (Insert), which shows houses near a river in Kiberia. The river is the main source of water for the locals. Use Photograph A to suggest how environment affects levels of health. [4] Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 16 Study Fig. 8, which shows the top 4 genetically modified (GM) food crops (©) grown in 2012, and their common traits. GM (biotech) Crops and traits PopularGMcrops In2012 | separ rele scererstnne ur me ewwtos eri near se Bees af Heme anainscteistance (Am) wy © wn » o et ah ME ns ee aa eae ae oe a Fig. 8 Use Fig. 8 to comment on the production of GM crops in solving food shortage. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 7 (5) (4) Explain how food safety and stability of food supply lead to variations in food consumption. [4] (e) “Inadequate food consumption poses more problems to one's health than the economy.” How far do you agree with this statement? Using examples, explain your answer. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 18 Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 19 [8] 4 (a) Study Fig. 9 (Insert), which shows information about malaria hotspots and hospitals in 3 districts (Bambey, Fatick and Mbour) in Western Senegal affected by malaria. Describe the extent to which the 3 districts in Western Senegal are at risk of malaria. [4] (b) Explain the social and economic factors that contribute to the spread of malaria. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 20 fA] (c) Study Fig. 10 (Insert), which shows the affected countries and imported cases of MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) in 2015. MERS-CoV is an infectious disease that spreads from contact with camels and was first discovered in Saudi Arabia. With the use of Fig. 10, describe the geographical spread of MERS-CoV in 2015. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 a (a) Study Fig.11, which shows the spread of Ebola in West Africa from Apri 2013 to July 2014. Number of cases and deaths by Ebola in West Africa, Apr 2013-Jul 2014 25000 20000 ies 15000 Casualti 10000 Deaths/cases 5000 0 Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr fu Fig. 11 Using Fig. 11, compare the incidence and death rates of Ebola between April 2013 to July 2014, and suggest why itis an epidemic. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 22 ‘Impacts of malaria are greater on individuals than countries.” How far do you agree with this statement? Use examples to support your answer. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 23 Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 24 If you use the following lined pages to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s) must be clearly shown. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 25 If you use the following lined pages to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s) must be clearly shown. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 26 If you use the following lined pages to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s) must be clearly shown. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 a If you use the following lined pages to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s) must be clearly shown. Prelim 4 GY 2236/02 2022 28 Copyright Acknowledgements: Fig. 1A _hittps:/iwww hofstra.edulpatiacademicslcolleges/seasictimispimisp_plate.tectonics_worksheet3 12 it pat Fig. 18 © Kalin Coder 2015 Fig. 2 hitp:/inews.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8627253.sim Fig. 3 ifips/skurwitzgeogbiog.fles.wordpress.com/2012/0rain.git Fig. 4A —_hiipsiwwwhew'et ‘woodmere.net/cmsfib/NY010005 19/Centrcty/Domain/ 1 190/WB3%20Energy%20Water%20Climat ‘S2OKEY pat Fig.48 lips wm résearchgate.neVfiqure/201-distrbution-of- mangroves-in-Singapore-from-present- ‘ludy.in-redawith-the-1993 figd 268882564 Fig. 6 itips/emmaacolins files,wordpress.con/2013/1O/entry-7-3 oq Fig. 7 itis Awww. diagnostics eu, tosohbioscience,comi/solutions/pathologies/tuberculosis-pathology-and diagnosis Photo A _httpsi/thecityix.com/blog/were-underestimating-many-people-lack-sanitation-and-ignoring-best- ‘solution-many-ciies/ Fig. 8 iitps:/Avwnv.washingtonpost,com/news/wonk/wp/2013/05/0the-rise-of-genetically modifted-crops,

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