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ANDERSON SECONDARY SCHOOL Preliminary Examination 2022 Secondary Four Express CANDIDATE NAME: [ CLASS: I INDEX NUMBER: GEOGRAPHY 2236/01 Paper 1 22 August 2022 1 hour 40 minutes 1000-1140h Additional Materials: 2 Inserts READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your name, class and index number on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid, Candidates should support their answers with the use of relevant examples. Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer. Section A Answer Question 1. Section B Answer one question. Indicate the question attempted by filling in the blank below. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. Section A Section B Question Total Marks This document consists of 19 printed pages Setter: Ms Loo Huang Yi Section A This question is compulsory. 1 (a) Agroup of students visited Chesil Beach, a popular beach in Castletown, England to learn about the profiles of tourists and their reasons for visiting it. The students thought that there may be a link between the age of visitors and their choice of activities, and decided to investigate the hypothesis ‘The type of activity chosen by visitors to participate in is dependent on their ages.’ They carried out a questionnaire with 100 visitors on a weekend in July using stratified sampling. Fig. 1 shows a map of the area near Chesil Beach while Table 1 shows part of the questionnaire. Table 1 Questionnaire 7 Are you a tourist? 0 Yes a No 2. Which country do you come from? 3. How old are you? 4, How many days are you staying here for? O 1-2days D 3-4 days 0 56 days 1 7 ormore days 5, What are your reasons for visiting the area? |) Water sports (Wind surfing, snorkelling etc.) 2) Sight-seeing Bird watching 1 Fishing ‘ © Beach, sun (sandcastle, sun-tanning etc.) Prelim 4& GY 2236/01 2022 Map of area near Chesil Beach Portland Harbour @ Gallery z @© Cycle Racks rive 2013) Fig.1 (i) Explain why Question 1 in the questionnaire shown in Table 1 was necessary. Prolim 4E GY 2236101 2022 (ii) Comment on the design of the questionnaire shown in Table 1. (b) Some of the results of the questionnaire are shown in Tables 2. Table 2 Results of questionnaire Q2 Top 3 countries of origin No. of tourists Percentage of tourists Australia United States of America China 18 52 30 18% 52% 30% Prelim 4 GY 2236/01 2022 Results of questionnaire Q2 Results of questionnaire Q5 Table 3 Main Choice of Activity in Age Chesil Beat <20 | 20-40 | 40-60 | >60 | Total Water Sports 15 14 5 | 0 34 Sight-seeing a 8 7./ 10 32 Bird watching 0 i 6 12 | 19 Fishing 7 1 0 6 2 9 Beach, sun 2 2 | 1 1 6 Total 25 25 25 | 25 | 100 (i) Use Table 2 to complete the flow line map using a suitable scale on Fig. 2 (insert 2). (3) (ii) What conclusions can be made about the hypothesis ‘The activity chosen by visitors to participate in is dependent on their ages’? Support your answer with evidence from Table 3. Prelim 4 GY 2236/01 2022 4) (iii) Comment on the reliability of data collected in Table 3. -- {3} (c) The students also wanted to study the impacts of the large number of visitors to Chesil Beach on the local economy of Castletown. Besides the use of a questionnaire, describe a suitable fieldwork method the students might carry out in Castletown. 4] Prelim 4& GY 2236/01 2022 (a) The students noticed that Chesil Beach is made up of pebbles of various rock types, with the exception of the beach near the visitor centre where this is some fine gravel and coarse sand, They hypothesised that longshore drift has an impact on the distribution of beach materials. Describe how they can collect data to test their hypothesis. ~ (6) Prelim 4& GY 2236/01 2022 Section B Answer one question from this section, 2 (a) Fig. 3 shows the international tourist arrivals by destination regions from 1980 to 2020. International tourist arrivals by region of destinations 18004 1600-4 14004 2 12004 z 3 1000-4 2 00 aoo | 200 0 1980 2000 2020 Fig. 3 Prelim 4& Gy 2236/01 2022 Key to destinations TE rice ost =] crops [] Asia anahe Pic [EE Tre amas ica With reference to Fig. 3, describe and account for the trends in international tourist arrivals. ~ (6) Prelim 4E GY 2236/01 2022 10 {b) Fig. 4 shows information about the top 3 cities for medical tourism. Top 3 cities for medical tourism With reference to Fig. 4, explain why cities are popular destinations for medical tourism. Prelim 4E GY 2236/01 2022 % ry (c) With the use of relevant examples, explain the benefits of ecotourism. (4) | Prolim 4E GY 2236/01 2022 12 (d) Fig. 5 shows an advertisement for a packaged tour to various countries Packaged tour advertisement eee Ee 10-DAY ORIENTAL 12-DAY AUSTRALIAN VOYAGE ‘SPLENDOR Vis; Kvala Lumpur, Gentng Highlands, Visit Metiaume, Tngaleoma alan, ‘SuperStar Gemini Cruse & Singanore Gold Coast, Oay Dream sland & Sydney FREE Upgrade to Ocean View Cabin on Cruse & ‘Stay alte Great are Reet slay 2 night in Sentosa isan. enjoy 8 Sea Pane Ride in Syéney T-DAY MAGICAL HONG KONG, {6-DAY AMAZING AUSTRALIA ‘SHENZHEN WITH MACAU ‘WITH NEW ZEALAND Vist Hong Kong. ‘Visit: Gold Coast Cams, Sydney, Christchurch, ‘Sherahen & Macau ‘Queenstown, Rotorua & Auckland Your Chi stays FREE & stay 2 nhs in Slay at Sea Weld Resort & experience ‘The Venetian Macau Hofcoptr Ride in Gold Coast. Packages include: Airfare, accommodation, taxes, visa fee, sightseeing, meals as per itinerary, all ground transportation, standard travel insurance up to 60 years of age and services of our tour manager. Fig. 5 With reference to Fig. 5, explain why packaged holidays can contribute to a rise in global tourism. Prelim 4E GY 2236/01 2022 2B [4] {e) ‘Tourism brings about more advantages than disadvantages to LDCs.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Support your answer with examples. Prelim 4£ GY 2296/01 2022 14 egsssecesee [8] Prelim 4€ GY 2236/01 2022 15 3 (a) Fig. 6 (Insert 1) shows the observed coral mortality at the coastal area in Queensland as at 2 June 2016, Coral mortality measures death of part of all of a colony or reef. Using Fig. 6, comment on the patterns of coral mortality levels along the coastal area in Queensland. {6] Prelim 4E GY 2236/01 2022 16 (b) Fig. 7 (Insert 1) shows the major threats to coral reefs by regions. With reference to Fig. 7, describe and explain the major threats to coral reefs in the various regions. (6) (c) With the use of relevant examples, explain why tourism is subject to fluctuations. Prelim 4E GY 2236/01 2022 7 -{5] {d) ‘Coastal deposition is responsible for major coastal landforms.’ To what extent is this statement true? Explain your answer using examples. Prelim 4E GY 2236/01 2022 18 weaeaansomnemee ~ (8) Prelim 4E GY 2236/01 2022

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