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6/10/24, 1:38 PM Unit Plan

American Int'l School of

Egypt (Main Campus)

Unit Plan
Ma famille et mes amis -Ab initio
Middle School / Grade 7/ ‫ الصف السابع‬/ World Languages
 Week 17 - Week 24 | Hammad, Nesrine

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Unit Overview Prior Knowledge

A summary of the content covered in the unit. Students will apply prior knowledge of...

In this unit, students learn to introduce and describe their family Students will be able to individually use their learning to present their
members and friends. family members and request basic information about a friend's family

AISE Standard(s) Essential Question(s) Enduring Understandings

What power standards will inform unit What provocative, open-ended and relevant What relevant big ideas do you want students
planning regarding knowledge and skills questions linked to the enduring to understand & be able to use several years
acquired? What secondary standards are understandings will stimulate thought and from now? What misunderstandings are
essential regarding knowledge and skills foster inquiry into the content? predictable?
Overarching: Students should understand that...

Topical: *Describing oneself, one's family and friends

is an essential component to communication.

-How does culture influence your
relationship with others?
-How can I describe a family member? a
-How can I describe an outfit?

Learning Outcomes (Knowledge) Learning Outcomes (Skills)

What Learning Outcomes related to knowledge will students acquire as What Learning Outcomes related to skills will students acquire as a
a result of this unit? This content knowledge may come from the result of this unit? List the skills and/or behaviors that students will be
standards, or might also address prerequisite knowledge that students able to exhibit as a result of their work in this unit. These will come
will need for this unit. from the standards.

Students will know... Students will be able to...

Concepts: • list family members.

• list different jobs.
• describe family members physically and tell some basic personality
Family members Vocabulary traits.
Physical, facial description, and basic personality traits. list and describe the clothes they wear.
Clothes vocabulary and basic descriptive adjectives. use the negative regular form "ne/n'+verbe+pas"
use the singular possessive adjectives.
conjugate verbs " porter /mettre" to describe outfits.
use descriptive adjectives to describe outfits and give basic
opinions. 1/3
6/10/24, 1:38 PM Unit Plan

Vocabulary Language Objectives POG Traits

Identify vocabulary for this unit What speaking, listening, reading and writing Which of the AISE PoG attributes will this unit
skills will students use in order to achieve the reinforce?
learning outcomes? Include a language goal for
the unit: POG Traits
All Grades
(Consider collaboration with your ELL Commitment to Learning
specialist to determine language goal.) How to
Create a Language Ojective
 M P I Risk-taking
*Students will use the target vocabulary to
present their family members. They will Collaboration and Respect
create a family album to write a short
description to introduce each of them and
will film a family fashion show to talk about  M P I Communicator
their family, how do they look like, and what
they wear.  M P I Collaboration

Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence

Authentic Performance Task POG Evaluative Criteria

Through what authentic and relevant performance task will students How will the POG traits be evaluated through the authentic
demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills? By assessment?
what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?
All POG traits will be evaluated during the unit's final project.
DÉFILÉ DE FAMILLE | Summative | Oral assessments/ ‫تقييم شفهي‬

Défilé de famille

4 State Standards Assessed

C'est ma famille | Projects/ ‫مشروع‬

C'est ma famille

3 State Standards Assessed

Additional Evidence of Learning & Feedback

Through what additional formative or summative evidence will students

a) demonstrate achievement of the desired results and

b) receive feedback? (work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, journals or other means).

*Gamification / quizzizz - quizlet live / simon says / Duolingo for schools / I need + school supplies / colors / numbers
* Live ineractive worksheets
*Listening comprehension : Edpuzzle.
*speaking role plays

Stage 4 - Reflection

Required Areas of study

Adaptive Dimension 2/3
6/10/24, 1:38 PM Unit Plan

AISE Learning Principles

Instructional Approaches

AISE PoG Traits and Diversity 3/3

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