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Where the country India,city Ernakulam

2. Address of residence(city,street,home number) Ernakulam , V C Ahammadunni road,Area Code
3. Phone 9048871235, 8921363407
4. Email bijuali307
5. Marital status; single,married,divorced
6. Date of wedding/of divorce/when windowed year 2000,month July,day 16
7. What educational institution did you graduate from? K.E.M HIGH SCHOOL,Kottapuram
8. Your education(underline)secondary,specialized,secondary,higher
9. In what year did you graduate?1990
10. Your specialty?Truck driver
11. Have you been issued a visa or residence permit in the last 5 years? No
12. Have you been stripped of your citizenship?(underline)yes,no
13. Have you been denied a Dvisa or residence permit?(underline) yes,no
14. In which countries have you lived,visited or transited in the last 7 years?(specify the period of
the year from and to). INDIA

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