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 What is Research? Explain different types of Research?
 What is Research Problem? What are the sources of Research problem?
 Define Research? Explain its significance?
 What is hypothesis? Explain the role of Hypothesis?
 What do you mean by research methodology? Explain the process of Research?
 Write a short note on the different tools used for data collection?
 What is hypothesis? What are the sources of Hypothesis?
 Discuss different measurement scales in Research?
 What is Research? Explain the following types of Research:
 Descriptive Research and
 Exploratory Research
 List the different characteristics and requirements of the research process
 State the difference between any 4 types of Research?
 How are the research problems formulated?
 Give an overview of Research process?
 What are the different applications of research?
 What are the steps to formulate the research?
 List down the different types of Research and explain any two-research process in detail
 What are the key points to be considered while selecting a sample?
 How do we define the different research problems?
 Explain the process of Sample Survey?
 State and explain the different literature resources?
 What are the merits and demerits of Sampling?
 Explain the steps involved in Research design?
 State the difference between Qualitative and Quantitative analysis?
 Explain the essentials of good research design?
 List and explain the different steps in Sample Design?
 Explain different methods of Data Collections?
 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Secondary data?
 List the various Sampling techniques and explain in detail?
 Explain the factors affecting the selection of research problem?
 Describe in detail the primary sources of data collection
 Discuss three novel research ideas that you want to explore at some point of time
in your lifetime
 Define Sampling. Discuss the techniques of Sampling
 Explain the significance of good research design?
 Distinguish between Primary and Secondary data?
 What do you mean by evaluation of a god research design
 Discuss any one novel research idea and discuss in detail the research design of
the above chosen research idea
 Explain the process of Evaluation of a good research design?
 Discuss any one novel research idea and discuss the methods of data collection of the
chosen research idea?
 Discuss any one novel research idea and discuss in detail the research design of
the above chosen research idea
 Discuss in detail the process of formulation of Hypothesis?
 Explain the appropriateness of methods of data collection?
 List the different types of sample design and explain any 4 in detail?
 Write a short note on Tabulations?
 State the different qualities of a good research and Explain?
 Discuss any one novel research idea and discuss in detail the research design of
the above chosen research idea?
 What do you mean by sample design? Discuss?
 What is the purpose of reviewing the Literature?
 Explain the Research Findings?
 What are the different criteria of performing Scientific research?
 What is editing? Discuss the types of editing?
 What is Analysis? Explain the different types of Analysis?
 Define and explain types of Classification?
 Write a brief note on ‘task of Interpretation’ in the context of Research Methodology?
 Explain the different principles to be followed during the report writing?
 Give a detailed research report on any novel research idea that you wish to work on
as per the today’s requirement?
 Discuss the different steps involved in Research report writing?
 ‘Interpretation is a fundamental component of Research Process’, Explain?
 Explain in detail the different contents of Research report?
 Explain the importance of Error of Interpretation?
 Give a detailed example of drafting a research report?
 Discuss any one novel research idea and discuss the methods of data collection of the
above chosen research idea?
 what is Research Report? Explain different types of Research report?
 Discuss the precautions that researcher should take while interpreting his findings?
 How do we prepare a research report. Explain with one example?

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