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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal
Taytay Sub-Office


Date Name of Teacher
Quarter FIRST Grade Level One
Week 1 Learning Area Psychosocial Wellness
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
Monday Learners will A. Begin with classroom routine:
be asked to a. PRAYER
reflect on an b. GREETINGS: Warm greeting for the learners FOR FOLLOW-UP AT HOME
The pupils are able to animal that c. CHECK IN: How is everyone today? You’ve discussed safety with their child.
acknowledge and makes them d. USE THE EMOTICON CHART Ask them to reinforce the message that
express their feelings. feel safe to  Point to each emoticon. Ask who is their learner must ask for help from an
(Safety, Self- reflect on the feeling each emotion in class. adult they can trust, when they feel unsafe
awareness, Self- concept of  Learners are not required to answer. in their bodies or in their environment.
expression) safety.  All emotions are welcome. Help them identify names of people they
feel they trust.
SAFE ANIMAL B. SET GUIDELINES With their child, ask them to list these
ACTIVITY names down and post them and their
contact information on the wall somewhere
in the home where the learner can see it

Simultaneous recitation of a short poem
Ako’y may Alaga
Ako’y may alaga
Asong mataba
Buntot ay mahaba
Makinis ang mukha

Mahal niya ako

Mahal ko rin siya
Kaming dalawa
Laging magkasama.

Do you also have an animal pet in your home?


 Ask the learners to take a sheet of paper,

either loose paper you provide or their
 Ask the learners to draw the animal that
makes them feel safe, and give it a name
 Give them about 5 to 7 minutes to draw
and create.
 Then ask the learners to draw a habitat
for their safe animal -- where will the
animal live? They can be as creative as
they’d like (i.e. a fish living in a house, a
horse living in the ocean, etc).
 Once everyone has finished, ask if
anyone would like to share their artwork
with the class.
 Let them tell their story. Depending on
the size of your class, give each learner
about 2-3 minutes for their story.

 Talk about the importance of
safety and what steps they can
take when they don’t feel safe in
their bodies or in their
environment. (You can do this in
the big circle after pretending to
be an animal in the forest.)
 Stress that the most important
thing they need to know to help
them feel safe is they need to run
to safety (in case of physical
safety) and find an adult. In case
of unsafety emotionally or in their
bodies, they need to tell an adult
they can trust (at home or in
school) when they do not feel safe
in their bodies.

Now we are going to pretend we are in a forest,
and we are “your” animals.
Stand in a circle, then begin to walk (like a train
formation) and then ask one learner to begin
making the sound of his / her animal, and as
everyone walks, they copy this sound (e.g.
barking like a dog, and acting like one - with one
on two paws up), and after the whole class has
done this for about 10 - 15 seconds, the next
learner can lead the class in the sound of his or
her animal with a corresponding action

Tuesday Learn to identify How Are You A. Begin with classroom routine:
their own feelings, Today a. PRAYER
discover new b. GREETINGS: Warm greeting for the learners
feelings, and c. CHECK IN: How is everyone today? FOR FOLLOW-UP AT HOME
explore how Psychosocial Ask parents to create, with their learners, a list of
they are expressed Competency: “Ways to respond” to
or visible in others Self-awareness, B. SET GUIDELINES/INTRUDUCTION their hard feelings. If the emotion they are exploring is
Self-expression sadness they
Practice language, The teacher tells the class we are exploring can say to their child: “It’s okay to express your anger
gross motor feelings today. The teacher can express that as long as you
movement, listening, we may feel many feelings all at once. To feel any don’t hurt anyone, or yourself or destroy anything.”
and collaboration feeling is normal, and part of being Let’s think of ways you can deal with your sadness.
skills human. It is what we do with our feelings and how Make a list. For
our feelings affect others that we need example:
to pay attention to.  Talk to a friend or family member
 Listen to music
It is important to emphasize that all feelings are  Exercise, walk, jump rope
valid, and that feelings should not be  Take a nap
labeled as positive or negative - it’s okay to be sad  Make a list of things to be grateful for in your
or angry or scared. Create a culture in diary
your classroom where these feelings are welcomed
as opportunities to learn about each
other as a class or between learner and teacher,
and opportunities to grow in a sense of
confidence in dealing with hard feelings.

Sing together If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it, clap your
If you're happy and you know it, clap your
If you're happy and you know it, then your face
will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, clap your

stomp your feet

shout hooray (Hooray)
turn around
wiggle your hips
stretch your arms
pat your head
touch your nose
shout hello (Hello)


Draw the following emoticons on the

blackboard side by side, or cut out emoticons and
tape them on the board.
Choose four or all of the above emotions, draw one
each on a piece of short bond paper.Then
photocopy your emotions of choice in the size of
a flashcard or ¼ bond paper each. Make enough
copies for each of your learners to have one out of
thefour emotions

 The teachers can instruct the

learners by saying “In your minds, quietly, you can
say “I
am feeling ______”.
 When everyone is done, ask for volunteers
to share about their thoughts or explain why
they are feeling that way for that da
 After, ask them what they noticed about the
class, and how the class in general is
feeling today.
 You can have a brief discussion on how to
support each other as classmates,
especially those who are not feeling so well. Ask for
examples on how to help others
feel better. List these on the blackboard too.

 Ask for 4 volunteers. Give
each one one of the emoji drawings you prepared
on the short bond paper or any large sheet of
 Ask them to spread out and stand wherever
they like
within the visible range of their classmates in the
activity space.
 Gather the rest of your learners to the center
of the area and then distribute one small
emoji card to each learner. Make sure the
emoji card is folded.
 Tell them not to look at their emoji yet, and
that when you say ready, set, go -
they must run to the volunteer holding up the same
emotion on their flash card.
 The first group that completes their group
 Teacher stands at the center and gives
 Teacher will point to a group, and all
learners in the group together show the
emotion they were assigned to with action and
sound. What does the emotion
look like in your body? What sound would you
 Teacher acts like a music conductor and
points to the various emotions making it
fun by pointing to one group after another
 After everyone has a round of acting out
their emotion, teacher collects their
flashcards and shuffles them, and then re-
distributes one card per learner. And
the game repeats.

 What different emotions did you learn about

 Tell a story about when you felt that
 What does that emotion feel like in your
 How does it feel to know or be aware of
what you are feeling?
 Earlier, we came up with ideas on how to
support our classmates. How does it feel
 to know that you can support your
classmates? How did it feel to know you

Let sing again with the song "Kung Ikaw ay
Masaya, Tumawa Ka"

Key Message: It is normal and okay to feel different

feelings. What is most important is that you
don’t hurt yourself or anyone or destroy anything

Wednesday Develop self LET’S USE Begin with classroom routine:

awareness, self- OUR VOICES! a. PRAYER
expression, b. GREETINGS: Warm greeting for the learners
and self-regulation Psychosocial c. CHECK IN: How is everyone today?
Practice listening Self-Regulation •Point to each emoticon. Ask who is feeling each
skills; practice emotion in class.
following •Learners are not required to answer.
instructions and •All emotions are welcome.
following vocal
expressions: high,
middle, low, loud,
Review the guidelines for your PSS session: be
curious, be respectful, listen, take turns,
avoid judgment, everything shared is confidential

 Learners stand in a circle around the
teacher. The teacher holds his/her hand at
his/her waist (middle) and learners begin to sing a
note at medium (normal)
volume. The provides the example for the medium
 The teacher then raises her hand high
above her head and the learners increase
the volume to very loud (they can also clap hands,
stomp feet, or yell to make as
much noise as possible).
 Then the teacher drops her hand down to
her knees to signal very quiet sound
and the learners drop their voices to a very low
 The teacher moves back and forth between
the 3 volume levels, eventually
stopping back in the middle at normal volume to
regulate the learners back to

 We will be saying phrases. Learners are
asked to repeat the following phrases
using their normal voices or medium volume:
I Love Myself
I Have Support from my Family, Friends, and
I Can Take Good Care of Myself

 Similar to the first part of the activity, the

moves back and forth between the 3 volume levels.
 The teacher moves back and forth between
the 3
volume levels, eventually stopping back in the
middle at normal volume to regulate the learners
back to normal.

How did it feel to use our voices:
At the low level
At the high level
At the medium level
What differences did you notice in your feelings
while we were changing the
loudness of our voice?
How did it make you feel when your classmates
were using their voices:
At the low level
At the high level
At the medium level
When we were saying the phrases I Love Myself, I
Have Support from my Family,
Friends, and School, and I Can Take Good Care of
Myself, how did it make you
Do you ever feel like you want to shout very loudly
but try not to, or whisper, but
cannot? What does that feel like for you?
Which voice feels most relaxed for you?

Key Message
Voice modulation is also a way of regulating our
energy. Notice your voice and the
tension you feel in your body based on how loudly
or softly you speak. The tone of
your voice is one way to help others and yourself
feel support and compassion.
Thursday Develop self- STORYTELLIN
determination and G
self mastery, use Main Activity
and demonstrate Psychosocial  The teacher provide and creates a story with a
healthy Competency: lead character, usually an animal, that has a
coping skills Problem problem. The Parents tells the first half of the story to
Solving the learners (enough of the
Expand the story to introduce all the characters and the problem of
imagination; develop the main character).
problem  The Parents asks the learners to draw a picture
solving skills by of what the ending of the story
collaborating with should be to solve the problem of the animal.
others,  The Parents asks the learners to share their
storytelling, and drawings including the problem,
performing solutions, and story ending with the class.
 After the learners share their story ending
drawings, the parents facilitates a
discussion with them during which they collectively
decide on the ending of the
story, and the solution to the problem.
 The parents retells the story from start to finish
while the learners act out the
story (the learners act silently while the parents

What was the activity like for you?
What did you like about the activity?
What did you learn about yourself?

Key Message
We all have the capacity to find creative solutions to
things in your life. It is very
helpful when we have friends, classmates, and family
we can count on to help us
find solutions
Build and practice Main Activity
the self-confidence
to  Group yourself into two
Friday lead, along with the  Give each pair one sheet of white paper and let
trust to follow one’s them select 2 crayons of different colors.
partner  One learner will start as the leader and the other
will follow. The leader draws a
continuous line on the paper (in any shape or direction)
Promote with one crayon and the
concentration, follower traces over it, or next to it, to follow the
practice fine motor leader’s line. This continues until
skills and decision- the paper is almost completely full from the tracing
making skills design.
 The parents can give
instructions, such as to go fast or slow down, while the
learners are tracing.
Once the children have filled the paper, they stop and
switch roles (leader and
follower) and repeat the activity on a new sheet of

How did you feel when you were the leader?
How did you feel when you were the follower?
What was the most difficult part?
What did you like most about this activity?
What do you think about your design?

Key Message
No matter which way the crayons went, we all
produced beautiful art in the end.
Because each one had the confidence to try being a
leader – and also trusted
their partners – you were able to work together.

Face-to-face – Monday to Wednesday

MDL – Thursday to Friday

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