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The table shows the number of workers and industries located in England and Wales

between 1851 and 1901.

Generally, it is clear that there was a significant difference in the amount of employees
and factories within 50 years. The number of total workers dropped steadily, while the
number of factories in the 2 countries experienced a fluctuation.
According to the table, the overall number of employees peaked in 1851 at 477,100 with
287,100 men and 190,000 women working there. A total of 291,780 people were
employed in 1861, with 160,000 women and just 131,780 men. The overall employees
significantly decreased during the ensuing years, reaching a low of 61,000 workers in
The overall number of employees fell from 61,000 in 1901 to 25,567 in the following 50
years as a result of a steady reduction in the total number of male and female workers, to
31,000 and 30,000, respectively. In the 50-year period, the number of factories increased
dramatically from 225 in 1851 to 600 in 1901.

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