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By Shokhrukhmirzo Jumanyazov

Useful Language

• Profound influence – significant impact

The way we study has a profound influence on our exam results

• Reversal of disease – recovery of a disease

Reversal of diseases depend on many factors including environment

• Delve into – explore deeply

This book delves into the concept of happiness

• Entwined – linked together

His failure is entwined with his laziness

• Embrace sth – accept or adopt

If you don’t embrace another attitude, you won’t make any progress

• Sense of conviviality – sense of friendliness

There should be a sense of conviviality at workplace

• Resilience – ability to quickly develop from failure

Those will resilience will become successful

• Sedentary lifestyle – passive lifestyle

Those who have sedentary lifestyle are more likely to gain weight

• Artificial additives – chemicals added to food

Food rich in artificial additives is harmful to our health

• Conjoin – unite or merge

When you conjoin his laziness with his rudeness, he becomes even more irritating

• Forge sth – make sth with difficulty

I forged my relationship with him over the years

• Adhere to – stick to
I always adhere to my principles

• Inverse relationship – opposite relationship

The inverse relationship between eating and health is that the more you eat, the
less healthy you feel
By Shokhrukhmirzo Jumanyazov


The way we life and perceive the world has a profound influence on our overall well-
being. The article delves into the downsides of western lifestyle in favor of
Mediterranean way of living. How quickly we recover from an illness, how positive
we feel in our day-to-day lives and how we perceive happiness are all tied closely to
what lifestyle we follow.

The lifestyle an author discusses is not about material possessions but about our daily
existence in its entirety. That is, it includes our sleep patterns, diet, hobbies and work.
Our lifestyle reflects our general well-being and life satisfaction. While so-called
western lifestyle encompasses the correlation between higher instances of diseases
and sedentary lifestyle, Mediterranean lifestyle is more about being outdoors,
immersing in active activities and maintaining healthy relationships with people
around us. These all are addition to healthy meals rich in vegetables and fruits
alongside dairy products as opposed to junk food with artificial additives in Western

In order to change our lives for the better, we need to embrace this new way of life,
shifting our mind and habits. After all, our milestone should not be to merely
prioritize longevity but to live our long lives meaningfully and fully enjoy it. Our
happiness and health tend to show an inverse relationship with risk factors present
in our lifestyles. However, embracing this change and transforming one’s life is not
without its challenges, but developing positive attitude and learning to cope with
heightened stress levels can pave the way for success.

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