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Experiment 1: Calorimetry


Your group is assigned on a design project for building a spherical tank for a new
customer. This new customer is a company who produces nitrogen gas and is
looking for contractors who will design and build more storage for their increased
production capacity. The representatives from the company met with you to
discuss the design specifications. They are wondering if the following cheap
materials can be used for the spherical tanks and pipes:
 Copper
 Aluminum
 Steel
 Tin
 Lead
As design engineers, your group told the customer representatives that you need
to study the properties of these metals first before considering them for the
design. You decided that you will analyse several experimental data. One of the
experimental data is determination of specific heat of metals through calorimetry.
Your group immediately conducted a strategic planning on how to do the analysis
using Excel. You determined that nitrogen should be stored with cold
temperatures. Now, this is the primary question that your group determined that
should be answered:
Which of these metals are suitable for the storage of nitrogen?

Spherical Tank
 Determine the specific heat of metals through experimentation
 Use software tools in analyzing the data from the experiment
 Create a presentation about the results of the calorimetry experiment

In this experiment, you will use Excel and other online calculators to analyze
experimental data.

Watch the following videos to prepare you for making the process flowchart. Note
that this should be made ahead of time.
You may use Microsoft Word in making the flowchart or go to this website:

PART 1: Time vs Temperature for Calorimeter
Consider the following data:
Time (s) Temperature of Water (℃
0 25
5 25.1
10 25.7
15 25.8
20 25.9
25 26.2
30 26.3
35 26.5
40 26.7
45 27
50 27.1
55 27.2
60 27.4
65 27.6
70 27.9
75 28.1
80 28.2
85 28.6
90 28.9
95 29.1
100 29.4
105 29.6
110 29.9
115 30.1
120 30.2
125 30.4
130 30.5
135 30.6
140 30.8
145 30.7
150 30.6
155 30.2
160 30
165 29.8
170 29.7
175 29.5
180 29.2

Time (s) Temperature of Water (℃
0 26.3
5 26.5
10 26.7
15 27
20 27.1
25 27.2
30 27.4
35 27.6
40 27.9
45 28.3
50 28.6
55 28.71
60 28.84
65 28.88
70 28.9
75 28.92
80 29.16
85 29.3
90 29.49
95 29.67
100 30.1
105 30.34
110 30.43
115 30.48
120 30.73
125 30.8
130 30.84
135 30.89
140 31.35
145 31.42
150 31.45
155 31.34
160 31.28
165 30.94
170 30.58
175 29.58
180 29.51

Time (s) Temperature of Water (℃
0 30.34
5 30.51
10 31.76
15 31.79
20 32.49
25 34.12
30 34.14
35 34.34
40 34.35
45 34.92
50 35.01
55 35.11
60 35.49
65 35.57
70 35.62
75 35.86
80 35.88
85 36.03
90 36.11
95 36.24
100 36.76
105 37.21
110 37.3
115 37.7
120 37.82
125 37.98
130 38.12
135 38.26
140 39.08
145 39.44
150 39.92
155 39.36
160 39.19
165 36.99
170 36.11
175 34.69
180 31.46

Time (s) Temperature of Water (℃
0 31.07
5 31.1
10 31.11
15 31.5
20 31.53
25 31.64
30 31.82
35 31.91
40 31.92
45 32.21
50 32.57
55 32.6
60 32.61
65 32.66
70 32.71
75 32.72
80 32.83
85 32.98
90 33.06
95 33.22
100 33.26
105 33.34
110 33.36
115 33.53
120 33.55
125 33.64
130 33.79
135 33.95
140 34.15
145 34.68
150 34.36
155 33.87
160 33.58
165 33.1
170 33.07
175 32.91
180 31

Time (s) Temperature of Water (℃
0 35.15
5 35.23
10 35.3
15 35.36
20 35.49
25 35.5
30 35.55
35 35.57
40 35.58
45 35.62
50 35.63
55 35.72
60 36.01
65 36.11
70 36.16
75 36.38
80 36.46
85 36.7
90 36.74
95 36.76
100 36.79
105 36.86
110 36.89
115 36.95
120 37
125 36.99
130 36.98
135 36.92
140 36.91
145 36.86
150 36.85
155 36.76
160 36.74
165 36.59
170 36.56
175 36.55
180 36.44

Separate Graphs:
1. Graph the data separately using scatter plot with points through Excel.
2. Give each graph a title. Example: “Time vs Temperature Graph for _____”
3. Include appropriate axis labels with units.
4. Add a trend line which is a polynomial with order 3.
5. Color the trend line with red.
6. Display properly the equation and the R-squared.
7. Show the time and the maximum temperature on the graph by using data call
8. The interval for time should be 10.
9. The temperature axis should start near the initial temperature at time equals
Superimposed Graph:
1. Superimpose the time vs temperature graph for the 5 metals by combining
them in one graph.
2. The chart type should be a scatter plot with smooth lines.
3. Give appropriate title and labels for your graph.
4. Make sure that each lines have different colors with appropriate legends.
5. The interval for time should be 10.
6. The temperature axis should start near the lowest initial temperature at time
equals zero for all the metals.

Answer the following questions with complete solutions if needed:

1. For each metal, what is the temperature at time equals to 1.7 min
2. What is the maximum temperature for each metal based on the graphs?
3. Describe the combined graph. What can you say about it?
4. What is the range of the maximum temperature based on the combined
5. If the mass of each metal is 50 g, the mass of water used for each metal is
100 g, and the initial temperature of each metal is 100 ℃ , what is the specific
heat of each metal?
6. Which of these metals are suitable for the storage of nitrogen?

PART 2: Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Calculator

Using Excel, create a heat capacity and specific heat calculator.
Check if your calculators are correct using the following links:

PART 3: Linear Regression Using Phone

For those members who are unable to use Excel and don’t have laptops, download
the Regression Analysis app from the play store.
The app:

Input the data for each metal and generate the graph for each metal.
Take a screenshot of the graph for each metal and include it in the submission.
Linear Regression in Browser:

PART 4: Polynomial Regression Using the Browser

For those members who are unable to use Excel or don’t have laptops, go to the
browser using your phone or laptop (if you have). Open this website:

 Input the data for each metal.

 Set the degree to 3.
 Show the graph.
 Take the screenshot of the graph.
 Screenshot the Regression Polynomial, R-squared, Adjusted R-squared, and
Residual Standard Error.
 Screenshot the tables.
 Screenshot the residual plot.
Here are the screenshots that you need to submit for each metal:
Write a conclusion for the experiment about 500 words. In your conclusion, include
your reflections and the major findings for the experiment.

 Flowchart of the procedure
 Part 1: Submit the Excel File and the Data Sheet (Word File, for answering
the questions)
 Part 2: Submit the Excel File
 Part 3: Submit the screenshots
 Part 4: Submit the screenshots
 Conclusion: Submit the word file
Submit all of these to me via Messenger as a group. Include your group number and
the full names of all the members of the group who participated.

Due: At the end of the class

Your instructor:
Jim Marco M. Pabellon

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