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Making a Difference 44 Not every day is going to offer y ~ us a chance to save someone’s life, but every day offers us an opportunity to affect one. 77 4) J nd Lora Volunteer firefighter, TED speaker UNIT GOALS WARM UP In this unit, you © tak at 260 an help ha TED Talk about a from lunteer fret 2 Look through the unit. Wh 14 ren ica} VOCABULARY [AERA Complete the sentences. Circle the most suitable words. Then listen and check your answers. 1 Even small act of Kindness can (take care of / make a difference to) people's ives. 2 When friends go through dificult times, t's important to (be there for / make an impact on) them. 3. The work of great people, ike Nelson Mandela, (helps out / makes an impact on) milions of people's lives, 4 Doctors and nurses (inspire / take care of) sick and injured people, 5 Scientists can (be there for / inspire) positive changes in the world through their work. 6 Charities often need volunteers to (help out at / inspire) their events, Work with a partner. Discuss these questions. 1. What are some jobs or professions in which people help others? What do they involve? Would you lke to do any of thern? 2 When was the last time you helped take care of someone? What did you do? Is there someone who inspires or has inspired you? ‘One job in which people help others is I would be interested in being ar)... because LISTENING Inspiring dreams Expressing beliefs and wishes Here are some common expressions we can use to tak about our wishes. hope to Iwant to... It's my dream to A DAEFE Watch artist Peter Draw talk about his work, What are ‘somie of the ways he affects people's lives? Cy He teaches art to children. (7 He designs homes for people. (1 He raises money for sick children, He uses art to help disaster survivors. B [JERE Watch again. Complete the information about the lessons Peter Draw has learned. 1 It's important to work hard and Faces oder Gooaetke etc! ae nea 3 Don't wait to © CRITICAL THINKING Reflecting How does Peter Draw feel his work is helping to make a difference in the word? SPEAKING Talking about helping people A [SRE What cid Speaker B help with? ‘As Do people often ask yau for helo? B: Yeah, sometimes. People usually ask me to repair things, because I'm good at it ‘As So have you helped anyone recently? B: Yeah, my brother. He needed help with his bioycle because the wheel was damaged. ‘A: When was that? B: twas last month A: And how dic it go? B: | replaced the whee! for him, and he was really happy! B Practice the conversation with a partner. © Work with a partner, Talk about some ways you have helped other people. Use the expressions in blue. above to help you. People usually ask me to help them move house because | have a big van. Have you helped anyone move recently? EE Making an impact LANGUAGE FOCUS Discussing ways to contribute A [IEE] Read the information. Give some examples of how you can do these things. WAYS YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Run on errand Cook « meal for for a busy friend someone Teach a skill Donate things you don‘t need x JS Show appreciation ‘Accompany Volunteer your someone on a walk Share inspixing time stories B [3B Listen to the conversation. What did the woman at the grocery store do to help the elderly couple? © [IEE Watch and study the language in the chart. Talking about present and past actions Peter Draw uses art to make a difference in people's lives I'm making dolls to sell at a charity far. g to make the world a better place. the beach, at when | was volunteering at an animal shelter g to my grandfather when | visited him at the hospital The Intemet has changed the way we help people in need. Govermments around the warld have signed an agreement to fight climate change, For more information on present and past tenses, seo Grammar Summary 1 on pages 182-183 16 D_[SIEREListen to the conversation in B again. Complete the sentences from the conversation. 1 in ine, and there __ a few people in front of me. 2 “An elderly couple__at the front of the line.” 3 “The elder couple — to take her money.” pretty surprised at frst, and E Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words 1 It became / has become] really easy to reise money for a good cause online, It {took /is taking) me just a few minutes to leam how to use a fundraising website yesterday, 2. Whenever | (went / go) to the recyciing center, | see lots of people who {are recycling / were recycling) their trash 3. A few weoks ago, | am teaching / taught) my grandmother how to make video calls, 4. Poople (are beginning / begin) to show more concern for the erwironment. 5 (Have you ever done / Were you doing) volunteer work for a charity? | {do / did) last year, and | (thought / have thought) it was 2 great experience, F [SIRI] Complete the information using the correct form of the words in parentheses. Then listen and check your answers. There'__________(be) lots of small things we can do to make a diference in people's lives. in 2010, 12-year-old Blare Gooch <_______wateh) TV when he®_(6ee) news program about the Haiti earthquake. On it, a young boy was crying Bare ____ {can't stop thinking about what he had seen, and wanted to help in some way. He thought of an idea to collect teddy bears for the children in Haiti, He * —____ (start) a project called Blare’s Bears for Haiti, Through Facebook, he got many schools to®___________ (donate) bears. Blare managed to collect 25,000 bears for Halt. “it doesn’t really matter how small or old you are," he says. "If you're young and think you can't make a big ditference in the world, well, you actually can.” cee eRe See oc SPEAKING Talking about ways to help Work wit a partner. Look at the infographic on page 16. Then discuss these questions. 11 Which ideas would you lke to try? Why? 2 Which ideas do you think are the most helpful? 3 Can you think of other ideas to add to the list? want to recycle trash, it’s important for ‘everyone to help make our environment better. I think showing more appreciation to people around you can make a big difference in people's lives. 7 18 Eid Food rescue mission PRE-READING Skimming ‘Skim the article. How does Robert Lee help make a difference inhis city? jon you hear the word hero, you may think of someone like Mahatma Gandhi, who devoted his lite working for his country's independence. But there are also many “everyday” heroes—they may not create change on a global scale, but they do what they can to help make a difference in people's lives. Everyday heroes are normal people who are Passionate about making the world a better 1» place. One such person is Robert Lee. Lee grew up in New York City. As his family was not rich, he leamed from a young age the importance of minimizing food wastage, When he was in college, he was part of a student group that delivered leftover food to hometess shelters. ‘This experience made him realize how serious the problem of food wastage actually was, ‘After graduating from New York University, Lee and a college friend created a nonproft organization called Rescuing Leftover Cuisine, tts purpose is to collect unsold food from restaurants and deliver it to homeless shelters and food kitchens. Volunteers pick up food from restaurants ‘round the city and distribute it to those in need, ss almos x The process is simple. Using an app developed Simple i by Lee and his team, restaurants report the amount Of leftover food that they have each day, and then volunteers sign up for delivery slots, The delivery isn't great, ar routes are usually short, so volunteers can deliver so the food they've collected simply by walking from the restaurants to the shelters. Lee believes this is a very efficient method of delivery. onpetit can To date, Le rescued over 150, 300,000 meals to people who n nem, Lee has shown how we c 0 kilograms idea or action may s It's j d there’ s just ad. not werking with the aim metimes and his team have successfully food, serving an take small ions to improve the lives of people around us. m insignificant, but it may have an impact greater «0 than you can imagine. But Lee says that his work the beginning. The need is so much demand. With restaurants, who knows how much more we of making mone 20 UNDERSTANDING MAIN IDEAS ‘What is the main purpose of the passage? to explain how Robert Lee got the idea for his organization b to show an example of how regular people can make a difference ¢ to explore the problem of food waste in restaurants and households CLASSIFYING FACTS OR OPINIONS How does Rescuing Leftover Ouisine work? Order the stages from 1 to 6, — Avolunteer agrees to take on the delivery job. ——.A restaurant is given an app that Lee's team developed, —— People in need receive food from the volunteer. — The restaurant reports how much food it has lett at the end of the day. —— The volunteer picks up unsold food from the restaurant. — The volunteer walks to a homeless shelter with the leftover food. BUILDING VOCABULARY A Match the words in blue from the passage to their definitions. 1 devoted 0 (© unimportant 2 passionate o © reducing 3 minimizing © ‘© having strong feelings or beliefs 4 insignificant © © gave all or most of one’s effort or time B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in A. 1 Many researchers have________ their lives to fining a cure for cancer. 2 Countries need to work together in order to_________the impact of climate change. 3 People who are ___ about their jabs tend to work hard and do wel, 4 We should all do what we can to help others, No contribution is © CRITICAL THINKING Foflecting Work with a partner. Look at the infographic on page 19, How do you think so much food gets wasted? Food sometimes gets wasted when we. ‘Sometimes at the supermarket ED} A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter TEDTALKS MARK BEZOS works for a charity organization, Robin Hood, which fights poverty in New York City. He's also a volunteer firefighter in Westchester County, New York, where he ives. Mark Bezos is continuously ‘amazed and motivated by the acts of heroism—big and small—that he sees every day. Mark Bezos’s idea worth spreading is that every act of generosity matters—even the small ones. PREVIEWING Read the paragraphs above. Match each bold word to its meaning. You will hear these words in the TED Talk. 1 the state of baing extremely poor 2 the quality of being kind and helpful — 3 someone who does a job for no pay 4 things done or achieved VIEWING aa 1 In Bozos's town, there's [Watch Part 1 of the TED Talk. Choose the correct options, a a lack of skilled firefighters b alack of volunteer freighters ¢ a team of professional frefighters 2 Which word best describes how Mark Bezos felt about his first fire? a excited b nervous © worried 3 The woman was probably when the fire started. a sleeping b cooking ¢ taking a bath at Watch Part 2 of the TED Talk. Put the events in the order they happened. 08 carried the shoes downstai fe them tot homeowner. b The homeowner nt a letter thanking the firefighters. © The captain asked Bezos to go into the hous {and bring back some shoes. The captain asked the other volunt (trofte sea.) Bezos arrived atthe Watch Part 8 of the TED Talk. Discuss these questions with a partner. dog from inside 1e house, 11 What has Mark Bezos learned from the acts of kind 2 Mark Bez or generosity that he has seen? What does he m m 96 to his audier is "Don't wait." n by this? CRITICAL THINKING Work with @ partner. Why do you think Bezos refers to the other firefighter as Lex Luthor (Superman's enemy}? How do you think he really feels about the other volunteer? io ROC een et eee hed a group of children who live in a shelter in New York. VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT A CAEBE Watch the excerpts from the TED Talk. Choose the correct meaning of the words. B Complete the sentences using the words in the box. witness to get inon assignments above all 1 To the online discussion, you can visit the Facebook page. 2 Asavolunteer, 'm often through our help. ____how people's lives can be improved 3. Employees should be hardworking and skiled in their jobs, but _ they should be team players. 4 Working on group ______ helps people learn teamwork. PRESENTATION SKILLS Helping your audience visualize “To make your presentation more memorable, help your audience visualize the points you are making. You can do this by: * giving a demonstration * teling a story ‘* using pictures and visuals ‘sharing interesting facts or statistics A. [SUEBE] Watch part of Mark Bezos's TED Talk. What methods does he use to help his audience visualize? B [QERE Watch again. Complete the sentences. 1“... she was standing outside in the —_ rain, under an in her pajamas, —__ . while her house was in flames.” 2 off |went—up the the hall, the ‘real’ firefighters..." © Work with a partner. What methods would you use to help your audience visualize the following? 1 the problem of food wastage around the world 2 a group of people in our society who need care but are often overlooked 3. how someone has helped make a difference in other people's lives 4 how recycling trash is good for the environment I'd share facts and data about the amount of food we waste Ea Touching lives COMMUNICATE People who have made a difference A Think of someone you know who has made a difference in your life. It could be someone you know personally —a friend, relative, or teacher—or someone you have read or heard about. B Write some notes about your experience with the person. Use the questions to help you. ‘+ What has that person done to make an impact cn you? © When was it? * What changes did it make in your life? * How did the experience make you feet? * How cid it change your thoughts or actions? © Work with a partner, Talk about how that person has made a difference in your life Describing how people have made an impact Iwas inspired to He motivated me to ... It transformed the way I. He changed my mind about ‘Someone who has made an impact on my lif is ‘One thing that he did that really made a difference is What she did made me realize that .. WRITING Describing a personal experience Write a paragraph about the person who has made an impact on your lfe and what you gained from that ‘experience, ‘Someone who has made a big difference in my life is my teacher. She showed me that ... 46 If you really care about starting a Tale) < 1001101 SMa cy the courage to follow and show Colintciesmate)\\\ = a @) TEDTALKS DEREK SIVERS is best known as the founder of CD Baby, one of the first sellers of independent music on the Internet. His company, Wood Egg, advises people on how to build companies. Derek Sivers's idea worth spreading is that while leaders get the oredit {or starting a movement, the frst followers are often the driving force. PREVIEWING Read the sentences. Choose the option that has a similar meaning to each bold word. You will hear these words in the TED Talk. 1. You need guts to stand up and share your ideas with thousands of people. a courage b abilty 2 With the speed of change today, having skiled and resourceful workers is erucial to many companies’ success, useful b extremely important 3. Successful business ideas are those that are creative and that stand out. a are practical b are noticeable in a crowd 4 Amoverent often begins with just one lone voice, a single b clear 5 When Danwin proposad his theory of evolution, he was ridiculed by meny people, a laughed at b respected VIEWING A [SERRE Watch Part 1 of the TED Talk. Choose the most suitable options, 1. What is the job of the frst follower? a to have the courage to stand out to show others how to follow 2 What do you think will happen when the first folower joins? Other people will want to join in. b People will ignore him and the leader. 33 34 B (ERE) Watch Part 2 of the TED Talk. Match the descriptions to the pictures showing the stages of the movement. a A few more people join © Assecond follower joins, People rush to oin in so that they People start to join the group at a faster rate, can be part of the in-crowd. creating momentum. This is the tipping point. oO © [EERE] Watch Part 3 of the TED Talk. Circle the correct words to complete the advice Sivers gives. 1. The most important thing for a leader to do is to (have a good idea / treat the first followers as equals) 2 People should not be atraid of (being the first follower / starting their own movement) when they see someone doing something great. D CRITICAL THINKING Inferring Work with a partner. Do you think that people sometimes join a movement or trend because they are afraid of not being part of the in-crowd? Can you think of some examples? VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT A. EXERT Watch the excerpts from the TED Talk. Choose the correct meaning of the words. B Complete the sentences using the words in the box. emulate sitonthefence nurture. —_over-glorified 1 People usually people who inspire them. 2 Schools have a duty to the talents of al their students. 3 When you need to decide who to vote into government, you can't ass 4 Sivers feels that leadership is because no one becomes a leader without someone else's support. PRESENTATION SKILLS Commenting on visuals As you show your visuals, draw the audience’s jention to them and highlight the important parts. A [UBB watch part of Derek Sivers's TED Talk. Check (7) the expressions he uses in his talk to comment on the visuals. [J Sohere's [No that o [1 Can you see....? ] So, over the next minute, you'l see. B Work with a partner. Brainstorm more phrases you could use to draw attention to visuals in a presentation. © Work with a partner. Choose a video and take turns commenting on the key parts of your video. I you look at the man on the king a phato of himsel jou'll see that i} il HAT \ | Il mM Hi if i | MN, ——— TTT hy eae mo TT Poo E4 Predicting trends COMMUNICATE Consumer trends A. You are going to read about some innovations. Student A: Turn to page 165. ‘Student B: Turn to page 166. B Work with a partner. Take tums explaining what the innovations are. This is a type of technology that allows people to ‘With this product, people can now Discuss with a partner. Which of these innovations you read or heard about do you think will become more Popular in the future? Use the following questions to help you ‘Who will the product or service be good for? What possible applications could there be, and how will people benefit from it? What other trends would it support? Describing probability It's ikely to It wil probably. | think we'll see... There's a possibilty that WRITING Making a prediction Write a description of the product or service you Ue LatuiteE| th read about and your predictions about eee Mobile payment technology will probably become a bigger trend in the future. Smartphones have become very ‘common, so people may 36 ial elce late, Tt) » 461 really believe that sensors can improve the quality of life of id pA alaleM lle UNA 7” ene tose} Peres UNIT GOALS In this unit, TED Talk about ho ener ac eas ey Drm VOCABULARY Talking about healthcare A. EXEEI Complete the information using the words in the box. Two words are extra. Then listen and check your answers treatments caregiver elderly suffer from cure monitor wearable motivate ‘As populations grow older and the number of becoming increasingly expensive and complicated, more health problems and may need a variely of © ___ people rises, healthcare is fly people naturally 2_ One solution is technology—small, ight devices thet people can carry with the. By measuring a person's heart rate, for example, these devices can a person's neath. This information can help the ‘nurse, or doctor take care of patients better, B Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words. 1 The (treatment / healthcare) for a bad back involves lots of rest 2 Theres stilino (cure / caregiver) for 1 types of cancer. : 8 People who are overweight and don't exercist are likely to (suffer from / cure) health issues. 4 Many fitness {treatments / wearables) monitor things such as the number of steps people take. 5 Devices that track exercise can help (monitor / motivate) people to be more active © Work with a partner. Discuss these questions. 1 Does your country have a high percentage of elderly people? 2 Are there any special healthcare services for ther? 38 LISTENING My health routine Talking about the benefits of something We can use expressions like the ones below to describe the benefits of something, It's great for... It works well for people who... find ... most useful, A [AEEI watch Kate Chong talk about her health routine. Check (7) the ways she stays healthy. 1 by getting enough rest 1 by having a batanced diet 1 by cycling to work every day (1 by exercising every weekend B [AEE] Watch again. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words. 1. Chong uses a running app on her phone to keep track of (the weather conditions on each run / how far she’s run) 2. She likes the app because It {is easy to use / helps her stay disciplined) Pechonn Mec wee ec 8 Chong’s cycling app allows her to (compare cycling data with friends / train with a virtual cycling partner), © CRITICAL THINKING Reflecting Work with a partner. What other ways do you think technology can help improve people's heaith? SPEAKING Talking about staying healthy A [SEBIls Speaker A motivated to keep fit? ‘A: You seem pretty fit, Do you do any regular exercise? B: Yeah. | go to the gym a few times a week. ‘A: What do you do there? B: | do some stretching and then usually run for half an hour or so. A: Don't you get bored? How do you motivate yourself? B: Wel, | often go wit atriend, Also, | recently bought @ wearable. It helps me learn more about my ifestyie habits, ‘and motivates me to do more. How about you? Do you do much exercise? ‘A: Not very often. I'm usually too tired after work. Maye | should sign up for a class at the gym. | think that will make me more motivated! B Practice the conversation with a partner. © Work with a partner. Talk about what you do to keep fit, how you motivate yourself, and if you use any technology to keep track of your health. Use the expressions in blue above to help you. Do you do any regular exercise? | ty to. go swimming every woek 39 EI Tech in healthcare LANGUAGE FOCUS Discussing mobile healthcare A [AIEEE Read the information. Do you look up health-related information online? What do you look for? HEALTHCARE IS GOING MOBILE CUCU CRC CCRC ICCC mE OrCantr 52% of smartphone users 2% More than 25% of doctors are ‘now gather health-related ‘ using mobile technology to provide information on their phones. Patient care, ‘Asa result of cheaper and more accurate sensors, the Almost 50% smart wearable healtheare market wil be worth more of people aged ‘han $40 billion dollars by 2020. 25-44 will be ' Using wearable we eee WEN 2014 $2 billion devices by 2018, tum nt tnd stadt tn OOOO PRC a_ on oe oe oe EELS 2 $41 billion BAER Listen to the conversation. What does the woman recommend her friend to do? Discuss with a partner, © [ERM watch and study the language in the chart. Talking about cause and effect, (Obesity can lead to other health problems, so it's important to have a healthy diet. Health apps are becorning popular nowadays be about their health, use people are more concered Elderly people usually require more medical care due to age-related illnesses, ‘You should eat less red meat, as too much of it can lead to heart disease. ‘As a result of Improvements in medical technology, we are able to treat more illnesses. Gathering personal health information has become easier because of the Internet, For more information on cause and effect, seo mmrae Surmnary 3 0n page 184 1D [JEE Listen to the conversation in B again. Complete the sentences from the conversation. 1 “had a terrivle night's sleep 2 “Ican't really focus in class sometimes 3 “You'll get to know your sleep hebits, E Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 Alot of people are buying wearables oo 2 Many lives are saved each year ° 3 Fitness devices ere usually small and light, © 4 Asa result of improvements in ° mobile healthcare, kept waking up." I'm so tired.” you can see what helps you sleep.” © so they're easy to camry around, © people can find out a lot more about their health. © because of improvements in medical technology © because thay are interested in monitoring their health, F [IEE] complete the information. Circle the correct words. Then listen and check your answers. Michael Lwin is a Burmese-American who moved back to Myanmar in 2012. When Lwin ‘met his cousin Yar Zar Minn Htoo in Myanmar, he found out that his cousin had gotten hepatttis B—a serious disease— (se / because) a rural doctor had used dirty needles and infected Yar Zar Minn Htoo with the virus. Lwin and Yar Zar Minn Htoo wanted to improve people's access to healthcare in their country, 480 / as) in 2012, they worked together to start Koe Koe Tach. They created Kyan Mar Yae— the country's first general health app—which sends personalized messages to users’ phones. (As / Because off more than 90 percent of the population in Myanmar use smartphones, this is an effective way to provide more people with access to healthcare information and advice, According to Lwin, this app will also benefit the wornen and chiidren of Myanmar, “(due to / as) 70 percent of births take place outside a hospital SPEAKING Talking about healthcare tech Pen nee a eur Eee nc eum UU Work with a partner. You are going to read about a type of healthcare technology that could be used in the future, Student um to page 165. Student B: Turn to page 166. Describe the technology you have read about to your partner, and explain the effects it could have on people in the future. a Eq The challenge of Alzheimer’s PRE-READING Predicting ‘Skim the first paragraph. What kinds of challenges do you think there are in countries where people live longer? 1 ‘r the frst time in history, there are more person. By 2050, this number wil fal to two workers people above the age of 65 than children per elderly person. below the age of five. As populations grow 1» + One common health problem that affects elderly ‘older, aging societies will begin to face major people is Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer’s—the 5 challenges—such as the provision of healthcare most common type of dementia —affects a person’s Eiderly people have a higher chance of suffering memory, behavior, and thinking. Because of from linesses such as diabetes, cancer, and heart memory loss and behavioral changes, people with disease, Providing proper healthcare facilities 2» Alzheimer’s may slowly become unable to take care and treatment is expensive, and the rising cost of of themselves, eventually requiring constant care 10 healthcare puts a lot of pressure on the working from family members or caregivers, Population. In Europe, for example, there are There is no cure for Alzheimer's at the Currently four working people supporting one eldery —_ moment—drugs can only treat its symptoms. Many developed countries are experiencing aging populations. One of the most notable examples is Japan, Japan's population is rapidly aging as a result of fewer babies being born and people living longer. By 2060, four in ten people will be over the age of 65, Percentage of population aged 65 and above They require care from, memory? ‘and behavioral their family or caregivers, UNDERSTANDING DETAILS Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 1 Alzheimer's is a disease that mainly affects the ___. @ muscles b blood © brain 2 Australian researchers have shown that it may be possible to people with Alzheimer's, @ prevent memory loss in increase the sleep qualily of _¢ improve the communication ability of BUILDING VOCABULARY ‘A Complete the sentences using the words in blue from the passage, 1 Researchers are stil nding ways to____________people from getting cancer, 2 Family members are often under a lot of_________ caring for people with Aizheimer's. 3 A____ decrease in the birth rate can cause populations to shrink 4 When an idea doesn't work well, you should try a different 5 Scientists sometimes study the of animals to find out what we can leam from them. B CRITICAL THINKING Inferring What is the author's attitude toward finding solutions to the challenges of Alzheimer’s? What evidence Is there from the article? E2] My simple invention, designed to keep my grandfather safe TEDTALKS KENNETH SHINOZUKA has been designing smart products since he was six years old. Ever since his grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, Kenneth’s family has struggled to care for him. Concerned by this, Kenneth designed a smart device. The sensor in the device detects pressure when someone steps on it yaks = 1 Kenneth Shinozuka's idea worth spreading is that smart uses of sensory technology can improve our ives as we age— particularly for Alzheimer's patients and those who care for them. PREVIEWING Read the paragraphs above. Match each bold word to its meaning. You will hear these words in the TED Talk. worried — - notices something _ 1 2 3 had difficulty — 4 identified a medical condition 6 ‘a devioe that responds to things like light or sound _ VIEWING A [ERD Watch Part 1 of the TED Talk. Choose the correct options. 1 Kenneth's grandfather's condition brought a lot of stress to his family because he often __ couldn't go to sleep b wandered off by himsett © couldn't express his thoughts 2 Kenneth was worried about his aunt's well-being because she was __ a not eating healthy meals b often getting sick © not getting enough rest at night 45 8 EXERED watch Part 2 of the TED Talk. Complete the labels describing how Kenneth Shinozuka’s invention works. Then number the steps from 1~<. 1 Patient puts sock on. 2 When the patient on the floor, the pressure sensor detects a(n) in pressure. 3 Sensor sends a wireless alert to the caregiver's 4 Smartphone makes a(n) eo Mea ‘Smartphone © [JERE Watch Part 3 of the TED Talk. Complete the diagram she Kenneth Shinozuka’s invention and research process. Carried out tests _ Bresidental Tested it on his a ~ in California weg eg, some people Improved don't want to device to sleep at night D CRITICAL THINKING Inferring Work with a partner. Look at the quote below. What other correlations would you look for? "Tm currently examining correlations between the frequency of @ patient's nightly wandering and his or her daily activities and det." VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT [XERE] Watch the excerpts from the TED Talk. Choose the correct meaning of the words. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. firsthand stem from corporate keep aneyeon overwhelming 1 Caregivers or family members need to ple with Alzheimer's. 2 Some medical conditions such as obesity may bad lifestyle choices, 8 Theres evidence that smoking causes lung cancer 4 Inventors have to feedback from users to improve their cr 5 Many caregivers experience = how hard itis for people with Alzheimer’s to get on with daily lt, PRESENTATION SKILLS Start your presentation with interesting facts to get your audience's atten Did you know that ..? You may not know that Here is a fact you may not know What do you think ...? CX EREI Watch part of Kenneth Shinozuka’s TED Talk. Complete the facts he gives. 1 the threat to Americans’ health? Cancer? Heart attacks? Diabetes? The answer is actually none of these; it's Alzheimer's disease. 2 “Every . someone in the United States is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, 3 “As the number of Alzheimer's patients by the year 2050, caring ‘or them, as well as the rest of the aging population, wil become an overwhelming societal challenge.” Rem eet Mie eR aan Pic tee uh esau es Ea Healthcare solutions COMMUNICATE Innovative healthcare solutions ‘A Work in small groups. Choose one of the scenarios below. Scenario A Person A is 70 years old. He is no longer able to walk more than a few meters on his own. He lives ‘alone and is finding basic chores like cleaning and shopping very dificult. Scenario B Person B is 65 years old. She needs to take medicine regularly as she sulfers from several medical Concitions. However, she often forgets to take the medicine. Sometimes she even takes the wrong medicine or the wrong amount, Scenario C Person C is a 24-year-old athlete. He is training for a competition next month, He has to keep to a Strict, heaithy diet in order to be at his best during the competition, However, his training schedules are very busy and he doesn't have enough time to plan his meals properly In your group, brainstorm possible tech solutions that could help make life easier for the person. Think about the problem the person faces, how it affects his or her daily life, and how technology can help. © Take turns explaining your group's scenario and presenting your tech solution to the class. Then vote for the most innovative idea. Talking about problems and solutions He finds it dificult to This ... can aid the person in He struggles with (One way to improve the situation is ‘The person in our scenario faces the problem of He can use this tech product to help with WRITING Expressing an opinion 9 P Reece re eee Wte a shor letter to/a company that develops eee ‘ech products for healthcare purposes. Explain bai S/S RE the healthcare issue you discussed above, siving your opinion on the best actions to help with similar cases. Elderly people who tive alone may need some help in their daily lives, A possible way to help them is Presentation 1 MODEL PRESENTATION ‘A. Complete the transcript of the presentation using the words in the box. finished because —goingtotell_ —_ will make did youknow so spent ends up Hi. I'm Lori, It's nice to be here today. * that in the Pacific Ocean, there's a huge body of plastic trash floating around that's twice the size of Texas? We have a really big problem with trash in the world. Today, I'm % ____ you about what | do to help and how you can get involved, too, Alot oftrashs______on the beach, in rivers, or in the sea. All this trash harms humans and wildlife 4 ___itpolutes our environment and poisons our food sources. | ive near the sea, § ___ | decided to volunteer for a beach clean-up a few Sundays ago. There were about 20 of us. We had our own buckets and gloves, and *_ ‘a couple of hours picking up all the trash. Here's a picture of the trash we collected. And this picture shows how the beach looked when we * ‘Seeing the clean beach at the end was really satisfying. It was fun, too, and | made some new friends. So, that's how | help. | can only play a small role, of course, but when lots of people join in, it makes a big difference. | encourage you to try a clean-up. It's fun, easy to do, and worthwhile. And yous __ new friends, too. Thanks for listening, B_ [SIEEI Watch the presentation and check your answers. © [IER Review the list of presentation skills from Units 1~3 below. Which does the speaker use? Check (V) them as you watch again. Then compare with a partner. ‘The speaker ‘* helps the audience visualize by using visuals oO © doing a demonstration * comments on visuals + opens wth an interesting tact. = co giving interesting facts oo o taliing a story D_ [SIRI Do you remember the way Lori draws attention to the visuals? Complete the sentences below. Then watch and check. Notice her gestures. __ of the trash we collected. And _ how the beach looked when we finished." 49 YOUR TURN A. You are going to plan and give a short presentation about how you can make a difference. Think about what you want to do, and make notes in the box below. How | can make a difference Why | think it can help B Look at the useful phrases in the box below. Think about which ones you will need in your presentation. Useful phrases Beginning: It's great to be here today. Did you know that ...? I'm going to ... /1'd like to . Commenting on visuals: This picture shows Here's a picture of Concluding: So, in conclusion, encourage you to Thanks for listening. © Work with a partner. Take turns giving your presentation using your notes. Use some of the presentation skills from Units 1-3. As you listen, check (/} each skill your partner uses. The speaker * helps the audience visualize by using visuals Qo © doing a demonstration oO = comments on visuals oOo © giving interesting facts Js opens with an interesting fact. o toling a story o D Give your partner some feedback on their talk. Include at least two things you liked and one thing that could be improved. ‘That was a great presentation. You gave interesting facts and included beautiful pictures. Maybe you could talk a bit more about pictures.

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