15 12 2023 Review Modal Verbs Tenses

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1) Write a sentence about each situation. Use the modal in brackets and one of the phrases below.
speak French very well - go to the dentist - go there tonight take a break - drink it - walk - eat crab -
stop the car - get up

1. The traffic light is red. (must) .................................................................................................

2. Natalie went to school in France. (can) .................................................................................................
3. Harry is allergic to shellfish. (mustn’t) .................................................................................................
4. I came to school late. (couldn’t) .................................................................................................
5. My cousin is only two months old. (not able to) .................................................................................................
6. There’s a new nightclub in town. (might) .................................................................................................
7. You work too hard. (should) .................................................................................................
8. My sister has got toothache. (has to) .................................................................................................
9. That milk is old. (shouldn’t) ........................................................

2) Complete the sentences with the modals below.

must - should - may - don’t need to - couldn’t - be able to - can
1. I’m going to bed. I …………………… finish my homework, but I’m too tired.
2. We …………………… go out tonight, but we’re not sure yet.
3. …………………… you ask Sue to call me?
4. It was very dark, so we …………………… see.
5. Every child …………………… go to school – that’s the law.
6. I haven’t got time today, but I …………………… help you tomorrow.
7. It’s cloudy. You …………………… use sunscreen.

3) Correct the mistakes.

1. Richard not can swim very well.

2. You can help me?

3. You don’t have to smoke here – it’s forbidden.

4. Louise need to stay at home with her brother.

5. The shops were closed, so I can’t go shopping.

6. We might to finish our project by Friday.

4) Choose the correct answers.

I (1) shouldn’t / mustn’t / couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday’s film, Intouchables. You really (2) can /
must / may go and see it! It’s a French film about two men – Philippe and Driss. Philippe is very rich. As a
result of an accident, he (3) doesn’t have to / isn’t able to / shouldn’t move his body. He (4) must / should /
might have help 24 hours a day. Driss comes for an interview for the job of Philippe’s helper. He seems
unreliable. It’s evident that he (5) doesn’t have to / couldn’t / shouldn’t get the job, but Philippe hires him.
Gradually, they form a special friendship. You (6) can’t / don’t have to / mustn’t watch this film for long before
you know you’ll enjoy it. It’s really funny! You (7) don’t need to / can’t / shouldn’t understand French to watch
it – it’s got subtitles. You (8) can’t / don’t have to / mustn’t miss this film – it’s great!

Present Simple & Present Continuous

1) In Johannesburg most people ____________________ (speak) at least five languages.

2)Languages ____________________ (disappear) very fast. Half of world's languages will disappear by 2100.
3) You can't see Tim now; he ____________________ (have) a bath.
4) Please keep quiet, I____________________ (listen) to the radio. You know I ____________________
(listen) to the news in the mornings.
5) What time__________________________________ (the train / leave)?
6) I ____________________ (wear) a scarf, but today I ____________________ (wear) one because it's
unusually cold.
7) I finished watching the series you recommended. Now I ____________________ (watch) another one.
8) What ____________________ (you / do) tonight? Would you like to come and watch the game?
9) Nobody____________________ (think) they will win the match.
10) You look worried. What ___________________________________ (you / think)?

Past Simple & Past Continuous

1. I ____________________ (fall down) while I ____________________ (go) down the stairs.
2. He ____________________(drive) very fast when he ____________________( have) the accident.
3. It____________________(snow) when we ____________________(leave) home.
4. I ____________________(answer) your call because I ____________________(work).
5. This morning I ____________________(get up) and I ____________________(make) breakfast for
6. When I ____________________(see) her, she ____________________(wear) a really nice purple dress.
7. Last Saturday we____________________(get up) late and we____________________(miss) the train.
8. I ____________________(say) hello because you ____________________(walk) very fast.
9. I ____________________(sleep) happily when a loud noise ____________________(wake) me up.
10. What ____________________(do) when I ____________________(call) you last night?

Past Simple & Present Perfect

a) I _______________________ (never/go) to Vienna.

b) My great great grandfather ___________________(have) five sisters.
c) He __________________________(live) in Manila for a year when he was a student.
d) Oh no! I ______________________ (lose) my wallet!
e) ___________________ (you/see) Julie today?
f) Last weekend, they ______________ (play) football, then they _____________(go) to a restaurant.
g) I _______________(read) six books this week.
h) Amy _____________(live) in Portugal when she was young.
i) She _______________ (visit) her grandmother last month.
j) The Vandals ______________(invade) Rome in the year 455.
k) She _____________(live) in seven different countries, so she knows a lot about different cultures.
l) I _______________(go) to the cinema last night.
m) Ow! I ______________ (cut) my finger! ___________________ (you/see) 'The King's Speech'?
n) John _______________(never/understand) the present perfect.
o) She _____________(break) her leg the day before her exam.
p) We ____________ (see) Oliver yesterday.
q) He _______________ (be) here all morning.
r) King Henry the Eighth of England _______________(have) six wives.

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