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Read the sentence and decide if it is True (T) or False (F) by choosing the answer
A or B.
1. Their uncle spent most his time practicing the violin in the music room.
A. T B. F
2. It’s over twenty years since he came last back to his home village.
A. T B. F
3. My father likes living in the countryside better than living in the city.
A. T B. F
4. I’d rather you don’t interrupt me while I am speaking.
A. T B. F
5. There are very large rooms with beautifully decorated walls in her new house.
A. T B. F
6. I can't get used to doing so difficult exercises.
A. T B. F
7. This house is often broken off and a lot of things are taken away.
A. T B. F
8. The lesson that we are learning now is very interesting but difficult.
A. T B. F
9. The children had such difficult time when they began school in their new
neighborhood that their parents decided never to move again.
A. T B. F
10. As more women in the US moved up the professional ladder, more are finding it
necessity to make business trips alone.
A. T B. F

III. Read the doctor’s report below and choose ONE suitable word from the given
ones to fill in each numbered blank.

with includin variet channel poin

g y s t
owne watched shown in

China Central Television (CCTV) is (1) … owned …………… by the Chinese

government. It receives some money from the government but programmes are paid for
(2) ……… with ……… advertising money. It has thirteen different (3) ………channels
……… and these are called CCTV-1, CCTV-2, CCTV-3, etc. Programmes are made (4)
………… in …… three different languages: Mandarin, Fujian dialect and English. The
most popular programme is the news, which is (5) …… watched ………… by more than
300 million people every day. The English language programmes are (6) ……… shown
……… on CCTV-9. It has a (7) ……… variety ……… of programmes, (8) … including
…………… news, business news, documentaries and sport. For foreigners it is
interesting because current affairs are looked at from a Chinese (9) … point … of view.
CCTV is seen by many viewers in the US.

IV. Read the text and choose the answer A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks with
missing information.

On November 8, 2016, Americans elected Donald Trump as the 45 president of the


United States. Trump’s victory over former secretary of state Hillary Clinton shocked the
world and caused financial market to fall. In the last few weeks before the historic
election, many polls and political analysts had suggested that the Republican candidate,
who had no previous experience in government, had little chance of beating his highly
experienced opponent. Trump surprised everyone, including his own party members, by
winning a number of key swing states that were required to win the election.

1. Donald Trump was elected as the 45 president of the United States by …………….

A. Americans B. the American C. American people D. all

are correct
2. Hillary Clinton …………….
A. is secretary of state B. is the Republican candidate
C. had previous experience in government D. all are correct
3. …………….caused financial market to fall.
A. Trump being elected as the US president B. Hillary Clinton shocking
C. both A and B are correct D. none is correct
4. According to many polls and political analysts, Hillary Clinton was more likely to beat
her opponent because
A. she was highly experienced B. she was the Republican
C. she had her own party members D. none is correct
5. To be elected as the president of the United States, the candidate must
A. shock the world B. surprise everyone
D. cause financial market to rise D. win a number of key swing
II. Read the sentence and decide if it is True (T) or False (F) by choosing the answer
A or B.
1. Why don't you do something worthwhile with your time instead of just wasting it!
A. T B. F
2. Experiments on animals should be stopped.
A. T B. F
3. Watching television considers the most popular kind of entertainment nowadays.
A. T B. F
4. Because of the heavy storm, the ship moved up and down the water.
A. T B. F
5. Mary regretted not to bring a lot of clothes with her. It was very cold.
A. T B. F
6. He is talented but he’ll never be a professional musician as he doesn’t practice.
A. T B. F
7. Next week when there is an English club is held there, I will give you more
information about it.
A. T B. F
8. We were sitting quite by the side of a lake when we had an unpleasant surprise.
A. T B. F
9. He is talented but he’ll never be a professional musician as he doesn’t practice.
A. T B. F
10. Hardly had he got downstairs when the phone stopped ringing yesterday afternoon
A. T B. F

III. Read the text below and choose ONE suitable word from the given ones to fill in
each numbered blank.
launche thes reached estimated increasin
d e g
by been approximatel populatio
y n

In 1950, five years after the founding of the United Nations, world population was (1)
……estimated………… at around 2.6 billion people. It (2) ……reached………… 5
billion in 1987 and 6 billion in 1999. In October 2011, the global (3) ……
population………… was estimated to be 7 billion. A global movement "7 Billion
Actions" was (4) ………launched……… to mark this milestone. And as of mid-2015 the
world population reached 7.3 billion, meaning that the world has added (5) ……
approximately………… one billion people in the span of twelve years.
This dramatic growth has (6) ……………… driven largely by (7) ……
increasing………… numbers of people surviving to reproductive age, and has been
accompanied (8) ………by……… major changes in fertility rates, increasing
urbanization and accelerating migration. (9) ……these………… trends will have far-
reaching implications for generations to come.

IV. Read the text and choose the answer A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks with
missing information.
A hundred years ago, most people traveled on foot, by train, or on horseback. Railways
made it possible to travel rapidly over long distances. Bicycles were also becoming
popular, after the invention of the air - filled tire, which made cycling a lot more
comfortable. Buses, trams and underground railways were invented, and cities all over
the world already had traffic jams. There were very few private cars and city streets were
still full of horses. Nowadays we have got used to the problem of private cars, and some
cities are so noisy and polluted that in many places vehicles have been banned from the
city center. How will we travel in a hundred years’ time? Perhaps by then there will be
only personal helicopters.

1. There were…………….ways for most people to travel a hundred years ago.

A. one B. two C. three D. four
2. Trains enabled people …
A. to travel rapidly over long distances B. travelling rapidly over long
C. both A and B are correct D. none is correct
3. Bicycles were becoming popular because …………….
A. cycling a lot more comfortable
B. the invention of the air-filled tire
C. air-filled tire made cycling a lot more comfortable
D. all are correct
4. Vehicles have been banned from the city center in order to …………….
A. get used to the problem of private car B. reduce noise and pollution
C. both A and B are correct D. none is correct
5. There are ……………. modes of transport mentioned in the passage.
A. three B. four C. five D. six
II. Read the sentence and decide if it is True (T) or False (F) by choosing the answer
A or B.
1. My father made me to work very hard.
A. T B. F
2. Thank you very much for the present that you sent me.
A. T B. F
3. The funitures came in all shapes and sizes.
A. T B. F
4. Bruno suggested going to a jazz bar.
A. T B. F
5. If you write the essay carefully, you will get good mark.
A. T B. F
6. It’s interesting that he thought of making toys from using paper.
A. T B. F
7. The heavy rain prevented us from playing soccer.
A. T B. F
8. I have never had such a strange film before.
A. T B. F
9. The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United State by the France in 1876.
A. T B. F
10. The workers are building a new bridge which is 150 meters in high.
A. T B. F
11. My father has a mechanic repaired his motorbike monthly.
A. T B. F
12. The woman tells them close their eyes tightly and cover them with their hands.
A. T B. F
13. Some children, before going to school, go to kindergartens, which are officially called
nursery schools.
A. T B. F
14. Your trip to Da Lat sounds absolutely fascinated. I’d love to go there.
A. T B. F
15. It is common knowledge that solar heating for a large office building is technically
different from a single-family home.
A. T B. F

III. Read the text and choose ONE suitable word/phrase from the given ones to fill
in each numbered blank.

whethe have ago most promotio

r n
before hardly tak most of else
change possibl had impossibl get
e e

Seven hundred years (1) ……ago…………, career choice (2) ……hardly…………

existed. (3) ……most………… people were farmers, (4) …whether…………… they
liked it or not. They didn’t own the land they farmed and they (5) ………had……… to
work a lot of hours for the person who did. Changing jobs was (6) …
impossible…………… for many. And going up to the castle to ask the ‘boss’ for a wage
or a (7) ……promotion(thăng chức) ………… was a very dangerous idea.
Most of us still work for someone (8) ………else……… and employment opportunities
are far from equal. But we (9) ……get……… paid for the work we do and we can (10)
…change…………… our jobs if we want.

IV. Read the text and choose the answer A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks with
missing information.

When you first arrive in a foreign culture, often your first reaction is completely positive.
Everything seems exciting, different and fascinating. It’s an adventure. If you are just on
a short holiday, you will probably never leave this place. However, if you stay longer,
your attitude can start to change. As you start to realize how little you really understand
the new culture, life can get frustrating. With time, though, you start to adjust to become
more comfortable with the differences and better able to handle frustrating situations.
Your sense of humor reappears. Finally, you may feel enthusiastic about the culture once
again, enjoy living in it, and even prefer certain aspects of the culture to your own.
1. When you first arrive in a foreign culture, you often react ……………. at first.
A. in a good way B. positive C. good D. great
2. If you are just on a short holiday to a foreign country, everything seems …………….
A. thrilling B. extremely interesting
C. dissimilar D. all are correct
3. If you live longer in a foreign country, life can make you ……………. because you
really understand the new culture too little.
A. frustrating B. disappointing
C. disappointed D. both A and B are correct
4. …………….become more comfortable with the differences.
A. Your sense of humour B. Your enthusiasm
C. Better situations D. Time
5. You enjoy living in a foreign culture when …………….
A. you change it B. you get used to it
C. both A and B are correct D. none is correct
II. Read the sentence and decide if it is True (T) or False (F) by choosing the answer
A or B.
1. The boys in the volunteer group are planting trees on the hill.
A. T B. F
2. She wanted to know if there was a museum near here.
A. T B. F
3. No like his old friends, he is very impolite.
A. T B. F
4. It is the larger city in Europe with a population of over eight million.
A. T B. F
5. Although she is 103 but she still does a lot of work in the flat.
A. T B. F
6. The water wasn’t warm enough for the children to swim in it.
A. T B. F
7. It’s ages since he last chatted with his classmates through the Internet.
A. T B. F
8. After many experiments, finally the first successful flight was made by the Wright
A. T B. F
9. My uncle moved to Ho Chi Minh City in 1987 and he lives there since then.
A. T B. F
10. She did not want to go back to the shops because it was very lately.
A. T B. F
11. A rich men and his wife went in a shop to buy a bracelet.
A. T B. F
12. Had they arrived at the sale early, they would have found a better selection.
A. T B. F
13. The weather is too hot and my hair needs to cut.
A. T B. F
14. I found my new contact lenses strange at first, but I got used to them at the end.
A. T B. F
15. Dreaming, like all other mental processes, is a product of the brain and its activity.
A. T B. F

III. Read the text and choose ONE suitable word/phrase from the given ones to fill
in each numbered blank.

rate more related relating problems

problem contribute less produces at the
over- lost as a at the top loss
work result

Stress, itself, is not an illness, but it can certainly (1) ……contribute………… to

illnesses, some of them serious. When you feel under stress, your body (2) ……
produces………… more of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. (3) …as a
réuilt……………, the body needs more oxygen and your heart (4) ……rate………… and
blood pressure go up. At its most serious, this can lead to heart (5) …………
problems……, but stress is also (6) ………related……… to weight problems, coughs
and colds. Scientists have also discovered that stress can lead to the (7) ……
loss………… of brain cells.
The most common cause of stress is (8) over work………………, but a difficult boss or
problems with your colleagues are also common causes. Some jobs are (9) ……
less………… stressful than others, with teachers and police officers (10) …at the
top…………… of the scale and beauty therapists at the bottom.

IV. Read the text and choose the answer A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks with
missing information.
In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with disease, high costs, and politics,
the Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
by allowing ships to pass through the fifty-mile canal zone instead of traveling some
seven thousand miles around Cape Horn. It takes a ship approximately eight hours to
complete the trip through the canal and costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars, one-
tenth of what it would cost an average ship to round the Horn. More than fifteen thousand
ships pass through it locks each year. The French initiated the project but sold their rights
to the United States. The latter will control it until the end of the twentieth century when
Panama takes over its duties.

1. ……………currently controls the Panama Canal?

A. France B. Panama C. The United States D. The Canal
2. According to the passage, a different government will take control of the Panama
Canal in …………….
A. 2100 B. 2000 C. 2999 D. 3000
3. On average, it would cost a ship …………….to travel around Cape Horn?
A. $1,555 B. $150,000 C. $15,000 D.
4. In ……………. the construction was probably begun on the canal.
A. 1881 B. 1939 C. 1920 D. 1999
5. It can be inferred from this reading that…………….
A. This is costly project which should be re-evaluated
B. Despite all the problems involved, the project is beneficial
C. Many captains prefer to sail around Cape Horn because it is less expensive
D. Due to all the problems, three governments have had to control the canal over
the years

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