CD Module 19 Q4

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Social Teachings of the Catholic Church

2. Universal Purpose of Earthly Goods and Private Property

“The goods of creation are destined for the entire human race”.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2452

Related to human solidarity is the fundamental principle that. "God destined the earth and all it
contains for all men and all peoples so that all created things would be shared fairly by all mankind under the
guidance of justice tempered by charity." Such a teaching is an indictment of the international economic
system that has resulted in the many serious imbalances between North and South or the developed world
and the less developed world. The "injustice of the poor distribution of the goods and services originally
intended for all" is "one of the greatest injustices in the contemporary world". Because earthly goods are
meant for all, there is a responsibility for developed countries to aid developing countries to correct the terms
of commercial relationships that presently favor the richer and more powerful countries.

For our own situation, the same principle underscores the social dimension of private property. An almost
exclusively privatistic view of private property has contributed to the wide chasm between the poor and the
rich and the increasingly oppressive deprivation of thousands of Filipino families. Orthopraxis, and not
rejection, of the Catholic social teaching on private property is a burning imperative in our situation.

We need to re-affirm the truth that private property is derived from the nature of the human person, "is valid
and necessary in itself," and "ought to be considered an extension of human freedom". This is a constant
teaching of the Church. But equally constant, and sadly - not so faithfully practiced is the "perennial truth that
private property has a social dimension.

This social dimension is the clear implication of evangelical Christian love:

"If someone who has wordly means sees a brother in need and refuses him compassion, how can
the love of God remain in him? Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth."

Furthermore, Christian tradition "has always understood this right within the broader context of the right
common to all to use the goods of the whole creation: the right to private property is subordinated to the right
to common use, to the fact that goods are meant for everyone. As Ambrose declared:

"You are not making a gift of your possessions to the poor person. You are handing over to him what is his.
For what has been given in common for the use of all, you have arrogated to yourself. The world is given to
all, and not only to the rich."
This is the social dimension of private property. Private property is thus subordinated to the universal
destination of goods. As an element of its social dimension, it prompted Pope John Paul II to refer to private
property as under a "social mortgage",

Respect for this dimension and respect for the fundamental principle of universal destination are absolutely
demanded in our situation. They would dictate, for instance, not the hoarding of capital nor its flight, but its
use to create jobs for the unemployed. They would demand that the use and ownership of the goods of our
land be more and more diffused for the benefit of all. In the agricultural sphere, the same principles would
require a truly comprehensive agrarian reform.

Questions for Discussion

1. What is the universal destination of goods? How important is this?

2. How do Christians understand private property?
3. What is evangelical Christian Love?

Activity 19. Provide an explanation of the following words:

1. Earthly Goods - ______________________________________________________________
2. Private Property- __________________________________________________
3. Gods Creation- ____________________________________________________________
4. Respect- _________________________________________________________________-
5. Injustice of the Poor-_________________________________________________________
Doing the Message:
Goods should not be a goal themselves, but a mean to make possible the life and a dignified life. Goods,
coming from nature and humans work, are of all and for all. Its use has to be guided by the previously
mentioned principle of justice: everyone should be able of using those goods. As a student, why is the
universal destination of earthly goods considered as the common good? Give some examples.

Course References:

• Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. Acts and Decrees of the Second Plenary

• Council of the Philippines, (Manila, Philippines: CBCP, 1992), pp. 99 112.


City: Claretian Publications, 2003.
• Raas, Bernhard, SVD. LITURGY, MINISTRIES AND THE BIBLE. Manila: Logos Publications,Inc.,
• CBCP-ECCE. CATECHISM FOR FILIPINO CATHOLICS. Manila: Word and Life Publications,1997.
• Chupungco, Fr. Anscar, OSB. The Filipino Catholics and their Life of Worship And Prayer.
• DOCETE, Nos. 107 & 108, Issue Nos. 112, 113 & 114. Intramuros, Manila: ECCE National
Catechetical Office, Jan to Sept. 2003.
• Balon, Jess P. Liturgical Year, DOCETE, Nos. 107 & 108. MANILA: ECCE-National
Catechetical Office, 2015.

• Salud, Audrey Vincentine. Christ and the Church (Module 2), Letran Calamba Religious Education
Program. Katha Publishing Company, Inc., 2013.
• Knox, Ian. Theology for Teachers, Claretian Publications, 2011.

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