Dokument 11

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I was thinking about something that would engage Lower Primary Learners and work effectively in

collaboration with them while I was deciding about the subject for my Diploma Project. I chose it and a
teaching style that was appropriate for their age, ability, and needs. I attempted to pick something that
would both entertain and educate them.

The major goal of this project, as I mentioned in the Theoretical Part, is to present new language
associated with movement – action verbs using The Total Physical Response Method. I tried to prepare
each lesson in such a way that it was most valuable and that children could get as much knowledge as
possible. Because of the constant mobility that young kids experience, I thought that The Total Physical
Response Method would be most suited to dealing with them. They can retain far more from such
lessons than they could avoid sitting at desks all day.

Based on my observations, I believe that combining the movement technique with the introduction of
new language is a good way to achieve the objectives.

As far as I’m concerned, when it comes to teaching in the lower primary schools, The Total Physical
Reaction Method is highly popular among teachers. This age group has a lot of energy. In classes,
combining movement with music and copying sounds produces excellent outcomes. Physical activities
provide students with a lot of happiness since they allow them to release energy and have fun while

After conducting three lessons and drawing conclusions from each of them, I find my project successful.
The objectives I established for each course have been met with little difficulty. Problematic
circumstances occurred from time to time, although they were few and not too difficult to handle.
Children were shy at first, and they had mixed feelings about what to do. They were curious, but also
concerned about the unexpected situation and the interruption to their usual class schedule. They fully
relaxed and became comfortable with me after a few activities that included games and learning a new

I attempted to make the exercises as much as possible a combination of gestures, songs, and pleasure. I
saw that the pupils were interested in these exercises during the first class. Students eagerly took part in
the class, which encouraged me to keep working on my project. I was pleased and satisfied as I prepared
songs, instructions, and motion elements since I knew they would be effective. It was a pleasure to teach
these lessons, and I was delighted by the children’s enthusiasm.

We should learn about the needs of children in a certain age group in order for the lesson to be
successful. Unless we give them something exciting in exchange, children of this age will not be able to
stay focused on learning for long periods of time. The use of toys, games, and drawing in exercises
promotes educational growth while preserving what is most essential in childhood, namely pleasure and
joy. After spending so much time with children, I discovered how important child’s smile is, as well as
having a positive relationship with the teacher.

The Total Physical Response Method, in my opinion, is timeless. It may be used in small and large groups,
with older and younger children, and with students at various levels of language. Students will feel
valued as a result of this technique, as each class will be personalized just for them. This technique
provides satisfaction to both the teacher and the students through well-prepared and well-conducted
lessons. Children are more engaged and remember the lesson for longer when exercise and play are

To sum up, I hope that I have taught these kids something new, that they enjoyed my practice, they have
taught me a lot about being a teacher and conducting lessons.

It was a wonderful time for me, full of pleasant emotions, as well as many things to consider. The
didactic practice period inspired and encouraged me to keep working hard to become a wonderful
teacher who would be loved by my future students.

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