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© Here isa list of verbs and the prepositions that normally follow them, apply for decide on listen to ask for depend on pay for belicoe in focus on rely on belong to happen to specialize in benefit from hope for suffer from compete against insist on sympathize with consist of Know about take care of co-operate with lend to wait for In wh- questions the preposition usually goes at the end. What job are you applying for? (NOT For what job are you applying?) What does it depend on? (NOT On-whatdoesit depend?) Who are you wuiting for? (NOT Forwho-are-youwaiting?) agree to (thing) complain about (thing) talk about (thing) agree with (person) complain to (person) _talk fo (person) apologize for (thing) hear about (thing) torite about (thing) apologize to (person) _hear from (person) ‘write to (person) They agreed to a discount of 3%./They agreed with me. J apologize for my poor handwriting.{I got very angry — I must apologize ther Hive you heard abou the merger Ice you heed fro mp aaa ask person for insure thing against blame person for invest thing in borrow thing, from invite person to congratulate person on divide thing into «+ Underline the correct preposition, r Something very funny happened tonwithifor py (ur success depends offfromvon the relations {do a lot of charity work in my free time IMe = | belong initorwit sympathize forwith/to your problem, but theres ae rie eed At the meeting we'll have to decide onin es ; me yesterday, 3 4 5 Pn ; {6 The boss wants to see me for a moment vane ae 7 8 2 0 hip we have with our customers, an you tak ease, let me pay the bill insist for/onvin it care from/oniof this customer? The Faculty of Business and Management consists with/i ___ 4 What is this going to lead? inlof five depart 4 here is no doubt that st Pee There i stress can lead on/forito physical ilnes, i 10 Can we rely on/from/of him to support us in the meeting? ; 552 Complete each sentence with one ofthese verbs: agree apoagie, hear i ; and one of these prepositions: about, from, for;to, to, with, tag 1 Ineed to __anologize _ __ta_Jackie for what | said to her in the bar last ight. + 2 I must Not contacting you sooner, but I've been very busy. ig 31 you in principle, but 'm not sure about the details. i 4 We your price, on condition that you accept our quality standards. 5 Thank you for your email, and | hope to you soon, 6 Haveyou the reorganization plans? ; "553 Tick (V) two sentences that are already correct. Add the word fo, in the right place, to two sentences. ; : 1 Who does this belong? a Be 2 phoned Flavia this morning, 1 = _ 3 I told the printers about the artwork. q Complete this email with these prepositions: against, for for, in, on 2th ‘the new factory, but we haven't spent 2 if there’ fal accident a What happens if there's an industrial ‘any gues they receive? We need to insure red workers will ask us (5) ; hospital expenses as well = we've invested a lot of money (1) Mores (2)eee <= insurance cover s renee) en claims of this nature. Injur fe them (6) —— Bees i sation, and we might have to provid jhile they are not working “Thankyou, sie, Lam proud of my resume. -Andlthnkyouil find hat most of is true” B A persuasive person: is good at selling ideas; is ‘900d at negotiating issues influences others without pressurizing them. [accustomed to fad up with afraid of full of. rich in attached to guilty of right about aware of important for safe from bored with interested in satisfied with certain about ingotoed in serious about compatible with late for similar to covered in married to suitable for dependent on opposed to surprised atfby different fromto pleased with suspicious of typical of used fo (= accustomed to) useful for ‘worried about wrong about popular with prepared for proud of, ready for related to atisappointed byfabout doubtful about enthusiastic about famous for fascinated by © For behaviour towards another person we use adjective + f0. ‘Examples i good to, kind to, nie to, polit to, rude to Wa golden rule: never be rude to your customers. © When a preposition is followed by a verb, the-ing form must be used. Are you serious about outsourcing our back-office functions to India? djective + choice of preposition ‘© Some adjectives are followed by one preposition for a thing, and ano person. on angry about (hing) good/bad at (doing something) ‘angry with (person) —_goodibad for (Uhing) annoyed about (thing) responsible for (thing) annoyed with (person) responsible to (person) ‘ge Complete sentences 1-8 with endings a) famo 1 Our company is famous, @) with Windows? 2 Is this software compatible about this, but | think its 3. She was full ©) for the quality of its aun Te money, oe in any other items from the cat 5 Iwas surprised Olas vin ee 7 We're uses 7 ve ‘ Riccar 8 from the old one in several important ways by the changes in indonesia since my last visit, 562 Complete each sentence with an adjective: and a preposition: for, from, of, in, to 1 Thisfundis__suitable ___for _ investors prepared to accer 2 Russia is very 3 There is a copy of the contract 4 The firewall should make your network attached, aware, rich, safe, suitable pt a high level of risk, natural resources. this etter. hackers and viruses. 5 Idon'tthink he's the difficulties he's creating 56.3 Underline the correct word. 1. Im very angry about/with them for causing this delay. 2 I'm very angry about/with the delay. 3 Anew person at the top would be good at/for the company. 4 Auman Resources manager has to be good atifor dealing with conflict. 5 I'm responsible for/to all the transport and logistics. 6 The Finance Director is directly responsible forito the CEO. | 56.4 Complete part of a telephone conversation using: about, by, for, i, of, on, to, with ans: I'm interested (1) __in__ using your hotel for our next conference, and I'd like to ask one of two questions to check that itis suitable (2) our requirements __ KiRSTEN: Yes, of course. Our hotel is very popular (3) conference organizers, and we are used ———(4)_ handling all the necessary arrangements, Good, The first thing is numbers. 'm not certain (5) __ ths, but neh cade over a “hundred delegates, Last year we were surprised (6)____ the number of people. ; That number of people is typical (7) ‘the conferences we have i a it sau 2 it extent (8) the time of year. Yblem. However it is dependent to some oY ‘very busy over the summer period and we may not Be ‘able to accommodate you Prepositional phrases Here is a list of common prepositional phrases (preposition + noun phrase). at at first sight, ata good price, at a profitfloss, at short notice ‘We sold the business at a good pricelat a losslat a profit. by by accident, by car/taxifbus, by chance, by credit card, by email, by hand, by lao, by mistake It zoasn't planned ~ it just happened by accidentlby chancelby mistake. for fora change, for lunch, for rent, for sale They are redeveloping this area and soon there will bea lot of apartments for salel for rent. in imadoance, in cash, in deb, in the end, in-house, in a hurry, in the market (companies), in person, in stock, in time (= early enough to do something), ix touch, in trouble, in writing ‘You have to pay 20% ofthe total cost in advance. Our company has been in debtlin the marketlin trouble for a long time. It was great seeing you again! Have a good fight and keep in touch. Til et you know in advancelin personlin timelin writing on om budget, om business, on demand, on foot, om hold, on holiday, on the Internet, online, om the market (products), on order, om the other line, on purpose, on sale, om schedule, om strike, on target, on time (= at the right time), on track, om pacation | found some information about their company on the Internetonline. This product has been on the market/on sale for over @ year. Don't worry, cell get to the airport on time. Things are going as planned ~ we're on track to increase sales by 20% this year I'm sorry, but she's not auilable. She's on holidaylon the other linelon vacation. ‘out of out of date, out of fecour, out of order, out of stock Our software is out of date ~ there's a much better version available now. under eee % We're really under pressure to meet all our deadlines. a. nnn Our softioare is completely up to date - I've just installed the latest version. ‘You cam pary now or later ~ it's up to you. exercises so.1 Unsetline the corteet prepositions, 1 Bocause of the emergency, | had to arran, t arrange this meeting wth 2 Did you come in/by car oF onAwith foot? O withiat short notice 3 ‘Can! pay byfin credit card? 5, 8y/0M law the trade union i no allowed to go bylon ska 6 1m sory, the colour you wants underiout of stock shes) 7 Imsony, Mr Cuting is onfin the other tine atthe nena message and ask him to call you back, 8 We should arrive at the details ontin writing Unless it holds a ballot of all the members, Id be Uptin stock again next week IF you're infunder a hurry | can take a atport oniby time, but | don't think we'l be onfn time to do any shopping, 57.2 One phrase in each group does not match. Cross it out. 1 tosellsomething ... at a good price, at a profit, in trouble, on the Internet 2 toarrive by taxi, on order, on foot, in time 3 topay n time, by credit card, in advance, out of stock 4 tobe in debt, in the end, for sale, in stock 5 tobe by hand, out of stock, under pressure, out of date 6 todo something ... by mistake, in a hurry, up to you, on purpose 7 to offer a service... on demand, on business, online, at a good price & tomeet someone ... by chance, in writing, in person, for lunch $ to finish a project ... on order, on time, on budget, on schedule 10 tokeep a project ... on target, on track, on hold, on business (Qe 573 Complete this advertisement using these prepositions: at, at, by, é, om, on, om, on, under, up. @ Solutions We understand all your information technology needs. © 00 you need to upgrade your hardware (0) ___in___a hurry? © we can supply you (2) time and 8 a good price. © Aire you (4) pressure because 0! Bae problem? Don't worry ~ w Min it 3) ‘short notice. 1 project you need to keep © igen act mv ‘make sure that the project runs (1) ————~ ‘budget ang (@) ____— ened ; | 1t more information, just eontac! . Ue ema Now (19) ___ to yout Prepositions of place . A Atlinfon © Ais used to show the place or position of someone or something. il meet you at the main entrance. Does this train stop at Lille? Tras waiting at the bus stop. Why isnt he at his desk? In means inside a container, place or area. Her passport was in her bag. (Our clothes are manufactured in Turkey, In is also used to show movement or looking into a place. The door was open so I walked in Look in the top drawer of my desk. ‘On means touching the surface of something. Thave a picture of my wife and children on my desk. (horizontal surface) There's a clock on the voall over there. (vertical surface) In Portugal you kiss a woman on the cheek three times, Tumrightat the B Expressions with atlinjon jof the exit ramp, and take Here are some fixed expressions with at. anil dat the front[back at the top bottom at the beginninglend at the station/airport at home|zwork (NOT at-the home, at the work) © Here are some fixed expressions with in. in the middle in the corner in a book/magazine)newspaper in the photojpicture in linea queue im hospital (NOT in-the-hospital) in the chair (= in charge of the meeting) im the country (= in a rural area) © Here are some fixed expressions with ort. ‘on the leftright on the frst floor ‘on the platform/pavement (on page 24 on the page/map (on the phone/the computer ‘om the screen (on the plane/bus/train (BUT in a carjtaxi) € Abovelbelow and overlunder "© Above/below mean ‘higher’ and ‘lower’. They are used to talk about positions, amounts and locations in documents. ‘The accounts department is on the floor abovelbelow this one. Sales are below average for this time of year, Operating profit increased in all markets ~ see the table below for more details. 3 Overjunder are very similar to above/below. Use over/under for amount, movement, and when one thing covers another, ‘The material costs overlunder €15 a metre, The plane flew over the Alps, We sailed under the bridge, I put my hands over my ears. ( Isat under the tree. (covered by) exercises 584 Complete the sentences with a 62), in 42) or on 1 Germany has the biggest economy europe. 2 Hi meet you ___the statue in the main square in. twenty mi Bere reve tor the prncorar: a sree 4 put my hand ___ my pocket but my wallet had gone 5 Never touch a Thai person the head - 6 Waiter, can we sit___ itS a social taboo. the table over there by the window? 58.2 Complete the sentences with at, in or on 1 Hellbe with you in a moment — he's just _an_ the phone, 2 At the next meeting Sandra is going to be 3 often work _ home in the evenings. When I retire I'd lke to live___ the country Its a large office block, and our offices are___ the seventh floor, Hungaty has an excellent location right the middle of Europe The figures appear in the Appendix ___the back of the report. Go down Church Street and you'll see our offices ___the right. Can you increase the size of the text __the screen? was standing ___line for twenty minutes at the security checkpoint. —— the chair wor Hs 58.3 Complete the sentences by using these words once each: above, below, over, under 1 Lerossed to the other side of the street. 2 This issue has already been discussed in section 2.4.1 3. It was really cold —I'm sure the temperature was____—_ zero, 4 The memo you wrote is somewhere that ple of reports Celia ~ just a few comments on the artwork you sent me: The front cover looks great. But I think that the company logo should be (1) the middle where itis now. page six need to be closer together. Perhaps the The corner, (5) the right? Also, the text itself is the end? : qui Thor

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