English Phrasal Verbs in Use Units 6-12

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- Come SS [EPA = come expressing an idea of movement or change of state r phrasal verb meaning example ‘come along ‘arrive at a place Not many people bought tickets for the concert in advance, but quite a few came [ along and bought tickets at the door ‘come apart ‘separate into pieces ‘The antique picture frame just came apart in my hands. come around or become conscious again ‘Annurse was with me when | came {of hospital/prison) come round round after the operation. come out disappear or become less strong. Let your shirt soak overnight and the (of dirt or colour on clothing/material) | stain will probably come out. ‘come out become public knowledge after it has | If this story comes out about the been kept secret (of the truth) Prime Minister, he'll have to resign. ‘come out be given to people (of results or ‘When do your exam results come out? information) come out, leave after a period in a place Jane's coming out of hospital at the ‘weekend. She's much better now. Come expressing an idea of happen 1 was planning to arrange a surprise holiday for her birthday, but I’m not sure it’s going to come off. {happen successfully or as planned] I've had to organise the school fair again this year ~ I’m not quite sure how that came about. (happened, especially something which is not planned] Will you tell your boss about your plans to stand for the local council? Only if the subject comes up! in conversation. I nearly told him at work this morning, but then something came up? and we hed to deal with it straightaway. Mind you, I don’t know if a place on the council is going to come up? for a while yet, so ' is mentioned or perhaps P'll wait. discussed 2 happened unexpectedly, usually a problem or difficult situation > become available Other meanings of come Tam doing a research project for my degree on the psychology of ageing, but I’ve come up against! a few problems. I came across? someone who's done an almost identical study, so Pve got to come 10? a decision: do I want to continue with it or not? L guess in the end my decision will come down tot what my professor recommends, 1 a 16 English Phrasal Verbs in Use encountered or had to deal with (a difficult situation) discovered (or met) by chance make (a decision about something) depend mostly on or bi fluenced most by 6.1 6.2 6.3 Exercises Complete these sentences with a particle from A opposite. 1 Do you have any glue? The cover of my address book is coming, and U want to stick it together again. 2 Tspile some orange juice on the tablecloth. Do you think it will come if I pur it in the washing machine? 3. The last thing I remember was feeling very dizzy. The next thing I knew, I came in hospital and a doctor was standing by my bed. 4 The government is going to release a report on traffic congestion. I wonder when it’s coming 5. We were just chatting at the comer when Jim Gore came with his girlfriend. 6 Thear Bruce’s operation was successful. When is he coming of the clinic? 7 Some very shocking facts have come about government corruption, thanks to an investigation by a national newspaper. Use a phrasal verb from the opposite page to complete these dialogues, 1 Anne: We iost everybody's e-mail address and had to start all over again, Really? How did that Oh, it was some computer virus. David keeps saying he’s going to sail around the world. Huh! Do you think it will ever ? Probably not. He’s such a dreamer. ‘We'll let you know what we decide. We'll phone you. When do you think you'll Probably at the meeting on Friday. I thought you were coming to the dinner party last night. ‘Yes, I was intending to, but right at the last minute something Olga: Oh, I see. Well, you must come next time. > Rewrite the underlined words in these horoscopes, using phrasal verbs with come. SCORPIO 5A 1 KAKI I IK II IIIA AAA IDA ID. You may have to deal with a few problems at work today, but don't worry, they're only temporary, and a new job opportunity will atise which could change your life, The name of an old friend is mentioned in conversation, bringing back powerful memories. TAURUS F010 I III AAI AC You will meet someone by pure chance who sesms to share the same world view as you, but be careful, they are not what they seem to he. Don’t forget that, in the end, true love is mainly about finding someone you can trust. Fie} Horoscopes are often good places to find everyday, informal phrasal verbs. Read your horoscope EME regularly in an English newspaper or magazine, even if you don’t believe it, and note down any phrasal ° verbs. English Phrasal Verbs in Use 17 MF ... HEA Learning phrasal verbs in pairs associated with a context phrasal verbs ‘meaning "| example ‘get together (often + with) If two or more people get together, they meet in order to do something or spend time together. Its nice to get together with people you get on with. (often + with) payments, you have not done as much ‘work or paid as much as you should by a particular time. get on If two or more people get on, they like (often + with) ‘each other and are friendly to each other. geton continue doing something, especially work | I must get on with my work.| got (often + with) behind because | spent too much time i on the Internet. get behind If you get behind with work or with get sth over with get away do and complete something difficult or unpleasant that must be done feave a place or person, often when the situation makes it dificult for you to do so Let's get this meeting over with, or else we'll never get away before the rush hour and it will take ages to get home. can'tcouldn’t get over sth get away with sth/doing sth bbe very surprised or shocked that something has happened or that something is true succeed in not being criticised or punished for something wrong that you have done Vcan't get over how she manages to get away with doing so little work. It’s obvious to everyone, but the boss never seems to notice. Gerry: Kimberly: More phrasal verbs with get for the things I need, but nothing more] The problem is that the regulations don’t allow us to use next year’ Oh, don’t worry. We'll get around/round it somehow. [find a way of dealing with or avoidi ig a problem] How do you manage to survive without a job? Oh, I get by with a bit of help from my parents. {have just enough money to pay budget. Have you rung the travel agent’s yet to confirm our bookings? Sorry, I haven't got around/round to it yet, but I'll do it after lunch, I promise. [do something that you have intended to do for a long time] I really think you ought to apologi to you-know-who about you-know-what. I'm sorry, I don’t know what you're getting at. Who? What? [If you ask someone whar they are getting at, you are asking them what they mean, usually because they have said something in 18 English Phrasal Verbs in Use ectly.] is not the best way of doing Do you think I can get away with not using any handouts in my lecture? [do something successfully even though Yes, the students just throw them away anyway. Wl 7.2 73 Exercises Choose the correct particle to complete these sentences. 1 Why don’t you get your homework with so you the evening? a) around b) over} by —d) away can enjoy the rest of 2 As soon as Sue and I met, we knew we were going to get well. a) round b) at ¢) on d) up 3 I just can’t come out with you tonight as I’ve got so with my work. a) up —_b) over _—c) away _d) behind 4 Why does Rita always get with arriving late? It doesn’t seem fair. a) by b) away c) on __d) over 5 I'm going to have to get to filling in my tax form soon. a) round —b) over__—c) away _—«d)- Behind 6 [hope you'll be able to get from work at a reasonable time tonight. a} away b) behind) at_d) over 7 Your mother couldn’t get the cost of restaurants in London. a) up b) round c) by __d) over Match each question on the left with the most likely response on the right. 1 How do you and Joe get on? I manage somehow, though it isn’t easy. 2. What exactly are you getting at? I just wasn’t organised enough 3. How do you get by ona student grant? Sure, that would be nice 4 How did you get so behind? I certainly hope so. 5 When are you going to get round to it? Let me put it another way for you. 6 Shall we get together this evening? We're great friends. 7 Will you manage to get away soon? Soon, I promise. Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences, using a phrasal verb from the opposite page. Make any other necessary changes. 1 Pve been planning to sort out my files but I haven't found time to do it yet. 2 I can’t believe how much money they spent on their New Year’s party. 3 Don’t try to travel without paying your train fare - an inspector might come on and want to see your ticket. 4. The teachers in the school often meet after work on Fridays in a café near the school. 5 They avoided the problem of offending anyone and just invited all their friends to the wedding. 6 usually find it quite hard to understand what Professor Mactoft is trying to say in his lectures. I hope no-one will mind if 1 don’t send any Christmas cards this year. Emily has not done nearly as much work on her thesis as she should have done by now. on EY Learning verbs in pairs associated with a particular context can help you remember them. Look again at all the phrasal verbs on the opposite page. Try to make different pairs and write them in sentences putting them in context, as in section A. reer English Phrasal Verbs in Use 19 W. HEPA Amelia's story ‘Amelia has been going through! a difficult time at work, so she decided to cheer herself up by going in for* a competition. The prize was a luxury holiday in the Carithean. Atrelia, has had. to go without? « holiday for several years now, so she really wanted to win, The competition was to write a story beginning ‘Suddenly the lights went out’... The problem was tat Amelia could nok think of an idea for her story, “How can | go about? getting a good idea’, she asked me. ‘It must be something special so that the judges go for® my story over all the others.’ | suggested she went to the library to go through” some docks of short stories - she might get some ideas there. So she went off® to see what she could find. She soon found. some great stories. She read one and then arother and. she ment on? reading all afternoon. Then she noticed a strange smell and suddenly the lights went out. She leoked up and san that the library was on fire. Of course, thab gave her the idea for her story. | hope she wins. ' experiencing an unpleasant or difficult situation 2 doing or competing in 3 not have something which you usually have + stopped giving light 5 start to do or deal with something Some more phrasal verbs with go choose examine the contents of something carefully left a place to go to somewhere else continued phrasal verb meaning example go along with | support an idea, or agree with someone's | Whatever you say, Maggie will go along sthlsb opinion with you. goon continue to exist or happen Te went on raining all day goon happen There's a police car outside the shop. Do you know what's going on? go through with do something unpleasant or difficult which you planned or promised to do I don't want to do the exam now but Id better go through with it. go together if two types of thing or people go together, they are usualy found with each other ‘A bad cough and a sore throat often go together. ‘Many of the very common English phrasal verbs, for example the ones in Units 6-12, have several different meanings when combined with one particle. There are a few different meanings on this page or for go on and go through however there are other possible meanings for both of these verb and particle combinations, Remember this if you meet a phrasal verb in a new or unusual context because it may hhave quite a different meaning there from one you are more familiar with, 20 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Exercises 8.1 Complete the text below using the correct particles from the phrasal verbs in A opposite. 1 was going (1) some old letters the other day when | found one from my friend. Nancy. After high school she had GON

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