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Hierarchical PRE Extracting Parasitic Resistance (PRE)

DSPF Format The DSPF format contains complete extracted circuit information,
including designed and parasitic devices. Circuit simulators can use DSPF
for comprehensive simulation, and timing simulators can use DSPF for
delay analysis. DSPF also lists circuit-level debugging information so you
can identify parasitic layout components and study their effects.

DSPF has two sections: a net section and an instance section. The net
section consists of a series of net description blocks. Each net description
block corresponds to a net in the physical design. A net description block
begins with a net statement followed by pins, instance pins, subnodes, and
parasitic resistor/capacitor (R/C) components that characterize the
electrical behavior of the net. The instance section consists of a series of
SPICE instance statements. SPICE instance statements begin with an X.

The DSPF format is as generic and as much like SPICE as possible. While
native SPICE statements describe the R/C sections, some nonnative SPICE
statements complete the net descriptions. These nonnative SPICE
statements start with the notation “*|” to differentiate them from native
SPICE statements.

Each file consists of hierarchical cells and interconnects only. When the
data also contains designed devices, the DSPF excludes these extracted
devices (MOSFETs, bipolar transistors, and so on). These devices are not
reported in DSPF.

June 1996 Dracula Reference 9-29

Hierarchical PRE Extracting Parasitic Resistance (PRE)

DSPF Sample The following sample circuit is shown in DSPF format.



IN:2 R23
R24 C9
C3 R22 C5 DF1 C IN OUT
IN:1 R26
IN A C6 C7 C8
R20 R21 OUT

C1 C2 C4

In this example, nonnative SPICE statements start with the notation “*|” to
differentiate them from native SPICE statements.
* Net Section
*|NET IN 1.221451PF
*|P (IN I 0.0 0 10)
*|I (DF1:A DF1 A I 0.0 10.0 10.0)
*|I (DF1:B DF1 B I 0.0 10.0 20.0)
*|S (IN:1 5.0 10.0)
*|S (IN:2 5.0 20.0)
C1 IN VSS 1.17763E-01PF
C2 IN:1 VSS 2.76325E-01PF
C3 IN:2 VSS 2.86325E-01PF
C4 DF1:A VSS 2.70519E-01PF
C5 DF1:B VSS 2.70519E-01PF
R20 IN IN:1 1.70333E00
R21 IN:1 DF1:A 1.29167E-01
R22 IN:1 IN:2 1.29167E-01
R23 IN:2 DF1:B 1.70333E00
*|NET BF 2.87069E-01PF
*|I (DF1:C DF1 C O 0.0 10.0 10.0)

June 1996 Dracula Reference 9-30

Hierarchical PRE Extracting Parasitic Resistance (PRE)

*|I (INV1:IN INV1 IN I 0.0 30.0 20.0)

C6 DF1:C VSS 2.08719E-01PF
C7 INV1:IN VSS 7.83500E-02PF
R24 DF1:C INV1:IN 1.80833E-01
*|NET OUT 1.48478E-01PF
*|S (OUT:1 45.0 10.0)
*|P (OUT O 0.0 50.0 5.0)
*|I (INV1:OUT INV1 OUT O 0.0 40.0 20.0)
C8 INV1:OUT VSS 1.47069E-01PF
C9 OUT:1 VSS 6.32813E-03PF
C10 OUT VSS 7.76250E-03PF
R25 INV1:OUT OUT:1 3.11000E00
R26 OUT:1 OUT 3.03333E00
* Instance Section

Note: This example does not contain coupling capacitors. Coupling

capacitors would normally be listed at the end of the net description block
that includes the first node name of the capacitor.

Non-native SPICE syntax and conventions are described below.

NET netName netCap

NET indicates the beginning of a new net description.
netName assigns each net statement a unique net name.
netCap specifies the total capacitance associated with the net. netCap
includes capacitances to ground and capacitances to nearby wires. It
includes a numerical value (which can sometimes be zero) and a unit
name, usually PF, with no space between. Because the NET statement
includes the total capacitance, you can examine the NET statement to
extract the sim.cap format from the DSPF format.
Pins, instance pins, subnodes, and all the R/C descriptions that
characterize the net follow the NET statement.

P {(pinName pinType pinCap [xCoord yCoord])}

Note: You must specify all pin capacitance values in the timing view
library for computation.
P denotes pins in the net. Each pin description is delimited by
parentheses and contains the information for its name (pinName), its
type (pinType), its generalized capacitance value (pinCap), and its

June 1996 Dracula Reference 9-31

Hierarchical PRE Extracting Parasitic Resistance (PRE)

x coordinate location (xCoord) and its y coordinate location (yCoord).

Multiple pin descriptions can be listed on one line.
pinType can be P (power), G (ground), C (clock), I (input), O (output),
B (bidirectional), and X (unspecified).
pinCap consists of a capacitance value followed by any number of
optional R/C pairs. For example
C0 [R1 C1 R2 C2 ...].
This format lets you model the pin characteristics by a higher order
equivalent R/C ladder circuit than is represented by a single capacitor.
The order of the equivalent circuit is increased from the first order
(represented by C0) by attaching R/C pairs. The value of each
capacitance is determined by a numerical value and a unit specifier
such as PF. Use the generalized pin capacitance only if the pin type is
I, O, or B. With other pin types, pinCap is dropped. In this case, you
should use a number (for example, 0) as a place holder.
xCoord and yCoord describe a pin location (optional).

Generalized Pin Description

R1 Rn

C0 C1 Cn

I {(instPinName instName pinName pinType pinCap [xCoord yCoord]..)}

I describes instance pins in the net. Each instance pin description is
delimited by parentheses. The pinName, pinType, pinCap, and xCoord
and yCoord follow the same format as described in the P statement.
The description of the instance pin location is optional. Multiple
instance pin descriptions can be listed on one line. The xCoord and
yCoord can be repeated for feedthrough pins.
instPinName is the instance pin name component obtained by
concatenating the instName and the pinName with a delimiting
character specified by the DELIMITER statement.
instName is the instance name component.
pinName is the name of the pin in the master of the instance.

June 1996 Dracula Reference 9-32

Hierarchical PRE Extracting Parasitic Resistance (PRE)

S {(subnodeName [xCoord yCoord])}

S denotes subnodes in the net. Each subnode description is delimited
by parentheses and contains the name of the subnode and its location.
A subnode name is obtained by concatenating the net name and a
subnode number by a colon (netname:1). Multiple subnode
descriptions can be listed in one line.

GROUND_NET specifies the ground net for loading capacitors. It
must precede the NET statement.
netName is the name of the ground net.

This statement specifies the character C as the delimiter used to
construct the instance pin name instPinName. If you do not include this
statement, the default delimiter character, colon (:), is used.

For native SPICE statements, a continuation line begins with a plus sign
(+) in the first column. For other statements, a continuation line begins
with an asterisk and a plus sign (*+) in the first and second columns. The
maximum number of continuation lines allowed is 1000.

Note: You might see instances of resistors and capacitors starting with the
instance names RD and CD, respectively. These are dummy instances
created for the CDC, which requires a pie model (capacitor-resistor-
capacitor) for the RC mesh. If there are cases that do not fit the pie model,
dummy resistors or capacitors with a value of zero are added where

June 1996 Dracula Reference 9-33

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