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MAY 2008



This month
n Spotlight
Whiplash Associated
Disorders — Myths &
Controversies – Part 3
n Cardiology
A 72-year-old lady
complained of recurrent
dizzy spells and shortness
of breath on exertion
n Dermatology
Multiple red papules on
n CNS Medicine
A 14-year-old male with
complaints of tics
n Infectious Disease
An 8-year-old male who
had diarrhoea for a week
n Learning Centre
Stroke prevention and
treatment series

Whiplash Associated Disorders — Complete this course

and earn
Myths & Controversies – Part 3 1 CME POINT

Dr. KONG Kam Fu, James

MBBS (HK), MSc (Bath) (Ex. & Sports Med.), FCSHK, FRCSEd, FRCSEd (Orth),
Specialist in Orthopaedics & Traumatology
Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Hong Kong

‘Wisdom is what’s left after we’ve run out of Speed of Impact

personal opinions.’ — Cullen Hightower
One common misperception about the whiplash injury
is that if a vehicle does not sustain damage, or if the
OUTLINE damage to the vehicle is minimal, then the occupants
could not have sustained a severe whiplash injury.
This chapter we concentrate on: However, scientific studies have shown that low-speed
1. Biomechanics of whiplash syndrome; and collisions may produce whiplash injuries just as severe as
2. Clinical examination. in high-speed collisions. How can this be explained in
physical terms?
BIOMECHANICS OF WHIPLASH The answer lays in where the force ends up going.
SYNDROME In typical low-speed collisions, the amount of force
sustained by the vehicle is not enough to cause the
The term ‘whiplash’ itself entails 3 different com- crushing of the vehicle itself, which results in most of the
ponents:1 force being transferred to the occupant.2
• The ‘whiplash event’ — a biomechanical process In higher-speed collisions, the metal of the vehicle
suffered by the occupants of a vehicle that is struck crushes and deforms, which dissipates much of the
by another vehicle. energy of the collision.
• The ‘whiplash injury’ — this is the impairment
which results from the whiplash event. Normal Volunteers’ Test by McConnell
• The ‘whiplash syndrome’ — a constellation of
symptoms that are attributed to the supposed In an experiment carried out by McConnell et al in
whiplash injury. normal volunteers,3 high speed photography was used to
determine in detail the excursions of the neck after rear-
Etiology and Pathogenesis end impacts at 3–8 km/hr.
During the movements and phases that have been
Classical description of the whiplash injury restricts the described in previous issues of the CME bulletin, the
definition to movements of the neck in the sagittal plane top of the neck underwent accelerations ranging from
only, with forced flexion and extension only. 0.3 to 3.5 g whose vectors changed directions with time
This firm belief of extension has held sway for over from upwards, to upwards and forwards, downwards and
30 years. However, with further experimentation and forwards, backwards and upwards.
scientific studies, this belief will need to be further re- It was inferred from this experiment that substantial
considered for it has been revealed that the movements compressive forces were exerted on the cervical range of
involved are more complex than was previously motion. The threshold for mild injury was taken as 8
ascertained. km/hr.
It has been found, that both the axial compression
and the unnatural, double curvature of the cervical spine Normal Volunteers’ Test by Matsuhita4
are important in the initial response of the cervical spine
to the load. Similar observations were reported in an experiment

 HKMA May 2008


preventing whiplash injury only when they are

properly positioned. The standard suggestion is
that the restraint is placed at least 27.5 inches
above the seating reference point. This reference
point, however, varies with the size and gender
of the individual.

Contents of the Neck on Impact

Due to the infolding of the ligamentum flavum
Figure 1. Sequential radiographs from normal volunteers’ on extension, the cross-sectional area of the
test by Kaneoka.5 spinal canal actually decreases on extension and increases
on flexion7 (Figure 2).
in normal volunteers during simulated collisions of The nerve tissues within the spinal canal are
approximately 5 km/hr. incompressible during a typical whiplash injury with
In this experiment, the subjects reported mild rapid flexion-extension, and so there are changes of the
discomfort and neck pain that lasted 2–4 days, but none cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as well as the blood flow in
had any long-term sequelae. order to compensate any change in space.
Hence, in a typical whiplash injury, pressure gradients
Normal Volunteers’ Test by Kaneoka5 in the spinal fluid column form, causing mechanical
stress on the nerve tissues8 (Figure 3).
In this study, the volunteers were subjected to an 8 km/
hr impact that resulted in 4 g acceleration. Uncovertebral Joints
The segments achieved peak initial flexion between
50 and 110 ms after impact and peak extension between These joints act as a barrier between the intervertebral
100 and 200 ms after impact. Thus, the overall result disc and the neural contents of the foramen.
is that the cervical spine assumed an S shaped curve at Thus, when the head is turned in a whiplash injury,
about 100 ms, while the lower segments started extension the rotary forces on the adjacent vertebra may cause
while the higher segments were still undergoing flexion. tearing of the annular fibers at the moment of the
Sequential radiographs were taken and these are impact9 (Figure 4).
shown in Figure 1.
However, what constitutes a low-speed impact can
vary according to the different authorities performing
the studies. The general rule is that, speed less than 10
mph would be considered as ‘low speed’.

Mode of Injury
The emphasis here is that the axial compression causes
abnormal motion of extension.
In particular, whilst extension occurs about an Figure 2. Cross-sectional area of the spinal canal.
abnormally high axis of rotation, the vertebra rotates
which results in abnormal separation of the anterior
elements of the neck and abnormal patterns of
compression posteriorly.

Effect of Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) suggests that the use of shoulder and lap belts
reduce the risk of fatal injuries by 45% but these safety
devices increase the number of minor injuries.6
Head restraints have also proved to be effective in Figure 3. Pressure gradients in the spinal fluid column. HKMA May 2008 


actually arises from the facet joints.18

Having said this, facet joints are
notoriously difficult to visualize. They
are in general, poorly seen on X-rays,
CT scans or even MRI scans. However,
tears of the joint capsules have been
confirmed during surgery.19
Thus, patients with suspected facet
joint problems may be diagnosed in a
number of ways:
Figure 4. Tearing of the annular fibers at the moment of impact. 1. By reproducing the pain from lateral
flexion and extension of the neck.
Intervertebral Discs 2. Localized tenderness of the joint.
3. Relieving the pain by injecting local anesthetics
Injuries to the intervertebral disks have been reported into the joint.
from a number of sources. Typical lesions are those with
avulsion of the disc from the vertebral end-plate and Nociceptor Chemicals
tears of the annulus fibrosus of the disc.
Separation of the disc from the vertebra or fractures There are a number of nociceptor chemicals which
of the end-plates are seen in both the X-rays and MRI. accumulate at the trauma site. An acronym of
They are also found during surgery, 11 reproduced in ‘inflammatory soup’ is used (Figure 6).
animal experiments12 and at post-mortem.13 This ‘inflammator y soup’ in turn, sensitizes
‘Rim lesions’ may also be found without any the calcium channels of the nerve, with increased
degenerative changes. Rim lesions are a separation of the sensitization of the dorsal root ganglia and the dorsal
outer annular fibers of the disc from the outer avascular horn neurons.
cartilage plates, which are connected to the outer, highly
vascular bony endplate14 (Figure 5). Spinal Cord Hyperexcitability

Zygapophyseal Joints A recent article by Banic et al has suggested that the

spinal cord hyperexcitability of the spinal cord is
There is compelling evidence to suggest that the allegedly the cause of chronic pain after a whiplash
zygapophyseal joints, more commonly known as facet injury.20
joints, may be damaged in whiplash injury and give rise The exact mechanism of spinal cord hyperexcitability
to pain symptoms.15,16,17 is unknown but it is postulated that the inflammation
Indeed, it is estimated that in around 50% of the produces cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in the spinal cord,
subjects with chronic whiplash syndrome, the pain which leads to production of prostaglandin, which
secondarily produces hyperexcitability of the spinal
This hyperexcitability is also observed in the entire
spinal cord and the supraspinal centers. Activation of
the glial cells in the spinal cord is also involved in the

Figure 5. Rim lesions. Figure 6. Inflammatory soup.

 HKMA May 2008


widespread hyperexcitability of the spinal cord neurons

(Figure 7).

The most common symptoms that occur after a whiplash
injury include:
• Neck pain
• Neck stiffness
• Cervicogenic headaches
• Interscapular pain and tenderness
• Upper extremity pain, paraethesia and weakness
• Dizziness
• Cognitive impairment
• Tinnitus
• Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain. Figure 8. Nociceptive sites of pain.

Neck Pain Neck Stiffness

In a whiplash injury, the following nociceptive sites can The term ‘muscle spasm’ has proved to have poor
be the site of pain (Figure 8): reliability because of the apparent reason that there is a
• Nerve root huge inter-observer discrepancy.
• Facet joint Abnormal stretch reflex is likely a major cause of
• Outer layer of disc annulus muscular symptoms after a whiplash injury. A stretch
• Posterior longitudinal ligament reflex is initiated by the passive, unexpected stretch of
• Vertebral artery a voluntary muscle that causes the spindle system to
• Erector spinae muscle discharge (Figure 9).
• Interspinous ligament.
Cervicogenic Headaches
Cephalalgia may be present and the discomfort is
felt around the scalp area, or at the base of the occiput
(Figure 10).

Figure 7. Hyperexcitability of the spinal cord neurons. Figure 9. Stretch reflex. HKMA May 2008 


Cloward, as early as the 1950’s, had already demonstrated

that interscapular pain may be produced by intranuclear
discograms, where there is irritation of the anterior part
of the disc23 (Figure 12).
Spurling’s sign is a useful test for additional
information. It is performed while placing the head
laterally and turned towards the affected side with axial
compression. It is considered to be positive if there is
reproduction of the radicular pain (Figure 13).

Figure 10. Base of the occiput.

Greater Superior Occipital Neuralgia

Figure 12. Interscapular pain.
The anatomy of the greater superior occipital nerve has
been well described.21,22
The nerve initially courses downward, then laterally
and posteriorly. After reaching the inferior oblique
muscle, it bends and then courses in a medial and
superior direction through the semispinalis muscle
forming the 2nd bend. It then transverses between the
trapezius muscle and travels upward and laterally (Figure
Treatments involve various modalities such as oral
analgesics, heat, massage, local injection of anesthetics
and steroids. Surgery may be indicated which involves
releasing the nerve by dividing the inferior oblique
muscle. Figure 13. Spurling’s sign.

Interscapular Pain
1. Malanga GA, Nadler SF. ‘Whiplash’. Hanley & Belfus Inc, 2002; p.
2. Blumenfeld F, Jerome A. Advanced whiplash care: a manual for
patients and professionals. Center Path Publishing, 2006; p. 5–6.
3. McConnell WE et al. Analysis of human subject kinematic
responses to low velocity rear end impacts. Proceedings of the
37th STAPP Car Crash Conference. Warrendale, PA, Society for
Automobile Engineers, 1993; p. 21–30.
4. Matsushita T et al. XR study of human neck motion due to
head inertia loading. Proceedings of the 38th STAPP Car Crash
Conference. Warrendale, PA, Society for Automobile Engineers,
1994; p. 55–64.
5. Kaneoka K et al. Abnormal segmental motion of the cervical
spine during simulated whiplash loading. J Jap Orth Ass
1997;71:S 1680.
6. U S D e p a r t m e n t o f Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n . H e a d re s t r a i n t s —
Figure 11. Greater superior occipital neuralgia. identification of issues relevant to regulation, design and

 HKMA May 2008


effectiveness. Washington DC; NHTSA Office of Crashworthiness 16. Aprill C et al. Cervical zygapophyseal joint patterns I: a study in
Standards; 1996. normal volunteers. Spine 1990;15:453–7.
7. Kaneoka K et al. Notion analysis of cervical vertebra during 17. Bogduk N et al. The cervical zygapophyseal joints as a source of
whiplash lading. Spine 1999;24(8):763–70. neck pain. Spine 1988;13:610–7.
8. Shea M et al. Variations of stiffness and strength along the main 18. Schofferman J et al. Chronic whiplash and whiplash-associated
cervical spine. J Biomechanics 1991;24:95–107. disorders: an evidence-based approach. JAAOS 2007;15:596–
9. Cailliet R. Whiplash-associated diseases. AMA 2006;38–9. 606.
10. Keller RH. Traumatic displacement of the cartilaginous vertebral 19. Craig JB et al. Superior facet fractures of the axis vertebrae.
rim: a sign of intervertebral disc prolapse. Radiology 1974;110: Spine 1991;16:875–7.
21–4. 20. Banic B et al. Evidence for spinal cord hyperexcitability in chronic
11. MacNab I. Whiplash injuries of the neck. Manit Med Rev 1966;46: pain after whiplash injury and in fibromyalgia. Pain 2004;107:7–
172–4. 15.
12. La Rocca H. Acceleration injuries of the neck. Clin Neurosurg 21. Bogduk N. The anatomy of occipital neuralgia. Clin Exp Neurol
1978;25:209–17. 1980;17:167–84.
13. Johnson H et al. Hidden cervical spine injuries in traffic accident 22. Gille O et al. Surgical treatment of greater occipital neuralgia by
victims with skull fractures. J Spinal Disord 1991;4:251–63. neurolysis of the greater occipital nerve and sectioning of the
14. Foreman SM, Croft AC. Whiplash injuries: the cervical inferior oblique muscle. Spine 2004;29(7):828–32
acceleration/deceleration syndrome. 3rd Ed. LWW, 2002; p. 346. 23. Cloward RB. Cervical discography: a contribution to the etiology
15. Aprill C, Bogduk N. The prevalence of cervical zygapophyseal and mechanism of neck, shoulder and arm pain. Ann Surg
joint pain: a first approximation. Spine 1991;744–7. 1959;150:1052.

Answer these on page 16 or

make an online submission at:
Please indicate whether the following questions are true or false
1. ‘Whiplash’ consists of 3 elements. 8. ‘Rim lesions’ are usually found with co-existing
2. Only sagittal flexion and extension movements degenerative changes of the spine.
are involved in the whiplash injury. 9. Cervicogenic headache after whiplash injury may be
3. Low-speed collisions are classified as collisions caused by irritation of the greater superior occipital nerve.
below 10 mph. 10. Prolapsed cervical discs may cause interscapular pain.
4. Seat belts help to reduce fatal injuries.
5. Head restraints are useful in preventing whiplash ANSWERS TO April 2008
injury irrespective of their positions. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) — Old diseases with
6. The volume of the spinal canal increases on new global challenges
extension of the neck. 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True
7. Uncovertebral joints are facet joints. 6. False 7. True 8. True 9. False 10. True HKMA May 2008 

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