1st Year Eng t2

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2nd Term Exams 2023-2024

Name Class: Subject: Marks: Date: Time:
1st year Eng T2 60

Q.No.1: Choice the correct answer:

1)Mr Hubert was surprised and disturbed when the police officer asked him to accompany him to
A)the police station B)the mayor's office C)the court D)the airport
2)What were the feelings of Hubert when he was informed of the recovery of the lost object?
A) disgusted B) triumphed C) indifferent D) concerned
3)The man who keeps on wins
A)the reward B)the race C)the shield D)the trophy
4)who is "I" in the story?
A)the father B)the mother C)the doctor D)the sick child
5) The slave had never experienced any
A) pleasure B) calamity C) rule D)war
6)who was Nushirvan?
A)a slave B)a Sargent C)an accountant D)a king of Persia
7)The bus was late due to
A)storm B) rush C) accident D)change in schedule
8) "pyramid _ piled " like cannon balls?
A)high up B)conical C)top linked D)flat
9)stone , garbage,excrement and "crumbs"?
A) circles B) bottles C)lanes D) Small pieces of glass
10) Nothing beside remains,round the "decay".
A) decomposition B) meadow C) pasture D) garden
Q.no.2:- write short answrr:- Attempt Any six of the following.
1) why did George give the pocketbook to his employer? 2)what made Hubert shameful?
3)what was the subject discussed at the club? (The reward)
4) what was the view point of the parents of Gorgios?
5)why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first name?
6)what was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people? 7)why did the book look sky and smile,?
8) what was the remedy suggested. By the physicians for the disease of the King?
(Play). Marks:8 Attempt any four of the following.
1)what were the circumstances that forced her to leave her car?
2)how did the second man accused the first man of lying? 3)why did she ask for help from the first man?
4) what is her impression about the Second man? 5)what was the condition of weather?
(Poems) Attempt all. Marks :10
1)why was the poet used Cannon balls to describe the fruits?
2)what kind of picture of the Karachi slums do we get after reading his poem?
3) what was Sindhi woman Carrying on her head?
4)what is the philosophy of time as elaborated by the poet in the "Time"?
5)what did the traveller see in the desert?
. Explain the following lines with reference to the context: (Marks:5)
Bare foot through the Bazar And with the same undulant race
As the cloth blown back from her face She glides with a stone jar
High on her head And not a ripple in her tread.
. letter to your brother advising him to give up bad company.
Application to the principal for character certificate.
( Stories). Marks 10
.A foolish stag
. A farmer and his three sons.

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