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By: 22024 Yap Jin Tu

In this era of globalization, a majority of people uses a lot of technology in their
lives. The technology consists of smart watches, gaming consoles, VR goggles, and etc.
However, there are advantages and disadvantages of these technology products.

These are the advantages and disadvantages of smart watches:


Convenience: Smart watches provide quick access to notifications, calls, messages, and
other essential information without needing to pull out a smart phone.

Fitness Tracking: Many smart watches come equipped with fitness tracking features
like heart rate monitoring, step counting, GPS tracking, and workout analysis, which can
help users stay motivated and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Health Monitoring: Some smart watches include health monitoring features such as
sleep tracking, stress tracking, and even ECG (electrocardiogram) functionality,
providing users with insights into their overall well-being.


Battery Life: Most smart watches have limited battery life compared to traditional
watches, often requiring daily or at least frequent charging, which can be inconvenient
for some users.

Cost: Smart watches can be expensive, particularly those with advanced features and
premium materials, making them inaccessible to some consumers.

Dependence on smart phones: While smart watches offer some standalone

functionality, they are often reliant on a smart phone for full functionality, which means
users may still need to carry their phones with them.

Screen Size and Interface: The small screen size of smart watches can make interaction
and navigation challenging, especially for users with larger fingers or vision

Privacy and Security Concerns: Smart watches collect a significant amount of personal
data, including health and location information, which raises privacy and security
concerns, particularly if the device is compromised or the data is mishandled.

Overall, smart watches can be incredibly useful tools for staying connected, tracking
fitness, and managing daily tasks, but they also come with limitations and
considerations that users should weigh before making a purchase.
These are the advantages and disadvantages of gaming consoles:


Dedicated Gaming Experience: Gaming consoles are specifically designed for gaming,
providing a dedicated platform optimized for gaming performance and experience.

Exclusive Titles: Many gaming consoles have exclusive games that can only be played
on their platform, offering unique gaming experiences that may not be available on
other devices.

Unified Ecosystem: Gaming consoles often have integrated ecosystems that include
online gaming services, digital stores, and social features, providing a seamless and
centralized gaming experience.

Local Multiplayer: Consoles typically support local multiplayer gaming, allowing

friends and family to play together in the same room, either cooperatively or


Limited Upgradeability: Unlike gaming PCs, consoles have limited upgrade options, as
their hardware is fixed and not easily upgradable, meaning users may need to purchase
a new console to access the latest features and performance improvements.

Higher Initial Cost: Gaming consoles can be expensive to purchase initially, especially
when factoring in the cost of additional controllers, games, and accessories.

Dependence on Internet Connectivity: Many console features, such as online

multiplayer gaming, digital game downloads, and streaming services, require an
internet connection, making them inaccessible in areas with poor internet infrastructure
or during network outages.

Exclusive Game Restrictions: While exclusive titles can be a selling point for gaming
consoles, they also limit access to certain games for users who prefer other platforms or
cannot afford multiple gaming systems.

In summary, gaming consoles offer a convenient and immersive gaming experience

with exclusive titles and local multiplayer capabilities, but they also come with
limitations such as fixed hardware, higher initial costs, and dependence on internet
connectivity. Users should consider these factors when deciding whether a gaming
console is the right choice for their gaming needs.
These are the advantages and disadvantages of VR goggles:


Immersive Experience: VR goggles provide users with a highly immersive experience,

allowing them to feel like they're physically present in a virtual environment, which can
enhance entertainment, gaming, education, training, and various other applications.

Interactive Gameplay: VR goggles enable users to interact with virtual environments

and objects using motion controllers or hand tracking, providing a level of interactivity
and immersion that traditional gaming platforms cannot match.

Training and Simulation: VR technology is increasingly being used for training

simulations in various industries, including aviation, healthcare, military, and
manufacturing, as it allows users to practice skills and scenarios in a safe and controlled
virtual environment.

Therapeutic Applications: VR has shown promise in therapeutic applications, such as

pain management, exposure therapy for phobias and PTSD, rehabilitation for physical
injuries, and cognitive therapy for mental health conditions.


Cost: VR goggles can be expensive, especially high-end models that require powerful
computers or gaming consoles to run, making them inaccessible to some consumers.

Motion Sickness: Some users experience motion sickness or discomfort when using VR
goggles, especially during rapid movements or when the virtual motion does not match
their physical movements.

Limited Content: While the library of VR content is growing, it may still be limited
compared to traditional gaming platforms or other forms of entertainment, and finding
high-quality and engaging experiences can be challenging.

Physical Space Requirements: Using VR goggles often requires adequate physical

space for movement, especially for room-scale experiences, which may not be feasible
for users with limited space or mobility.

Isolation: Immersive VR experiences can be isolating, as users are often completely

immersed in the virtual environment, potentially disconnecting them from their physical
surroundings and real-world social interactions.
Technical Limitations: VR technology is still evolving, and current hardware and
software may have technical limitations such as lower resolution displays, limited field
of view, and tracking issues, which can impact the overall experience.

Health and Safety Concerns: Prolonged use of VR goggles may lead to eye strain,
fatigue, and other health issues, and users should take regular breaks and follow safety
guidelines to minimize potential risks.

In summary, VR goggles offer a transformative and immersive experience with various

applications across entertainment, training, therapy, and more, but they also come with
challenges such as cost, motion sickness, content limitations, and health considerations.
Users should weigh these factors when considering whether VR technology is suitable
for their needs and preferences.

Do you think you use too much technology? Explain your reasons.

I think I use too much technology. I need to use technology is because of finding data
and material for assignments, and for entertainment purposes.

What other advice would you give to someone who wants to try and use their phone

If I would give an advice to someone who wants to try and use their phone less, I would
advise them to work on other activities for distracting away from their phone. I would
recommend reading books, playing sports, and etc.

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