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[2019-12-26 15:49:31.367] [main] Opened log file.

[2019-12-26 15:49:31.368] [main] Set "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\HtcVive" \
"Version" : "ViveGuide_3.0.7.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.368] [main] Init application (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.488] [main] egl initializ success! (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.488] [main] Qt::AA_UseDesktopOpenGL? false (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.488] [main] Qt::AA_UseOpenGLES? true (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.488] [main] Qt::AA_UseSoftwareOpenGL? false (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.488] [main] Current library paths:
D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.488] [main] Add path D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.489] [main] Current library paths:
D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.490] [main] Register resource (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.521] [main] Init lang (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.521] [ParamHandler] 4 arguments (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.521] [ParamHandler] D:\VIVE\Updater\App\ViveGuide\
ViveGuide.exe / "D:\\VIVE\\Updater\\App\\ViveGuide\\ViveGuide.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.521] [ParamHandler] DONE:\\.\pipe\installer_for_guide23244 /
"DONE:\\\\.\\pipe\\installer_for_guide23244" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.521] [ParamHandler] SESSIONID:5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b / "SESSIONID:5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.521] [ParamHandler] Get bi session id from installer. Need
pass to guide (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.521] [ParamHandler] BGIPIPE:\\.\pipe\bgi_pipe /
"BGIPIPE:\\\\.\\pipe\\bgi_pipe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.522] [Language] Default language: en_US (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.522] [Language] Found language en_US from registry (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.522] [Language] Initial language is set as [en_US, 3] (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.522] [Language] setSteamLang() set to: "english" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.528] [Language] setOtherAppLang() Set registry: "en_US" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.528] [Language] setOOBELang() Set to: "us" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.528] [Language] setOOBELang: "us" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.528] [Language] language file path:
"D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide/Language" "MGE_OOBE_us" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.528] [Language] ERROR: Cannot find the translation file! (W)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.528] [main] Init app engine (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:31.532] [main] Load QML (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.641] qrc:/pSpace04.qml:23:5: QML Image: Fehlschlag beim ?
ffnen: qrc:/images/illustrations/MGE/img_overview.png (W)(qrc:/pSpace04.qml:23)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.642] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pSpace04.qml
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.642] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.642] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.672] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.678] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.678] [ScaleWindow] Screen WxH= 1920 x 1080 , scale= 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.678] [main] Obtain QML root (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.791] [main] Init other objects (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.836] [BIService]BI Service Version: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.838] [BIService] Initialize BI service (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.838] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pSpace04.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.838] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.838] [InitSupportedList] (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.839] [BIService] Init BILogger+ (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.839] [GraphicsChecker]InitAMD() doesn't find AMD Liarbry (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.844] [GraphicsChecker]InitNVidia()NVidia Liarbry Init version:
44141 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.844] [VIVEControl] Launch TrackingChecker.exe to get device
status (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.844] [PipeThreadWin] Creating named pipe "\\\\.\\pipe\\
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.854] [Guard] Should check Updater? 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.874] [main] Connect signal-slots (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.874] [main] Start BG install pipe: \\.\pipe\bgi_pipe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.874] [main] Execute app (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.874] [PipeThreadWin] Creating named pipe "\\\\.\\pipe\\
bgi_pipe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:32.901] [main] Bring window to top. Should stay on top? true (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.051] [ParamHandler] onFirstActive (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.051] [ParamHandler] Send message DONE to \\.\pipe\
installer_for_guide23244 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.051] [AsyncNamedPipe] CAsyncNamedPipe::CAsyncNamedPipe()
m_strPipeName = \\.\pipe\installer_for_guide23244, m_nTimeout = 500 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.051] [AsyncNamedPipe] Sending message DONE (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.051] [AsyncNamedPipe] Received message (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.051] [ParamHandler] Got named pipe ack: "" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.051] [AsyncNamedPipe] CAsyncNamedPipe::~CAsyncNamedPipe() (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.051] [Guard] Checking (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.051] [Guard] Acquiring single instance lock Global\
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.051] [Guard] Acquired lock (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.052] [LightHouseKicker] Start to kick LightHouse periodically
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.054] [BGIParser] Received INSTALL_DONE message:
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.055] [BGIParser] Received BGI_STATUS message:
BGI_STATUS:installing (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.055] [BGIParser] BG installation on-going... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.057] [PageManager] BG installation on-going... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.057] [Header] bgiRun() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:95)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.062] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.063] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.089] [BIService] Init BILogger- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.122] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.441] "[ShaderManager] cache a new shader material type(10): gl
material 16to8bit: 0, planar: 1, has alpha: 0, 2d texture: 1, 2nd plane rg: 0, xyz:
0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.449] input yuv limited range (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.449] creating VBO... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.449] creating VAO... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.449] VAO create error (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.449] vao updated (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.451] input yuv limited range (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.451] creating VBO... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.451] creating VAO... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.451] VAO create error (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.451] vao updated (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.453] input yuv limited range (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.453] creating VBO... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.453] creating VAO... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.453] VAO create error (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.453] vao updated (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.455] input yuv limited range (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.455] creating VBO... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.455] creating VAO... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.455] VAO create error (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.455] vao updated (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.457] input yuv limited range (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.457] creating VBO... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.458] creating VAO... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.458] VAO create error (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.458] vao updated (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.460] input yuv limited range (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.461] creating VBO... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.461] creating VAO... (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.461] VAO create error (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:33.461] vao updated (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:37.826] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:38.130] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:38.130] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:38.196] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.391] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.392] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.392] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 0 "pSpace04.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.392] [PageManager] Jump to page 1 "pSpace03.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.392] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pSpace04.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.392] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.392] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-02"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.392] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pSpace03.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.392] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.392] [main] Loader changes source to pSpace03.qml
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.520] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pSpace03.qml
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.520] [main] Stop staying on top window (D)(qrc:/main.qml:112)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.522] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.522] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.522] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.821] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.821] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.821] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pSpace04.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.821] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577346572" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.821] [BIService] addData "a3" : "9" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.821] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.821] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.821] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.821] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:42.821] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:43.204] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:43.204] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:43.233] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:47.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:48.241] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:48.241] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:48.269] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.815] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.815] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.815] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 1 "pSpace03.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.815] [PageManager] Jump to page 2 "pInit00.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.815] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pSpace03.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.815] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.815] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-30"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.815] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pInit00.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.816] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.816] [main] Loader changes source to pInit00.qml
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pInit00.qml
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pSpace03.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577346582" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [BIService] addData "a3" : "10" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.857] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:52.858] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:53.276] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:53.276] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:53.310] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.623] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.623] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.624] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 2 "pInit00.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.624] [PageManager] Jump to page 3 "pBs01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.624] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pInit00.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.624] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.624] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-06"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.624] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pBs01.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.624] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.624] [main] Loader changes source to pBs01.qml
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.736] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pBs01.qml
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.737] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.737] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.737] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.825] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.825] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.825] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.825] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pInit00.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.825] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577346592" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.825] [BIService] addData "a3" : "4" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.825] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.825] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.825] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.825] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:57.825] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:58.318] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:58.318] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:49:58.352] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:02.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.167] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.167] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.167] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 3 "pBs01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.167] [PageManager] Jump to page 4 "pBs02.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.167] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pBs01.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.167] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.167] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-08"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.167] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pBs02.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.167] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.168] [main] Loader changes source to pBs02.qml
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.254] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pBs02.qml
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.254] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.254] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.254] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.359] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.359] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:03.396] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:07.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:07.823] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:07.823] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:07.823] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pBs01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:07.823] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577346597" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:07.823] [BIService] addData "a3" : "5" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:07.823] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:07.823] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:07.823] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:07.823] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:07.823] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:08.404] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:08.404] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:08.438] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:12.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:13.445] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:13.445] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:13.472] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:18.478] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:18.478] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:18.506] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:22.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:23.514] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:23.514] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:23.542] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:27.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:28.549] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:28.549] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:28.585] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:33.592] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:33.593] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:33.621] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:37.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:38.628] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:38.628] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:38.663] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:42.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:43.670] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:43.671] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:43.698] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:47.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:48.705] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:48.705] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:48.741] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:52.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:53.748] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:53.748] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:53.775] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:57.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:58.782] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:58.782] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:50:58.811] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:02.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:03.820] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:03.820] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:03.849] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.919] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.919] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.919] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 4 "pBs02.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.919] [PageManager] Jump to page 5 "pBs03.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.919] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pBs02.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.919] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.919] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-09"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.919] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pBs03.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.919] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.919] [main] Loader changes source to pBs03.qml
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.925] [main] start to playVideo() videoA (D)(qrc:/main.qml:54)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.931] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pBs03.qml
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.931] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.931] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 15:51:05.931] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 15:51:07.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:07.823] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:07.823] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:07.823] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pBs02.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:07.823] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577346603" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:07.823] [BIService] addData "a3" : "62" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:07.823] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:07.823] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:07.823] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:07.823] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:07.823] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:08.856] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:08.856] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:08.885] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:12.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:13.894] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:13.894] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:13.923] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:17.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:18.930] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:18.930] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:18.966] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:22.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:23.973] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:23.973] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:24.003] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.198] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.199] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.199] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 5 "pBs03.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.199] [PageManager] Jump to page 6 "pBs04.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.199] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pBs03.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.199] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.199] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-10"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.199] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pBs04.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.199] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.199] [main] Loader changes source to pBs04.qml
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.204] [main] start to playVideo() videoB (D)(qrc:/main.qml:54)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.204] [main] resetVideo() videoA (D)(qrc:/main.qml:65)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.209] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pBs04.qml
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.209] [main] Hide video in qrc:/pBs03.qml
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.209] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.209] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 15:51:26.209] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 15:51:27.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:27.821] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:27.821] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:27.821] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pBs03.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:27.821] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577346665" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:27.821] [BIService] addData "a3" : "20" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:27.821] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:27.821] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:27.821] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:27.821] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:27.821] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.010] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.011] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.039] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.601] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.601] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.601] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 6 "pBs04.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.601] [PageManager] Jump to page 7 "pBs05.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.601] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pBs04.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.601] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.601] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-11"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.601] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pBs05.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.601] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.601] [main] Loader changes source to pBs05.qml
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.697] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pBs05.qml
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.697] [main] Hide video in qrc:/pBs04.qml
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.697] [main] resetVideo() videoB (D)(qrc:/main.qml:65)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.697] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.697] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 15:51:29.697] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 15:51:32.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:32.821] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:32.821] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:32.821] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pBs04.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:32.821] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577346686" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:32.821] [BIService] addData "a3" : "3" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:32.821] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:32.821] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:32.821] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:32.821] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:32.821] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:34.047] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:34.047] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:34.092] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:37.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:39.099] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:39.099] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:39.131] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:42.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:44.137] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:44.137] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:44.170] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:47.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:49.177] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:49.177] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:49.212] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:52.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:54.219] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:54.219] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:54.247] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:59.254] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:59.254] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:51:59.281] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:04.287] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:04.287] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:04.315] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:07.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:09.322] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:09.322] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:09.357] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:12.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:14.364] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:14.364] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:14.428] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:17.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:19.436] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:19.436] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:19.521] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:22.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:24.528] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:24.528] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:24.590] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:27.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:29.598] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:29.598] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:29.650] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:34.657] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:34.657] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:34.708] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:37.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:39.714] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:39.715] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:39.787] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:42.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:44.794] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:44.794] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:44.844] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:47.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:49.145] [BGIParser] Received INSTALL_DONE message:
[2019-12-26 15:52:49.145] [BGIParser] Received BGI_STATUS message: BGI_STATUS:done
[2019-12-26 15:52:49.145] [BGIParser] BG installation finished. (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:49.145] [PipeThreadWin] Close named pipe "\\\\.\\pipe\\bgi_pipe"
[2019-12-26 15:52:49.145] [PipeThreadWin] Leaving named pipe thread "\\\\.\\pipe\\
bgi_pipe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:49.145] [PageManager] BG installation finished. (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:49.145] [Header] bgiDone() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:107)
[2019-12-26 15:52:49.851] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:49.851] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:49.908] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:54.914] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:54.915] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:54.982] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:59.990] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:52:59.990] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:00.047] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:05.054] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:05.054] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:05.109] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:07.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:10.116] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:10.116] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:10.167] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:12.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:15.174] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:15.175] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:15.242] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:20.248] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:20.248] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:20.314] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:22.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:25.322] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:25.322] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:25.414] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:27.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:30.422] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:30.422] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:30.475] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:32.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:35.481] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:35.481] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:35.545] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:37.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:40.551] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:40.552] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:40.612] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:42.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:45.620] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:45.620] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:45.670] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:47.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:50.677] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:50.677] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:50.738] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:52.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:55.745] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:55.745] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:55.806] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:53:57.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:00.811] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:00.811] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:00.862] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:05.868] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:05.868] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:05.918] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:07.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:10.926] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:10.926] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:10.976] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:12.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:15.982] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:15.982] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:16.039] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:17.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:21.046] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:21.046] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:21.102] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:22.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:26.110] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:26.110] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:26.162] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:27.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:31.169] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:31.169] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:31.219] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:36.227] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:36.227] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:36.293] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:37.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:41.300] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:41.300] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:41.360] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:42.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:46.367] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:46.368] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:46.417] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:47.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:51.424] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:51.425] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:51.474] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:52.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:56.483] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:56.483] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:56.557] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:54:57.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:01.565] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:01.565] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:01.615] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:06.620] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:06.620] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:06.668] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:07.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:11.674] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:11.674] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:11.723] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:12.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:16.730] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:16.730] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:16.780] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:21.786] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:21.786] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:21.837] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:22.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:26.842] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:26.842] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:26.891] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:27.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:31.898] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:31.898] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:31.959] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:32.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:36.966] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:36.966] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:37.034] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:37.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:42.040] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:42.040] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:42.090] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:42.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:47.097] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:47.097] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:47.158] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:47.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:52.165] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:52.165] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:52.221] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:57.228] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:57.229] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:57.278] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:55:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:02.284] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:02.284] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:02.334] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:07.341] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:07.341] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:07.390] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:07.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:12.396] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:12.396] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:12.453] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:12.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:17.460] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:17.460] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:17.510] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:22.517] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:22.517] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:22.576] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:22.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:27.583] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:27.583] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:27.635] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:27.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:32.642] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:32.642] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:32.708] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:32.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:37.714] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:37.714] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:37.764] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:37.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:42.770] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:42.771] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:42.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:42.831] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:47.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:47.838] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:47.838] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:47.894] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:52.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:52.901] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:52.901] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:52.957] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:57.964] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:57.964] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:56:58.016] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:03.023] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:03.023] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:03.081] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:07.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:08.088] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:08.088] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:08.144] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:12.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:13.151] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:13.151] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:13.212] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:18.219] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:18.219] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:18.280] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:22.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:23.287] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:23.287] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:23.336] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:27.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:28.343] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:28.343] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:28.409] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:33.416] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:33.416] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:33.465] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:37.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:38.474] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:38.474] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:38.542] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:42.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:43.549] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:43.549] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:43.599] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:47.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:48.606] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:48.606] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:48.676] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:53.682] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:53.682] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:53.743] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:57.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:58.748] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:58.749] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:57:58.819] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:03.825] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:03.826] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:03.876] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:07.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:08.882] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:08.882] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:08.954] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:12.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:13.960] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:13.960] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:14.012] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:19.019] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:19.019] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:19.084] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:22.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:24.090] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:24.090] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:24.151] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:27.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:29.158] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:29.158] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:29.237] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:34.247] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:34.247] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:34.358] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:37.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:39.364] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:39.364] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:39.433] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:42.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:44.439] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:44.439] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:44.490] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:47.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:49.498] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:49.499] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:49.555] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:54.561] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:54.561] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:54.610] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:59.618] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:59.618] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:58:59.669] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:04.676] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:04.676] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:04.726] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:07.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:09.733] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:09.733] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:09.782] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:12.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:14.791] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:14.791] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:14.847] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:17.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:19.854] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:19.854] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:19.909] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:22.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:24.917] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:24.917] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:24.973] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:27.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:29.981] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:29.981] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:30.038] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:32.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:35.045] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:35.045] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:35.102] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:37.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:40.110] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:40.110] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:40.160] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:42.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:45.167] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:45.167] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:45.227] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:47.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:50.234] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:50.234] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:50.294] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:52.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:55.300] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:55.300] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:55.355] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 15:59:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:00.362] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:00.362] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:00.422] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:02.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:05.430] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:05.430] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:05.484] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:07.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:10.491] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:10.491] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:10.543] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:12.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:15.550] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:15.550] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:15.602] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:17.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:20.609] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:20.609] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:20.661] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:22.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:25.668] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:25.668] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:25.718] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:27.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:30.724] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:30.724] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:30.775] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:35.782] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:35.782] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:35.844] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:37.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:40.851] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:40.851] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:40.912] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:42.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:45.918] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:45.918] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:45.974] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:47.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:50.982] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:50.982] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:51.044] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:56.049] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:56.049] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:56.101] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:00:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:01.109] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:01.109] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:01.169] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:02.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:06.177] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:06.177] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:06.243] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:07.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:11.250] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:11.250] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:11.317] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:12.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:16.323] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:16.323] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:16.379] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:21.387] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:21.387] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:21.437] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:22.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:26.444] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:26.444] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:26.540] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:27.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:31.548] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:31.549] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:31.609] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:36.616] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:36.616] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:36.687] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:37.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:41.693] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:41.693] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:41.743] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:42.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:46.750] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:46.750] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:46.821] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:47.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:51.828] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:51.828] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:51.894] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:56.902] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:56.902] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:56.974] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:01:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:01.982] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:01.982] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:02.049] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:07.056] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:07.056] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:07.127] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:07.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:12.134] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:12.134] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:12.184] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:12.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:17.191] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:17.191] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:17.262] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:17.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:22.269] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:22.269] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:22.324] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:22.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:27.331] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:27.331] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:27.394] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:27.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:32.401] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:32.401] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:32.451] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:32.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:37.458] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:37.458] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:37.518] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:37.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:42.526] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:42.526] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:42.577] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:42.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:47.584] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:47.584] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:47.634] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:47.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:52.640] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:52.640] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:52.692] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:57.699] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:57.699] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:57.755] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:02:57.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:02.763] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:02.763] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:02.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:02.825] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:07.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:07.831] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:07.831] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:07.883] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:12.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:12.891] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:12.891] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:12.941] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:17.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:17.948] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:17.948] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:18.015] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:22.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:23.022] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:23.022] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:23.080] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:27.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:28.087] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:28.087] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:28.137] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:33.144] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:33.144] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:33.194] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:37.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:38.202] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:38.202] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:38.252] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:42.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:43.262] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:43.262] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:43.357] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.326] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.326] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.326] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 7 "pBs05.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.326] [PageManager] Jump to page 8 "pLink00.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.326] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pBs05.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.326] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.326] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-23"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.326] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pLink00.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.326] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.326] [main] Loader changes source to pLink00.qml
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.474] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pLink00.qml
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.474] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.474] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 16:03:46.475] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 16:03:47.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:47.822] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:47.822] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:47.822] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pBs05.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:47.822] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577346689" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:47.822] [BIService] addData "a3" : "736" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:47.822] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:47.822] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:47.822] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:47.822] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:47.822] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:48.363] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:48.363] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:48.424] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:52.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:53.432] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:53.432] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:53.481] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:58.489] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:58.489] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:03:58.561] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:03.569] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:03.569] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:03.620] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:07.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:08.626] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:08.626] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:08.697] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:12.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:13.704] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:13.705] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:13.755] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:18.762] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:18.762] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:18.827] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:22.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:23.833] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:23.833] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:23.900] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:27.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:28.907] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:28.908] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:28.958] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:32.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:33.965] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:33.965] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:34.015] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:37.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:39.022] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:39.022] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:39.073] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:42.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:44.079] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:44.079] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:44.141] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:47.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:49.148] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:49.148] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:49.216] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:54.223] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:54.223] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:54.285] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:59.293] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:59.293] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:04:59.343] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:04.350] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:04.350] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:04.400] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:07.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:09.407] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:09.407] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:09.458] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:12.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:14.464] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:14.464] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:14.514] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:19.521] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:19.521] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:19.571] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:22.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:24.577] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:24.577] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:24.627] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:27.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:29.634] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:29.634] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:29.690] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:32.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:34.697] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:34.697] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:34.752] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:37.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:39.759] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:39.759] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:39.815] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:42.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:44.822] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:44.822] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:44.873] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:47.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:49.881] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:49.881] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:49.930] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:54.936] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:54.937] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:54.987] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:57.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:59.994] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:05:59.994] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:00.051] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:05.058] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:05.058] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:05.107] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:07.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:10.114] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:10.114] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:10.170] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:12.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:15.177] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:15.177] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:15.227] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:17.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:20.234] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:20.234] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:20.284] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:22.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:25.292] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:25.292] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:25.348] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:27.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:30.356] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:30.356] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:30.408] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:35.414] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:35.415] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:35.466] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:37.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:40.473] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:40.473] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:40.522] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:42.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:45.529] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:45.529] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:45.585] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:47.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:50.591] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:50.591] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:50.654] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:55.661] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:55.662] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:55.728] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:06:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:00.735] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:00.735] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:00.786] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:02.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:05.793] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:05.793] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:05.843] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:07.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:10.851] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:10.851] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:10.901] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:12.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:15.907] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:15.907] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:15.957] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:20.965] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:20.965] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:21.026] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:22.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:26.032] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:26.032] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:26.083] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:27.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:31.089] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:31.090] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:31.150] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:32.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:36.157] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:36.157] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:36.218] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:37.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:41.225] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:41.225] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:41.277] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:42.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:46.282] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:46.282] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:46.350] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:47.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:51.357] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:51.357] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:51.413] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:56.420] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:56.420] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:56.513] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:07:57.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:01.521] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:01.521] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:01.598] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:06.604] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:06.604] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:06.660] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:07.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:11.667] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:11.667] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:11.722] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:12.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:16.729] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:16.729] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:16.799] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:21.806] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:21.806] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:21.855] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:22.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:26.862] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:26.862] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:26.928] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:27.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:31.936] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:31.936] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:31.989] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:32.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:36.995] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:36.995] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:37.045] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:37.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:42.052] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:42.052] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:42.101] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:42.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:47.108] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:47.108] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:47.160] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:47.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:52.168] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:52.168] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:52.218] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:52.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:57.225] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:57.225] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:57.274] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:08:57.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:02.282] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:02.282] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:02.343] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:07.350] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:07.350] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:07.410] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:07.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:12.417] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:12.417] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:12.473] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:12.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:17.480] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:17.480] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:17.530] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:22.537] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:22.537] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:22.603] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:22.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:27.609] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:27.610] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:27.670] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:27.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:32.677] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:32.677] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:32.739] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:37.744] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:37.744] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:37.811] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:37.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:42.818] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:42.818] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:42.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:42.878] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:47.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:47.885] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:47.885] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:47.940] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:52.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:52.948] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:52.948] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:52.997] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:57.824] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:58.004] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:58.004] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:09:58.054] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:02.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:03.061] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:03.061] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:03.112] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:07.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:08.118] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:08.119] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:08.168] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:12.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:13.175] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:13.175] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:13.225] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:18.232] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:18.232] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:18.298] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:22.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:23.306] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:23.306] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:23.356] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:27.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:28.363] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:28.363] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:28.416] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:33.424] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:33.424] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:33.485] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:37.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:38.492] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:38.492] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:38.564] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:42.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:43.571] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:43.571] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:43.621] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:47.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:48.627] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:48.627] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:48.698] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:52.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:53.704] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:53.704] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:53.756] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:57.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:58.762] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:58.762] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:10:58.834] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:02.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:03.842] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:03.842] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:03.891] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:07.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:08.898] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:08.898] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:08.971] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:12.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:13.978] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:13.978] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:14.044] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:17.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:19.051] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:19.051] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:19.123] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:22.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:24.130] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:24.130] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:24.181] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:27.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:29.188] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:29.188] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:29.240] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:32.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:34.247] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:34.247] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:34.296] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:37.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:39.303] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:39.303] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:39.374] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:42.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:44.380] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:44.380] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:44.430] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:47.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:49.436] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:49.436] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:49.486] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:52.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:54.493] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:54.493] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:54.550] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:59.556] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:59.556] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:11:59.606] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:04.612] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:04.612] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:04.661] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:07.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:09.669] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:09.669] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:09.724] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:12.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:14.730] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:14.730] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:14.781] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:17.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:19.788] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:19.788] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:19.837] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:22.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:24.844] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:24.844] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:24.901] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:27.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:29.908] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:29.908] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:29.958] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:34.966] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:34.966] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:35.017] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:37.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:40.025] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:40.025] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:40.075] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:42.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:45.082] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:45.082] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:45.131] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:47.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:50.138] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:50.138] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:50.188] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:55.195] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:55.195] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:55.244] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:12:57.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:00.253] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:00.253] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:00.366] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:02.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:05.372] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:05.372] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:05.421] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:07.824] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:10.430] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:10.430] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:10.479] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:12.824] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:15.486] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:15.486] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:15.534] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:17.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:20.541] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:20.541] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:20.591] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:22.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:25.599] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:25.599] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:25.649] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:27.824] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:30.656] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:30.657] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:30.735] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:35.742] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:35.742] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:35.793] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:37.828] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:40.800] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:40.800] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:40.850] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:42.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:45.856] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:45.856] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:45.907] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:47.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:50.913] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:50.913] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:50.964] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.796] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.796] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.796] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 8 "pLink00.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.796] [PageManager] Jump to page 9 "pLink01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.796] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pLink00.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.796] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.796] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-24"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.797] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pLink01.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.797] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.797] [main] Loader changes source to pLink01.qml
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.804] [main] start to playVideo() videoC (D)(qrc:/main.qml:54)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.811] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pLink01.qml
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.811] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.811] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 16:13:51.811] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 16:13:52.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:52.821] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:52.821] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:52.821] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pLink00.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:52.821] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577347426" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:52.821] [BIService] addData "a3" : "605" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:52.821] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:52.821] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:52.821] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:52.821] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:52.821] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:55.971] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:55.971] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.021] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.348] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.349] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.349] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 9 "pLink01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.349] [PageManager] Jump to page 10 "pLink02.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.349] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pLink01.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.349] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.349] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-25"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.349] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pLink02.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.349] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.349] [main] Loader changes source to pLink02.qml
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.356] [main] start to playVideo() videoD (D)(qrc:/main.qml:54)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.356] [main] resetVideo() videoC (D)(qrc:/main.qml:65)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.361] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pLink02.qml
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.361] [main] Hide video in qrc:/pLink01.qml
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.361] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.361] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 16:13:56.362] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 16:13:57.825] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:57.825] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:57.825] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:57.825] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pLink01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:57.825] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577348031" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:57.825] [BIService] addData "a3" : "4" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:57.825] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:57.825] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:57.825] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:57.825] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:13:57.825] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:01.028] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:01.028] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:01.079] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:02.825] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:06.088] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:06.088] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:06.138] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:07.825] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.133] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.133] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.133] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 10 "pLink02.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.133] [PageManager] Jump to page 11 "pHead01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.133] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pLink02.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.133] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.133] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-13"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.133] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pHead01.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.133] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.133] [main] Loader changes source to pHead01.qml
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.234] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pHead01.qml
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.234] [main] Hide video in qrc:/pLink02.qml
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.234] [main] resetVideo() videoD (D)(qrc:/main.qml:65)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.234] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.234] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.234] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.235] [VIVEControl] Timer 4 started (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:09.235] [VIVEControl] DirectMode timer: 4 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.243] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.244] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.246] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.249] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.249] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.249] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.250] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.885] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.885] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.886] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 11 "pHead01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.886] [PageManager] Jump to page 12 "pHead04.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.886] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pHead01.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.886] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.886] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Skip detection<span
id="pagemanage-15"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.886] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pHead04.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.886] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.886] [main] Loader changes source to pHead04.qml
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.899] [main] start to playVideo() videoE (D)(qrc:/main.qml:54)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.903] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pHead04.qml
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.903] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.903] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 16:14:10.903] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.145] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.145] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.198] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.231] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.233] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.234] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.234] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.234] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.936] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.936] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.936] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.936] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.936] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.936] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.936] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:11.936] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pLink02.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577348036" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a3" : "12" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pHead01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577348049" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a3" : "1" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.834] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.930] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.930] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:12.931] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.243] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.244] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.246] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.247] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.247] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.247] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.247] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.930] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.930] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:13.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.231] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.232] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.234] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.235] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.235] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.235] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.235] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:14.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.227] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:15.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.205] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.205] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.233] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.254] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.931] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.931] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.931] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.931] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.931] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:16.931] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.230] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.231] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.233] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.234] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.234] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.234] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.234] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:17.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:18.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.230] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.232] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.234] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.234] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.234] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.234] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.235] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.930] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.930] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:19.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.237] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.238] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.240] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.241] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.241] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.241] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.241] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:20.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.261] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.261] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.311] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.903] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.903] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.903] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.931] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.931] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.931] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.932] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.932] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:21.932] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.243] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.244] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.246] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.247] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.247] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.247] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.247] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.927] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:22.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.231] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.232] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.234] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.235] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.235] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.235] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.235] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:23.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.931] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.931] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.931] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.931] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.931] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:24.932] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.230] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.231] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.234] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.235] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.235] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.235] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.235] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:25.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.318] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.318] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.369] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:26.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:27.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:28.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:29.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:30.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.376] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.376] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.426] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:31.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.231] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.234] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.235] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.235] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.235] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.235] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.827] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:32.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:33.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:34.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.927] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.927] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.927] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.927] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:35.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.433] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.433] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.489] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:36.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.930] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.930] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:37.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:38.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:39.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.242] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.244] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.246] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.247] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.247] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.247] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.247] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:40.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.231] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.232] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.234] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.235] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.235] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.235] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.235] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.495] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.495] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.545] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:41.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:42.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.230] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.231] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.234] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.234] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.234] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.234] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.234] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:43.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.927] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:44.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.227] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.930] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.931] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.931] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.931] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.931] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:45.931] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.239] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.240] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.242] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.243] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.243] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.243] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.243] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.552] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.552] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.601] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.927] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.927] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.927] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.927] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.927] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.927] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.927] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:46.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:47.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.233] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:48.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.231] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.233] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.234] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.234] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.234] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.930] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.930] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:49.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:50.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.230] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.231] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.234] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.235] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.235] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.235] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.235] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.608] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.608] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.659] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:51.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:52.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.931] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.931] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.931] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.931] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.931] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:53.931] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.930] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.930] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:54.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.233] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.930] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.930] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:55.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.231] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.232] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.234] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.235] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.235] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.235] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.235] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.665] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.665] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.714] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:56.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.832] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:57.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:58.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.237] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.238] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.241] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.241] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.242] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.242] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.242] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:14:59.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:00.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.231] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.233] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.235] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.235] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.235] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.235] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.236] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.720] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.720] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.770] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:01.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:02.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.930] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.930] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:03.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.931] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.931] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.931] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.931] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.931] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:04.931] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.242] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.244] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.246] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.247] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.247] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.247] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.247] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:05.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.777] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.777] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.826] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:06.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:07.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.227] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:08.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:09.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:10.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.232] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.233] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.235] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.236] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.236] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.236] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.236] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.833] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.833] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.882] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:11.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:12.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.243] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.244] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.246] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.247] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.247] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.247] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.247] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:13.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.231] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.233] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.234] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.234] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.234] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.234] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:14.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.931] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.931] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.931] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.931] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.931] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:15.931] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.889] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.890] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:16.941] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:17.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:18.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:19.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.230] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.231] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.233] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.234] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.234] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.234] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.234] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:20.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.232] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.232] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.232] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.948] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.948] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:21.999] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.233] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.234] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.236] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.237] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.237] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.237] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.237] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.823] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:22.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.929] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:23.929] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:24.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.239] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.240] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.242] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.243] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.243] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.243] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.243] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.928] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:25.928] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.230] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.232] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.233] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.233] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2134#7&1128560e&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.901] [detectRootHub] NEO USB hub found! (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.901] [ViveDetect] ulNumOfPorts = 7 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.933] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.933] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.933] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.933] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.933] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.933] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.933] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:26.933] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.005] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.005] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.097] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.229] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.231] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.233] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.235] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.235] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.235] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.235] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2134#7&1128560e&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.900] [detectRootHub] NEO USB hub found! (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.900] [ViveDetect] ulNumOfPorts = 7 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.930] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.930] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.930] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.930] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.930] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.930] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:27.930] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.230] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.231] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.234] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.234] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.234] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.234] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.234] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2134#7&1128560e&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.901] [detectRootHub] NEO USB hub found! (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.901] [ViveDetect] ulNumOfPorts = 7 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.931] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.931] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.931] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.931] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.931] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.931] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: -1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:28.932] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: -1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.234] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.235] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.238] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.239] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() fail,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.239] [IsDisplayConnectedAMD] not AMD , return false (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.239] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode() can't enable direct mode
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.239] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2134#7&1128560e&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.899] [detectRootHub] NEO USB hub found! (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.899] [ViveDetect] ulNumOfPorts = 7 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.934] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.934] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.934] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.934] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.934] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.934] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.934] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:29.934] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: 1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.228] [GraphicsChecker] [0-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\ACR0628\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.229] [GraphicsChecker] [1-0]:DeviceID:(MONITOR\GSM59DC\
{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0005) (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.231] [IsHdmiConnect] no match for device id,
ISDisplayConnected() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.232] [GraphicsChecker]DisplayIsConnectedNVidia() OK,
NvAPI_Status: 0 numDisplays: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.233] [GraphicsChecker]EnableDirectModeNVidia()OK NvAPI_Status:
0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.233] [VIVEControl] enableDirectMode OK (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.233] [VIVEControl] Stop timer 4 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.233] [VIVEControl] Error: Unknown timer ID. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2134#7&1128560e&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [detectRootHub] NEO USB hub found! (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [ViveDetect] ulNumOfPorts = 7 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.971] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.971] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.971] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.971] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.971] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.971] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.971] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:30.971] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: 1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.899] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2134#7&1128560e&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.899] [detectRootHub] NEO USB hub found! (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.899] [ViveDetect] ulNumOfPorts = 7 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.899] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.900] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.932] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.933] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.933] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.933] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.933] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.933] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.933] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:31.933] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: 1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.105] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.105] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.191] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2134#7&1128560e&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.900] [detectRootHub] NEO USB hub found! (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.900] [ViveDetect] ulNumOfPorts = 7 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.933] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.933] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.933] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.933] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.933] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.933] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.933] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:32.933] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: 1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.900] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.901] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2134#7&1128560e&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.901] [detectRootHub] NEO USB hub found! (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.901] [ViveDetect] ulNumOfPorts = 7 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.901] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.902] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.952] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.952] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.952] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.952] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.952] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.952] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.952] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:33.952] [pHead04] USB: -1 , HDMI: 1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.664] [VIVEStatusParser] Set BI base station 1 first time
connect page: pHead04.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.664] [VIVEStatusParser] Set BI base station 2 first time
connect page: pHead04.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2134#7&1128560e&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.902] [detectRootHub] NEO USB hub found! (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.902] [ViveDetect] ulNumOfPorts = 7 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.902] [ViveDetect] Warning: Unknown ConnectionIndex (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.904] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.904] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.967] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.967] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.967] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.967] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.967] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.967] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.967] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.967] [pHead04] USB: 1 , HDMI: 1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.967] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.968] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next
[2019-12-26 16:15:34.968] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.911] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.911] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.911] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.911] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2134#7&1128560e&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.912] [detectRootHub] NEO USB hub found! (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.912] [ViveDetect] ulNumOfPorts = 7 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.912] [ViveDetect] Warning: Unknown ConnectionIndex (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.925] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.925] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.925] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.925] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.925] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.925] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.925] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.925] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.925] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.925] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.926] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.926] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.926] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.926] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.926] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.926] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.926] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.926] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.926] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.926] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.926] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.994] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.994] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.994] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.994] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.994] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.994] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.994] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:35.994] [pHead04] USB: 1 , HDMI: 1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.665] [VIVEStatusParser] Set BI hmd first time connect page:
pHead04.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&358e0dd4&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#root_hub30#5&381f2de&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2210#6&3b66b33d&0&6#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.902] [detectRootHub] get hwid for usb hub: "\\\\?\\
usb#vid_0bb4&pid_2134#7&1128560e&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.902] [detectRootHub] NEO USB hub found! (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.902] [ViveDetect] ulNumOfPorts = 7 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.902] [ViveDetect] Warning: Unknown ConnectionIndex (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
88cb-001111000030}\\kbd" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.903] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.904] [openDeviceInterface] get hwid from device interface:
001111000030}" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.971] [CViveDetect] dsRootHub status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.971] [CViveDetect] dsHtcMcu status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.971] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu1 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.971] [CViveDetect] dsValveMcu2 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.971] [CViveDetect] dsController1 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.971] [CViveDetect] dsController2 status: 3 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.971] [CViveDetect] dsHdmi status: 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:36.971] [pHead04] USB: 1 , HDMI: 1 (D)(qrc:/pHead04.qml:66)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.198] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.198] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.270] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.270] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.270] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 12 "pHead04.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.270] [ViveDetect] onStopDMTimer() (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.270] [PageManager] Jump to page 13 "pCtr01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.270] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pHead04.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.270] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.270] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-19"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.270] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pCtr01.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.271] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.271] [main] Loader changes source to pCtr01.qml
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.374] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pCtr01.qml
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.376] [main] Hide video in qrc:/pHead04.qml
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.376] [main] resetVideo() videoE (D)(qrc:/main.qml:65)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.376] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.376] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.376] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.822] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.822] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.822] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.822] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pHead04.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.822] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577348050" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.822] [BIService] addData "a3" : "86" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.822] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.822] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.822] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.822] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.822] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:37.906] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.860] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.860] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.860] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 13 "pCtr01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.860] [PageManager] Jump to page 14 "pCtr03.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.860] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pCtr01.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.860] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.860] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Next<span
id="pagemanage-23"></span> (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:21)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.861] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pCtr03.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.861] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.861] [main] Loader changes source to pCtr03.qml
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.947] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pCtr03.qml
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.947] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.947] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.947] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.947] [ControllerPair] Start detecting controller pairing (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.947] [ControllerPair] Start to find dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.959] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 6A8639978C (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.965] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 748C77F69E (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.977] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 0, 6A8639978C
[2019-12-26 16:15:41.977] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.720] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.720] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 1, 748C77F69E
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.720] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.832] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.832] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.832] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.832] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pCtr01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.832] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577348137" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.832] [BIService] addData "a3" : "4" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.832] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.832] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.832] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.832] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.832] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.913] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:42.913] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:43.537] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked with exitCode=1,
exitStatus=0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:43.597] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:43.597] [ControllerPair] Controller pairing status: 0, 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:43.597] [ControllerPair] Start to find dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:43.609] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 6A8639978C (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:43.615] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 748C77F69E (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:43.627] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 0, 6A8639978C
[2019-12-26 16:15:43.627] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:44.378] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:44.378] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 1, 748C77F69E
[2019-12-26 16:15:44.378] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:45.172] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:45.172] [ControllerPair] Controller pairing status: 0, 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:45.172] [ControllerPair] Start to find dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:45.184] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 6A8639978C (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:45.190] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 748C77F69E (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:45.202] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 0, 6A8639978C
[2019-12-26 16:15:45.202] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:45.669] [VIVEStatusParser] Set BI controller1 first time connect
page: pCtr03.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:45.695] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:45.695] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:45.695] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 1, 748C77F69E
[2019-12-26 16:15:45.695] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:46.420] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:46.420] [ControllerPair] Controller pairing status: 1, 0 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:46.420] [ControllerPair] Start to find dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:46.420] [main] initCtrVideo(), ctrPairedCount: 1
[2019-12-26 16:15:46.472] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 6A8639978C (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:46.478] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 748C77F69E (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:46.490] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 0, 6A8639978C
[2019-12-26 16:15:46.490] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:46.518] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:46.518] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:46.518] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 1, 748C77F69E
[2019-12-26 16:15:46.518] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:47.824] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:48.545] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:48.545] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:48.671] [VIVEStatusParser] Set BI controller2 first time connect
page: pCtr03.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:48.671] [PipeThreadWin] Close named pipe "\\\\.\\pipe\\
[2019-12-26 16:15:48.671] [PipeThreadWin] Leaving named pipe thread "\\\\.\\pipe\\
[2019-12-26 16:15:51.680] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse error, exitCode=0,
exitStatus=0, last error=2/Zeit?berschreitung (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.821] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.860] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.860] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.860] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 14 "pCtr03.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.860] [PageManager] Skip page 15 : "pBGIWaiting.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.860] [PageManager] Skip page 16 : "pBGIError.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.860] [PageManager] Jump to page 17 "pFinal01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.860] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pCtr03.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.860] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.861] [Footer] setNextStatus: true true Set up play area (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.861] [BIService] setRecordStepStart+ pFinal01.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.861] [BIService] setRecordStepStart- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.861] [main] Loader changes source to pFinal01.qml
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.871] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.871] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.871] [ControllerPair] Controller pairing status: 1, 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.871] [ControllerPair] Start to find dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.939] [main] Source changed to qrc:/pFinal01.qml
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.940] [main] onSourceChanged- (D)(qrc:/main.qml:355)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.940] [Footer] update() (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:38)
[2019-12-26 16:15:52.940] [Header] update() (D)(qrc:/Header.qml:45)
[2019-12-26 16:15:56.686] [Utils] Found process 8892: ViveLightHouse.exe (W)
[2019-12-26 16:15:56.686] [Utils] Killed process 8892 (W)
[2019-12-26 16:15:56.686] [LightHouseKicker] Calling D:/VIVE/Updater/App/ViveGuide\
Tools\ViveLightHouse.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:57.831] [BIService] Periodic send (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:57.831] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:57.831] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:57.831] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pCtr03.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:57.831] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577348141" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:57.831] [BIService] addData "a3" : "10" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:57.831] [BIService] addData "a4" : "next" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:57.831] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:57.831] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:57.831] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:57.831] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.368] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 6A8639978C (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.374] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 748C77F69E (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.386] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 0, 6A8639978C
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.386] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.622] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.622] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.622] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 1, 748C77F69E
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.622] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.648] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.648] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.648] [ControllerPair] Controller pairing status: 1, 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.648] [ControllerPair] Start to find dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.747] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 6A8639978C (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.753] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 748C77F69E (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.765] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 0, 6A8639978C
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.765] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.796] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.796] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.796] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 1, 748C77F69E
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.796] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.822] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.822] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:58.822] [ControllerPair] Controller pairing status: 1, 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.141] [LightHouseKicker] LightHouse kicked successfully 1 times
in a row (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.649] [ControllerPair] Start to find dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.661] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 6A8639978C (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.667] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 748C77F69E (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.679] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 0, 6A8639978C
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.679] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.707] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.707] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.707] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 1, 748C77F69E
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.707] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.733] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.733] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:15:59.733] [ControllerPair] Controller pairing status: 1, 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:00.651] [ControllerPair] Start to find dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:00.663] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 6A8639978C (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:00.669] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 748C77F69E (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:00.681] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 0, 6A8639978C
[2019-12-26 16:16:00.681] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:00.709] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:00.709] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:00.709] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 1, 748C77F69E
[2019-12-26 16:16:00.709] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:00.735] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:00.735] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:00.735] [ControllerPair] Controller pairing status: 1, 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:01.651] [ControllerPair] Start to find dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:01.662] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 6A8639978C (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:01.668] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 748C77F69E (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:01.680] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 0, 6A8639978C
[2019-12-26 16:16:01.681] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:01.709] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:01.709] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:01.710] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 1, 748C77F69E
[2019-12-26 16:16:01.710] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:01.736] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:01.736] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:01.737] [ControllerPair] Controller pairing status: 1, 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:02.102] [Footer] Next button clicked (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:160)
[2019-12-26 16:16:02.102] [Footer] setNextEnabled: false (D)(qrc:/Footer.qml:27)
[2019-12-26 16:16:02.102] [SteamVRLauncher] launchSteamVR+ (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:02.102] [LightHouseKicker] Stop (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:02.102] [SteamVRLauncher] Use regular SteamVR (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:02.102] [SteamVRLauncher] Found SteamVR in: C:\Program Files
(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:02.102] [SteamVRLauncher] Found vrstartup in: C:\Program Files
(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win32\vrstartup.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:02.102] [SteamVRLauncher] Calling C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\
steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win32\vrstartup.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:02.104] [SteamVRLauncher] SteamVR launched. (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:02.652] [ControllerPair] Start to find dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.106] [SteamVRLauncher] Start to launch RoomSetup and bring it
to top (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.106] [RoomSetupWorker] Checking whether RoomSetup is alive (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.106] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.112] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.199] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 6A8639978C (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.265] [ControllerPair] Found a dongle hid, device path: \\?\
serialNo: 748C77F69E (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.277] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 0, 6A8639978C
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.277] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.607] [SteamVRLauncher] launchSteamVR- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.607] [PageManager] Jump to next page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.607] [PageManager] Try to jump from page 17 "pFinal01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.607] [PageManager] Quit on the final page: "pFinal01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.607] [PageManager] prepareToQuit, reason: "done" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.607] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd+ pFinal01.qml (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.607] [BIService] setRecordStepEnd- (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.607] [Closer] closing start (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.607] [main] hideWindow (D)(qrc:/main.qml:82)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.609] [ControllerPair] Stop detecting (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.609] [LightHouseKicker] Stop (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:03.610] [SteamVRLauncher] Wait for RoomSetup worker for at most
50 seconds (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:04.113] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:04.119] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:04.143] [LightHouseKicker] Loop stopped (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:04.148] [Utils] No existing process: "ViveLightHouse.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:05.120] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:05.126] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:06.127] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:06.132] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:07.133] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:07.140] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:08.141] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:08.147] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:09.148] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:09.153] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:10.154] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:10.159] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:11.160] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:11.165] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:12.167] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:12.173] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:13.174] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:13.180] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.181] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.187] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.188] [RoomSetupWorker] Cannot find RoomSetup running (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.188] [RoomSetupWorker] Launch RoomSetup 1 times (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.188] [SteamVRLauncher] Launch RoomSetup (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.188] [SteamVRLauncher] Found vrmonitor in: C:\Program Files
(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\vrmonitor.exe (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.188] [SteamVRLauncher] Calling "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\
steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\vrmonitor.exe" vrmonitor://setup-runroomsetup
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.190] [RoomSetupWorker] Checking whether RoomSetup is alive (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.190] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.196] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.351] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.351] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.351] [ControllerPair] Query status for dongle 1, 748C77F69E
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.351] [ControllerPair] Open dongle (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.377] [ControllerPair] Matched V2 firmware (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.377] [ControllerPair] Handle closed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.377] [ControllerPair] Controller pairing status: 1, 1 (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:14.377] [ControllerPair] Left detection loop (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:15.197] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:15.203] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:16.204] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:16.209] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:17.210] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:17.215] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:18.216] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:18.221] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:19.222] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:19.228] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:20.229] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:20.234] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:21.236] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:21.242] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:22.242] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:22.247] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:23.248] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:23.253] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:24.254] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:24.260] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:25.262] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:25.267] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:25.267] [RoomSetupWorker] Cannot find RoomSetup running (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:25.267] [RoomSetupWorker] Launch RoomSetup 2 times (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:25.267] [SteamVRLauncher] Launch RoomSetup (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:25.268] [SteamVRLauncher] Calling "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\
steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\vrmonitor.exe" vrmonitor://setup-runroomsetup
[2019-12-26 16:16:25.269] [RoomSetupWorker] Checking whether RoomSetup is alive (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:25.269] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:25.275] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:26.276] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:26.282] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:27.283] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:27.289] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:28.290] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:28.296] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:29.297] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:29.303] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:30.303] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:30.308] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:31.309] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:31.315] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:32.316] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:32.321] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:33.323] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:33.329] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:34.330] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:34.335] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:35.336] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:35.342] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:36.342] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:36.348] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:36.348] [RoomSetupWorker] Cannot find RoomSetup running (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:36.348] [RoomSetupWorker] Launch RoomSetup 3 times (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:36.348] [SteamVRLauncher] Launch RoomSetup (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:36.348] [SteamVRLauncher] Calling "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\
steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\vrmonitor.exe" vrmonitor://setup-runroomsetup
[2019-12-26 16:16:36.350] [RoomSetupWorker] Checking whether RoomSetup is alive (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:36.350] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:36.357] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:37.358] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:37.363] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:38.365] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:38.371] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:39.372] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:39.378] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:40.379] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:40.384] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:41.385] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:41.391] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:42.392] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:42.397] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:43.398] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:43.404] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:44.405] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:44.411] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:45.411] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:45.416] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:46.418] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:46.423] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.424] [Utils] Find process of name "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [Utils] No existing process: "steamvr_room_setup.exe" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [RoomSetupWorker] Cannot find RoomSetup running (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [RoomSetupWorker] ERROR: Failed to launch RoomSetup by 3
tries. (W)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [BIService] close() start (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [BIService] stop timer (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [BIService] Make sure all data are sent (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [BIService] Send a session (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pFinal01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [BIService] addData "a2" : "complete" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [BIService] addData "a3" : "pHead04.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [BIService] addData "a4" : "pHead04.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.430] [BIService] addData "a5" : "pHead04.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a6" : "pCtr03.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a7" : "pCtr03.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a8" : "null" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a9" : "null" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a10" : "null" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a11" : "null" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a12" : "detected" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a13" : "detected" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a14" : "installer" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a15" : "1634" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a16" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a17" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] Send a page (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a0" : "5283d3ee-208d-4c30-8fec-
11e2880eee1b" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a1" : "pFinal01.qml" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a2" : "1577348152" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a3" : "10" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a4" : "quit" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a5" : "0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a6" : "guide" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a7" : "neo" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] addData "a8" : "3.0" (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:47.431] [BIService] Make sure all data are flushed (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:52.435] [BIService] finalFlush() Done (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:52.435] [BIService] close() Done (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:52.435] [Guard] Released single instance lock Global\
[2019-12-26 16:16:52.435] [Closer] closing done (D)
[2019-12-26 16:16:52.525] [LightHouseKicker] dtor (D)

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