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10:46 AM G l .

l 54

This question paper contains 8 printed pages]

Your Roll No.


B.A. (Programme)yil


Language, Literature and Cuture (B-403)

(4r91, Hfrr sit afa)

Maximum Marks: 100
Time : 3 Hours
(Wrue your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question

Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi:

Note :-
but the same medium should be used throughout the


Attempt all questions as indicated.


G English Hindi X
10:46 AM A 3 l .1|(54

(2 ) 4391

Section A: Language 34


1. Explain any four of the following in about 50 words

each: 4x4=16

(a) Verbal expression

(6) Slang

(c) Code switching and code mixing

(d Language and Grammar

(e) Standard Language

Language and Gender


(h) Language Policy

National Language


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(a) T I

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rt Testing yourself with CUET 2023 Practice X
sts by AglaSem
10:46 AM l . |54

(3 )

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(3) TAK
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(a) faftI
100-150 words
2. Answer any wo of the following in
each :

(a) Discuss the merits and demerits of Devanagari script.

Describe the process of communication.
formation of
(c Discuss the role of Language in the

() Discuss Macaulay minutes.

Describe the characteristics of link language.

What is a language family ? Enumerate the language

families of India.

fehi wì 3R 100-150 Tai tfs :


ET 2023 Mock Test

rt Testing yourself with CUET 2023 Practice X
ts by AglaSem
10:46 AM O 3 l .1|(54

(4 ) 4391

Section B: Literature S0

3. Answer any one of the following in 150-200 words : |x||=1|

(a Discuss the national feeling in modern Indian


(6) Discuss the Progressive movement in literature.

(c) Do you think literature reflects social reality ? Give a

reasoned answer.

10:46 AM D 3 l .1|(54


150-200 words each : 3x13=39

4 Answer the following in
epic Ramayana
Discuss the values inherent in the
on the basis of prescribed

ideal disciple ? Give

(ii Do you think Eklavya is an
a reasoned answer.

Mrichchhakatika is still relevant. Discuss.

Discuss the bhakti of Sant poets.
(b) ()

according to the
(i) Analyze the poet's sensibilities
poem Separation.

commitment in Faiz's
(iii) Discuss the socio-political
poem Do Not Ask.

who is to blame
(c) ( According to Tarabai Shinde,
widows and why ?
for the miserable plight of

10:46 AM D ll l 54

(6) 4391

(in Discuss the role of traditional mind-set on the

basis of A Suitable Boy.

(ii) Joothan is a true depiction of social realties in

contenporary India.

fftfea yi 3R 150-200 I0 Àifs :

(#) ()




(T) ()



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(7) 4391


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Section C: Culture 16

5. Answer any two of the following in 100-150 words

each : 2x8=16

(a) Contemporary Indian culture is being influenced by

Globalization. Give your opinion.

(6 What are the different forms of resistance culture in

Indian society ?


10:46 AM D 3 l .1|54

(8 ) 4391

(c) How is the media redefining family structure through

serials and advertisements ?

() "The advertisements have an adverse impact on

children in Indian society." Conmment.

(e) Trace the development of Cinenma in India,


4391 8 8,000


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