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Hello there, I’m a 33 year old possibly autistic man who’s currently single, unemployed, and lowkey

addicted to online gaming! As such, I feel very qualified to give life advice to other people on that

If you had good parenting and are mentally stable, feel confident in your future and the skills you have
are suited for success in society, gon head and click off this video, because this content ain’t for you!

If you are on the verge of this week’s mental break down, manic as fuck, completely uncertain what to
do next in life, and wondering if you’ll be working that minimum wage job till you’re old as dirt cuz
there’s no way you could retire without ending up homeless? Grab some hot chocolate and come sit on
Daddy’s lap! Added points if you’re in a toxic relationship and your maladaptive coping mechanism only
make things worse.

Anywhoo, now that we’ve established a baseline, let’s jump into the topic!

What do you do if you’ve wasted, or feel like you’re wasting your 20’s?

Whelp, there’s good news and bad news.

The Good news? The first step to improvement is admitting to yourself that you’re not where you’re
wanna be.

The bad news? Digging yourself out of the hole you’re in will be quite difficult if you are unwilling to or
unable to change the habits that created the life you currently lead!

So, the first actionable step: Pause this video and write down or type out a list of the things you do every
day because you want to. Do not include things you have to do on account of someone else’s needs or
desires, this is a list of activities that you choose to do and presumably enjoy, such as recreational
substance use, gaming, browsing the hub, reddit,etc., Furthermore, do not include things you feel
obligated to do but wouldn’t if you had complete freedom and a bunch of money.

Alright, assuming that you made the list, (You didn’t), estimate about how much physical time you spend
on those activities altogether.

The point of this exercise is creating a visual and concrete representation of how much time you’re
spending doing stupid shit that will guarantee you never actually succeed in life. “But Darwinnnnn, I do
these things to de-stress from my soul-draining life of working at Wendy’s and my baby-momma keeps
putting me on child-support whenever I get a new chick, and my manager don’t like me so I might lose
this job too and have to go back to sellin’ 30$ 8ths to white kids from the suburbs, and my parole officer
keeps trying to violate me and wahhhhhh”

I don’t wanna hear that shit!!! Comb yo beard.

Nobody cares about your gotdamn struggle! Well, I mean…besides me. *Heartwarming music* The
world however wants results! Product! The only way to change your situation is to take responsibility for
the part you played in where you’re at. Periodt.
Now, back to the list you did not make! Once you have a rough estimate of the amount of time you
could be spending elsewhere, the second actionable step is taking a long hard look at what it is you
enjoy on a soul level, because this is what will lead you to your purpose! Are you talented in some way?
Can you sing well, write well, do you find people put you in leadership positions often? Do you find
supporting other people’s projects gives you profound joy? Really sit with yourself until you find a
common thread in your life that shows you your essence. When do you recall being happiest,
independent of any substance or coping mechanism in a way that enriched the world in some way? This
is your guiding aspect showing you what you should be investing your time and energy into!

The secret to sustainable long-term growth, is consistency. The same 5-30 minutes you dedicate each
day beating your meat to Asian femboy feet and climbing in ranked (you’re trash bruv) could be spent
working on skills that enable your future streams of income, writing music, or some other micro-step
that would add up to hundreds of hours towards your purpose and improvement over the course of a
few years.

The reason burnout is such a common thing when trying to make major changes, is people have a
tendency to make giant pushes, and then get flung backwards by the rubber band effect at the first
major setback because they haven’t stabilized their process through steady growth. As always, I’m
speaking from experience.

Today’s takeaway: A single drop of water can penetrate the hardest stone with consistent pressure, and
the steady movement of water created the Grand Canyon! Be like water my friend.

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