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In the time of Jose Rizal, he had the best education

provided by the religious orders. He had the opportunities to

learn from different fields in different countries which resulted
in him having various titles such as a poet, novelist, historian,
doctor, ophthalmologist, polemical essayist, moralist, and
political dreamer. These titles that Jose Rizal possessed were
all used into achieving his goals. He used the education he had
attained to fight for the independence that the country, his
homeland deserved using his mind, words, and actions. The
happenings in the time of Jose Rizal which was the mistreatment
and abusive actions of the Spanish colony such as the
maltreatments of the Spanish people was experienced first-hand by
his mother when she was accused of poisoning their neighbor and
was made to walk miles to prison, to justify his bold actions and
to further explain what else could provoke Jose Rizal into action
in fighting those Spanish people. He had settled his mind not to
let things like this happen and made bold action to prevent those
people from doing it again. While others fought with flesh and
blood, he fought with his principles and determination using his
intellect which further threatened the Spanish colony and even
came to the point of banning Jose Rizal’s writings from the
public which contains the his novel of how he satirized them.
these novels were still known and are still studied up to this
day. It was clear that the action of the Spanish colony itself
provoked Jose Rizal to exposed in ways they never imagine to open
the eyes of his fellow Filipinos into making them think that it
was never right to let those people take their freedom away from
them and that it will never be alright for those people to treat
them not greater that animals by mistreating them in their
In another perspective, Noli Me Tangere was written for the
benefit of the Filipinos who were named Indios though this novel
was written in Spanish, it simply indicates that he had other
audience in mind that he intended to read his novel which was the
Spaniards and their government so they could reform their
approach to the Indios. Traveling around the world, according to
early Rizal biographer, while in Madrid Rizal came across a
French novel which improved his knowledge of that language and
that it affected him powerfully with the deepest sympathy for the
unfortunates and made him willing to risk everything on their
behalf. Another novel named Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher
Stowe inspired Jose Rizal to write the Noli Me Tangere. Noli Me
Tangere has also stressed a presentation of the truth and not the
truth for it was a fictional history and the disinformation is
presented as reality and news. The characters like Padre Damaso
and Padre Salvi represents the arrogance, cruelty, and
backwardness of the colonial system. Noli Me Tangere was a
warning to us Filipinos than it was a condemnation of our
colonial masters. It is very well said that we read it today with
fresh eyes of the present not just for the history. Jose Rizal
believed that the slaves of today will be the tyrants of
tomorrow. He wanted to warn us Filipinos about our faults and
weaknesses for it led the Spaniards to conquer, colonize, and
abuse us for a very long time back then.


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