Blueprint - TEMPLATE - Keyword Gap Analysis

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Keyword Gap Analysis

Step 1: Identify top 5 direct competitors for your client.

This is how we find relevant competitors:• Onboarding Questionnaire. Use the competitors provided by your client in this do

Step 2: Run Ahrefs/SEMrush Keyword reports for your competitors.

After idenfitying your client top competitors, you'll need to:

1. Go to Organic Search > Organic Keywords in Ahrefs. For SEMrush, go into Domain
Analytics > Organic Research
2. Add a competitor domain or specific competitor page and search.
3. Export the output as .csv.
4. Import the output into a Competitor tab in the Sheet (Competitor 1, etc).
5. Repeat for all competitors.

Step 3: Crosswalk metrics

What you are going to have so far is just a list of keywords that which your clients are
currently ranking for.
In order to get your actual GAPS, we need to crosswalk your client keywords with your

1. Export your client keywords from Ahrefs or SEMrush following the same steps as
2. Add the keywords to the Client tab"

Step 4: Snapshot keywords.

Lock in your client + competitor keywords, in order to be able to filter them manually.

This will also clean out the entire MASTER tab to give you a clean slate to work with.

If you'd like to retain what you currently have on the MASTER tab, make a copy of it
before snapshotting.

1. In the Blueprint Keyword Research menu, press Snapshot Keywords.

Lock in your client + competitor keywords, in order to be able to filter them manually.

This will also clean out the entire MASTER tab to give you a clean slate to work with.

If you'd like to retain what you currently have on the MASTER tab, make a copy of it
before snapshotting.

1. In the Blueprint Keyword Research menu, press Snapshot Keywords.

Step 5: Cleaning your data for quality Keywords.

After finishing the data setup, the more manual process comes into play.

You'll need to start filtering the data for branded keywords, mispelings, plurals, low
volume, high difficulty, etc. This is total up to you. This take a lot of time but the more
filtering yo do, the best quality of the data.

Step 6: Clasifying your Keywords.

Once you have a quality set group of keywords, we need to start clasifying them based on
intent -- you can seletec any journey stage from the drop down list in column C-- AND
content hub.

The later should be created based on the core of your business and industry. The idea here
is to end up with relevant topics hubs where to build DEEP and RELEVANT content
around to offer more utility and veridical info to your searches.

Next Steps:
You'll use these keywords gaps and hubs to start building out topics.
Priority Keyword Pillar Cluster
[Client Feedback]
Ranking # of Comps.
Journey Search Keyword Difficulty Best Rank?
Competitor Ranking?
Client Site Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Competitor 4
Competitor 5 Competitor 6 Competitor 7 Competitor 8 Competitor 9
Competitor 10 Competitor 11 Competitor 12 Competitor 13 Competitor 14
Competitor 15
Keywords by Pillar Keywords by Cluster
(empty) (empty)
Keyword by Journey Keywords by Priority
(empty) (empty)
#N/A Domain Hostname
Root URL
max Volume Max Difficulty min Position URL number of com
client ranking

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