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Pay it Forward
教学目标 Aims:
Doing something kind
Intentionally helping people
To understand the background of the movement
Pay it forward is an expression for describing the beneficiary of a good deed repaying it to
others instead of to the original benefactor.
Definition 把爱传出去是一种描述善行受益人去偿还他人的行为而不是最初的受益人。

“Pay It Forward” is a film from 2000 based on a book with the same title by Catherine Ryan Hyde.
《把爱传出去》是⼀一部2000年年的电影, 以凯瑟琳·瑞安·海海德同名的⼀一本书为蓝本。

Trevor (Haley Joel Osment) begins 7th grade in Las Vegas, Nevada. His social studies teacher Eugene Simonet (Kevin Spacey) gives the class an
assignment to devise and put into action a plan that will change the world for the better. Trevor's plan is a charitable program based on the networking of good
deeds. He calls his plan "pay it forward", which means the recipient of a favor does a favor for three others rather than paying the favor back. However, it
needs to be a major favor that the recipient cannot complete themselves.
Trevor does a favor for three people, asking each of them to "pay the favor forward" by doing favors for three other people, and so on, along a branching tree
of good deeds.



Background Reference:

Watch the movie and in your Journal, draw a diagram of the Pay It Forward structure.
观看电影, 并在⽇日记中绘制 "把爱传出去" 结构的图表。

What do you think about the idea of not paying people back for their good deed to you, but paying it “forward” to
someone else?
对于不不为别⼈人给你的善举回报, ⽽而是 "提早" 回报别⼈人的想法, 你怎么看?

Could you do this in your own life?


Explain this concept to someone in your family.

There are many things that you can do to help people.
However there are 3 rules if it is a true “Pay It Forward” situation.
Put into Practice 然⽽而如果这是真的“把爱传出去”有三个规则
投⼊入到实践中 Start with simple things and make them a habit every day.
Look for opportunities to help people – even when they don’t know that you are helping them.

There are many things that you can do to help people.

Random Acts of However there are 3 rules if it is a true “Pay It Forward” situation.
Kindness 然⽽而如果这是真的“把爱传出去”有三个规则
不不经意的善良之举 Start with simple things and make them a habit every day.
Look for opportunities to help people – even when they don’t know that you are helping them.
On the wall, put up a large piece of paper and lay some felt pens nearby.
在墙上, 拿起⼀一张⼤大纸, 在附近放⼀一些⽑毛毡笔。
Draw the outline of hands all over the piece of paper.
Have the whole family brainstorm on ways they can show kindness to others.
Brainstorm Mural
Write the suggestions in the hand outlines.
头脑⻛风暴暴壁画 把建议写在⼿手的轮廓上。
Be creative as you add to this paper – make it a work of art.
在本⽂文中添加时, 要有创意--让它成为⼀一件艺术品。

Think about your neighbourhood, the local park, your school, your local shop………
想想你的邻居, 当地的公园, 你的学校, 你当地的商店..。

In family, one kind thing a day to family members.

对家庭成员来说, 每天只有⼀一件事。

Treat it as a quest that gets completed like days of old.

把它当作⼀一个任务, 像往⽇日⼀一样完成。

Family Quest Then take it out into the community, doing the things in the Mural on your wall.
家庭探索 然后把它带到社区, 在你墙上的壁画中做⼀一些事情。

Quest: a long search for something

探索: ⻓长时间寻找东⻄西

– for this situation finding opportunities becomes the focus of the day
–在这种情况下, 寻找机会成为⼀一天的焦点
– pay it forward and random acts of kindness

To spread these 2 amazing concepts is a great way to change the world in your area.
How to Pass on Starter Suggestions for spreading the concepts:
the Message 关于传播概念的初始建议:

How it works – Pay It Forward Cards

Prepare the coupons on cards, buttons, small stones….something to give someone to ask them to pass the
kindness on, to pay it forward.
准备卡⽚片、纽扣、⼩小⽯石头上的优惠券...... ⼀一些东⻄西, 让别⼈人要求他们传递善意, 向前⽀支付。

Coupon Ideas:
Design Coupons 优惠券的想法:
Prepare posters with a covering explanation to go beside it so people know what it is about. Refer to the
Toolbox lesson – “Designing Posters”
准备带有封⾯面解释的海海报, 放在旁边, 让⼈人们知道它是怎么回事。请参阅⼯工具箱课程– "设计海海报"
Put them up in different places where people can see them and read the explanation.
把它们放在不不同的地⽅方, ⼈人们可以看到它们, 阅读解释。

Keep the explanation short and simple.

Examples of Kindness Posters:

Make a calendar using A4 paper.
使⽤用 a4 纸制作⽇日历。

On the page write some inspiring statement that you have

learnt while you did your “Pay It Forward” or “Random Acts of
Kindness” activities.
在⻚页⾯面上写⼀一些⿎鼓舞⼈人⼼心的声明, 你已经学会了了, ⽽而你做你的 "把
爱传出去" 或 "不不经意的善良之举" 活动。

Do it for next year and give as a gift. Even start with one month
为明年年做这件事, 作为礼物送给你。甚⾄至从⼀一个⽉月开始

Decorate it and illustrate the writing.


Staple it together in months. If you have 365 pages for each day of the year, get it spiral bound with a card front
Daily Calendar ⼏几个⽉月后把它钉在⼀一起。如果⼀一年年中的每⼀一天都有365⻚页, 那就⽤用卡⽚片前盖把它螺旋绑定起来。
Put an explanation on in the front somewhere about the two concepts –
• Pay It Forward
• Random Acts of Kindness

Include some coupons for the Pay It Forward – people can try it out for themselves.

It can be done on the computer and all art work scanned onto the computer and later printed as a calendar.
它可以在计算机上完成, 所有艺术作品都扫描到计算机上, 然后打印为⽇日历。
a. Bracelets using beads and Morse Code

b. Buttons and Bracelets 按钮和⼿手镯
Make bracelets and give them out to spread the Pay It Forward concept.
制作⼿手镯, 并给他们传播把爱传出去的概念。

Put up some large pieces of strong paper on a large wall.

Across the top write the uncompleted sentence:
Kindness 善良是……
头脑⻛风暴暴善良 Have paints and felts available.
Get people to complete the sentence with words, phrases, pictures,
cartoons… any way they want to express their opinion.
让⼈人们⽤用单词、短语、图⽚片、卡通⽚片来完成句句⼦子..。任何⽅方式, 他们想表达⾃自
This could be done with family, friends, in a public place with people
walking by such as a park or mall, in a school or kindergarten, work
Kindness 这可以和家⼈人、朋友⼀一起做, 在公共场所和公园或商场等⼈人⾛走在⼀一起, 在学校
Brainstorm 或幼⼉儿园、⼯工作区.....。
Take photos of the final creative artwork and stick in your Journal with
comments about how you felt as you watched people write on the large
pieces of paper.
拍摄最后的创意艺术品的照⽚片, 并在你的《⽇日刊》上发表评论, 评论你看⼈人们在⼤大纸⽚片上写字时的感受。

What did the whole experience tell you about Kindness from different people’s perspective?
从不不同的⼈人的⻆角度来看, 整个经历告诉你什什么关于善良?

Using Chalk write on the pavement “Kindness is…”

⽤用粉笔写在⼈人⾏行行道上 "善良是..."
This gets people thinking about the statement or questions.
• Pay It Forward
• 把爱传出去
• Do Acts of Random Kindness
• 不不经意的善良之举
Street Art
街头艺术 • What can you do for others?
• 你能为别⼈人做什什么?
• Lend a helping hand
• 伸出你的⼿手
Make your own Newspaper – but not with sensational news or bad news. Make
the Newspaper full of stories of kind and good experiences that have happened to
people you know or yourself.

a. Interview people about their experiences of others who were kind or helpful to
Use the Toolbox lesson – “Interviewing”.
仔细查看⼈人们对他⼈人的经历, 他们对他⼈人是善良的或对他们有帮助的。
使⽤用⼯工具箱课程– "⾯面试"。
b. After you have got some good stories, write them up like a Newspaper (have a
look at Newspapers from your community to see how they are set out, written,
titled,…..) Decide a name for your Newspaper.
Good and Kind 在你收集了了⼀一些好故事以后,模仿报纸⼀一样写 (看看你所在社区的报纸, 看看它们是如何布置的、写的、标题
Newspaper 为,…..) 为你的报纸确定⼀一个名字。
If you have a computer, set up the pages on the computer and print off the Newspaper when you have
finished ready to give out to people.
如果你有⼀一台电脑, 在电脑上设置⻚页⾯面, 在准备好给别⼈人的时候打印报纸。
c. In the Newspaper also include an Acrostic with the word “KINDNESS”。在报纸上还包括⼀一个带有 "kndness"
Refer to the Toolbox lesson – “Acrostic”.
请参阅⼯工具箱课程– "交叉"。

In the Newspaper, invite other people to write their own Acrostic poems and send them back to the Newspaper.
在报纸上, 邀请别⼈人写⾃自⼰己的杂⽂文, 然后把它们发回报纸上。

These could be used in the next edition of the Newspaper if you want to collect
more stories of good things that have happened to people through the help of
如果你想收集更更多的故事, 在别⼈人的帮助下发⽣生在⼈人们身上的好事, 这些可以在
Kindness Day - November 13th

Random Acts of Kindness - February17th


Pay It Forward Day


What kind of suggestions do they have for running a Pay It Forward Day?
他们对举办 "把爱传出去" 有什什么样的建议?

Plan an event using some of the activities that you have done in this lesson in your community, school or local
International park.
Dates 使⽤用您在本课中在社区、学校或当地公园所做的⼀一些活动来计划活动。

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