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Grounds for establishing, changing, and terminating civil legal relations.

1. Regulated by law
2. Parties having civil legal capacity
3. Legal event
 A legal event is an event that arises in the form of a conduct or a natural incident that leads
to the formation, change, or termination of a legal relation.
 Conduct
 Natural incident

Parties: individual

Object: benefit

Content: Quyen va nghia vu

EX 1: A entered into a loan contract with B for a period of 6 months with an amount of 1 billion VND and
this contract was notorized

Parties: A & B

Object: interest, 1 billion VND

Content: A receive 1 billion, pay after 6 months, pay interest

B has right to receive payments after 6 month and gain interest and giao du so tien cho A

EX 2:

Analyse the elements of the legal relationship in the following situation and point out the legal event:
Minh was caught by a traffic police officer for driving over speed limit on the street.

Parties: Minh, a traffic police officer

Object: phan bien, ngan chan vi pham phap luat giao thong

Content: Minh has right to follow the traffic law, was caught and received punishment

A traffic police officer provides evidence and has right to punish Minh

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