Part 1 - Speaking - 2024

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1. Where do you live now?

● Which town or city do you live in now ?

- So currently, I’m living in Hanoi, a metropolitan city with millions of citizens.

● Do you like this city :

- So Hanoi is the hustle and bustle city and it also come with well-developed
facilities such as cinema, shopping mall, hospital so it really convenient for
resident who live here

● Is there anything you don’t like about your area ?

- So as I mentioned Hanoi is a busy city and the pace of life is fast. I mean it
attracts a massive number of vehicles mostly in the rush hour and it causes
high levels of noise and pollution.

● How long have you live in this city

- I have been living in Hanoi for my entire life. It is the place where I was born
and raised, and it holds a special place in my heart

● Are there big changes in your city

- Yes, there have been significant changes in this city over the past few years.
One major change is the development of modern infrastructure, including new
roads, bridges, and public transportation systems. The skyline has also
transformed with the construction of tall buildings and architectural landmarks

● Is this city your permanent residence?

- Yes, this city is my permanent residence because I was born here. It offers a
vibrant and diverse community, ample job opportunities, and a comfortable

● Are there people of different ages in your city

- So Hanoi is a diverse community, and involves a variety of convenient
facilities : hospital, school, sport facilities and more. So therefore, I believe
that this is the city that is suitable for both young and old people to live in.

2, Noise

● Do you like to stay in noisy places?

- Personally, I prefer quieter environments. I find it easier to concentrate and
relax when there's less noise around. Noise pollution, in my opinion, can be
quite stressful. So, if I want to study or relax and read, I much prefer quieter

● ĀDo people have the right to make noise?

- People should have the right to enjoy themselves, but it's important to strike a
balance. Excessive noise can disrupt others and lead to conflicts. Respecting
noise ordinances is essential for harmonious living.

● Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?

- Yes, I believe there is an increasing amount of noise in today's world.
Urbanization and modernization have led to a rise in various sources of noise,
from traffic to electronic devices. It's important to find a balance and create
spaces where tranquility can be maintained.

● What kinds of noises are there in the area where you live?
- In the area where I live, there are several sources of noise. The main ones
are traffic noise, construction sounds, and sometimes loud music from nearby
establishments. During busy hours, the cacophony of traffic tends to dominate
the auditory landscape.

● Do you want to move to a quieter place?

- Yes, I often contemplate moving to a quieter place. The idea of residing in a
more peaceful environment away from the urban noise is appealing. It would
provide a better quality of life, allowing for relaxation and a break from the
constant hum of the city.

● Do you like loud music?

- While I appreciate music, I prefer it at a moderate volume. Loud music can be
enjoyable at times, but not when it disturbs others or causes discomfort.
Finding the right volume for the situation ensures everyone can enjoy the
music without any unnecessary disruptions.

● Do you mind noises?

- It depends on the context. I generally don't mind background noises,
especially if they are natural sounds like birds chirping or the sound of rain.
However, I find it challenging to concentrate in loud and disruptive
environments, like busy streets or crowded places.

● Are there any sounds that you like?

- Absolutely, there are several sounds I find pleasant. I enjoy the calming sound
of ocean waves, the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind, and the chirping of
birds. These natural sounds have a soothing effect and contribute to a
peaceful atmosphere.

● Are there any quiet places in your city?

- Fortunately, my city has a few tranquil spots, like parks and nature reserves,
where you can escape the hustle and bustle. These places offer a peaceful
retreat from the daily grind.

3, Tea or coffee :
● Do you like to drink coffee or tea?
- I prefer having a cup of Americano in the morning, which is strong enough
to give me a kick start. As an addict myself, I know a quick fix when I'm
tired or not in a good mood, and this is a good cup of Joe.

● Do people like tea and coffee nowadays?

- Yes, sure. Tea and coffee are probably the two most popular drinks
nowadays. Drinking a cup of coffee must be the first thing in the morning and
they also need it after taking a nap in the afternoon, which is exactly what I do
every day.

● Do you prefer to use tea or coffee to serve your guests?

- Definitely tea. As I don’t have a coffee-maker, I wouldn’t want to serve instant
coffee, so I always heat up water in my kettle and serve some tea, either in
bags or fresh. Since I have quite a collection of different teas, I feel prouder to
share this with my guests.

● When was the last time you had a cup of coffee?

- Honestly, I can’t really remember the last time I had coffee, because I hardly
drink it. It was probably a few months ago when I got a cup of coffee because
I was too sleepy or it could be last year when my friends came to my city. I’m
not really sure.

● Are tea and coffee popular in your country?

- Yes, both tea and coffee are extremely popular in Vietnam. We have a rich
tea culture, and varieties like green tea and lotus tea are commonly enjoyed.
Additionally, Vietnam is known for its robusta coffee, and coffee shops are
prevalent in every corner, offering a vibrant coffee culture.

● Do people like tea or coffee nowadays?

- Absolutely, tea and coffee continue to be well-loved beverages in Vietnam.
While traditional tea remains a staple, there's also a growing trend of enjoying
specialty teas and innovative coffee blends. Coffee, in particular, has become
a social and cultural symbol, with people often gathering at coffee shops to
socialize and enjoy different coffee creations.

4, Fishing

● Is fishing popular in your country?

Yes, fishing is quite popular in Vietnam among certain groups of people. I
guess since we have many rivers, lakes and coastal areas, fishing can be
easily accessed by people who live nearby.

● Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?
- Of course, I did. As a beach lover, I spent every holiday in coastal cities and
enjoyed cruise trips to nearby islands. Last month, I visited Da Nang and went
to Cu Lao Cham island by canoe where I could see the sea water was crystal
clear, and I observed a lot of fish swarming around our boat.

● Do you like eating fish?

- Yes, absolutely. I always have a preference for fish and shrimps over chicken
or beef. I enjoy fresh fish when it’s cooked properly, and my mom is good at
cooking fish. These days, I have to cook for myself, and I love grilled salmon
since it’s easy to prepare and nutritious

● Why do some people like fishing?

- Fishing is a calming sport…well, it's a hobby really for most people. I often
see people fishing on the Red river in Hanoi. Usually it's men who enjoy
fishing. They sit on little chairs, with long fishing rods, and seem to sit there all
day hoping to get a bite from a fish. Often I think they do it just as a form of
relaxation, more than the desire to actually catch lots of fish.

5, Robot :
● Do you know something about robots?
- I have some basic knowledge about robots, but it's quite limited. Robots, as
far as I know, are machines that can perform tasks automatically. However,
I'm not very familiar with the latest advancements or specific applications of
robots in modern society. I believe they're becoming increasingly
sophisticated and may have significant impacts on our lives in the future.

● Do you like robots?

- Yes, I’m a technophile. You know, robots are the cutting-edge items that have
played an indispensable role in humans’ life. Robots are able to multitask
better than men.

● How do robots affect our lives?

- Robots have revolutionized our lives, from automating manufacturing
processes to aiding in daily tasks, making life more convenient. By robots, I
mean automated technology really. Intelligent technology is constantly
evolving and the impact it will have on our lives will become more significant
in the years to come, I'm sure.

● Did you like any films about robots when you were a child?
- During my childhood, I enjoyed movies like "Wall-E" and "Transformers" that
featured robots as central characters. In fact, there's now a lot of blockbuster
movies which feature intelligent machines, like Iron Man, come to think of it –
and I like them all!

● Do you use robots in daily life?

- Yes, I suppose I do. I sometimes use my mother's robot vacuum cleaner,
which goes around the room by itself and can identify corners and knows
when to turn around and so on – so, yes, I suppose I do use robots in daily life
in one way or another.

● Will you feel comfortable if you are in a car driven by a robot?

- Well, not until it is proven efficient and completely safe. If there aren't enough
tests conducted and if it's not mainstream yet, I won't take it. My life is so
precious to allow a robot as my driver to take me to different places.

6, Geography :
● Did you study Geography at school?
- Yes, I did study geography at school, and it used to be one of my favorite
subjects.We can never underestimate the value of Geography as it gives us
insights into our world’s landscapes, climates, and cultures and helps us
understand our planet better.
● Do you like geography?
- I do, actually. I find it quite interesting – especially physical geography. I’m
interested in things related to the natural environment and the planet. And I
am concerned about climate change and environmental issues facing us
today, so I find geography relevant as well as interesting.

● Are you good at reading maps?

- I’m skillful in reading the paper map. It’s because I’m awful at directions and
reading the map is really doing my head in. But I should say, the navigation
app in the smartphone is my savior. You know, it shows my starting point, the
route and even the arrival time, so it helps me to find the places everywhere I

● Do you think Geography is useful?

- Absolutely! Geography is incredibly useful in many ways. It is indispensable in
daily life. For instance, we all need some basic concepts of direction to
navigate through different places. It also plays a vital role in urban planning.
Moreover, learning geography opens one’s mind and helps us see a more
diversified planet.

7, Gifts

● What kinds of gifts do you usually like receiving?

- Well, I appreciate a wide range of gifts, but I particularly enjoy receiving
books, as I'm an avid reader. Additionally, thoughtful, handmade gifts hold a
special place in my heart because they show the giver's effort and personal

● Are you good at choosing gifts for other people?

- I'd like to think I'm quite skilled at selecting gifts for others. I make an effort to
consider the person's interests, hobbies, and preferences to find something
truly meaningful and tailored to their taste

● Are you good at choosing gifts for other people?

- I'd like to think I'm quite skilled at selecting gifts for others. I make an effort to
consider the person's interests, hobbies, and preferences to find something
truly meaningful and tailored to their taste.
● Have you ever given a person a gift you made yourself?
- Certainly, I've had the pleasure of creating and giving homemade gifts.One
memorable instance was when I made a handmade card with an original
watercolor painting on it, which I painted myself. My grandmother cherished it
for years, and it became a cherished keepsake.

● How do we choose gifts?

- Selecting gifts involves considering the recipient's preferences and the
occasion. People often think about what would bring joy and practicality to the
person. Personalized gifts or items that reflect cultural heritage are also
popular choices.

● What's the best gift you have ever received?

- The best gift I've received was a beautifully embroidered ao dai. It not only
represented our cultural heritage but also carried sentimental value, as my
grandmother spent a lot of time making it. The gift reflected her love and
connection to our traditions.

● Have you ever received a gift which you didn't like?

- Yes, I have received gifts that weren't exactly my preference. However, I
always appreciate the thought and effort behind the gesture. It's considered
impolite to show dissatisfaction with a gift, so I express gratitude regardless.

● How often do you buy gifts for other people?

- I try to buy gifts for special occasions like birthdays, holidays, or significant life
events. It's not just about the frequency but about making those moments
memorable. Showing appreciation through gift-giving is an important gesture.

8, Map

● Do you often use maps?

- Yes, I find myself using maps quite frequently, especially when I’m exploring
new places or trying to find specific addresses. Maps help me navigate with

● How often do you map on your phone?

- I use maps on my phone almost daily, especially when I have to go
somewhere new that I don’t know the direction. Whether it’s for finding
restaurants, getting to meetings, or simply avoiding traffic, maps on my phone
are incredibly useful and convenient.

● Are you good at using maps?

- I consider myself to be quite proficient at using maps. Over time, I've become
comfortable with map applications on my phone and can easily read and
follow directions. I rarely get lost when using maps.

● Are there any maps in your home?

- Yes, there are some maps in my home. I have a world map on my wall that I
use as a decorative piece, and I also have some local maps and tourist maps
from my previous travels that I keep as souvenirs.

● When was the first time you used a map?

- I vividly remember using a map for the first time when I was around 10 years
old. It was during a family road trip, and my parents handed me a map to
follow the route. It felt like a little adventure, trying to navigate and understand
the symbols and directions on the map.

● Do you prefer electronic or paper maps?

- While electronic maps are convenient and readily available on smartphones, I
still have a fondness for paper maps. There's a tactile satisfaction in unfolding
a map and visually tracing the route. However, in practical terms, I often use
electronic maps for real-time navigation due to their ease of use and

9, Running
● Do you like running?
- Yes, I really enjoy running. It's not only a great way to stay active and healthy
but also a wonderful way to clear my mind and relieve stress.

● Where do you run?

- I usually run in a nearby park. It's a peaceful and scenic place with well-
maintained paths that are perfect for running.

● Which places do you think are perfect for running?

- I think parks and open spaces are perfect for running. They offer a natural
environment, fresh air, and a pleasant atmosphere for a run. Besides, running
tracks or trails are also great options.
● Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy?
- Absolutely, running is an excellent way to stay healthy. It's a cardiovascular
exercise that improves heart health, strengthens muscles, and helps maintain
a healthy weight. Plus, it's accessible and can be done almost anywhere.

● Do you go running a lot?

- Yes, I try to go running regularly. I aim for at least three times a week to
maintain my fitness level and overall well-being.

● Where do you usually go running?

- As I mentioned earlier, I usually go running in the nearby park. It's convenient
and offers a pleasant environment for my runs.

● When was the last time you went running?

- The last time I went running was just yesterday. I like to go for a run in the
evening after work as it helps me unwind and recharge.

● What do you think of running as a sport?

- I think running is a fantastic sport. It's one of the most accessible sports that
people of all ages and fitness levels can participate in. It promotes a healthy
lifestyle, fosters discipline, and offers a sense of accomplishment when you
achieve your running goals.

● How often do you run?

- I try to incorporate running into my routine at least three times a week. It's not
only a great way to stay physically active but also serves as a mental break
from my daily responsibilities. Running in the morning helps me start the day
with energy and a clear mind.

● What do you think of running as a form of exercise?

- I believe running is an excellent form of exercise for various reasons. Firstly,
it's a cardiovascular activity that promotes heart health and helps maintain a
healthy weight. Additionally, it's a versatile exercise that doesn't require
expensive equipment, and you can do it almost anywhere.

10, Films :
● Do you like to watch films?
- Absolutely, I really enjoy watching films. It's a fantastic way to unwind and
immerse myself in different worlds. Whether it's for entertainment or to gain
insights into different cultures, I find movies to be a great form of escapism.

● What kind of movies do you like best?

- I have a diverse taste in movies, but I particularly enjoy dramas and historical
films. I appreciate storytelling that delves into the complexities of human
emotions and historical events. Vietnamese cinema has produced some
remarkable films in these genres that I find truly captivating.

● How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?

- I go to the cinema about once a month. While I enjoy the cinematic
experience, my schedule doesn't always permit frequent visits. However, I
make it a point to catch the latest releases in theaters when I can.

● What was the first film that you watched?

- The first film I watched was [tên phim], a classic Vietnamese movie. It left a
lasting impression on me, and I have fond memories of watching it with my
family. It sparked my interest in cinema and storytelling.

● Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?

- It depends on my mood. Sometimes I enjoy the solitary experience of
watching a movie alone, especially if it's a film I've been eagerly anticipating.
On other occasions, I love sharing the experience with friends, discussing the
plot and characters afterward.

● Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?

- I appreciate both foreign films and those made in Vietnam. Foreign films offer
diverse perspectives and storytelling styles, while Vietnamese films hold a
special place in my heart as they often portray our culture and history. It's a
balance, and I try to explore a mix of both.

● Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a child?

- Actually, I didn't usually go to the cinema when I was a child. My family didn't
have the financial means to afford regular trips to the cinema, so it was more
of a special treat on rare occasions. I remember a few times when we did go,
and those moments were quite memorable for me."
● Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?
- I don't go to the cinema with my friends as often as I used to, mainly because
of our busy schedules. However, we do plan occasional movie nights where
we catch up on the latest releases. It's a fun way to relax and spend time

● Do you still like the same kind of movie which you liked when you were a
- My taste in movies has evolved over the years, so I don't necessarily enjoy
the same kind of movies I liked as a child. Back then, I loved animated and
fantasy films, but now I tend to gravitate more towards dramas and thrillers.
However, I still have a soft spot for those classic animated movies that I grew
up with; they hold a special place in my heart.

● What genres of films do you like?

- I have a diverse taste in films; I enjoy genres like action, drama, and science
fiction. If I was to say which I really preferred, though, I would probably say
action movies that are based around spy stories, secret agent thrillers and
things like this – I prefer this genre more than the superhero genre, most of
the time. I find these films truly gripping.

● Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?
- Going to the cinema is an excellent way to spend quality time with friends,
discussing the movie afterward enhances the experience, especially if you go
for a meal and a few drinks and have time and the mood to chat about it. But
this is only really fun if it's a good film that you all enjoy.

11, Musical instrument

● Do you know how to play a musical instrument?
- Yes, I can play the piano. I started learning it when I was a child, and I still
play it occasionally for relaxation. I wouldn't say I was particularly good at the
piano, but I do enjoy playing from time to time. Come to think of it, I really
should get back into it properly and try to improve.

● Do you think students should learn to play musical instruments in school?

- Absolutely, learning musical instruments at school is very beneficial. It
nurtures creativity and discipline in students and can also be a lifelong skill. I
think that creative arts, performance arts and music are quite important for
children and adults, alike, and can really foster an innovative mindset and a
sensitive soul.

● Have you taken any classes on musical instruments in school?

- Yes, I received piano lessons in school, which helped me develop my musical
abilities. I also started to learn an instrument called the pi pa, but I was very
bad at it, and to be honest, I've never really liked that instrument, but I did
have a few lessons in school.

● Which musical instrument do you like?

- I like to explore all genres of music, but currently, I am learning how to play
the guitar, so most of the time, I like to listen to guitar songs and melodies.
Besides that, I also enjoy listening to piano music, especially when I need to
concentrate on my work.

● How easy would it be to learn to play a musical instrument without a teacher?

- Learning a musical instrument without a teacher can be challenging, but with
online resources and dedication, progress can certainly be made, though it
really requires a certain persistence and passion to learn properly from online
lessons and videos. I, personally, would prefer a real teacher.

12, Helping others :

● Do you usually help people around you?
- Yes, I do. I think I’m being a very helpful person and I’m always there to help
when someone around me needs it. In my country, people tend to view
helping others as a virtue.

● How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family and friends?
- There are ways to actually help people who need help around me. Like if I see
our neighbors struggling with a package, just offer to help them, or help to
take care of pets when they are not at home.

● Do your parents teach you how to help others?

- When I was young, my parents always taught me to be kind and helpful,
leading by example, such as watching neighbors’ homes while away, or even
just providing a listening ear when needed. Because of them, I learned how to
help others and appreciate the value of sharing as well.

● Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?
- Yes, they did help me a lot, like helping me fix my bike, helping me with my
math, cleaning up my mess etc., but my parents respect me enough to involve
me in the decision. They’ve been there every step of the way to steer my life
and career.

● What have you done to help the elderly?

- I seldom come in contact with the elderly,but l have taught my grandparents a range
of practical skills, including how to use technology such as smartphones, computers,
and social media. Since they are retired, I also taught them how to use apps for online
shopping and watching dramas.

13, Chatting

● Do you like chatting with friends?

- Yes, I like chatting with my friends. It's a great way to communicate and bond,
and I feel comfortable enough to talk about everything that’s going on in my

● What do you usually chat about with friends?

- Basically, we talk about anything we are interested in or anything that’s
concerning us. We share with each other what’s going on in our lives, talk
about our career plans, our family and sometimes share our opinions on
current social events.

● Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?
- I prefer chatting with just one friend at a time. I think that one-on-one
conversations are usually more personal and transparent. During these chats,
I’m able to focus entirely on what the other person is saying and connect with
them on a deeper level.

● Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?

- It depends. I prefer face-to-face communication with my friends because I
really enjoy spending time with them. However, for those who may not be
familiar, I’d rather communicate with them through social media because it’s
quite awkward while sitting opposite one another chatting.

● Do you argue with friends?

- I rarely argue with my friends. We are all very understanding and supportive
of each other. Whenever we have any disagreements or conflicts, we make it
a point to communicate and talk it out instead of arguing or giving each other
the cold shoulder.
14, Clothes

● What type of clothes do you like to wear?

- I just like to wear casual clothes because I want to feel relaxed and
comfortable. I’m not very fashionable. It’s not important to me to look trendy
and stylish all the time.

● What kind of clothes do people in your country usually wear?

- The majority of people in Vietnam tend to dress in a traditional way with a shirt
and a jean or a dress for women. However, as a result of globalization,
fashion trends have become more diverse these days.

● How important is fashion to you?

- I am not much worried about it actually. I prefer wearing simple yet
presentable clothes.

● What kind of clothes do you dislike?

- Well, I dislike wearing untidy and eccentric clothes. Examples would be
tearing or ripped jeans. I also avoid clothes with flashy colors or those that are
too stunning.

● What kind of clothes do people wear to work in your country?

- Those who work in the corporate wear either smart casual or business/formal
attire on a regular work day. Some employees such as teachers have
uniforms. Other workers are allowed to wear casual clothes to work.

● What kind of clothes do you never wear?

- I rarely wear very formal or extravagant clothing in my daily life. While I
appreciate the aesthetics of such outfits, they don't align with my usual
activities. I also tend to avoid overly bright or flashy colors, as I prefer a more
understated and comfortable style.

● What are the differences between men and women's preferences in color?
- In general, women in Vietnam often express a broader range of color
preferences, including pastels and bolder shades. Traditional ao dai for
women, for example, can be found in various vibrant colors. Men, on the other
hand, might lean towards more subdued tones like blues, browns, or grays in
their everyday wear. However, these preferences can vary widely based on
personal style and cultural influences.
- I think that depending on the area, there may be different options for relaxing
spots. Parks, cafés, and recreation centers could be more plentiful in urban
areas. Rural maybe have fewer option, however it provide people a scene of
peaceful and relaxation

- In my nation, people take part in a variety of leisure pursuits. Reading,

listening to music, taking part in outdoor activities, and visiting parks are
common practices. Cultural events, socializing with friends and family, and
engaging in hobbies are some activities that many people find relaxing.

- Yes, indeed. Exercise and outdoor sports are examples of physical activities
that are known to release endorphins, which are feel-good and calming
chemicals. It supports general physical wellness in addition to assisting with
stress relief. In my nation, a lot of individuals use physical activity as a way to

- Excessive screen time—whether from watching TV or using devices—might

make you temporarily relax, but it can also cause eye strain and interfere with
your sleep cycle. Maintaining a healthy balance and being aware of screen
time is crucial since too much time spent in front of a screen may be
detrimental to one's physical and mental health.

- It's not always necessary to spend a lot of money to unwind. While there are
certain hobbies that might be expensive, there are plenty of affordable ways
to chill out. You may enjoy parks, public areas, and easy recreational activities
without spending a lot of money. It's more important to discover peaceful and
joyful pursuits.

15, Transportation
● Will you use public transport more in the future?
- Absolutely. As public transportation options improve and become more
convenient, I am inclined to use them more in the future. It not only reduces
the environmental impact but also offers a more relaxed and cost-effective
way to commute, especially in urban areas with heavy traffic.
● Are there any transport problems in your city?
- Yes, one of the major transport problems in my city is traffic congestion. The
rapid increase in the number of vehicles on the road has led to frequent traffic
jams, especially during rush hours.

● What are the differences about transportation in your country between the
past and now?
- Transportation in Vietnam has undergone significant changes over the years.
In the past, bicycles were the primary mode of transport, but with economic
development, motorbikes and cars have become more common. This has led
to challenges like traffic congestion and pollution.

● Do you think people will drive more in the future?

- It's possible that people in Vietnam will continue to rely on motorized vehicles
like cars and motorbikes in the future. As the economy grows, more people
can afford private vehicles, which may contribute to increased traffic
congestion and pollution. However, there is also a growing awareness of
environmental issues, so some individuals may choose more eco-friendly
alternatives or explore public transport options.

16, Advertisements/commercials
● Do you like watching advertisements?
- I have a mixed feeling about watching advertisements. While some can be
entertaining and informative, others can be intrusive and repetitive. I
appreciate creative and well-made ads but often find myself skipping through

● Will you buy something because of an advertisement?

- Advertisements do influence my purchasing decisions to some extent,
especially when they highlight a product's features or offer promotions.
However, I also consider other factors like reviews and personal preferences
before making a purchase.

● How do you feel when you see pop-up ads on the internet?
- Pop-up ads on the internet can be annoying, disrupting the online experience.
I find them intrusive and often close them immediately to continue with what I
was doing.

● Do you often remember advertisements/commercials that you’ve seen?

- Yes, I do remember some advertisements, particularly those that are creative,
humorous, or emotionally resonant. Advertisements that stand out in terms of
storytelling or unique visuals tend to leave a lasting impression on me.

● What do you usually do when an advertisement/a commercial comes on TV or

the internet?
- When an advertisement comes on, I usually pay attention if it captures my
interest. If it doesn't, I might use the opportunity to take a short break or
engage in another activity. Online, I may skip ads, but if they are engaging, I'll
watch them through.

● Have you ever seen an advertisement/a commercial that you really didn’t like?
- Yes, there have been advertisements that I didn't like. This could be due to
various reasons, such as offensive content, misleading information, or an
overall lack of creativity. Advertisements that feel intrusive or overly repetitive
can also be off-putting.

17, Money / Spending money

● Do you spend a lot of money?
- I am mindful of my spending and try to maintain a balanced approach. While I
don't indulge in unnecessary expenses, I believe in spending on experiences
and items that bring value to my life.

● What do you usually spend money for?

- I typically spend money on essential needs like food, transportation, and
housing. Additionally, I allocate a portion for leisure activities, socializing, and
occasionally treating myself to things that bring joy and relaxation.

● Do you use a credit card?

- Yes, I do use a credit card for certain transactions. It offers convenience and
can be useful in emergencies. However, I am cautious about managing credit
responsibly to avoid unnecessary debts.

● How do Vietnamese people generally make payments?

- In Vietnam, a variety of payment methods are common. While cash is widely
used, digital payment methods, such as mobile wallets and bank transfers,
have gained popularity, especially in urban areas. Many people also use
credit and debit cards for convenience.

● Do you think you will use cash more in the future?

- I believe that the use of cash might decrease in the future as digital payment
methods become more prevalent. However, I will likely continue to use cash
for smaller transactions and in situations where it is the preferred or only

● What do you think of e-payment?

- I think e-payment is a convenient and efficient way to conduct transactions. It
offers speed and ease, reducing the need for physical cash. However, it's
important to ensure the security of online transactions to prevent any potential

● Do you like spending money or saving money?

- I appreciate both spending and saving money, but I prioritize finding a balance
between the two. Spending on experiences and necessities brings joy, while
saving ensures financial stability and the ability to achieve long-term goals.

18, Losing things :

● Do you often lose things?
- I try to be organized, but occasionally, like everyone, I do misplace things. It's
not a frequent occurrence, but when it happens, I make an effort to retrace my
steps and find the lost item.

● What can we do to avoid losing things?

- To avoid losing things, staying organized is key. I use designated spaces for
items, create checklists, and make a conscious effort to put things back in
their place. Additionally, using technology like phone apps for tracking or
setting reminders can be helpful.

● Why do some people tend to lose things more often than others?
- Different people have varying levels of organizational skills and attention to
detail. Those who are naturally more organized tend to lose things less
frequently. Distractions, a busy lifestyle, or forgetfulness can contribute to
others misplacing items more often.
● What will you do if you find something lost by others?
- If I find something lost by others, I believe in the principle of doing unto others
as I would like them to do unto me. I would try to locate the owner or hand the
item over to a responsible authority if possible. It's important to help others
recover their lost belongings.

19, Singing
● Do you like singing?
- Yes, I do enjoy singing. It's one of my favorite hobbies. I find that singing
allows me to express myself and relieve stress. Whether I'm singing along to
my favorite songs, it always brings a sense of joy to me. While I may not have
a professional singing voice, I appreciate the therapeutic and enjoyable
aspects of singing.

● Have you ever learnt how to sing?

- No, not really. To be honest, I’m not very good at singing – I think I might be
tone deaf, even. In school plays and performances I was never chosen to be
one of the leading singers, and in KTV with friends, I usually try to keep a low
profile and mouth the words – I really can’t sing well.

● If you sing, who would you sing in front of?

- I wouldn’t want to sing for anyone – I’d be way too embarrassed and self-
conscious. As I said, I’m a terrible singer! I would find it uncomfortable, so no,
I would not sing for, or in front of anyone, if I could avoid it.

● Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?

- I understand that singing, if you’re good enough at it, can make people feel
very happy. The person singing as well as those listening. Singing is a great
form of musical expression, and there’s nothing more lovely than the human
voice. So, yes, it can bring happiness for sure.

● Do you have any singing classes at school?

- In Vietnam, singing is often part of the school curriculum, especially in primary
and secondary education. Students may have music classes that include
singing as a component. Additionally, there are often extracurricular activities,
like school choirs, that further encourage singing.
● Do you think there are many Vietnamese that can sing?/ Do many people in
Vietnam know how to sing?
- Yes, singing holds a special place in Vietnamese culture, and many people
here have a natural affinity for it. Karaoke is a popular pastime, and you'll find
that many Vietnamese, regardless of age, enjoy singing. It's a social activity
that brings people together during celebrations and gatherings.

● Does your school teach you to sing?

- Yes, singing is often part of the music curriculum in Vietnamese schools.
Students have music classes where they learn about different aspects of
music, including singing. Schools may also organize events or performances
where students get the opportunity to showcase their singing abilities.

● Did you enjoy singing when you were younger?

- Absolutely! Singing has been a source of joy for me since childhood. I
remember participating in school choir activities and singing along to my
favorite tunes at home. It was a carefree and enjoyable way to express
myself, even if it was just for fun.

20. Sunglasses
● Do you often wear sunglasses?
- I occasionally wear sunglasses, especially on bright sunny days, to protect my
eyes from the harsh sunlight. Usually this is in late spring and summer. The
sun is very strong in my region.

● Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?

- I don't own expensive ones; functionality is more important to me than the
brand. It’s possible to find quite nice, decent-quality sunglasses without
paying a fortune for the fancy brands.
● Do you give sunglasses as a gift?
- Sometimes I give sunglasses as a gift, especially if I find a stylish and
affordable pair that I think someone would like. But as a general rule, I don’t
usually give such accessories as gifts, no.

● Why do you wear sunglasses?

- I wear sunglasses because they really protect my eyes from the sun. I
suppose I also wear them if I think they are cool or fashionable.

21, Cake and desserts :

● Do you like cakes or desserts?
- Yes, I absolutely love cakes and desserts. In Vietnamese culture, we have a
rich variety of sweet treats that are not only delicious but also hold cultural
significance. Whether it's traditional Vietnamese desserts or international
cakes, I enjoy exploring different flavors and textures.

● Why do some people not like eating sweet food?

- Some people may not enjoy sweet foods due to personal preferences or
health reasons. In Vietnamese cuisine, we have a balance of flavors in our
dishes, and some individuals may prefer savory or less sweet options.
Additionally, health-conscious individuals may limit their intake of sugary
foods to maintain a balanced diet.

● Did you like eating cakes when you were young?

- Absolutely! When I was young, cakes were a special treat, especially during
celebrations and birthdays. My family often prepared traditional Vietnamese
sweets, and I have fond memories of enjoying them with my siblings and
friends. As I've grown older, my appreciation for both traditional and
international cakes has continued to grow.

● Do you know how to bake a cake?

- Yes, I do know how to bake a cake. Baking is a popular hobby in Vietnam,
and many people, including myself, enjoy trying out different recipes. I find it a
creative and rewarding process. Whether it's making traditional Vietnamese
cakes or experimenting with new flavors, baking allows me to express my
culinary interests.

● Are there any traditional Vietnamese desserts?

- Vietnam has a rich tradition of delightful desserts. One of the popular
traditional desserts is "Chè," a sweet soup made with various ingredients such
as beans, glutinous rice, and coconut milk. Another favorite is "Bánh chưng,"
a sticky rice cake often enjoyed during the Lunar New Year. These desserts
not only satisfy our sweet cravings but also reflect the cultural diversity of
Vietnamese cuisine.

● Did you enjoy cakes and sweets when you were a child? (Why/ Why not?)
- Yes, I truly enjoyed cakes and sweets during my childhood. In Vietnam, we
have a vibrant culture of celebrating with food, and sweet treats are an
integral part of festive occasions and family gatherings. Whether it was
birthdays, holidays, or special family events, the presence of delicious cakes
and sweets always made these moments more joyful and memorable.
● Have you ever made a cake yourself? (Why/Why not?)
- Yes, I have made cakes on several occasions. In Vietnamese culture, there is
a strong emphasis on home-cooked meals and desserts. Baking cakes at
home allows me to infuse my personal touch into the process, experiment
with traditional and modern flavors, and share the joy of homemade treats
with family and friends. It's not only a creative endeavor but also a way to
preserve our culinary traditions.

● On what occasions do people in your culture eat special cakes or other sweet
food? (Why?)
- In Vietnamese culture, special cakes and sweet foods are often enjoyed
during celebrations and significant events. For example, during the Lunar New
Year (Tet), families prepare and share traditional sweet treats like "Bánh
chưng" and various types of "Chè." These desserts symbolize good luck and
prosperity, making them an essential part of our cultural festivities.

● Do you enjoy eating something sweet at the end of a meal? (Why/Why not?)
- Yes, I do enjoy eating something sweet at the end of a meal. In Vietnamese
cuisine, a balanced combination of flavors is highly valued, and a sweet
ending to a meal is customary. It provides a delightful conclusion to the dining
experience and, in a way, signals the completion of the meal. Whether it's a
piece of fruit or a traditional sweet dessert, it adds a satisfying and comforting
touch to the overall culinary experience

22, Social media :

● Do you like social media?
- Yes, I most certainly see and enjoy the benefits of social media. Although I
can also see the downsides of it too – there's a lot of gossip, misinformation
and nonsense on social media, as well as informative discussion and
communication. So, like most things, it's a double-edged sword. But I like it,
yes – it's predominantly great for communicating with work, friends and family.

● Do you think your friends spend too much time on social media?
- YES! Some are really obsessed with social media – constantly posting on
their weibo pictures of their dinner, or parties, or days out. It's a bit excessive
to be honest. I think a lot of my friends are a bit over the top about it. I am not
so passionate about such things, personally. I use it mainly for practical

● Do you want to work in a social media company?

- No, I don't. Today there are too many rules and regulations governing social
media and it's a minefield. I'd prefer to work in a more relaxing field that is not
so connected to public information sharing, gossip and stuff like this. I am not
a very public-facing kind of person really!

● When did you start to use social media?

- I started using social media when I was in high school, which was around
[mention the approximate age or year]. At that time, social media platforms
were becoming increasingly popular, and many of my friends were joining. It
was a way for us to stay connected and share our experiences, especially as
we were transitioning to different schools and pursuing various interests.

● Do you think you spend too much time on social media?

- I am mindful of the time I spend on social media. While it's a great way to stay
connected with friends and be informed, I make a conscious effort not to let it
consume too much of my time. I believe in finding a balance, and I use social
media mainly for staying in touch with friends, following interesting content,
and staying updated on current events.

● What do people do on social media?

- People engage in various activities on social media. They share their daily
lives through photos and updates, connect with friends and family, and
participate in discussions on a wide range of topics. Social media is also a
platform for entertainment, news consumption, and discovering new trends. In
the Vietnamese context, it's common to see people sharing traditional aspects
of our culture, such as festivals, food, and customs.

● Do your friends use social media?

- Yes, the majority of my friends use social media. It has become a common
way for us to stay connected, especially when our lives are busy with different
commitments. We share updates, plan events, and even support each other
through social media. It has become an integral part of our social interactions
and helps us bridge the gap, especially when we are physically apart due to
various reasons.

23, Memory :
● What do you have to remember to do every day?
- I make it a point to remember daily tasks like taking vitamins, checking emails,
and watering plants. These are my main duties, especially now I am not
working or studying much.
● Is it easy for you to forget to do these things?
- To assist my memory, I use reminders on my phone and keep a to-do list. I’m
fairly organized and I am good at keeping track of the things I need to
remember to do.

● Are you good at memorizing things?

- Yes. I think I am pretty good at committing things to memory. I have always
had a strong memory, and if I look at something like a vocabulary, word, or
sentence, and say it to myself out loud, it is likely, I will remember it without
too much effort. I believe I have a natural ability to memorise things quite

● How do you help yourself to remember things?

- It's easy to forget things, so having these tools helps me stay organized and
on top of my responsibilities. I am a very good planner, so I don’t have many
issues with this, but some of my friends heavily rely on such calendar
reminders on their phones and organization tools.

● Have you ever forgotten something that was important?

- I’ve forgotten a few things, yes. I have a habit of getting into long
conversations with friends when we are out at a restaurant or somewhere,
then leaving my wallet or cellphone on the table. I’ve done this a few times –
and once even lost it – as I went back and it was gone!

24, Video games :

● Do you play video games?
- Yes, I do enjoy playing video games. It's a hobby of mine that I find both
entertaining and sometimes even intellectually stimulating. I appreciate the
immersive experiences that certain video games offer, and they serve as a
great way to unwind and relax after a busy day.

● What kinds of video games do you like to play?

- I enjoy a variety of video games, gravitating towards those with engaging
storylines or strategic gameplay.

● Is it good for young people to play video games?

- In moderation, I believe playing video games can have both positive and
negative effects on young people. On the positive side, certain video games
can enhance cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and even teamwork if
played in a social setting. However, it's crucial for young people to strike a
balance and not let excessive gaming interfere with other important aspects of
life, such as academics, physical activity, and social interactions.

● Do you often watch others play video games?

- Yes, I do occasionally watch others play video games, especially when they
are playing a game I find interesting or challenging. It can be a social activity,
and I often learn new strategies or techniques by observing others. There's
also a sense of community in watching online gaming content, where people
share their experiences and create a virtual space for discussions about
different games.

25, Colors:
● What is your favorite color?
- My favorite color is blue. I find it calming and versatile. Blue reminds me of the
clear skies and beautiful oceans, creating a sense of tranquility. Whether it's
in clothing or home decor, I'm naturally drawn to various shades of blue

● Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your culture?
- In Vietnamese culture, red is a color with special significance. It symbolizes
good luck, prosperity, and joy. During traditional celebrations like Tet (Lunar
New Year), you'll see an abundance of red decorations, clothing, and even
envelopes containing lucky money.

● Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colour?

- Yes, I often incorporate shades of blue into my wardrobe. Whether it's a
casual outfit or a more formal attire, you'll likely find some element of blue in
my clothing choices. It's a color that resonates with me and suits various

● What is your preferred car colour for purchase?

- If I were to purchase a car, I would likely choose a silver or gray color. These
colors are not only sleek and modern but also practical in terms of
maintenance, especially considering the climate in Vietnam. Lighter colors
also tend to reflect sunlight, helping to keep the car cooler.

● What color of clothes do you not like to wear?

- I'm not particularly fond of wearing overly bright or neon colors. While they
can be vibrant and eye-catching, I prefer more subtle and earthy tones. Neon
colors can sometimes feel too bold for my personal style.

● Do you think different types of people like different colors?

- Yes, I believe people's color preferences can often be influenced by their
personalities, cultural backgrounds, and even life experiences. Some may be
drawn to vibrant colors, reflecting an outgoing personality, while others may
prefer neutral tones, expressing a more understated style. Cultural
associations and personal experiences play a significant role in shaping
individual color preferences.

26, News

● Which famous person is often reported in the news?

- In the media, figures like Elon Musk are frequently in the spotlight due to their
innovative ventures and contributions to technology. Their activities, whether
in business or personal life, often make headlines

● Do you like reading news?

- I'm an avid reader of the news. Staying informed about current events not only
broadens my perspective but also allows me to engage in meaningful
conversations about the world around us.

● Do you think news reports are always correct?

- Even while news stories aim for truth, biases or mistakes can occasionally
occur. Cross-referencing data from several sources is critical to developing a
more thorough and trustworthy understanding.

● Do you have a favorite celebrity?

- Yes, I have a favorite Vietnamese celebrity, and that would be My Tam and
Ha Anh Tuan. Their talent, charisma, and contributions to various fields,
whether in entertainment or social causes, make them someone I admire.

● Do famous people often appear in the news?

- Yes, famous people frequently appear in the news. Their activities,
achievements, and sometimes personal lives are of interest to the public. In
Vietnam, news outlets often cover the latest happenings in the lives of popular
figures, providing updates on their careers and projects.
● Do you like to follow celebrities in the news?
- I do follow news about celebrities to some extent. While it's interesting to learn
about their professional accomplishments and contributions, I also believe in
maintaining a balanced perspective and not overly focusing on the personal
aspects of their lives.

● Do you believe that the news about famous people in the media is true?
- I have a keen eye when it comes to celebrity news. Despite their best efforts,
reliable news sources might contain errors or sensationalism. Prior to
adopting ideas or beliefs on celebrities in the media, it is essential to take into
account a variety of sources and critically assess the material.

27, Crowded place :

● Is the city where you live crowded?
- Indeed, the city where I reside is quite bustling. It's a vibrant metropolis with a
significant population density, offering a myriad of opportunities and

● Is there a crowded place near where you live?

- Yes, there's a bustling market just a short walk from my home. It's always
teeming with people, creating a lively atmosphere where you can experience
the local culture and diverse offerings.

● Do you like crowded places?

- I have a bit of a mixed feeling about crowded places. On one hand, I
appreciate the energy and excitement they bring, especially in social events.
On the other hand, I also value quieter, more serene environments for

● When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

- I recently found myself in a bustling place during a local festival, enjoying the
lively atmosphere and diverse activities. It was a temple fair – and they are
always more excited when they’re busy.

28, Feeling bored :

● Do you often feel bored?
- I rarely feel bored, actually. I’m always quite busy – I’ve got my studies,
sporting activities and a fairly busy social calendar. I’m a very active person
and I never seem to have time for all the things I want to do – so I’ve certainly
have no time to get bored.

● What kinds of things would make you feel bored?/ What sort of things do you
find most boring now? (Why/Why not?)
- When I feel bored it’s usually when I’m commuting and stuck in traffic. I find
traveling by car quite frustrating in the big city, and it really affects my mood
when there are big traffic jams. So, getting stuck in traffic or moving really
slowly in traffic makes me feel both frustrated and bored.

● What would you do if you feel bored?

- If I feel bored I usually get quite annoyed, and that makes me want to talk to
friends to get things off my chest. So, usually I will message my friends or give
them a call and talk about my feelings, ask them about their day, gossip about
daily life… things like this. This kind of thing usually relieves my boredom and
frustration temporarily.

● Do you think childhood is boring or adulthood is boring?

- I believe both childhood and adulthood have their share of interesting and
mundane moments. Childhood might seem simpler, but adulthood offers
diverse experiences and responsibilities. Boredom is subjective, varying from
person to person

● Did you ever find school boring when you were a child? (Why/Why not?)
- There were moments in school when I found certain subjects or lessons less
interesting. However, overall, I enjoyed the social aspects of school,
participating in extracurricular activities, and building friendships. The diversity
of experiences in school helped balance out any moments of boredom.

● What do you do to stop yourself feeling bored? (Why/Why not?)

- To prevent boredom, I actively seek out new experiences. I engage in
activities that align with my interests, try to learn something new regularly, and
maintain a social circle that encourages shared activities. By staying proactive
in finding stimulating things to do, I can usually ward off feelings of boredom.
Vào tiết tự học tiết 7 hôm qua con có sang lớp 12A3 ngồi lại dự thính tiết Tâm lý học, con
xin lỗi cô vì chưa có xin phép và có sự đồng ý của cô đã chuyển sang phòng khác. Con hứa
sẽ không tái phạm lại lần nữa và sẽ luôn xin phép cô trước khi muốn đổi phòng tự học ạ.
Con sẽ rút kinh nghiệm và sẽ không tái phạm ạ, con mong cô cho con cơ hội để sửa sai ạ

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