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6. How many apples are on the table?
1. My mother is...
a. girl
b. women
c. man

2. This is my parents. a. Five apples

b. Four apples
c. One apples

7. How many oranges do you buy?

Mr. Rudi is my...

a. brother a. Six oranges
b. sister b. five oranges
c. father c. One orange

3. My name is Ahmad. 8. What is this? This is an...

a. Banana
Putri is my... b. Apple
c. Orange
a. brother
b. father 9. What it is? This is...
c. sister

4. My Mother is woman. …. is cooking in

the kitchen.

a. Strawberry
b. Apple
c. Mango
a. She
b. He 10. What it is? This is ...
c. You

5. Anak perempuan in English is...

a. girl
b. boy
c. women
a. Water melon
b. Grape
c. Orange

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