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Brithalyn Joy Yap So




After watching the film "The Wolf of Wall Street," directed by Martin Scorsese, I have
come to realize many things. One of the lessons I learned from this film is the
importance of managing money in one's life. I have seen that people who put a lot of
money in a stock that they do not know about are cheated by Jordan. I feel that before
investing in a business or stock market, one has to be careful to do their own research
and not fully rely their money on others so that they won't get scammed.

The financial fraud shown in the movie includes "pumping and dumping" schemes,
which were common in the financial markets until a few years ago. The plan involves
raising the price of penny stocks or pink sheets to higher levels and then selling them at
those prices to crash the market and make a big profit.

Even though the way Jordan deceived or persuaded his clients to invest was not exactly
illegal, it was really immoral and violated many business principles. Although Jordan
was a very charismatic leader and one who was able to articulate a clear vision for the
future of his organization and to encourage his employees to buy into it, his business
practices violated many business ethics. The fact that Jordan is running an illegal
business to make money is considered utilitarianism because he is doing something
wrong for his own benefits. I believe that if Jordan had not chosen a criminal career and
doing illegal activities, he would have been a successful businessman.

As we can see in the film, he was a man of remarkable confidence and marketing skills,
as he was able to convince not only his clients but also his employees to trust him. He
had a clear goal when it came to business, and he also found his niche, which made it
easy for him to devise strategies to work for his target audience. He also did well in
training and setting up a loyal team, which is crucial to achieving business success.

Sadly, although Jordan had all these remarkable business skills that set him apart from
the competition, due to his greed and power struggles, this led him on a criminal path,
and thus to his downfall. In conclusion, I learned the importance of money management
and confidence, as well as good marketing skills to attract customers. It is also
important to follow the rules and guidelines for business conduct in order to ensure
long-term success in business.

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