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SAP Adobe Forms for ABAP Developers

Instructor-Led Paid Online Training

WhatsApp: +1-646-727-9273

Day 5 – Form Layout Designing – Part 2

• Patterns in Adobe Forms

• Amount and Date fields handling on Form Output

• Floating Fields

• Tables in Adobe Forms

❑ Table from Library
❑ Sub form as Table

• Practical examples
Patterns in Adobe Forms

• Patterns are used to control how field values are processed at run time.

• Example : Tax Identification Number on German Tax Statement

Tax Identification No. : 911621003927
Printed on Form as:

• Different types of Patterns can be used in Adobe Forms:

➢ DISPLAY Pattern : describes how data will be displayed in the form

Applicable for Interactive Adobe
➢ EDIT Pattern : describes the syntax for entering data into a date/time field, numeric field, text field, or password field at run time.
➢ VALIDATION Pattern : used to validate user input at run time.
➢ DATA Pattern : describes the syntax of bound or saved data.
Date/Time Patterns:

• Library Object must be “Date/Time Field” and Data Format should be appropriate

Date Description Formatted value

symbol (01.12.2020)
D 1 or 2 digit (1-31) day of the month 1
DD Zero-padded 2 digit (01-31) day of 01
the month
J 1, 2, or 3 digit (1-366) day of the 1
JJJ Zero-padded, three-digit (001-366) 001
day of the year
M One- or two-digit (1-12) month of 1
the year
MM Zero-padded, two-digit (01-12) 01
month of the year
MMM Abbreviated month name Jan
MMMM Full month name January
How to use Pattern in Designer:

• Select a Date/Time Field from Library on the Design View

• Go to Object palette->Field and select “Display Pattern”

• Either select appropriate standard patterns or enter custom pattern using symbols

• Let’s suppose formatted date should be displayed as 01.12.2020 so pattern would be : DD.MM.YYYY
List of Numeric Symbols for Patterns:

Numeric symbol Description Example

Display Pattern: zzz,zz9.999

Single digit or the zero digit if the input is empty. When

9 following the decimal radix, indicates the exact number of Input Value: 123456.1236 or 1234
digits as contained in the data value.

Formatted Value: “123,456.124” or “1,234.000”

Display Pattern: $zzz9

Single digit or no output if the input is the leading zero digit,

z Input Value: 123
or no output if the input is empty

Formatted Value: “$123”

Display Pattern: $ZZZ9

Single digit or a space if the input is the leading zero digit, or

Z Input Value: 123
a space if the input is empty

Formatted Value: “$ 123”

Display Pattern: $szzz9

Minus sign (-) if the number is negative (when the number is

s Input Value: 123 or -123
positive, no symbol is required)

Formatted Value: “$123” or “$-123”

Display Pattern: $Szzz9

Minus sign (-) if the number is negative, or a space if the

S Input Value: 123 or -123
number is positive

Formatted Value: “$ 123” or “$-123”

List of Numeric Symbols for Patterns (Continued):

Numeric symbol Description Example

Exponential symbol (E+3 means exponent value is 3 and E-2

Display Pattern: 99.999E
means exponent value is -2).
The exponential symbol (E) may be used after a 9, z, or Z
Input Value: 12345 or 0.12345
digit only.

Display Pattern: $zzz9

Currency symbol, whichever one corresponds to the object’s
current Locale setting
Input Value: 123

Display Pattern: zzz9.99

Decimal radix, whichever one corresponds to the object’s

. Input Value: 123.45
current Locale setting

Formatted Value for a German (Germany) locale: “123,45”

Display Pattern: zzz9v99

Implied decimal radix, whichever one corresponds to the

v object’s current Locale setting (the decimal radix is stripped Input Value: 123.45
out before the output is written)

Formatted Value: “12345”

Grouping character, whichever one corresponds to the object’s

, Display Pattern: z,zz9.99
current Locale setting

Display Pattern: z9.99%

Percentage symbol, whichever one corresponds to the object’s

% Input Value: 0.123
current Locale setting

Formatted Value: “12.30%”

List of Date/Time Symbols for Patterns:

Formatted value for English (USA) locale where the locale-sensitive input value is
Date symbol Description
05/12/20 (which is December 1, 2020)

D 1 or 2 digit (1-31) day of the month 5

DD Zero-padded 2 digit (01-31) day of the month 05

J 1, 2, or 3 digit (1-366) day of the year 340

JJJ Zero-padded, three-digit (001-366) day of the year 340

M One- or two-digit (1-12) month of the year 12

MM Zero-padded, two-digit (01-12) month of the year 12

MMM Abbreviated month name Dec

MMMM Full month name December

E One-digit (1-7) day of the week, where (1=Sunday) 7 (because December 5, 2020 is a Saturday)

EEE Abbreviated weekday name Sat (because December 5, 2020 is a Saturday)

EEEE Full weekday name Saturday (because December 5, 2020 is a Saturday)

Two-digit year, where numbers less than 30 are considered to fall after the
YY year 2000 and numbers 30 and higher are considered to occur before 2000. 20
For example, 00=2000, 29=2029, 30=1930, and 99=1999

YYYY Four-digit year 2020

G Era name (BC or AD) AD

One-digit (0-5) week of the month, where week 1 is the earliest set of four
w 1
contiguous days ending on a Saturday
Two-digit (01-53) ISO-8601 week of the year, where week 1 is the week
WW 49
containing January 4
Tables from Library Objects:

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 Header 4 Header Row

1 2 3 4 Body Row
Footer 1 Footer2 Footer 3 Footer 4 Footer Row

• When we want content of the table should be overflowed to subsequent pages, Make sure that Table property to allow page breaks within the content is checked.

• When Form is created , Detail page content is “positioned” by-default and when a Table is added, “Allow Page Break” option will not be set automatically. Therefore,
It’s recommended to use “Flowed” content type for Detail Page.
Tables from Library Objects (Continued):

• Table header row is created with name “OverflowLeader” with type “Header Row”
• When Table header is required to be repeated on every page( in case of overflow of content ), following options are available:

• Table Footer row is not generated by default when using Data view option. For that, Go To DATA ( Body Row ) in Hierarchy View, Right Click and create a new row just
below. After that, go to ‘Row’ property and select the type as ‘Footer Row’:
Subforms as Table:

• Subforms can also be used as Table to provide additional flexibility which is not provided/possible using Standard Table Library object.

• There are 2 ways to create Subforms to behave as table:

• Create Table header, Body Row and each field manually, arrange these into required alignment and bind the table data from Form Context.
• Drag and Drop the Table Data node from Data view and use it as reference to create table components.

• When creating subforms for table components, Change the sub form Object accessibility with appropriate role

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