Optimal Integration of Hybrid Pumped Storage Hydropower Toward

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Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

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Optimal integration of hybrid pumped storage hydropower toward

energy transition
Helena M. Ramos , Jeremy E. Sintong , Alban Kuriqi *
CERIS, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, 1649-004, Lisbon, Portugal


Keywords: This study explores the advantages of combining variable renewable energy sources like solar and wind with a
Clean energy pumped storage hydroelectric (PSH) system for grid integration. The hybrid modeling systems considered in this
Energy crisis study consist of four distinct schemes and seasons to ensure their adaptability to real-world conditions. Each
Energy policy
scheme is defined by specific rules and algorithms, including those without PSH, with PSH, with PSH adjust­
Energy transition
Renewable energy
ments, and with an optimized schedule for the PSH storage system. The last scheme of daily simulation with an
optimization solver is used to optimize the integration of PSH with a hybrid power system that uses solar and
wind energy as primary renewable sources by minimizing the daily operating costs. The optimal value is derived
from the minimized operating costs and incoming and outgoing energy accumulation. The dispatch system in­
cludes load demand satisfaction considering the intermittent nature of solar and wind sources and demand
fluctuations presented with a hybrid system of PV solar, wind turbines, PSH, and other power generators as
backup. Limitations of the study include considering various factors influencing the integration of a PSH unit,
such as different ecological and geographical conditions, distinct atmospheric data, and varying load and de­
mand patterns, which may result in different outcomes in different situations. The results show that using the
developed model to optimally schedule the integration of PSH with renewables and the hybrid system in each
season provides significant cost savings and CO₂ emissions reductions while meeting the same load patterns.
Namely, it can be inferred from the tested schemes that PSH plays a crucial role in facilitating the transition to
sustainable energy sources. This is evident through project financing results, which indicate a favorable positive
Net Present Value (NPV) and a relatively short payback period of 5 years. Furthermore, Scheme 4 demonstrates
the potential for a substantial 84 % reduction in CO₂ emissions during the summer season, and daily costs can be
significantly lowered by over 90 % across all seasons. Overall, two simplified net present value and payback
period estimation models have shown feasible project financing for a simulation period of 25 years with an
interest rate of 10 % for the combined PSH and hybrid system.

1. Introduction efficient technology for energy storage systems and requirements [3].
Solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind turbines (WT) should be integrated
Energy storage systems allow the storage of surplus energy during with energy storage systems to enable a clean energy transition and use
periods of high generation and low demand and deliver energy to the energy from renewable sources more efficiently [4,5]. The global
power grid during periods of high demand when energy production is installed PSH capacity was 158 GW at the end of 2019 [6]. PSH is a
insufficient to meet demand [1]. The world does not currently have widely used and proven energy storage technology, accounting for 93 %
sufficient energy storage—and the storage that does exist is almost of the world’s energy storage capacity. There are 130 pumped storage
exclusively pumped hydroelectric plants operating in tandem with hy­ power plants in 42 countries worldwide and more than 40 existing
droelectric plants on rivers. Therefore, we need more energy storage to plants in the United States [3]. The main reasons for the massive
support solar and wind power [2]. Grid-connected batteries are suitable development of PSH are the growing demand for fluctuating renewable
for short-term storage of minutes to hours. However, pumped storage is energy (VRE) storage, the increasing demand for peak power, and the
excellent for overnight and longer-term storage [1]. PSH is the most modernization of plants to improve efficiency [7].

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: helena.ramos@tecnico.ulisboa.pt (H.M. Ramos), jeremysilalahi.je@gmail.com (J.E. Sintong), alban.kuriqi@tecnico.ulisboa.pt (A. Kuriqi).

Received 6 September 2023; Received in revised form 3 November 2023; Accepted 23 November 2023
Available online 30 November 2023
0960-1481/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Despite some limitations and low market mechanisms, PSH com­ based on the value of the initial end-of-life investment, including the cost
pensations in the grid include primary frequency response and voltage of replacement at the end of each lifetime. Not only because batteries have
control [8]. However, the future of PSH will depend on this advanced limited capacity to store large amounts of renewable energy
integration in the grid, which creates new revenue streams. Energy cost-effectively but also because they wear out due to limited cycling and
storage is essential for energy arbitrage and ancillary services and re­ need to be replaced regularly, typically every 5–15 years [1]. In contrast,
quires flexible control [9]. The energy system charges storage when PSH systems have between 50 and 100 years of life.
energy is abundant and cheap and returns or discharges it when energy In a power system, it is always essential that production is at least
supply is scarce and expensive compared to demand. Conversely, the equal to or higher than demand. According to Ref. [16], about 86 % of
auxiliary services usually refer to the operating reserves of active power. electricity will come from renewable sources by 2050. The 60 % would
The importance of energy storage is a reality. It is also accelerating as come from solar and wind, with an installed capacity of over 6000 GW
more and more countries have committed to using renewable energy as a (wind) and 8500 GW (solar). This considerable increase in intermittent
major component of their stimulus programs to achieve net zero emissions renewables will upset the global power grid planning and operations
[10]. In 2020, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that context. Electric supply and demand must be balanced through reliable
energy production contributes to more than two-thirds of global green­ sources and low-carbon alternatives [22].
house gas emissions [11]. Therefore, transitioning to green and clean en­ Nowadays, hydropower is the primary producer of renewable elec­
ergy is fundamental to achieving net zero by 2050. Globally installed solar tricity. In total, the installed capacity of hydropower has reached 1330
and wind power capacity has increased from about 1 GW of solar PV and GW (i.e., over 17 % of the total global electricity generation), producing
17 GW of wind power in 2000 to about 650 GW each, followed by solid a record 4370 TWh of clean electricity in 2020 [23]. To keep the tem­
government subsidies [12]. However, according to the [13], more than perature rise below 2 ◦ C, an additional 850 GW of hydropower capacity
250 TWh of intermittent renewable electricity was curtailed in 2020, is needed by 2050, including pumped storage [16]. To limit temperature
almost equal to Spain’s annual electricity demand. Had this wasted clean rise to no more than 1.5 ◦ C, even more hydropower capacity must be
energy production been stored for later use, about 180 million tons (MT) of added, which is considered technically feasible, cost-effective, and so­
CO2 emissions could have been avoided [14]. Minimizing curtailment and cially acceptable. In this scenario, renewables generate 88 % of total
wasted energy also improves renewables’ utilization and capacity factor, electricity; wind and solar have a share of 68 %, and the contribution of
which is expected to yield a higher return on investment. hydropower is about 10 %. With a total renewable capacity of 26,600
A key point for electricity storage that supports its economic perspec­ GW, hydropower would have at least 2660 GW installed in 2050 [13].
tive is the ability to derive multiple value streams by enabling a range of According to the IEA’s net-zero scenario [13], total hydropower ca­
services with the proper storage system application [15]. This will improve pacity would double by 2050, adding at least 1300 GW. This model
project returns and allow for the stacking of revenue streams. Changes are shows the importance of combining the holistic hydropower energy
needed in some places, including changes in project schedule structure and system with pumped storage in a broader mix of renewable sources to
regulations and new markets for ancillary grid services [2]. In addition, bridge the gap and complement each other. The new PSH development,
behind-the-meter applications are needed to access utility markets especially in a system with increased wind and solar capacity, would
through aggregators and maximize the storage contribution. Alternatively, improve the reliability and flexibility of the system while reducing the
potential cost savings from energy storage systems combined with the shift need to build a new fossil-based power plant [7].
toward optimizing energy curtailment and economic dispatch. PSH leads Flexible and more reliable production is an essential prerequisite for
the world in installed electricity storage capacity, accounting for 96 % of integrating intermittent energies. In the case of PSH, when the other
the 176 GW (GW) installed worldwide. Other types of electricity storage energy sources produce too much power, the turbine pumps the water in
technologies already in significant use worldwide include thermal storage reverse mode to the higher reservoir to function like a giant natural
at 3.3 GW (1.9 %), batteries at 1.9 GW (1.1 %), and other mechanical battery and is available again when needed. When demand is high,
storage at 1.6 GW (0.9 %) [16]. pumped storage will be critical to match production to consumption
Comparison of energy storage technologies consisting of PSH, constantly - the most adaptable production system. Hydropower will
lithium-ion battery (LFP), lead-acid battery, vanadium redox flow bat­ continue to play a crucial role in the energy transition [6]. Pumped
tery (VRF), compressed air energy storage (CAES), and bidirectional storage will be a large-scale energy storage solution, providing reactive
hydrogen energy storage system, with a system size of 100 MW for 4 h power for frequency regulation, synchronous or virtual inertia, and
(except hydrogen for 10 h) [17,18]. The technologies, except hydrogen, black start capability [18]. Solar and wind energy are intermittent re­
have more than ten years of references in commercial operation [19]. sources that fluctuate daily and from hour to hour. They may not match
Pumped storage has a better lifetime, excellent response time from the required energy consumption (i.e., load or demand) [3]. According
standstill to whole generation in about 2–5 s, outstanding technical to the simulation results, maximizing Pumped Storage Hydropower
capabilities (i.e., technological readiness, the inertia for grid resilience), (PSH) use in ancillary service markets (specifically, spinning and/or
2000€/kW average electricity CapEx, ~500€/kWh for average energy non-spinning services) is more profitable than focusing solely on seeking
CapEx. A comparison of energy storage technologies for 100 MW, 4 h arbitrage opportunities [9]. PSH can participate in energy spinning
runtime in 2020 & 2030 shows an effective CapEx of 2700€/kW, which reserve in pumping mode and non-spinning reserve offline mode. PSH
is lower than lithium-ion battery storage (4570), lead-acid batteries can also be optimized to minimize the cost over the entire horizon [2].
(5070), CAES compressed air (3300), and hydrogen (9000) [18]. Pro­ The PSH is the answer to the best possible prices for energy and
jections for 2030 show values for effective investment costs of ancillary services. In a liberalized energy market, the market for ancil­
2700€/kW, which are lower than LI -ion battery storage (3200€/kW), lary services such as products (other than energy) is supported by the
lead-acid batteries (4000€/kW), CAES compressed air (3300€/kW), and PSH to maintain the capacity and transmission of energy from resources
hydrogen (4620€/kW) [20,21]. A similar scenario is used to compare to loads and ensure the power system’s reliable operation and power
energy storage technologies for 1.000/100 MW, 10 h duration in 2020 quality [9]. It also plays a crucial role in frequency regulation and
and 2030, considering the effective investment cost based on a PSH instantaneous grid balancing.
lifetime of 80 years and a discount rate of 6 %, leading to a PSH of Demand side management (DSM) includes load shedding that
2900€/kW, which is lower than Li-ion Battery storage (~8100€/kW), shuts–down loads in the industrial and residential sectors, peak shaving,
Lead Acid Battery (~9000€/kW), CAES compressed air (~3100€/kW) or load shifting [24]. PSH is very well suited as a complementary partner
and hydrogen (~4600€/kW) [20,21]. to other renewables. When electricity from renewable sources (i.e., wind
It can be concluded that PSH solutions provide a better overall lifetime and solar) exceeds demand, pumped storage provides large-scale energy
than batteries alone [1]. The estimation of energy storage technologies is storage that intercepts the excess supply because it can be stored for later

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

use whenever needed. In a liberalized electricity market, where the Some associated challenges related to external factors in operating a
share price fluctuates with high demand, pumped storage can help sta­ hybrid system (i.e., environmental and hydrology considerations) are
bilize electricity prices by providing electricity at an affordable price due neglected because the PSH tested in this study is a closed-loop system
to its reliability and ramp-up capability [25]. It is the best available not connected with natural aquatic ecosystems such as rivers or lakes.
technology for storing energy in large quantities to support the inte­ The analyses were performed based on the following assumptions:
gration of renewable energy.
The primary purpose of this study is to demonstrate the valuable • First, the closed PSH loop is used for the schematic analysis of the
benefits of integrating the PSH system into the power grid in combina­ primary system operation.
tion with hybrid systems with renewable energy sources. Therefore, this • The energy system with an integrated pump and turbine calculator
study is based on the following questions: it is necessary to systemati­ flexibly adjusts even at a fixed speed, automatically adjusting the
cally demonstrate why the presence of PSH as an integrated storage grid frequency in either the pump or turbine flow direction. This
system in the existing grid is inevitable. To answer the central question power system allows for increased revenue by selling more power at
of how a given amount of energy can be stored at minimum cost with peak demand at the highest possible price. In other words, mini­
optimal scheduling, modeling of the integration of PSH systems with mizing costs maximizes the benefits of PSH integration with the
other renewable energy sources is developed. In addition, how PSH hybrid plant.
actively contributes to reducing the global carbon footprint of the en­ • In addition, pumped storage is assumed to have no losses due to
ergy sector by supporting the integration of significant amounts of wind evaporation or leaks in the pipelines and reservoirs.
and solar energy will be explored. Another urgency of PSH deployment • The PSH schematic model is integrated to rapidly ramp up genera­
in this project involves a viable scheme of PSH power system to reduce tion during peak periods as the available hydro fixed resources ca­
the high price of the power grid from a diesel generator by absorbing and pacity further expands variable renewable energy (VRE). Thus, the
storing excess renewable energy and meeting peak demand during high flow rate follows the power generation and varies dynamically per
power consumption. It also analyzes how this model can prove the hour, depending on the adjustment scheme.
effectiveness of PSH deployment in the hybrid system. • Emission reduction is based on a developed algorithm that simulta­
This study is divided into the main concepts of the PSH to the main neously reduces the total applied cost.
results of integrating the PSH into the power system with the modeling of a
hybrid system. Section 2 presents the PSH data and assumptions, the 2.2. PSH working principles and closed-loop model
developed model, and system boundary conditions and details the oper­
ating principles of the PSH for which a closed-loop model was chosen. Pumped storage power plants use water in two different reservoirs
Section 3 presents the technical analysis of the optimization of PSH (upper and lower basins), separated by a particular head, to store po­
scheduling with intermittent renewables and describes the other operating tential energy. Excess electricity from the grid or intermittent renewable
components accordingly. It includes a complete description of 4 schemes energy sources (e.g., solar and wind power) can be used during periods
to compare the costs of hybrid systems, each in different seasons. Section 4 of low demand to pump water from the lower reservoir into the upper
shows the valuable benefits of PSH in terms of CO₂ reduction and project reservoir, turning it into a large battery storage system [26]. Two water
financing. It also includes estimating CO₂ emissions from the hybrid sys­ reservoirs are located at different elevations and can generate elec­
tem model and the simplified project financing of PSH integration with the tricity. The water flows through a turbine and generates electricity by
hybrid system model. Section 5 presents a comprehensive display of the pumping it into the upper reservoir.
simulation results. Section 6 delves into the significance of the study’s When demand increases, water from the upper reservoir flows
findings in the context of related literature. Finally, Section 7 summarizes through turbines to generate electricity. This method allows flexibility
the main findings resulting from this study. in meeting dynamic demand due to seasonal conditions or weather de­
pendencies when the sun is not shining or wind speed is insufficient to
2. Materials and methods turn on the wind turbines [6]. The electricity generated is reliable
because it is based on the well-known principle of hydropower, which
2.1. Data and PSH operation assumptions produces large amounts of energy over a long period, thus allowing
generation that can be switched off.
We gather parametric data from various reputable sources to repli­ Based on natural inflows from water sources, PSHs can be divided into
cate real-world modeling procedures. The representative hourly load or closed-loop and open-loop configurations. The closed-loop configuration
demand data comes from REN, the only transmission authority in includes two reservoirs isolated from any free-flowing water source; the
Portugal, and refers to 2019. The parametric information supporting the reservoirs can be artificial or natural [27]. In contrast, an open loop system
weather conditions for renewable energy comes from the Azores, a small has a permanent hydrologic connection to a natural water body.
island in the Atlantic Ocean that belongs to Portugal. The corresponding The open-loop system always has a portion of electricity that can be
weather data comes from a web tool developed by Imperial College generated without pumping, as in a conventional hydroelectric system.
London and ETH Zurich called Renewables. ninja (https://www.renew In the closed-loop category, the upper reservoir is located outside the
ables.ninja). Electricity generation from solar and wind energy follows river. On the other hand, the open-loop has an upper reservoir that is
basic calculations involving solar and wind turbine technologies usually upstream, and both reservoirs may have natural inflows. The
selected in a specific datasheet from the representative manufacturers of closed loop is often preferred because it less impacts the environment,
the technology providers. such as fish passage or sediment migration. The modeling includes the
The hybrid modeling systems are divided into four schemes and closed-loop concept in this research [27].
seasons to maintain the robustness of other influenceable parameters in
real life. Each scheme has rules and algorithms that can be described as 3. Optimization of PSH scheduling with intermittent renewables
without PSH, with PSH, with adjusted PSH, and with optimized sched­
uling of the PSH storage system. The different schemes allow each to 3.1. Case study and operation components
operate in pumping or turbine mode, depending on the demand and
resources in a given hour. The results are discussed annually and daily, Solar and wind energy are intermittent resources that naturally
considering some constraints. fluctuate daily and hourly. They may not match ultimate residential or
This study focuses exclusively on the grid integration of a hybrid industrial energy use. A typical annual load is obtained from available
system with PSH as a complementary storage system to renewables. load data from Ref. [28], the electricity transmission company in

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. 1. Pumping and turbine mode operation of PSH.

Portugal that has a concession contract with the Portuguese state. The wind turbine manufacturer’s power curve. On the other side, rated wind
corresponding source refers to 2019 data. The main purpose is to obtain speed, Urated is the nominal wind speed on the optimal operation of wind
the load pattern; therefore, a reduction multiplication factor 50 was turbine generation [29]. The maximum allowable power output is
applied to simulate the hourly demand on a 1-year basis. The dynamic limited to the rated wind speed. In the pumping mode, the grid feeds
data consists of solar radiation (kW/m2), wind speed (m/s), ambient electricity to the motor (Grid-In). In contrast, the generator injects
temperature (◦ C), and air density (kg/m3), all retrieved from Renew­ electricity into the grid (Grid-Out) during turbine mode, as seen in Fig. 1.
ables. ninja (https://www.renewables.ninja). A specific point in Portu­ The associated equation of turbine mode can be described as follows,
guese territory in the Azores with a latitude of 37.8085 and a longitude Eq. (6):
of − 25.4731 was chosen.
Pturb. =ηturb. x ρ(water) x g x Q x Hnet (6)
The highest and lowest recorded wind speeds were 24.85 and 0.14
m/s, respectively, while solar irradiance was 1.009 and 0 kW/m2, While during pumping mode, the equation is applied as follows, Eq.
respectively. The most expensive recorded hourly energy price was (7):
180.3 €/MWh, while the cheapest was 12.15 €/MWh. Moreover, based
on initial calculations, the average hourly load/demand was higher than
ρ(water) x g x Q x Hnet
Ppump. = (7)
the average hourly PV and wind generation, corresponding to 114.95 ηpump.
and 92.32 €/MWh, respectively. Therefore, the PSH system was devel­ Maximum stored energy in the upper reservoir (UR) corresponds to
oped to ensure that hourly operations could be managed to balance the net head of the hydropower system, written as in Eq. (8):
supply and demand while minimizing operating costs. The calculations
for photovoltaic power plants are described in equations (1) and (2). EUR− max =ρ x Vmax x g x Hnet (8)

GT (t) ( ( )) The power supply must always be greater or at least the same as the
PPV (t) = PRated PV x x 1 + kT x TC (t)− Tref (1) power demand (or load). The hourly demand equation can be described
as follows, Eq. (9):
TC (t)=Tamb (t)+0.03 GT (t) (2)
PDemand or Load (t) ≤ PPV(t) +PWT(t) +Pturbining(t) − Ppumping(t) +PGrid− In(t) − PGrid− Out(t)

kT is the temperature coefficient of solar PV modules and TC is cell’s (9)

temperature. The dynamic data has given different temperatures on an Operational restrictions of solar photovoltaics (PV), wind turbines
hourly basis, and so the TC changes based on ambient temperature and (WT), grid-in, grid-out, PSH units, and storage capacity are determined
solar irradiance. Tref is accustomed to reference temperature during test as follows, Eq. (10):
conditions (assumed to be 25 ◦ C) while Tamb is the ambient temperature
(in Kelvin). The calculations for wind power plant are described in 0 ≤ PDemand or Load (t) (1 ≤ t ≤ N)
equations (3)–(5).
[ ] 0 ≤ PPV(t) (1≤ t ≤ N)
PWT (t)=ηWT x x CP x ρa (t)x π x R2 x U 3 (t) if Ucut− In ≤ U(t) ≤ Urated (3)
2 0 ≤ PWT(t) (1≤ t ≤ N)
[ ]
1 0 ≤ PGrid− In (t) (1≤ t ≤ N)
PWT (t)=ηWT x x CP x ρa (t)x π x R2 x Urated
(t) if Urated ≤ U(t) ≤ UCut− Out
(4) 0 ≥ PGrid− Out (t) (1≤ t ≤ N)

PWT (t)= 0 if U(t) ≤ UCut− In or U(t) ≥ UCut− Out (5) 0 ≤ Pturbining(t) (1≤ t ≤ N)

In that case, ηWT , the wind turbine’s efficiency usually ranges from 0.2 0 ≤ Ppumping(t) (1≤ t ≤ N)
to 0.4, depending on wind data and wind turbine types. CP is the power
coefficient, and its value is always less than 0.59, complying with Betz VRmin ≤ VR(t) ≤ VRmax (10)
Limit’s theorem. The area of a wind turbine is calculated from the
The reservoir simplified model is carried out to put constraints on
diameter of the rotor blade, R, and its value is always constant, while on
PSH operation, represented in Fig. 2.
the other side, air density varies per hour, ρa (t). UCut− In is wind speed
The maximum storage capacity is less than the maximum volume, i.e.,
lower bound for the turbine to start rotating and hence producing
the full supply level (FSL). At the same time, the initial state of pumping
power, while UCut− Out is the wind speed upper bound at which the
(SoPInit) is set at 50 % of FSL. Following the abovementioned restrictions,
generator is decoupled from the shaft, and the turbine stops producing
the minimum storage capacity is 30 % of the maximum capacity.
power. This applicable computation is a standard practice based on the

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

the objective functions each year. The different schemes are compared
daily in simulations.

3.2.1. Scheme 1 (without PSH)

In scheme 1, no PSH is used. Instead, renewable generation de­
termines whether electricity is injected into the system from the grid, i.
e., grid-in, or whether excess produced electricity is exported from the
system to the grid, i.e., grid-out. The following formulas determine the
equations, equations (11)–(14):
( )
Grid Determination=PDemand or Load (t) − PPV(t) +PWT(t) (11)
( ( ))
PGrid− In(t) = If PDemand or Load (t) − PPV(t) +PWT(t) > 0 (12)
Fig. 2. Reservoir operation simplified model.
( ( ))
PGrid− Out(t) = If PDemand or Load (t) − PPV(t) +PWT(t) < 0 (13)
3.2. System integration and optimization
( )
CostApplied (t) = PGrid− In(t) − PGrid− Out(t) x Price(t) (14)
The integrated output of the PV system, wind turbine, grid feed-in,
grid feed-out, and PSH system is shown in Fig. 3. Grid injection is 3.2.2. Scheme 2 (with PSH)
equivalent to diesel generation, which is always used as a last resort to In this scheme, the pumped storage mode is enabled and tied
balance the deficit between energy supply and demand. exclusively to the positive value of the State of Pumping (SoP). SoP
Moreover, its contribution to the grid should be minimized because determines the ratio between the remaining and the fully charged
the higher the diesel production, the higher the CO₂ emissions generated pumped capacity. The constraint also includes the maximum storage
by fossil fuel combustion. During excess energy, the system will supply capacity for SoP operation. The flowchart representing the schematic
power to the engine to pump water from the lower reservoir to the upper diagram of Scheme 2 can be seen in Fig. 4.
reservoir. When there is insufficient energy to meet demand, the addi­
tional energy is provided by directing the water into the lower reservoir 3.2.3. Scheme 3 (with adjusted PSH)
of the PSH and driving the turbine generator. The SoP can be flexibly created in pump or turbine mode in this
The reservoir catchment area is constant so that the parametric scheme. Its positive and negative values are noted as non-constraining
volume rate can be monitored by reservoir operation. The stored energy variables. The next iteration of the SoP is adjusted with the previous
can be calculated from the law of potential energy if the contained time step of SOP, associated with the maximum pumping rate at a given
volume, gravity, and given net head are known. Efficiency is lower in capacity. In Scheme 3, the SoP is flexibly adapted to decide whether the
pumping mode than in turbine mode because the shape of the impeller is hourly operation should be in turbine or pumping mode based on the
reversed from turbine to pumping mode. Fig. 3 shows that the hybrid maximum pumping rate and the previous state of the SoP. In Scheme 2, the
power system has been integrated into the PSH system. Four schemes SoP is only for a value greater than 0 and depends on the maximum storage
were developed to make technical comparisons to find the best way to capacity at a constant rate. The flowchart of Scheme 3 can be seen in Fig. 5.
schedule the PSH into the grid and determine the appropriate values of

Fig. 3. Energy system of pumped storage hydropower integration with intermittent renewables and electrical power grid.

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. 4. Flowchart of operation scheme 2.

Fig. 5. Flowchart of operation scheme 3.

3.2.4. Scheme 4 (with optimized PSH) Subject to (Constraints):

The main objective of Scheme 4 is to minimize the costs associated
PSupply(t) ≥ PDemand or Load(t) (1 ≤ t ≤ N)
with integrating pumped storage power plants into hybrid solutions by
varying the hourly output of pumps, turbines, grid injection, and grid
0 ≤ SOP ≤ SOPmax
(t) (1 ≤ t ≤ N)

[{( ) } {( )} ]
min PGrid− In (t) +PGrid− Out (t) x Celec.price(t) + Pturbining(t) x Cturbining(t) +Ppumping(t) x Cpumping(t) (15)

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Table 1
Diesel parametric information.
PGrid− Out(t) ≤ Pmax.Grid− Out (t) (1 ≤ t ≤ N)

Diesel Parametric Information Value Dimension By changing parameters:

Low Heating Value (LHV) 44 MJ/kg
Density (ρ(diesel) ) 0.85 kg/L PPumping (X1); PTurbining (X2); PGrid− In (X3); PGrid− Out (X4) (16)
CO₂ Emissions Rate (ERCO2 ) 2.62 kg CO₂/L(diesel)
The simulation was performed using a developed solver based on
1 kWh 3.6 MJ

Table 2
Project finance parametric information for solar PV, wind turbine, turbine, and pumped storage systems.
Project Finance Parametric Information Value Dimension

Solar PV Specific Investment Costa 863 €/kW

Specific Operation & Maintenance Costb 8.63 €/kW/year
Salvage Valuee 32880.3 €
Wind Turbine Specific Investment Costa 1200 €/kW
Specific Operation & Maintenance Costc 15 €/kW/year
Salvage Valuee 5040 €
Hydropower - Turbining Mode (HP) Specific Investment Costa 1870 €/kW
Specific Operation & Maintenance Costd 24.21 €/kW/year
Salvage Valuee 36091 €
Pumped Storage Hydropower – Pumping Mode (PSH) Specific Investment Costf 950 €/kW
Specific Operation & Maintenance Costg 9.5 €/kW/year
Utilization Cost Tariffh 1 €/MWh
Salvage Valuee 18335 €
Electricity Feed-in-Tariff P1 (1st – 10th Year) 87.64211 €/MWh
Electricity Feed-in-Tariff P2 (11th – End) j 61.34948 €/MWh
Project Lifetime 25 Years
Interest Rate 10 %

IRENA [16] with adjusted assumptions and self-weighted justifications.
1 % from the Specific Investment Cost of Solar PV.
1.25 % from the Specific Investment Cost of Wind Turbine.
1.3 % from the Specific Investment Cost of Hydropower.
10 % from each installed generation capacity.
[23]with adjusted assumptions and self-weighted justifications.
1 % from the Specific Investment Cost of PSH.
[23] with adjusted assumptions and self-weighted justifications.
Yearly Average from [28].
70 % from Electricity F.I.T in P1

GRG Non-Linear Optimization. The result is presented graphically to

obtain the optimal hourly scheduling of PSH operation. It also includes
the distribution of the volumetric profile of pumps and turbines, the
profile of the generated energy of pumps and turbines, the total cost
flow, and the total daily power profile, each for four different seasons
(winter, spring, summer, and autumn).

4. PSH valuable benefits of CO₂ reduction and project financing

4.1. Estimation of CO₂ emissions from the hybrid system model

CO₂ is a harmful emission for humans and the environment; there­

fore, its presence should be quantified based on the grid power gener­
ated [30]. It depends on the type of fuel burned and the emission rate of
the diesel engine. The parametric information for diesel operation can
be found in Table 1.
Since the power fed into the system from the grid varies from time to
time, the calculation of CO₂ emissions is linear to the amount of power
fed into the grid, as described in Eq. (17):
ERCO2 x PGrid− In (t) x 3.6
XCO2 (kg) = (17)
ρ(diesel) x LHV(diesel)
Fig. 6. Preliminary yearly load vs. renewables supplied generation.
The higher the accumulated grid-in power, the higher the CO₂
Pturbining (t) ≤ Pmax.turbining (t) (1 ≤ t ≤ N) emitted to the atmosphere.

Ppumping (t) ≤ Pmax.pumping (t) (1 ≤ t ≤ N)

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. 7. Yearly power (upper figure) and cost distribution profile (lower figure) in scheme 1.

4.2. Simplified project financing of PSH integration with hybrid system renewables makes it clear that electricity demand cannot be met unless
model an energy storage solution is integrated into the system. The corre­
sponding distribution profile is shown in Fig. 6.
A project funding scheme is needed to consider whether the associ­ The weather behavior variables were adjusted to see the variations in
ated hybrid integration with PSH is financially viable. Regarding project the four seasons (i.e., spring, summer, fall, and winter), as shown in
financing, the output data from the hybrid system model is included in Figure A1. It can be seen that the cumulative electricity generation is
the simulation of 25 years of assumed mechanical parts of the project life higher in summer due to the high intensity of solar radiation [31]. In
cycle with an interest rate of 10 %. The other input parameters for winter, on the other hand, demand cannot be met by electricity gener­
project financing are shown in Table 2. ation from wind and solar alone during most periods. There are times
when the electricity supply is much higher than the demand. However,
5. Results the load pattern fluctuates in a relatively more predictable profile [32].
For example, the daily load is high during peak hours. This can be
As preliminary data processing, the distribution profile of electricity explained by the fact that more electrical energy is needed to power
generation from PV and wind turbine technologies is plotted annually industry, services, air conditioning, heating, and electronic equipment.
against hourly electricity demand. The fluctuation of intermittent This typical daily load profile co-occurs. Solar and wind energy cannot

Table 3
Summary of daily demand samples and energy production from renewables used in the systems.
Description Winter Spring Summer Autumn

Total Daily Demand – Sample (MWh) 2.27 2.88 2.75 2.82

Total Daily Energy Produced by PV Generation – Sample (MWh) 0.92 1.76 2.99 2.04
Total Daily Energy Produced by Wind Generation – Sample (MWh) 0.65 0.28 0.0065 0.28

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. 8. Daily power and cost distribution profile during summer and winter for scheme 1.

always meet the hourly demand, even when the sun peaks in summer. profitable the hybrid system is, so a negative value means a profit (i.e., a
This energy limitation should be considered, so energy storage sys­ surplus of electricity). The preliminary daily data are taken from each
tems must be included later in the other systems [3]. In times of excess representative date of each season. The summary of the daily samples of
energy production, it can be stored when the energy supplied from renewable energy demand and generation is shown in Table 3.
renewable sources is not sufficient. The annual energy distribution In general, the samples of daily demand vary from season to season.
profile and applied costs are shown in Fig. 7. According to the selected samples, electricity consumption is lowest in
Fig. 7 describes the daily grid-in and distribution cost profile without winter (2.27 MWh); in spring, electricity consumption is highest among
the PSH application. Grid-in lines show additional electricity needed the other seasons, at about 2.88 MWh per day. The highest daily power
from the grid (i.e., auxiliary diesel generation) to meet the demand that generation from wind occurs in winter, with about 0.65 MWh. In com­
cannot be met by certain renewables alone [33]. On the other hand, parison, energy generated from photovoltaics peaks at nearly 3 MWh in
off-grid lines show excess energy produced by renewables when load/­ summer. Fig. 8 shows the daily electricity and cost distribution profile in
demand is met and then injected into the grid. The daily cost profile in summer and winter based on the preliminary scheme 1. In this scheme 1,
Fig. 7 (bottom figure) shows a positive value when demand is more no energy storage system is used to meet the demand. Figs. 8 and 9 are
dominant than renewably generated power; therefore, more costs are the daily representative scheme 1, simplifying and comparing the model
imposed on the hybrid system. The lower the applied cost, the more with the other schemes. Scheme 4 is the final scheme expected to be the

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. 9. Daily power and cost distribution profile during Spring and Autumn in scheme 1.

optimal solution for integrating PSH into the grid. The daily sample is almost the same as in Fig. 8, with daily demand not being met after
taken randomly from each representative season and is dedicated normal working hours until early morning. Consequently, more addi­
exclusively to daily conditions. tional power needs to be injected into the hybrid system.
Fig. 8 shows a surplus of electricity during normal working hours due Fig. 10 shows the annual volume and energy distribution profile as
to excess electricity from renewable sources, mainly solar energy. For the main distinguishing feature from what is not valid for the daily
this reason, the daily cost distribution for the corresponding hours is also distribution profile of Scheme 1. In Scheme 2, volumetric profiles are
negative. However, from evening to early morning, the renewable presented during pumping and turbine operation due to the inclusion of
power sources are less than the predicted loads [34]. Therefore, addi­ the PSH in the hybrid system. However, in some cases, the annual cost
tional power generation outside the hybrid system is required. The more accumulation may vary between Schemes 1 and 2, depending on load
electricity from the grid is injected into the hybrid system, the more the demand and weather profiles.
total cost is burned while producing more carbon emissions due to According to Fig. 10, the pumping state (SoP) is set to a minimum
higher diesel consumption [11]. The decision to buy or sell electricity in value of 0, which describes the conditions independent of the previous
Scheme 1 depends solely on the difference between supply and demand. state at each iterated time step. This means that the pumping mode is
Fig. 9 describes the daily electricity and cost distribution profile in used only when the pumping energy does not exceed the maximum
the spring and fall based on preliminary scheme 1. The overall profile is storage capacity at a given hour. SoP measures the energy available in a

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. 10. Yearly volumetric and energy distribution profile of pumping and Fig. 11. Yearly power and cost distribution profile in Scheme 2.
turbine mode in Scheme 2.
the maximum storage capacity and the state of the previous hour, which
pumped storage system at a given hourly condition, varying from hour is linked to the forecast for the next hour and the state of the previous
to hour. The annual power and cost distribution profile of scheme two is hour. The better accumulation of the cost allocation profile is also
shown in Fig. 11. Using the defined algorithms of scheme two, it can be achieved in scheme 3, based on Fig. 13, which will also focus on daily
seen that the cost profile of scheme two is biased towards higher prof­ analysis.
itability due to lower injection into the grid and higher withdrawal from The annual cost profile of Scheme 3 is the same as Scheme 2. How­
the grid in the simulation. This has already been stated for PSH as the ever, the applied cumulative costs are more profitable in scheme 3,
chosen energy storage system for daily analysis. Scheme 1 has no stor­ which is fully summarized in the conclusion. The incremental cost of the
age, while in Scheme 2, PSH is selected as the energy storage system. distribution profile has improved by adjusting the PSH mode. Schemes
Comparing the annual distribution of pumping and turbine energy 2, 3, and 4 require a slightly different daily cost distribution to be
between schemes 2 and 3, more reliable operation is achieved in scheme extracted than Scheme 1. Fig. 14 shows the daily costs, each for the
3, allowing the PSH system to operate with more freedom, as shown in corresponding season. The lowest cumulative costs are achieved when
Figs. 12 and 13. Negative SoP values indicate that the condition of a the PSH solution is integrated into the system. This allows flexibility in
given hour depends on the maximum pumping rate and the previous SoP adjusting the network when pumping from a given load.
value. This scheme does not apply to the previous scheme 2, which is the The annual cost profile of Scheme 3 is the same as Scheme 2. How­
main difference. Fig. 12 refers to the distribution profile of scheme 3 and ever, the applied cumulative costs are more profitable in scheme 3,
illustrates the above explanation. The comparison between Figs. 12 and which is fully summarized in the conclusion. The incremental cost of the
10 shows the difference. distribution profile has improved by adjusting the PSH mode. A slightly
The annual power and cost allocation profile has also been adjusted different cost distribution from Scheme 1 Schemes 2, 3, and 4 requires a
in Fig. 13 and follows the daily dynamic hourly demand. For example, somewhat different daily cost distribution, extracted using Schemes 2, 3,
when SoP is needed, Scheme 2 is subject only to the maximum storage and 4 and Scheme 1. Daily cumulative costs, each for the corresponding
capacity. At the same time, in Scheme 3, the storage decision depends on season, are presented in Figure A3. The lowest incremental costs are

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. 13. Yearly power and cost distribution profile in Scheme 3.

Fig. 12. Yearly volumetric and energy distribution profile of pumping and
turbine mode in Scheme 3.
The daily distribution profile in each season of Scheme 3 is shown in
obtained when the PSH solution is integrated into the system. This al­ Fig. 16. The SoP can be adjusted in each previous hour, depending on the
lows a flexible adjustment of the network when pumping from a given state of the SoP in the last hour, allowing greater flexibility with other
load. As shown in Figures A3 and A4, plans 2 and 3 have similar patterns renewable sources. The influence of the seasonal aspect does not seem to
in scheduling the use of the PSH system. In the early morning, the de­ be too big, as the pattern looks almost similar. The most significant
mand is met with a hydroelectric turbine, so the volumetric turbine common difference is the amount of energy in each hour. For example,
output decreases. The contribution from wind power is minimal at this in the summer, SoP puts out much more power than in the winter due to
time. Pumping occurs during daylight hours due to the high contribution the large amount of energy produced by solar PV. However, focusing on
of renewable energy from the photovoltaic system. meeting demand in Schemes 2 and 3 does not result in the optimal cost
Figs. 15–17 show the energy distribution profiles for all resources. that can be achieved. This is because the price for each hour varies from
Fig. 15 describes the energy distribution of the pumping and turbine time to time, and of course, the variation of the demand leads to
modes within the different seasons in Scheme 2. In Scheme 2, the State different results.
of Pumping (SoP) is strictly limited to the pumping mode once it has The minimum cost of PSH scheduling can be derived from each
reached maximum storage capacity. Therefore, there is no lower bound schedule 4 in each season, as shown in Fig. 17. This is because the main
less than 0 during the day. The State of Pumping (SoP) plays a larger role objective is to minimize the total cost of an integrated system. The
in the early morning so that wind energy can be used later during peak electricity price is much lower in the early morning than during daylight
demand. At the same time, photovoltaics always has a larger share hours. Therefore, the optimized method for Scheme 4 has a much larger
during the day. This makes intuitive sense, as each operating strategy SoP recorded to be as optimal as possible in the early morning hours.
can be adjusted in many ways with different thresholding methods, Even if the demand cannot always be met by photovoltaics, wind
whether to use some parts of the wind, solar, or hydro or to use small turbines, and hydropower alone, the grid-in (e.g., diesel production) can
parts of it partially while raising the other thresholds to an affordable be used accordingly [35]. Considering all parametric information with
level. PSH schemes, the most optimal way to use the applied costs is in Scheme
4. As can be seen from scheme 4, most of the electricity is sold during the

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. 14. Daily cost distributions within different schemes and seasons.

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. 15. Results of daily distribution profile within different seasons in Scheme 2.

Fig. 16. Results of daily distribution profile within different seasons in Scheme 3.

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. 17. Results of daily distribution profile within different seasons in Scheme 4.

daytime due to the higher price (Fig. 19). At the same time, other means The less grid-in is accumulated, the less CO₂ emissions are released
of electricity distribution can be operated in hybrid mode, respecting all into the atmosphere because less diesel fuel is produced (Fig. 20). For
constraints. The illustration generated corresponds to the conditional example, without the PSH integration of Scheme 1, CO₂ emissions in the
state of the SoP maximized in the early morning, considering the dy­ spring are estimated to be 0.3675 tons/day. At the same time, in Scheme
namic electricity price. 4, costs are minimized, and the contribution of Grid-In is at the lowest
The distribution pattern of optimal grid integration with PSH can level of 0.0977 tons.
also vary, depending on the load profile and renewable sources. Figs. 18 The accumulation of CO₂ generated in summer is relatively lowest
and 19 summarize the distribution profile of electricity flow and pum­ compared to other seasons because more electricity is generated from
ped turbine energy in each scheme across different seasons. The trend photovoltaic systems during daylight hours and summertime. The
line shows a cost reduction from Scheme 1 to Scheme 4, indicating annual report in Fig. 20 shows that the use of PSH units in the hybrid
optimized scheduling of PSH operation to find the most optimal path to system has significantly contributed. The annual CO₂ reduction from
achieve minimum cost. The daily schematic simulation scale depends on scheme 1 to scheme 3 is 28.4 %. On the other hand, the daily analysis
hourly demand and other associated resources. within the different seasons also shows a significant reduction of diesel
In some cases, the applied cost of a scheme is somewhat smaller and generation by grid injection by operating the PSH units in an optimal
different from the bulk of the distribution, which is a small fraction schedule.
(Fig. 19). In this study case, this analysis has shown the optimal way to Nevertheless, the project financing scheme has shown a positive NPV
integrate PSH into the hybrid renewable energy system, thereby value, meaning the projected investment returns exceed the expected
achieving a gain or minimizing the cost and producing fewer carbon costs. With a project duration of 25 years and an interest rate of 10 %, it
emissions. can be assumed that the investment will pay for itself by the 5th year.
The daily cost in Scheme 1 is the highest among the other schemes, The assumptions considered the operating schedule of all the units
with the conspicuous absence of a PSH unit. The total pumping and daily connected to the hybrid system, combining the hours in which the
distributed energy distribution in summer is higher than in any different photovoltaic and wind turbines are in operation with the yield according
season (Fig. 19). This can be explained by the fact that more solar ra­ to the schedule of the last system. The applied costs for using PSH
diation and electricity are available during this period. positively affected the overall project financing scheme. The cash flow of
The ratio of total pumping power to total turbine energy is the the hybrid system with the PSH unit is summarized in Figure A2.
highest of all schemes for scheme 4 in each season. This tendency is also
true for Scheme 3, which is higher than Scheme 2 (Fig. 19). This refers to 6. Discussion
the percentage of power stored and later withdrawn, or the electrical
energy generated divided by the electrical energy used to pump the The study centers on integrating energy storage, specifically Pumped
water. The higher the ratio, the lower the energy loss in storage, given Storage Hydropower (PSH), into a hybrid renewable energy system to
the demand and arbitrage parameters to minimize the cost function. It address the challenges posed by the intermittency of renewable energy
can be concluded that diesel (grid-in) contributions are undervalued in sources [31]. The primary focus is optimizing the operation of PSH units
all systems and seasons with an integrated power system that uses to achieve cost savings, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance the
pumped storage. overall sustainability of the energy system [10,36].

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. 18. Results of grid-in, grid-out, and cost applied within different schemes and seasons.

The preliminary data processing has revealed that the distribution environmental benefits of integrating PSH into the system [38].
profile of electricity generation from photovoltaic (PV) and wind turbine Schemes 2, 3, and 4 involve more advanced scheduling of PSH op­
technologies varies across seasons [37]. Solar energy is abundant in erations, considering factors like state of charge, demand, and price
summer due to the high intensity of solar radiation, whereas winter fluctuations. These schemes yield better cost-efficiency and demonstrate
poses a challenge for meeting demand using wind and solar energy the potential for financial viability. The results show that the integrated
alone. The daily load pattern exhibits fluctuations, with peak demand PSH system reduces operational costs and contributes to sustainability
during specific hours attributed to various factors such as industry, by curbing carbon emissions [38,39]. The favorable net present value
services, air conditioning, heating, and electronic equipment usage. (NPV) and positive cash flow of the hybrid system with PSH reinforce
These findings underscore the need for energy storage systems, as solar the financial viability of this integration.
and wind energy alone cannot consistently meet the hourly demand In summary, this study highlights the significance of energy storage
[18]. solutions in mitigating the intermittency of renewable energy sources
To address this energy limitation, the study explores the integration and enhancing the sustainability of the energy system. Integrating PSH,
of PSH into the energy system. PSH provides a means to store excess particularly in optimized scheduling scenarios, emerges as a promising
energy during high renewable energy generation periods and release it strategy for cost reduction, emission reduction, and financial viability
when renewable energy sources fall short of meeting demand [7]. The [6]. The findings provide valuable insights for policymakers and
integration of PSH is presented in different schemes, ranging from stakeholders in the renewable energy sector seeking to improve the ef­
Scheme 1, where no energy storage system is used, to Scheme 4, the ficiency and sustainability of energy systems. Further research may
optimal solution for integrating PSH. explore real-world implementation and assess such integration’s
The study evaluates the annual cost and emissions implications of broader economic and environmental impacts.
these different schemes. It is observed that the schemes incorporating
PSH, especially Scheme 4, result in reduced grid-in costs, leading to cost 7. Conclusions
savings and a corresponding reduction in carbon emissions. The com­
parison reveals that the contribution of diesel (grid-in) is minimized, Addressing climate change and energy crises is considered one of the
resulting in lower CO₂ emissions. This finding reinforces the world’s biggest problems in terms of energy availability. Central to

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. 19. Results of pumping ratio to turbining energy, pumping and turbining within different schemes and seasons.

Fig. 20. Results of CO₂ estimation within different schemes and seasons.

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

addressing climate change is proven and reliable energy storage, which with Scheme 4 in summer, while daily costs can be reduced by more
is needed to support intermittent renewables for a rapid energy sector than 90 % in all seasons. With an optimized and adjustable scheme, PSH
transition from conventional fossil fuels to decarbonized sources. Pum­ can also provide a broader range of up- and down-ramps while varying
ped storage hydro (PSH) is a fixed storage method that uses a system of the power system in generation and pumping modes. A hybrid genset
two interconnected water reservoirs, one higher than the other, creating combined with PSH has shifted, stored, and reused generated energy
a different energy potential that can be converted into electrical energy. until an appropriate load is available for system reserves and variable
For this study, a complete model was developed to simulate different energy integration.
hybrid systems and improve the differences obtained for each season.
The reported results have confirmed the following main conclusions: CRediT authorship contribution statement

• A PSH energy solution can minimize CO2 emissions by reducing the Helena M. Ramos: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation,
accumulated grid-in energy supplied by any other fossil fuel-based Formal analysis, Data curation, Visualization, Writing – original draft,
generation. Writing – review & editing, Resources, Supervision. Jeremy E. Sintong:
• PSH reduced total cost by optimizing integration with State of Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Formal analysis, Data
Pumping (SoP) and intermittent renewable sources. The constraints curation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review &
are met, and objectivity was established to minimize the total cost editing. Alban Kuriqi: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation,
considering the PSH scheme. Formal analysis, Data curation, Visualization, Writing – original draft,
• The daily integration of the PSH unit into the hybrid mode has Writing – review & editing.
considered the energy sources’ interrelationships. Intermittent
renewable energy sources have different energy patterns than fossil
fuel generation, such as diesel. Focusing on supply and demand while Declaration of competing interest
minimizing costs and reducing the carbon footprint will behave
differently in each situation: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
- Different ecological and geographical conditions in different lati­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
tudes and longitudes. the work reported in this paper.
- Distinct atmospheric data, i.e., ambient temperature, solar radiation,
wind speed, and other related parameters, contribute to the unique Data availability
situation of a hybrid unit.
- Different load and demand patterns and their relative magnitudes to Data will be made available on request.
the other hourly.
It can also be concluded from all the programs that PSH’s contri­
bution is valuable in the sustainable energy transition, as evidenced by Helena M. Ramos and Alban Kuriqi are grateful for the support of the
an interesting project financing that shows a positive NPV value and an Foundation for Science and Technology through funding UIDB/04625/
interesting payback value of 5 years. CO₂ reduction can be up to 84 % 2020 of the CERIS research unit.


Abbreviations and Acronyms

CAES Compressed-Air Energy Storage
CO₂ Carbon Dioxide
DSM Demand Side Management
EUR Euro currency
FSL Full Supply Level
kW Kilo Watt
kWh Kilo Watt-Hour
LFP Lithium-Ion Battery
LHV Lower Heating Value
MiOL Minimum Operating Level
MWh Megawatt-Hour
PSH Pumped Storage Hydropower
PV Solar Photovoltaic
SoP State of Pumping
SoPInit Initial State of Pumping
UR Upper Reservoir
VRE Variable Renewable Energies
VRF Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
WT Wind Turbine
Wh Watt-Hour

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

C Degree Celsius
m3 Cubic-Meter
g Gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s2)
kg Kilogram

PPV (t) Power Output from Solar PV on an hourly basis
PRated PV Rated Power of Solar PV
GT (t) Hourly Irradiance rate
Gref Irradiance Reference of Solar PV
kT Temperature coefficient of Solar PV
TC (t) Cell’s temperature of Solar PV on an hourly basis
Tref Assumed reference temperature of Solar PV during test conditions
Tamb (t) Ambient Temperature on an hourly basis
PWT (t) Power Output from Wind Turbine on an hourly basis
ηWT The efficiency of Wind Turbine
Cp Power Coefficient of Wind Turbine
R Rotor Radius of Wind Turbine Blade
U(t) Hourly Wind Speed
UCut− In Cut-In Wind Speed applied in Wind Turbine
Urated Rated or Nominal Wind Speed applied in Wind Turbine
UCut− Out Cut-Out Wind Speed applied in Wind Turbine
ρa (t) Air Density on an hourly basis
Celec.price (t) Electricity Price on an hourly basis
PDemand or Load (t) Demand or Load Power on an hourly basis
Pturbining (t) Power extracted during turbine mode on an hourly basis
Ppumping (t) Power absorbed during pumping mode on an hourly basis
Pmax.turbining (t) Maximum turbine power on an hourly basis
Pmax.pumping (t) Maximum pumping power on an hourly basis
PGrid− In (t) Power injected from the Grid into Hybrid System on an hourly basis
PGrid− Out (t) Power supplied to the Grid from Hybrid System on an hourly basis
PSupply (t) Power supplied from renewable hybrid generation on an hourly basis
(t) Maximum State of Pumping on an hourly basis
VRmin Minimum Reservoir Volume
VRmax Maximum Reservoir Volume
VR (t) Reservoir Volume on an hourly basis
ηpumping Efficiency in pumping mode
ηturbining Efficiency in turbine mode
ρdiesel Assumed Density of Diesel as fuel for generation
LHVdiesel Assumed Lower Heating Value of Diesel Fuel
Vpumping (t) Volumetric measurement in pumping mode on an hourly basis
Vturbining (t) Volumetric measurement in turbine mode on an hourly basis
ERCO2 Assumed Emissions Rate of CO₂ produced from diesel generation

Appendix A

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. A1. Preliminary load and renewables supplied generation profile in four seasons.

H.M. Ramos et al.

Fig. A2. Project Cash Flow of the Integration of PSH solution with Intermittent Renewables Scheme.

Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

Fig. A3. Daily Pumping and Turbining Volumetric Profile within Different Schemes and Seasons.

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Fig. A4. Daily Pumping and Turbining Energy Distribution Profile within Different Schemes and Seasons.

H.M. Ramos et al. Renewable Energy 221 (2024) 119732

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