Mid Semester Examination Syllabus 2023 3rd Year Corporate Law Batch 1

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3rd Year B.A.LLB Hons Corporate Law Batch -1, Harsh Srivastava & Kanika Soni ,
Class Representative , 2021-2026

Mid - Semester Examination Syllabus 2024

1 . Administrative Law

Unit I - Nature, Scope and Development of Administrative law.

 Definition of Administrative Law

 English Approach of Administrative Law
 Distinction between constitutional law and Administrative law
 Sources of Administrative law
 Extent of Administrative law
 Administrative law in India
 Rule of law and Administrative law
 Meaning of Rule of Law
 Dicey’s concept of Rule of Law
 Criticism of Dicey’s Concept
 Other views on Rule of Law
 Rule of Law in India
 Rai sahib ram jawaya kapur v. State of Punjab, AIR 1955 SC 549
 Asif Hameed v. State of J. & K., AIR 1989 SC 1899 \
 State of M.P. v. Bharat Singh, AIR 1967 SC 1170
 Indira Gandhi v. Raj Narain, AIR 1975 SC 2299

Unit II - Anatomy of Administrative Action

 Functions and interface among legislative, Executive and Judiciary

 Origin and Meaning of the Doctrine of Separation of Powers
 Separation of powers in practice
 In England
 Separation of power : In USA & India
 Judicial Approach towards the doctrine of separation of powers.
 Effect of the Doctrine of Separation of Powers

Unit III - Delegated Legislation

 Meaning/Definition of Delegated Legislation, Some instances of Delegated Legislation

 Necessity of Delegated Legislation
 Reasons contributing to the growth of Delegated Legislation
 Classification or Forms of Delegated Legislation
 Concept of Sub Delegation (Delegates non potest Delegare)
 Instance of sub-delegation
 Conditional Legislation
 Distinction between Delegated legislation and Conditional legislation
 Constitutionality of Delegated Legislation,-Functions which cannot be Delegated (Impermissible
 In Re Delhi Laws Act, AIR 1951 SC 332 C
 Darshan Lal Mehra v. UOI, AIR 1992 SC 1848
 Govind Lal v. A.P.M. Committee, AIR 1976 SC 263
 Sonik Industries, Rajkot v. Municipal Corpn. Of the City of Rajkot AIR 1986 SC 1518
3rd Year B.A.LLB Hons Corporate Law Bat1ch -1, Harsh Srivastava & Kanika Soni ,
Class Representative , 2021-2026
3rd Year B.A.LLB Hons Corporate Law Batch -1, Harsh Srivastava & Kanika Soni ,
Class Representative , 2021-2026
 Skeleton Legislation: Power of supplying details
 Power of Inclusion and Exclusion
 Atlas Cycle Industries Ltd. V State of Haryana AIR 1979 SC 1149
 Rajnarain Singh v. Chairman, Patna Administration Committee, AIR 1954 SC 519

Unit IV - Control of Delegated Legislation

 Control Mechanism of Delegated Legislation

 Judicial Control
 Legislative Control- laying requirement
 Procedural Control- Pre and post publication, consultation of affected interest.
 Sonik Industries, Rajkot v. Municipal Corpn. Of the City of Rajkot AIR 1986 SC 1518

2 . Company Law - II

Unit I - Committees under Companies Act, 2013

 Introduction to the course understanding the course structure and context

 Need for Committees under Companies Act, 2013
 Various Committees under Companies Act, 2013
 Audit Committee and Related Party Transactions
 Committee Management - Important points for consideration while constituting 3 Committees -
Committee Functioning

Unit - II - Authorities under the Companies Act, 2013

 NCLT & Appellate Tribunal: Constitution & Composition

 Resignation & Removal of members, Benches & Orders of Tribunal
 Appeal from orders of Tribunal, Expeditious Disposal, and Appeal to Supreme Court and establishment
of Special Courts, Offences triable by Special Courts
 Mediation & Conciliation Panel
 Registrar of Companies (ROC): Powers & Duties

Unit - III -Borrowing Powers, Investments, Loans, Deposits

 Inter corporate loans and investments

 Loans to Directors
 Borrowing Powers- powers- effect of unauthorized borrowing
 Deposits – Meaning, Acceptance of deposits from public, Repayment of Deposits, Damages for Fraud

Unit :- IV Debentures

 Debentures, Debenture Stock, Bonds- meaning

 Fixed and floating charge
 Kinds of debentures

3rd Year B.A.LLB Hons Corporate Law Bat2ch -1, Harsh Srivastava & Kanika Soni ,
Class Representative , 2021-2026
3rd Year B.A.LLB Hons Corporate Law Batch -1, Harsh Srivastava & Kanika Soni , 3
Class Representative , 2021-2026
Sections :- 2 55),(51),(76),(77) ,S.166 ,177,178,185,186 ,188, 135 ,435 ,442,180 & Chapter
27 Full.

3 . Labour Law - II


 Code on Wages, 2019: Object and reasons, Applicability

 Concept of Living Wages, Fair Wages, Concept of Wages and issues of minimum wage.
 Definitions: Employee, Employer, same work, Wage, worker,
 Chapter 2 of code on wages 2019: Minimum Wage: fixation, criteria, procedure.
 National Floor Wage.


 Payment of wages: mode, time limit, deduction, fine on wages under the
 Code on wages 2019
 Deduction, fine on wages under the
 Code on wages 2019
 Chapter V of Code on Wages 2019:
 Advisory boards and Constitution and functions of Central & State Advisory Board
 Inspector-cum-facilitator;


 The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020 : Objective, Scope and
 Concept: Definitions: Factories, Manufacturing Process, hazardous process,

Sections :- S. 2 (d), (f), (k), (l), (m), (q), (s), (y) , 3-9,15-21 , 42, 45, 51, 52-56 .

4 . Introduction to International Economics .

Unit -1 Importance of Trade and Trade Theories

 Importance of the study of International Economics;

 Inter-regional and international trade;
 Theories of absolute advantage,
 Comparative advantage and opportunity cost Constant cost and incresing cost);
 Factor Endowments and Heckscher-Ohlin theory of trade - its main features, assumptions
and limitations,

3rd Year B.A.LLB Hons Corporate Law Bat3ch -1, Harsh Srivastava & Kanika Soni ,
Class Representative , 2021-2026
3rd Year B.A.LLB Hons Corporate Law Batch -1, Harsh Srivastava & Kanika Soni ,
Class Representative , 2021-2026

5 . Corporate Governance


 Concept of Governance
 Genesis and historical development of corporate governance
 Theories of the Corporation that have a shaping influence upon Corporate Governance Practices -
Separation of ownership and control
 Objectives and fundamental principles of corporate governance
 Models of corporate governance
 Business Ethics vis-à-vis Corporate Governance
 Key Stakeholders and Components of a Corporate Governance Framework
 Corporate governance initiatives in India - Various Committee Reports - Other codes and guidelines on
corporate governance in India
 Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee Report, Naresh Chandra Committee Report, N.R. Narayan Murthy
Committee Report, J J Irani Committee Report, Cadbury Committee Recommendations, Greenbury
Committee Recommendations, Hample Committee Recommendations, Blue Ribbon Committee
Recommendations, Sarbanes Oxley Act, 2002


 Evolution of Concept of Board

 The role and importance of the board in corporate system
 Types of board structure – Unitary board system and the two tier board system
 Structure and composition of the board
 The need for board committees - the role and functions of the chairman and the CEO
 Role of auditors and non-executive directors, moving towards a balanced board
 Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of Directors - Role of Directors and Executives Responsibility for
Leadership, Harmony between Directors and Executives
 Standard of care owed by a Director - Business Judgment rule - Self-Dealing Transactions - Fiduciary
duty of a Director acting in good faith and in the company’s interest - The no-conflict and no-profit
 Evolution of the concept of Independent Director - Role to improve Corporate Governance- Role to
protect Share Holders and Stakeholders
 Good Secretarial practices and Standards for corporate disclosure by the Board of Directors


 Need for Legislation of Corporate Governance in India

 Legislative Provisions of Corporate Governance in Companies Act 2013, Securities Contract
(Regulation) Act, 1956, Depositories Act 1996, Securities and Exchange Board of India Act 1992, SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and other allied laws

3rd Year B.A.LLB Hons Corporate Law Bat4ch -1, Harsh Srivastava & Kanika Soni ,
Class Representative , 2021-2026
3rd Year B.A.LLB Hons Corporate Law Batch -1, Harsh Srivastava & Kanika Soni ,
Class Representative , 2021-2026

I hereby declare that the provided mid-semester syllabus for the examination is correct. Students are
requested not to rely solely on the sections provided. In case of any updates, they will be communicated
through the WhatsApp group or Notice Board (B.A LLB B1 Corporate Law). Please stay updated through
these channels.

Thank you for understanding !

Warm Regards ,
Mr. Harsh Srivastava & Ms .Kanika Soni
Class Representative

3rd Year B.A.LLB Hons Corporate Law Bat5ch -1, Harsh Srivastava & Kanika Soni ,
Class Representative , 2021-2026

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