Aerospace Science and Technology: Emiliano Ortore, Marco Cinelli, Christian Circi

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Aerospace Science and Technology 69 (2017) 458–464

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Aerospace Science and Technology

A ground track-based approach to design satellite constellations

Emiliano Ortore ∗ , Marco Cinelli, Christian Circi
Department of Astronautical, Electrical and Energy Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Via Salaria, 851, 00138, Rome, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Following an approach based on ground track analysis, original and compact relationships which permit
Received 5 October 2015 the construction of ground track patterns and the determination of satellite arrangements able to
Received in revised form 27 June 2017 generate appropriate track distance and revisit frequency over a given area are presented. These equations
Accepted 5 July 2017
are valid in the general case of elliptical orbit and can easily be implemented in computer codes devoted
Available online 13 July 2017
to the design of single and multi-plane satellite constellations.
Keywords: © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Satellite constellations
Ground track
Periodic orbit

1. Introduction shifts between, respectively, satellites and orbital planes; [15] and
[16] use equations able to determine, respectively, circular and el-
Satellite constellations represent a very wide field of research liptical periodic orbits under the influence of planetary oblateness;
which involves telecommunication, navigation, Earth observation [17] takes into account the case of uniformly phased satellites in
and science missions. On these topics, a big quantity of studies mean anomaly to apply useful relationships concerning the ar-
and projects have been developed and numerous papers have been rangement of satellites over periodic orbits belonging to one or
written. As far as the orbit design is concerned, from the beginning more orbital planes.
several researches have focused on the determination of the most In this paper, a further investigation of such a topic has been
suitable configurations to guarantee appropriate performances of carried out, extending the matter discussed in [17] to the general
coverage by a minimum number of satellites [1–3], as in the case case in which the satellites can be arranged without constraints
of the Walker constellations [4], which are based on the consider- of uniformity. Thus, following a ground track-based approach, new
ation of regular distributions of satellites and orbital planes. About relationships for designing single and multi-plane satellite con-
coverage, many other studies have been conducted, as those which stellations in periodic orbits have been determined. The proposed
have considered the possibility of obtaining continuous multiple equations, which are valid in the general case of elliptical orbit
coverage (e.g. [5–9]), or those which have approached the prob- and for both prograde and retrograde orbits, allow, in an original
lem through an analysis based on the ground tracks performed by and compact way, the construction of ground track patterns and
satellites in repeating ground track orbits (e.g. [10–17]). Moreover, the determination of satellite arrangements able to generate ap-
starting from such studies, a great number of applications, involv- propriate track distance and revisit frequency over a given area.
ing telecommunication, navigation, Earth observation and science Thanks to their simplicity, these new relationships can easily be
missions have been carried out [18]. In particular, concerning re- implemented in computer codes devoted to the design of satellite
peating ground track orbits (also called periodic orbits), [10,11] constellations. The paper is organised as follows: Section 2 de-
describe the general concept of repeating ground track orbit and scribes the proposed relationships for the case of a single satellite,
the related distribution of ascending and descending nodes; [12] Section 3 extends the concepts to the case of single plane con-
applies such concepts to a real mission design; [13] presents use- stellations and Section 4 presents the general case of multi-plane
ful relationships to retrieve the longitudes of ascending and de- constellations.
scending node crossings and analyses the ground track spacing as
a function of the latitude; [14] reconsiders the relationships pre- 2. The case of a single satellite
sented in [13] to provide the inter-orbit and inter-plane angular
Repeating ground track orbits allow a satellite to observe the
same region of the Earth from the same position at regular time
intervals, taking into account the variations of the orbit elements
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (E. Ortore), due to the effects of orbital perturbations [19–23]. In fact, if D n is (M. Cinelli), (C. Circi). the nodal day of the Earth, given by D n = 2π /(ω E − Ω̇) with ω E
1270-9638/© 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
E. Ortore et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 69 (2017) 458–464 459

Fig. 1. Ascending node crossings for a circular orbit with a = 7045.687 km and i = 99 deg (λ0 = 0).

angular velocity of the Earth around its polar axis and Ω̇ temporal Given that the ground tracks repeat themselves at a regular
variation of Right Ascension of the Ascending Node (RAAN), the time interval of m nodal days, after this time the ground track pat-
ground track pattern completes itself in an integer number (m) of tern is completely defined and Eq. (1) describes the related ground
nodal days and, after this time (mD n ), the satellite returns to the track succession. In particular, considering only integer values of
same location with respect to a given point on the Earth. Indicating t (t = d is multiple of the nodal day), a simpler equation can be
with T n the nodal period of satellite (T n = 2π /ξ̇ , where ξ is the gained from Eq. (1):
argument of latitude, given by the sum of argument of pericentre  
and true anomaly of satellite) and with R the number of nodal λd = λ0 − S t ceil(x) − x , d = 0, . . . , m (2)
revolutions (of period T n ) accomplished by the satellite in m nodal where:
days, the ground track periodicity condition can be expressed as
mD n = R T n , where m and R are prime numbers one to the other. • λd is the longitude at time d;
The description of the ground track distribution in the time • x = qd.
mD n is expressed here by means of an original and compact way,
which allows the simple retrieval of the longitudes related to the While Eq. (1) provides the longitudes related to all crossings,
satellite equatorial crossings (separated by a time interval equal Eq. (2) allows, in a simple way, the retrieval of only the longi-
to T n ). In fact, indicating with λ0 the initial geographical longi- tudes falling in the interval [λ0 , λ0 − S t ], which refer to crossings
tude of the satellite ascending node (measured from the Greenwich of different nodal days: from the first crossing related to the first
meridian at time t 0 ), the longitudes related to the ascending node nodal day to the first crossing related to the (m − 1)-th nodal day
crossings (λt ), in the interval [180 deg West, 180 deg East], are (the first crossing related to the m-th nodal day will occur again in
given by: λ0 ). In fact, once defined the N i (integer part of q) ground tracks
of the first nodal day, separated by an interval S t (lower part of
  Fig. 1), m − 1 tracks will fall inside each interval S t in the m − 1
λt = λ0 − S t ceil(x) − q int(t ) (1)
successive days, thus leading to the achievement of the minimum
where: spacing S m (upper part of Fig. 1). The distribution of these tracks
in the generic interval S t will follow an order depending on the
• t is the time normalised with respect to the nodal day value of k (fractional part of q) [10,11,13,17]. For a given value of
(time/ D n ); m, when k increases then q also increases (lower orbit altitude)
• S t = 2π /q is the longitudinal distance between temporarily and therefore S t = 2π /q decreases.
subsequent ascending node crossings;
• q = R /m = D n / T n = N i + N f ; 3. Satellites over the same orbit
• N i is the integer number of nodal revolutions accomplished by
Extending the discussion to the case of N satellites lying on the
the satellite in 1 nodal day;
same orbit (with different values of mean anomaly), the ascending
• N f = k/m is the fractional part of q;
node longitude of the i-th satellite (λi ,t ) can be found by using the
• k is an integer number that is prime with m and ≤ m − 1;
following compact equation:
• x = qt;
• ceil(x) is a function which provides the smallest integer num-  
λi ,t = λ0 − S t ceil(x) − q int(t ) − y , i = 1, . . . , N (3)
ber greater than (or equal to) x;
• int(t) is a function which provides the integer part of t. where:

More in detail, Eq. (1) is structured in such a way that, for t = • λ0 is the initial longitude of satellite 1 (reference satellite);
t 0 , t 0 + 1/q, t 0 + 2/q, . . . (instants in which the satellite crosses • x = qt + y;
an ascending node) it provides the ascending node longitude at • y = 2π i ;
time t, while introducing a generic time t it gives the longitude of •  M i is the mean anomaly phasing between the i-th satellite
the subsequent (temporarily) ascending node crossing. The ground and satellite 1.
track displacement is taken as positive if it occurs eastwards. Thus,
given that λt is westwards shifted with respect to λ0 , in Eq. (1) it Similar to Eq. (1), for a generic value of t Eq. (3) provides the
appears the sign – out of the square brackets. longitude related to the next ascending node crossing of the i-th
As an example, the lower part of Fig. 1 shows the ascending satellite. Then, considering for t only the integer multiples (d) of
node crossings for a repeating ground track orbit with q = 14 + the nodal day, Eq. (3) becomes:
2/3 (m = 3), a = 7045.687 km, e = 0 and i = 99 deg. Including λi ,d = λ0 − S t ceil(x) − x
the perturbative effect due to the Earth’s oblateness, the minimum (4)
i = 1, . . . , N , d = 0, . . . , m
ground track longitudinal distance (after m = 3 nodal days) is S m =
S t /m = 24.55/3 deg. where:
460 E. Ortore et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 69 (2017) 458–464

Table 1
Mean anomaly phasing with respect to a reference satellite.

Satellite 2 Satellite 3 Satellite 4

 M 1 = 210 deg (I = 1, L = 1)  M 2 = 180 deg (I = 2, L = 1)  M 3 = 150 deg (I = 3, L = 1)
 M 1 = 90 deg (I = 1, L = 2)  M 2 = 60 deg (I = 2, L = 2)  M 3 = 30 deg (I = 3, L = 2)
 M 1 = 330 deg (I = 1, L = 3)  M 2 = 300 deg (I = 2, L = 3)  M 3 = 270 deg (I = 3, L = 3)

• λi ,d is the longitude of the i-th satellite at time d;

• x = qd + y.

This last relationship allows the retrieval of only the longitudes

which fall in the interval [λ0 , λ0 − S t ]. Note that, assuming y = 0
in Eqs. (3) and (4), the single satellite case is re-obtained. Fig. 2. Ascending node crossings for a four-satellite constellation.
With respect to the single satellite, the consideration of more
satellites permits both a reduction of the ground track distance,
making the satellite perform different ground track patterns, and As an example, taking into account the orbit related to Fig. 1
an increase in the number of observations of the same area, mak- and considering a constellation of N = 4 satellites, there are N C =
ing the satellite perform the same ground track pattern. 34−1 = 27 configurations able to offer a uniform ground track dis-
tance and equal to S m / N = 2.0455 deg. Such configurations corre-
3.1. Reduction of ground track distance spond to all the combinations which come out freely choosing one
value for each column of Table 1, where, according to Eq. (5), the
With N satellites lying on the same orbit and performing uni- values of  M i assignable to every satellite are reported (there are
formly distributed (equally spaced in longitude one to the other) m = 3 possible values for each satellite). In particular, the choice
ground track patterns, the equatorial track spacing is reduced to of the values 90, 180, 270 deg leads to a configuration of four uni-
the value S m / N (S m = single satellite case). To achieve this con- formly phased satellites over the same orbit.
dition a simple relationship has been found here, which provides All these configurations will produce, at the end of m nodal
the mean anomaly phasing of satellites: days, the same overall ground track pattern. Fig. 2 shows the cor-
  responding ascending node crossings in the interval [λ0 , λ0 − S t ].
I L However, the ground tracks of these configurations will be per-
 M i = 2π 1 − − formed in a different chronological order. As a matter of fact,
mN m (5)
Figs. 3 and 4 show the ground track patterns described by the
I = 0, . . . , N − 1, L = 1 , . . . , m
two four-satellite constellations reported in Table 2, after one nodal
In Eq. (5), I and L are two integer numbers. In particular, while day. Although the two configurations produce, at the end of m
each satellite must be characterised by a value of I different from nodal days, the same ground track pattern (whose minimum lon-
the one of all the other satellites (N satellites, N different values gitudinal ground track spacing is S m / N = 2.0455 deg), the consid-
of I ), the value of L can be arbitrarily chosen (even the same value eration of different values for the parameter L leads to different
for all the satellites). This is because, while the parameter I deter- patterns in the first nodal day.
mines, in the generic interval S t , the locations of the ground tracks,
the parameter L is associated only with the order in which these 3.2. Reduction of revisit time
tracks are performed. Thus, for assigned values of m and N, Eq. (5)
provides, in a compact way, the description of all the configura- On the other hand, if the goal of a satellite constellation is to
tions associated with the same (uniform) ground track pattern. increase the revisit frequency of a given area, it is necessary to
Once fixed the longitude of satellite 1 at time t = 0 (λ1,0 = λ0 ), impose that the satellites should describe coincident ground track
for this satellite it is I = 0 and L = m ( M i = 0) and the mean patterns (λi ,t = λ0 in Eq. (3)). To express this condition, the follow-
anomaly phasing of the other satellites is counted from this ref- ing simple equation has been found:
erence longitude. Then, considering all the combinations of the  
possible values of I and L, the number of satellite configurations L
 M i = 2π 1 − , L = 1, . . . , m (8)
(N C ) producing uniformly spaced ground tracks (and therefore sat- m
isfying Eq. (5)) can be found as N C = m N −1 .
To obtain Eq. (5), it is possible to consider the first ascend- Thus, if Eq. (8) is satisfied the i-th satellite describes the same
ing node crossing related to a generic satellite, phased by  M i ground track as the reference satellite (identified by L = m, which
with respect to the reference satellite. This crossing, which will be leads to  M i = 0). According to this equation, there are m values
westwards shifted with respect to the initial longitude (λ0 ) of the of mean anomaly which allow the fulfilment of this goal (in this
satellite reference, will occur at the following longitude: case each satellite must be characterised by a value of L different
  from that of all the other satellites). By using all these values, and
M i therefore N = m satellites satisfying Eq. (8), all the satellites will
λi = S t 1 − (6)
2π perform the same ground tracks at a regular time interval of one
nodal day. In this case the satellites will be uniformly phased in
But, in order to gain uniformly distributed ground track pat- mean anomaly by 2π / N = 2π /m.
terns, this crossing will have to be located in one of the following
More in general, if a constant time interval between two obser-
vations of the same area is desired, the general expression for this
Sm time interval is given by lcm( N , m)/ N, where lcm( N , m) represents
λi = I + L Sm the least common multiple between N and m. To obtain this result
N (7)
the satellites have to be uniformly phased in mean anomaly one to
I = 0, . . . , N − 1, L = 1 , . . . , m
the other (by 2π / N) and the minimum time interval is obtained
Thus, equalling Eqs. (6) and (7), Eq. (5) is retrieved. (as mentioned above) when N and m are equal.
E. Ortore et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 69 (2017) 458–464 461

Fig. 3. Ground track pattern of Configuration 1 after one nodal day.

Fig. 4. Ground track pattern of Configuration 2 after one nodal day.

Table 2
Four-satellite single plane constellations.

M1 M2 M3 M4

Configuration 1 0◦ (I = 0, L = m) 90◦ (I = 1, L = 2) 180◦ (I = 2, L = 1) 270◦ (I = 3, L = 3)
Configuration 2 0◦ (I = 0, L = m) 90◦ (I = 1, L = 2) 60◦ (I = 2, L = 2) 30◦ (I = 3, L = 2)

4. Satellites over orbits phased in Right Ascension of the • x = qt + 2πi, p ;
Ascending Node • N p is the number of satellites of the p-th plane;
•  M i , p is the mean anomaly phasing between the i-th satellite
The relationships found for the single plane case can be gener- of the p-th plane and satellite 1 of plane 1;
alised taking into consideration several orbital planes. In this case, • y = 2πi, p + S t p ;
the satellites will have to be arranged over orbits presenting the • Ω p is the longitudinal separation between the p-th plane
same values of semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination and argu- and plane 1 (Ω = RAAN).
ment of perigee, while different values of RAAN and mean anomaly
can be selected. Thus, considering a constellation of N satellites Similar to Eqs. (1) and (3), for a generic value of t Eq. (9) pro-
distributed on P planes, the ascending node longitude of the i-th vides the longitude related to the next ascending node crossing of
satellite of the p-th plane (λ p ,i ,t ) can be retrieved by: the i-th satellite of the of the p-th plane. Besides, considering for
  t only the integer multiples (d) of the nodal day, Eq. (9) becomes:
λ p ,i ,t = λ0 − S t ceil(x) − q int(t ) − y  
(9) Ω p
p = 1, . . . , P , i = 1, . . . , N p λ p ,i ,d = λ0 − S t ceil(x) − x −
St (10)
where: p = 1, . . . , P , i = 1, . . . , N p , d = 0, . . . , m
462 E. Ortore et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 69 (2017) 458–464

where: Table 3
Multi-plane configurations reducing the ground track spacing.
• λ p ,i ,d is the longitude of the i-th satellite at time d; Satellite p i Ω M Ω M
M i, p
• x = qd + 2π
. 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
2 1 2 0 110 0 230
3 1 3 0 220 0 220
4.1. Reduction of ground track distance
4 1 4 0 90 0 90
5 2 1 120 120 120 120
As in the single plane case, N satellites lying on P planes and 6 2 2 120 350 120 230
performing uniformly distributed ground track patterns lead to a 7 2 3 120 100 120 100
8 2 4 120 90 120 210
ground track spacing equal to S m / N. Also in this case, a simple
9 3 1 240 120 240 240
equation to achieve this condition has been found: 10 3 2 240 110 240 110
  11 3 3 240 100 240 340
 M i , p − qΩ p = 2π 1 − − − J 12 3 4 240 330 240 330
mN m (11)
I = 0, . . . , N − 1 , L = 1 , . . . , m , J = 0, . . . , R − 1 satellites must coincide (λ p ,i ,t = λ0 in Eq. (9)). This occurs if, at
Such a relationship allows the obtaining of the pair of values time t 0 , λ p ,i ,0 = H S m + λ0 , where H is an integer number from 1
 M i , p and Ω p (mean anomaly phasing between satellites and to R (H = R + 1 is equivalent to H = 1 and so on). Such a condition
RAAN phasing between orbital planes) that have to be assigned to translates into the fact that the term in parenthesis in Eq. (9) must
gain the aforesaid condition (once fixed the value of Ω p Eq. (11) be equal to an integer number (H ) and this leads to the following
allows the determination of the value of  M i , p , and vice versa). In expression:
particular, while each satellite must be characterised by a value of H
I different from that of all the other satellites, the values of L and  M i , p + qΩ p = 2π , H = 1, . . . , R (14)
J (associated with the order in which the tracks are described) can
be arbitrarily chosen. Once fixed the value of  M i , p , R different values of Ω p are
Once fixed, at time t = 0, the longitude of the satellite cor- obtained in correspondence to the R possible values of H , whereas
responding to p = 1 and i = 1 (λ1,1,0 = λ0 ), for this satellite it once fixed the value of Ω p , only m values of  M i , p , phased by
is I = 0, L = m, J = 0. Thus, once assigned the Ω p for every 2π /m, can be gained for H ranging from 1 to R.
plane, the number of possible values for  M i , p is still equal to With more orbital planes, unlike the single plane case (Sec-
m and the number of configurations producing uniformly spaced tion 3), it is possible to gain a constant revisit time, between two
ground tracks (and therefore satisfying Eq. (11)) is still given by observations of the same area, less than one nodal day. If the same
N C = m N −1 . number of satellites is considered for each plane (N p = N S ), the
Similar to Eq. (5), to obtain Eq. (11) it is possible to consider the general expression for this time interval is given (in nodal days,
first ascending node crossing related to a generic satellite, phased similar to the single plane case), by lcm( N S , m)/( P N S ), whose
by  M i , p and Ω p with respect to the reference satellite: minimum value is m/ N. To obtain this value, by assigning an index
j to each satellite to indicate the chronological order in which the
M i, p satellites cross the equator at the ascending node λ0 ( j = 1 means
λi , p = S t 1 − + Ω p (12) that satellite 1 is the first satellite to cross λ0 ), the following con-

dition has to be fulfilled:
Given that, to gain uniformly distributed ground track patterns,   
this crossing will have to be located in one of the following posi- R
 M j , j −1 = 2π 1 + int − qΩ j , j −1
tions: N (15)
Sm j = 2, . . . , N
λi , p = I + L Sm + J St
N (13) where  M j , j −1 is the mean anomaly phasing between satellite j
I = 0, . . . , N − 1 , L = 1 , . . . , m , J = 0, . . . , R − 1 and satellite j − 1 and Ω j , j −1 is the RAAN phasing between the
plane containing satellite j and the plane containing satellite j − 1.
Eq. (11) is then retrieved by equalling Eqs. (12) and (13) (q =
By assuming 0 ≤  M j , j −1 ≤ 2π , the values of Ω j , j −1 consider-
2π / S t ).
able in Eq. (15) will have to be confined to one interval S t given
Considering, for instance, the same orbit as in the previous ex-
amples, with a constellation of N = 12 satellites equally distributed     
over P = 3 planes (N p = 4 for each plane), identified by Ω1 = 0, R R
Ω2 = 120 deg, Ω3 = 240 deg (values of Ω p ), and assuming S t · int ≤ Ω j , j −1 ≤ S t 1 + int
N N (16)
λ0 = 0 for the satellite with p = 1 and i = 1 at the initial time, the
j = 2, . . . , N
number of configurations able to make the ground track distance
equal to S m / N is 311 = 177147. Examples of possible configura- Thus, once fixed an admissible value for Ω j , j −1 according to
tions are reported in Table 3. Eq. (16), it will be possible to find the corresponding value of
All these configurations provide, at the end of the cycle (m  M j , j−1 by Eq. (15).
nodal days), the same overall ground track pattern. An analogous In particular, considering N S = m satellites over each orbital
pattern is obtained also choosing a higher number of planes (even plane, the revisit time reaches the minimum value m/ N = 1/ P
P = N = 12) and not necessarily considering the same number of (nodal days). To obtain this result, it is necessary to consider satel-
satellites for each plane. lite constellations in which all the following conditions have to be
4.2. Reduction of revisit time
• the satellites are uniformly phased in mean anomaly (by
Alternatively, to gain a reduction of the time elapsing between 2π / N S ) over each plane;
two observations of the same area, the ground track patterns of • the planes are uniformly shifted in RAAN (by 2π / P );
E. Ortore et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 69 (2017) 458–464 463

Table 4
Example of constellations with the same revisit time.

j-th satellite Non-homogeneous constellation Homogeneous constellation

Ω M Ω j , j −1  M j , j −1 Ω M Ω j , j −1  M j , j −1
1 0.00 0.00 – – 0.00 0.00 – –
2 97.46 10.64 97.46 10.64 90.00 120.00 90.00 120.00
3 194.58 26.12 97.13 15.48 180.00 240.00 90.00 120.00
4 280.13 211.44 85.55 185.32 270.00 0.00 90.00 120.00
5 13.41 283.39 93.28 71.95 360.00 120.00 90.00 120.00
6 90.52 232.35 77.12 308.96 90.00 240.00 90.00 120.00
7 174.51 80.55 83.99 208.20 180.00 0.00 90.00 120.00
8 270.62 110.84 96.12 30.29 270.00 120.00 90.00 120.00
9 3.70 185.72 93.08 74.88 360.00 240.00 90.00 120.00
10 100.89 200.32 97.19 14.60 90.00 0.00 90.00 120.00
11 190.61 324.33 89.73 124.01 180.00 120.00 90.00 120.00
12 265.12 311.57 74.51 347.24 270.00 240.00 90.00 120.00

Table 5
Ground track distance and related conditions.

Minimum value Conditions

Single satellite Sm –
Sm I L
Single plane constellations N
 M i = 2π (1 − mN
− m
Sm I L
Multi-plane constellations N
 M i , p − qΩ p = 2π (1 − mN
− m
− J)

Table 6
Revisit time and related conditions.

Minimum value Conditions

Single satellite m –
Single plane constellations 1 N =m
 M i = (i − 1) 2mπ , i = 1, . . . , m
Multi-plane constellations N
 M j , j −1 = 2π [1 + int( NR )] − qΩ j , j −1
S t · int( NR ) ≤ Ω j , j −1 ≤ S t [1 + int( NR )]
j = 2, . . . , N

• the i-th satellite of the p-th plane and the i-th satellite of the Moreover, by replacing the values of Ω j , j −1 and  M j , j −1 of
(p − 1)-th plane present a constant mean anomaly phasing, Table 4 in place of the values of, respectively, Ω p and  M i , p
given by: of Eq. (14), Eq. (14) itself provides, for all satellites (excluding the
reference one), the same value H = 12 for both constellations.
q 4.3. Summary of the results and ground track reconstruction
 M R =  M i , p −  M i , p −1 = 2π 1 − frac (17)
q q Tables 5 and 6 summarise the obtained results for, respectively,
where frac( P ) is the fractional part of P .
the ground track distance and the revisit time (both constant),
As an example, Table 4 shows two constellations, where one
showing the conditions that have to be fulfilled.
satisfies the conditions mentioned above Eq. (17) (homogeneous
To determine the sensor swath (S S ) needed to gain com-
constellation) while the other does not fulfil such conditions (non-
plete longitudinal coverage, it is necessary to consider, besides
homogeneous constellation). These constellations are associated
the ground track distance (in general S m / N), the value of the so-
with the same (constant) revisit time, equal to m/ N nodal days called apparent inclination i  , defined as the angle that the ground
(which, for the homogeneous case is also equal to 1/ P ). The exam- track forms with the equator. In fact, the sensor swath must be
ple is based on the already considered orbit, having q = 14 + 2/3, greater than (or at least equal to) the ground track distance (which
while the RAAN and the mean anomaly of the reference satel- decreases as the latitude increases), measured in cross-track direc-
lite ( j = 1) have been set at 0 for both constellations. Given that tion: S S ≥ ( S m / N ) sin i  for prograde orbits, S S ≥ ( S m / N ) sin(π − i  )
N = 12, the revisit time is t = m/ N = 3/12 = 0.25 nodal days for retrograde orbits.
(in the homogeneous case, it is P = 12/3 = 4). In particular, in the In the case of circular orbit, the apparent inclination can
non-homogeneous constellation, the RAAN phasing between two be computed by the following relationship (i  ≥ i) [24]: t gi  =
consecutive satellites ( j, j − 1) has to be set according to Eq. (16), sin i /(cos i − 1/q).
thus obtaining 73.6364 ≤ Ω j , j −1 ≤ 98.1818. Then, once chosen As is well-known, to reconstruct the ground track as a func-
a RAAN phasing in this interval, the corresponding mean anomaly tion of time, it is necessary to determine the temporal variation of
phasing between two consecutive satellites ( j, j − 1) has to be both longitude (λ) and latitude (φ ) of the sub-satellite point (ra-
computed by Eq. (15). dial projection of the instantaneous satellite position on the Earth’s
As evidence shows, in the case of homogeneous constellation, in surface). To this end, the following formulae can be used:
which the RAAN phasing is equal to 2π / P , the values of  M j , j −1
are all constant and equal to the one provided by Eq. (17) for
φ = sin−1 (sin i sin ξ ) (18)
 M R . This consideration is valid, in general, for any homogeneous
constellation. λ = λ0 + tan (cos i tan ξ ) − 2π t (19)
464 E. Ortore et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 69 (2017) 458–464

λ = λ0 − π + tan−1 (cos i tan ξ ) − 2π t (20) non-uniformly phased satellites. On the other hand, a constant
ground track distance can be obtained by both uniformly and non-
where, as said in Section 1, t is the time normalised with respect
uniformly phased satellites and by both single and multi-plane
to the nodal day, so that 2π t = (ω E − Ω̇) D n t. In particular, Eq. (19)
has to be considered in the ascending phase of the orbit, while
Eq. (20) has to be taken into account in the descending one.
Conflict of interest statement
In the particular case of periodic circular orbit, for which the
argument of latitude ξ can be expressed as:
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

ξ = ξ̇ t D n = t D n = 2π qt (21)
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