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 Significant weight loss when not dieting or

Lesson One: Depression weight gain or decrease or increase in
DEFINITION: appetite nearly every day.
MOOD – is a pervasive and sustained emotion  Weight gain or weight loss
that may have a major influence on a person’s  A slowing down of thought and a reduction
perception of the world. (E.g.: depression, joy, of physical movement (observable by
elation, anger and anxiety) others, not merely subjective feelings of
 ang perception restlessness or being slowed down).
AFFECT – is describes as the emotional  2 week to 3 week before makakita ang
reaction associated with an experience therapeutic effects of antidepressants.
(Taber’s, 2005)
 Monitor for suicide when the patient is able
 inappropriate affect – sad inside, but happy to do normal things again. So, after 2-3
outside. weeks after giving antidepressants.
DEPRESSION  Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day.
 Otherwise known as major depressive  Tamaran ang mga may depression, they
disorder or clinical depression. can still do their activities of daily living, but
 → If e check ang DSM V, major depressive may depression na sila.
disorder, is only a type of depression.  Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or
 Those who suffer from depression inappropriate guilt nearly every day.
experience persistent feelings of sadness  Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or
and hopelessness and lose interest in indecisiveness, nearly every day.
activities they once enjoyed  Recurrent thoughts of death, recurrent
 Aside from the emotional problems caused suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a
by depression, Individuals can also present suicide attempt or a specific plan for
with a physical symptom such as chronic committing suicide
pain or digestive issues.  Easily bored/short attention span if may
 To be diagnosed with depression, problem
symptoms must be present for at least  During what time of the day may suicide:
two weeks. Morning, and afternoon (rush hour).
 Signs and Symptoms of depression should EPIDEMIOLOGY
last for two weeks.  Age and Gender - higher in women than it
 You can say it is depression if it impairs is in men by almost 2 to 1.
your day to day living  Women experience more depression than
CRITERIA men beginning at about age 10 and
 The DSM-5 outlines the following criterion continuing through midlife.
to make a diagnosis of depression. The  Social Class - both depression and
individual must be experiencing five or personality disorders have most commonly
more symptoms during the same 2-week been found to be outcomes of low
period and at least one of the symptoms socioeconomic status. (Hudson 2005).
should be either (1) depressed mood or  Leading cause of depression.
(2) loss of Interest or pleasure.  Race and Culture - socioeconomic class of
 To receive a diagnosis of depression, these the race being investigated.
symptoms must cause the Individual  Clinicians tend to underdiagnose mood
clinically significant distress or disorders and to over diagnose
impairment in social, occupational, or other schizophrenia.
important areas of functioning. The  Depression Is more prevalent in whites than
symptoms must also not be a result of it is in blacks, but that depression tends to
substance abuse or another medical be more severe, persistent, and disabling In
condition. blacks, and they are less likely to be
 Depressed mood most of the day, nearly treated.
every day.  Marital Status - being single was a
 Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in significant predictor of depression in the 37-
all, or almost all, activities most of the day, to 49-year-old age group but was not a
nearly every day. significant predictor of depression in any of
the other age groups (18-25, 26-36, 50+).

(LaPierre 2004) Married had a protective potassium is lost, there is a decrease in the
effect against major depression (George contraction of smooth muscles (lungs & h)
 18-25 (mga wala kapasar board exam, na DISORDER - depressed mood, excessive
stress sa school) anxiety, mood swings, and decreased
 26-36 (partner probs) Interest in activities during the week prior to
 50+ (menopause) menses, improving shortly after the onset of
 Seasonality → suicide - Spring (March to menstruation and becoming minimal or
May); Fall (September to November) - absent in the week post menses (APA
(Davidson 2005) 2013)
 Wala sun, therefore, gloomy, sun stimulates 4. SUBSTANCE / MEDICATION - Induced
the production of serotonin. It increases Depressive Disorder - direct result of
serotonin in the brain. (Exposure to sun for physiologic effects of substance (drug
at least 30 minutes). abuse, medication or toxin exposure). The
depressed mood is associated with
TYPES OF DEPRESSIVE intoxication or withdrawal from substances
DISORDERS such as alcohol, amphetamines, cocaine,
- is characterized by depressed mood or 5. DEPRESSIVE DISORDER DUE TO
loss of interest or pleasure in usual ANOTHER MEDICAL CONDITION –
activities. Characterized by symptoms associated
 impaired social and occupational with major depressive episodes that are
functioning that has existed for at least 2 direct physiological consequence of another
weeks, no history of manic behavior. medical condition. (APA 2013).
 symptoms that cannot be attributed to use PRESIDPOSING FACTORS
of substances or a general medical I. BIOLOGICAL THEORIES
condition. 1. GENETICS
 the diagnosis of MDD is specified according A. Twin Studies - monozygotic twins indicate
to whether it is a single (the individual's first that recurrent major depression is
encounter) or recurrent episode (the heritability approximately 37 percent.
individual has a history of previous B. Family Studies - major depression is 1.5 to
episodes) 3 times more common among first-degree
 Symptoms last for two weeks. biological relatives of people with the
2. PERSISTENT DEPRESSIVE DISORDER disorder than among the long the general
(DYSTHYMIA) - similar to, if somewhat population (APA, 2000).
milder than, those ascribed to MDD. C. Adoption Studies - biological children of
Individuals with this mood disturbance parents with mood disorders are at
describe their mood as sad or "down in the increased risk of developing a mood
dumps" (American Psychiatric Association disorder, even when they are reared by
(APA), 2000). adoptive parents who do not have the
 There is no evidence of psychotic disorder (Dubovsky, Davies, & Dubovsky,
symptoms, The essential feature is a 2003)
chronically depressed mood (or possibly an 2. BIOCHEMICAL INFLUENCES
irritable mood in children or adolescents) for A. Biogenic Amines - deficiency of the
most of the day, more days than not, for at neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine
least 2 years (1 year for children and at functionally important receptor sites in
adolescents). the brain.
 The diagnosis is identified as early onset 3. NEUROENDOCRINE DISTURBANCES
(occurring before age 21 years) or late A. Hypothalamic-Pituitary- Adrenocortical
onset (occurring at age 21 years or older). Axis – Hypersecretion of cortisol. This
 Anorexia Nervosa – the type of mental elevated serum cortisol is the basis for the
disorder that is the leading cause of death dexamethasone suppression test that is
because the patient does not eat, and they sometimes used to determine if an
induce vomiting, therefore the patient individual has somatically treatable
losses electrolytes (potassium: 3.5 -5.5 depression.
mEq/L, sodium: 135 – 145 mEq/L). If

otherwise separated from a significant other

4. PHYSIOLOGICAL INFLUENCES during the first 6 months of life.
A. Medication Side Effects - drugs with direct D. Cognitive Theory - Beck and colleagues
to CNS (anxiolytics, antipsychotics, (1979) proposed a theory suggesting that
sedatives) the primary disturbance in depression is
B. Neurological Disorders - CVA, Brain cognitive `rather than affective.
Tumors, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
disease, and Huntington's disease
 Sleep (insomnia or hypersomnia)
C. Electrolyte Disturbances - Excessive
 Interest (diminished interest or pleasure
levels of sodium bicarbonate or calcium can
from activities)
produce symptoms of depression, as can
 Guilt (excessive or inappropriate; feelings of
deficits in magnesium and sodium.
Potassium is also Implicated in the
 Energy (loss of energy or fatigue)
syndrome of depression. Symptoms have
 Concentration (diminished or
been observed with excesses of potassium
in the body, as well as in instances of
 Appetite (decrease or increase; weight loss,
potassium depletion.
weight gain)
D. Hormonal Disturbances - Depression is
 Psychomotor retardation/ agitation
associated with dysfunction of the adrenal
 Suicide (recurrent: thoughts of death,
cortex and is commonly observed in both
suicidal ideation, suicide attempt.
Addison's disease and Cushing's
syndrome. Other endocrine conditions TREATMENT MODALITIES
include hypoparathyroidism, FOR DEPRESSION
hyperparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, and
 Individual Psychotherapy
 Group Therapy
E. Nutritional Deficiencies - Deficiencies in
 Family Therapy
vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B6
 Cognitive Therapy
(pyridoxine), vitamin B12, niacin, vitamin C,
 Cognitive rather than affective. (Depression
iron, folic acid, zinc, calcium, and potassium
is all in the mind, does not affect the
may produce symptoms of depression
(Schimelpfening, 2009).
F. Other Physiological Conditions - SLE,  Introjection – most common coping
cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, mechanism of patients with depression
myocardial infarction, and cerebrovascular (signs and symptoms slide)
accident (stroke); infections, such as  Electroconvulsive Therapy
encephalitis, hepatitis, mononucleosis,  ECT – is no longer being used in NCMH.
pneumonia, and syphilis; and metabolic One of the most effective treatment for
disorders, such as diabetes mellitus. depression.
II. PSYCHOSOCIAL THEORIES  When do you submit yourself for ECT: once
A. Psychoanalytical Theory - Freud the patient is no longer responsive to
observed that melancholia occurs after the medication. (last resort)
loss of a loved object, either actually by  ECT – Action is not well understood but
death or emotionally by rejection, or the works well with severe depression.
loss of some other abstraction of value to  Light Therapy
the Individual.  Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
B. Learning Theory - Seligman theorized that  Psychopharmacology
learned helplessness predisposes.  → Psychopharmatherapy –antidepressants,
Individuals to depression by Imposing a SSRI, MAOI. Affects 2-3 weeks after.
feeling of lack of control over their life ELECTROCONVULSIVE
situation. They become depressed because
they feel helpless; they have learned that THERAPY
whatever they do is futile.  is the induction of a grand mal (generalized)
C. Object Loss Theory - The theory of object seizure through the application of electrical
loss suggests that depressive illness occurs current to the brain.
as a result of having been abandoned by or  Action: Application of Electric Current(70-
110 volts) → alteration (temporary) of

brain's electrochemical processes →

decreased depression.
Note: Action of ECT is not well understood
Lesson two: Schizophrenia
and other Psychoses
INDICATIONS:  Patients have a flattened affect and
1. Primarily used with clients with depression undergo hoarding (this serves as their
2. Used as adjunct therapy for patients no security blanket; these things are significant
longer responding to antidepressants to them)
1. Brain tumor SCHIZOPHRENIA
2. Respiratory diseases (PTB, etc)  The word schizophrenia comes from the
3. Pregnant women (specially with PIH) Greek words “schizo” meaning split, and
ALWAYS REMEMBER “phrene” meaning mind, to describe
 Duration of administration: 0.5 to 1 second fragmented thinking.
 70 to 110 v used for patients who undergo  Is genetically passed on.
ECT. (.5 to 1 seconds: in book) (3-5 THREE INESCAPABLE
seconds: actual)
 Frequency of treatment: 2-3 times weekly FACTS ABOUT
 Total number of treatments: 6-12 therapies. SCHIZOPHRENIA
 Side effect: Seizure (tonic-clonic seizure)
1. Age at onset: late adolescence and early
 Usual side effect – pt may suffer
anterograde amnesia. So dapat e reorient
 More common in males, and have worst
the patient.
manifestations; because they suppress
 Priority: Safety.
their emotions, genetics, wala estrogen ang
 Position: Post ECT – side lying.
boys, estrogen plays a role in the
 Asses vital signs, LOC (s/e), presence of
decreasing of dopamine in the body.
gag reflex.
2. Role of Stress: onset and relapse always
related to stress.
 Informed consent
 Stress triggers schizophrenia.
 Pre-ECT Medications:
 Advise to change the environment after
 Anectine (muscle relaxant)
discharge to prevent relapse.
 Brevital (anesthetic agent)
 Despite the maintenance meds, stress can
 Atropine sulfate (anticholinergic)
cause relapse.
o Atropine sulfate – give to decrease
3. Efficacy of Dopamine Antagonist: Drugs
salivation of patient post ECT. Put patient that block dopamine receptors are
in side lying position. therapeutic.
 Assisting in ECT: hold patients arm (it does Psychosis
not shock you. Patient only experiences  is a disruptive mental state in which in
grand mal seizure, not electrocuted) individual struggles to distinguish the
 ECT – can also be given to catatonic type external world from internally generated
of schizophrenia. Not only depressive perception.
patients.  They are not in touch of reality. If you ask
 Catatonic schizophrenia – mag assume one about their disease condition, they are not
position and does not move for how many aware about their illness, that is why they
hours or days. (Ting) do not submit to the treatment.
 Ngaa gina tagaan ECT ang catatonic schiz DIFFERENTIATE NEUROSIS
pts? Kay pwede nila ma pugnga nila
breathing, not only their movements.
PERSONALIT Neurosis: Present
 ECT- given to emergency cases. Y Psychosis: Absent
 In ECT – after exposure, pwede mabalik REALITY Neurosis: in touch with
imo patient to normal. reality, they are aware that
 Bipolar patients can also be given ECT, they have a disease
since they are prone to committing suicide. condition
Psychosis: not in touch

with reality  Inappropriate affect – laughing mskin subo.

INSIGHT Neurosis: Present
(Panan-awan; Psychosis: Absent; not
not the same intact 5. BEHAVIOR (SOCIAL WITHDRAWAL)
as judgement, Judgement vs Insight:  Patients prefer to be alone.
If the patient Judgement – ga shades 6. ATTENTION
knows what while night, ga jacket while  Inability to concentrate
they will do in a init 7. MOTIVATION
 cannot initiate or persist in goal directed
DELUSION Delusion: false belief. May activities – abolition: Absence of motivation.
gina claim pero ndi mo SCHIZOPHRENIA
makita or may paniniwala  Formerly known as Dementia Pracox (Emil
na ndi makita. Ex Ga claim
sya na sya pinaka gwapa,
pro ndi  It was known as a manifestation of
Illusion: with stimulus. Ex. possession.
May kurtina na puti, pero  Age of onset in men is typically 4 to 6 yrs.
panan-awan sa patient is earlier than in women.
white lady  Men have more severe course.
Hallucination: without  → because of hormones: Estrogen:
stimulus, may makita na ndi Dopamine
naton makita. Patient has  Women have more positive symptoms.
alteration with the 5
 Estrogen modulates dopamine function.
CAUSES Neurosis: No organic  Women are more compliant with
cause medications.
Psychosis: There is  Women tend to have lower blood levels and
organic cause (genes) longer half-lives of medications.
 − Is a diagnostic term used to describe a
 1% of the population develops
major disorder characterized by
schizophrenia. (1 out of 100)
disturbances of the following:
1. PERCEPTION (HALLUCINATIONS)  95% suffer lifetime.
 If patient has visual hallucinations,  50% experience serious side effects from
therapeutic communication should be to medications.
acknowledge the feelings of the patient,  10% kill themselves
after that present reality, and lastly, divert  Pt w/ schizophrenia are prone to suicide:
the attention of the patient. TRUE. Because they are having auditory
 Example: “Na iintindihan ko na baka miss hallucinations. (maka bati mga tingug).
mo ang tatay mo, pero patay na itong tao  What are the gestures of patient who are
na ito. Halika, manood tayo ng TV.” hallucinating?
 Tactile Hallucination: Patient refuses to lie  Auditory Hallucination: Ga balikid
down on the bed because he claims that FOUR A’S OF
there are ants. Therefore, the nurse should
acknowledge the feelings, present reality, SCHIZOPHRENIA
and provide diversion. A – ffective Disturbance – inappropriate, or
2. THOUGH PROCESS (THOUGHT flattened affect.
DERAILMENT) A – utism – preoccupation with the self, with
 Kung gina ask ang patient, lain ang iya gina little concern for external reality.
answer. A – ssociative looseness – the stringing
 Kung ma ask ka “Saan ka nanggaling”, pt together of unrelated topics.
answers “Ang nakaon ko…” A – mbivalence – simultaneous opposite


COURSE OF ILLNESS  They have a feeling that they are dead.

 They have a feeling that they do not exist.
(OVERLAPPING PHASES)  Feeling that an organ is absent. (ex. Ndi
ACUTE PHASE – the patient experience mag kaon ang patient, kay wala siya kuno
severe psychotic symptoms bituka)
 There are manifestations.  If a patient looks at themselves in the
STABILIZING PHASE – the patient is getting mirror, it is a good sign because it shows
better. that they know and are aware of their
 Ga dula na slight ang manifestations. appearance and body, and that they still
STABLE PHASE - the patient might still have a face, and still exist.
experience hallucinations and delusions but  Delusion of Influence
not as severe or disabling as they were during  Belief that they are in control.
the acute phase.  Delusion of Reference.
 Ga dula na ang manifestations. Gamay  Ideas of reference: belief that they are
nlng bilin being talked about, with evidence. People
DSM V CRITERIA are pointing and looking.
A. Characteristics Symptoms (at least 2 of  Delusion of reference: belief that they are
the following) being talked about. But there are no
 Delusions physical evidence. Ex: Belief that TV
 Hallucinations anchors who does not know him are
 Disorganized Speech “talking” about him
 Grossly disorganized (sagay giho) or B. Social-Occupational dysfunction: work,
catatonic behavior (ndi mag giho)(either of interpersonal, and self-care functioning
the two with schizophrenia) below the level achieved before onset.
C. Duration: continuous signs of disturbance
 Negative symptoms
for at least 6 months.
TYPES OF DELUSION D. Schizoaffective and mood disorders not
 Erotomatic present and not responsible for the signs
 They have a false belief that somebody is in and symptoms.
love with him/her.  Schizoaffective – combination between
 Eros = love schizophrenia and affective disorder.
 Grandiose E. Not caused by substance abuse or a
 Delusion of grandeur. general medical disorder.
 Delusion of grandiosity. POSITIVE VS NEGATIVE
 Feeling niya siya ang PINAKA sa tanan.
 Ndi mag pa perde.
 Jealous
 Hallucinations
 Belief that their partner/spouse is unfaithful
 There are five types of hallucination,
or having an affair.
because this depends on the five senses.
 Persecutory
 Visual, tactile, olfactory, gustatory,,
 Paranoia
 Feeling nila may CCTV where gina monitor
 Delusion
 There are several types of delusion.
 Feeling niya may stalker siya
 Incoherence
 Somatic
 Ang mga patients na lain ang gina ask from
 False belief that one has an illness /
them, lain ang ila gina answer.
medical condition.
 There is alteration of thoughts. Patient
 Mixed or Unspecified
cannot answer the right answers.
 Delusion with two or more delusions.
o include Paranoia in 2013.
 Combination of 2 or more
 Religious
 Alogia
 Feeling nila naka istroya sila kay mama
 Absence of speech (ndi ka hambal).
 Can also be mutism (which is a diagnosis,
 Nihilistic
wherein the patient cannot talk. But in

alogia absence of speech because nag ka

 Sang una ga hambal ang patient, pagka
diagnose nya schizophrenia, na dula.
 Anergia
 Lack/Absence of energy.
 Wala ga giho ang patient kay wala siya WHAT DIFFERS FROM
energy to move.
 Asocial behavior
 Patient wala ga mingle, wala naki POSITIVE NEGATIVE
associate, staying away from the crowd. Patient no symptoms May ara isa ka trait
 Attention deficits until nag ka but after na diagnose
 Avolition schizophrenia. siya, na dula ang
 Absence of motivation. Patient was normal amo to na trait. Ex.
before diagnosis, no Before, patient is
 Gusto sila mag kaon pero wala sila gana
delusions and talkative, after
mag giho. Not motivated to move. hallucinations. diagnosis of
 Blunted affect Happens after schizophrenia,
 Can be blunted, inappropriate affect. diagnosis; these are patient manifests
 A problem in the affect. manifestations added alogia, poverty of
 Communication difficulties (+) to the patient. speech, and
 Pwede ang patient ndi ka hambal becos of communication
the disease condition. problems.
 Because of the disease patient develops
 Patients find it hard to communicate.  Alterations in Personal Relationships
 Can sometimes be caused by the  Nurse notices that there are alternations in
medications that the patient is taking. Ex. personal relationships related to:
Facial paralysis can occur. Dystonia can 1. Decreased attention to appearance and
affect the speech of the patient = social amenities related to introspect rum
communication difficulties. and autism.
 Difficulty with Abstraction o Ndi maki mingle si patient.
 The patient has difficulty analyzing and o Ang patient may sariling mundo.
interpreting. o There is problem in making social
 Passive social withdrawal interaction with other people.
 Active social withdrawal – if you are part of 2. Inadequate or inappropriate communication
the one group, the patient walks out and o If ang patient wala ga sabat/ga hambal.
wants to be by himself, has initiative to be o If the patient is not answering properly to
alone. (Same as schizoid personality the questions.
disorder) o You cannot establish a relationship with
 → Passive social withdrawal – one group other people if you don’t communicate.
ga updanay lakat, ang patient nabilin. 3. Hostility
Patient refused to mingle, but the initiative o If the patient is angry, violent.
does not come from the patient, it comes o Patient will not be able to mingle with other
from the people around the patient. people because they are hostile.
 Poor grooming and hygiene 4. Withdrawal
 Such as disorganized schizophrenia  Alterations of Activity
 Best example of a negative symptom. 1. Psychomotor agitation
 Poor rapport o Patient is restless, agitated or si patient
 Poverty of speech wala ga giho (Ex. Catatonic Schizophrenia)
 Alogia VS poverty of speech: o Patient cannot perform regular activities,
 (1) Poverty of speech: there is 2. Catatonic rigidity
communication but limited ang answers and o Acute stupor
way of communication. o Patients resists changes done to their
 (2) Alogia: if ma ask ka, wala gd ga sabat. posture.

3. Echopraxia o Patient sagay hambal, gulpi lang nag untant

o Copying or imitating one’s actions – kay nalipat siya sa iya gna hambal.
echopraxia.  Autism (Introspective/ own world)
o Copying or imitating one’s speech -  Ambivalence (love-hate)
echolalia.  Delusions (fixed, false beliefs)
 Stereotypy o Altered thoughts
o Patients tend to be do an action repeatedly.  Poverty of speech
o It differs from mannerisms: because with o Inability to formulate and articulate
mannerisms, they do it unconsciously. thoughts, vocabulary is limited.
In Catatonic patients, if e change mo ila  Ideas of reference
position after nag freeze sila, balikon nila o Paranoid patients usually have this.
original position? Mabalik. (negativism -one o Si patient ga suspect na siya ang gina
of the manifestations of patients with storyahan.
catatonic schizophrenia.) o Kung ang patient paranoid: patient can
Prominent Manifestations of patients with have delusion of persecution.
 Mutism
 Waxy flexibility
 Concrete thinking (inability to conceptualize
 Acute stupor (ndi ka giho)
the meaning of words0
 Negativism (resists to changes)
o Ndi ma express ang gusto e hambal.
Paralytic Agent – gapa paralyze, therefore,
ma rest/relax ang patient. (Succinylcholine)  ALTERED CONSCIOUSNESS (IS
*In patients with schizophrenia, muscle PATIENT AWARE AND ORIENTED)
contraction is not the problem. The problem  Confusion
is in the neurotransmitters, which can result o Tulala si patient
in paralytic agents having no effect in  Incoherent speech (difficult to understand)
patients with catatonic schizophrenia. This  Clouding (mental fog)
further gives importance in the need for o Dumduman mo na nakita mo siya, pero
ECT. nalipatan mo ang iban na details. Likeano
Patients with catatonic schizophrenia can ila color of shirt. Nasugata mo sila pero ndi
hold their breath = need for ECT. ka maka klaro sa ila chura.
SUBJECTIVE SIGNS  Sense of “going crazy” (loss of control)
o Daw mabuang na ang patient – hambal ya.
o Patient has panic anxiety.
 Hallucination
o No stimulus. Making things up.  ALTERATIONS OF AFFECT
o Best nursing diagnosis: Altered perception  Inappropriate, blunted, flattened, or labile
 Illusion
o Inappropriate Affect – patient says he is
o With stimulus, misinterpretation of stimulus.
happy, but ga hibi siya.
o Paranoid drinking/thinking
o Blunted Affect – hapaw. No emotion, but
happy iya gina hambal. [A decreased ability
 Loose association to express emotion through your facial
o There is a speech problem. expressions, tone of voice, and physical
o Patient has word salads, if e ask ang movement.]
patient layo and ila answers to the o Flattened Affect – no expression at all.
questions. o Labile Affect – ga ilis2, massive change /
o Patients can have acoherence. shifts in mood.
 Retardation (slowing of mental activity)  Apathy
o Loading si patient. o Lack/ Absence of concern
o Patient takes too much time to think  Ambivalence
 Blocking (interruption of thought and  Overreaction
inability to recall it)  Anhedonia
o Ex. Tuon ka mayo at home, and na o Loss of pleasure in usual activities.
memorize mo tanan, pero pag abot ka
exam, ga dula tanan. ETIOLOGY

 talks about neurotransmitters. cope, which is why there are defense

 Dopamine – increased in schizophrenia. mechanism.
 Norepinephrine is also increased.Increase  Erik Erikson – trust vs mistrust (0–1-year-
taan with schizophrenia. old)
 There are changes in the patient behavior  Gamay palang sila, wala nila nabatyagan
because of the increasing of nga gina care for sila by their parents.
neurotransmitters.  Since mother/father ang pinaka important
2. NEUROSTRUCTURAL THEORIES ((brain person during this developmental stage.
atrophy, cerebral blood flow)  The best communication for a child in this
 Patient with schizophrenia do not have stage is crying. If wrong ang pag deal sa iya
normal size of brain – gamay. pag cry, this can lead to the child to feel
 There are problems in the oxygenation of unwanted and can be the start of the
the brain [cerebral blood flow]. If there is development of schizophrenia.
deficiency in oxygen, it can be one reason  Sullivan - absence of warm, nurturing
why there is schizophrenia. attention can result disordered social
3. GENETIC THEORIES interactions
 If may genes ka na schizophrenia, most  If you are not welcome in the real world,
likely mag ka schizophrenia ka. you make your own fantasy world.
 This just proves the schizophrenia is the  That is why we should create a better place
same as other illness, it can be passed for our patients to prevent them going to
down through genetics. their fantasy world.
 If may mga issues of the mother before nag
 Ex. Unwanted pregnancies.  Used to be the most common form of
schizophrenia. In 2013, the American
 That is why it is very important to know the
Psychiatric Association determined that
background of the patient. Ex. Pag bata ya,
paranoia was a positive symptom of the
palangga siya sa iya ginikanan?
disorder, so paranoid schizophrenia wasn’t
a separate condition. Hence, it was then
 Same as genetic, runs in the blood.
just changed to schizophrenia.
 Paranoia is still under positive symptoms
 Biologic and psychodynamic
 The subtype description is still used
predispositions coupled with stress.
through, because of how common it is.
 if ang schizophrenia ara daan sagenes sa
 Patients with this type of schizophrenia, do
patient, but if ndi siya stress, pwede ndi ma
not have a problem in their grooming.
 Ang problem lang sa ila is ang ila
 Two factors can trigger schizophrenia:
Nature (genes) and environment/nurture
(how the patient is/was brought up which
 Delusion
can cause stress)
 This model emphasized na ndi lang sa  Type of delusion common in patients who
blood ang schizophrenia but can be are paranoid: Delusion of persecution /
triggered by stress. persecutory delusion.
SCHIZOPHRENIA  Prominent hallucination in patients who are
 Sigmund Freud - patients with paranoid: hearing / auditory. May ga hutik
schizophrenia has poor ego boundaries, sa ila.
superego dominance.  Disorganized speech (world salad,
 ID – pleasure. echolalia)
 EGO – in between, balancebetween ego  Trouble concentrating
and superego.  Behavioral impairment (impulse control,
 SUPEREGO – Superego is governed by emotional lability)
conscience. In schizophrenia, there is an  Patient has Poor Impulse Control: ang
increase in SUPEREGO. Puro tanan bawal, patient ndi maka pugong sa ila mga actions
which makes it very hard for the self to  Flay affect

II. CATATONIC  Patients with residual schizophrenia, even

 Rare severe mental disorder characterized though they act and look normal, they still
by striking motor behavior, typically need to take medications.
involving either significant reductions in  It could be because of the medications na si
voluntary movement or hyperactivity and patient wala na positive symptoms. If mag
agitation. stop siya take medications, positive
 Wala ga giho si patient for several hours. symptoms could come back.
(ting)  Residual schizophrenia usually includes
 In some cases, the patient may remain in a more “negative” symptoms, such as:
state of almost complete immobility, often  Flattened affect
assuming statuesque positions. Patients  Psychomotor difficulties
may remain motionless in a rigid posture for  Slowed speech & Poor Hygiene
hours or even days. DEPRESSION AND SUICIDE IN
 The individual doesn’t have hallucinations
 Mood Disorders: Depression and Bipolar
or delusions. Instead, they experience
(bipolar - patient has mania[being
disorganized behavior and speech. This
hyperactive], patient is depressed but is
can include:
actually happy. Patients who are manic,
 Flat affect
they experience euphoria. Patients who are
 Speech disturbances
bipolar are originally depressed, but they
 Disorganized thinking
only have episodes of being happy. Mas
 Inappropriate emotions or facial reactions.
taas ang ila possibility of committing
 Trouble with daily activities.
suicide, compared to patients with
 The type of schizophrenia that we always
see sa plaza.
 In bipolar, patients experience a euphoric
 Wala ga pa ligo.
stage – a stage wherein they cannot
 These types of patients have a silly
explain their happiness.
behavior (bastos). Patients are also
1. Depression is a natural part of
hyperactive, incoherence, may mga
 If ang patient may schizophrenia, it is only
natural na may depression sila.
 The term used to describe when an
 They may have the same type of
individual displaced behaviors that were
medications. (ex. Antipsychotic, lithium
applicable to more than one type of
carbonate - given to patients with manic
schizophrenia. For instance, an individual
disorder. Since patients with schizophrenia
who had catatonic behavior but also had
could also have manic episodes.)
delusion or hallucinations, with world salad,
2. Depression is a reaction to
might have been diagnosed with
undifferentiated schizophrenia.
 Patient is depressed because
 A combination of two types of
schizophrenic siya.
 In schizophrenia, they have episodes of
 There are a manifestation of different types
lucid interval wherein the patient may
of schizophrenia.
appear to be okay, and free of symptoms.
V. RESIDUAL During this, patients learn they are
 When a person has a previous diagnosis of diagnosed with schizophrenia, that is when
schizophrenia but no longer has any they are diagnosed with depression.
prominent symptoms of the disorder. The 3. The biologic nature of the disorder and
symptoms have generally lessened in the drugs used to treat it.
intensity.  Schizophrenia can be linked to depression
 As if the patient is normal. Their symptoms through the neurotransmitters.
are more on the negative signs.  In schizophrenia: ↑dopamine, ↑norepi, ↑
 Since these negative symptoms can also serotonin.
be seen in normal people like us.  Very evident in patients with depression:
 No positive symptoms. ↓norepinephrine


NURSE-PATIENT- For withdrawn  If the patient is withdrawn,
patients, start provide INDIVIDUAL
INTERACTION: with one to-one therapy.
EXAMPLE OF THE PRINCIPLES interactions  Patient would feel left out
Be calm when  Should not show patient in group therapy
talking to the that we are disturbed Allow and
patients because they can sense it encourage
Accept patients  Dapat as a psychiatric verbalization of
as they are, but patient, we accept them, feelings.
do not accept all but not their behaviors.
behaviors.  We do not agree with their
Keep promises  Be careful of patients who PRINCIPLES
are manipulative. If asked what the patient needs in order to
 If you promise, you must heal: (1) therapeutic communication –NPR
keep your promise. Principles, (2) Medications, (3) Manipulation
Because these patients of environment – Milieu therapy
are victims of failed  NPR PRINCIPLES
 Focus on behavior
Be consistent  If naka mention na until
Friday 11:30 ka lang,  A long-term relationship is most
dapat you should follow it, therapeutic.
because patients are very  Accept patient but not all behaviors.
particular.  Be consistent,
 Consistency helps in  Do not reinforce hallucinations and
establishing trust. delusions.
Be honest  Because patients are very  Avoid whispering or laughing if patient
particular and observant cannot hear all of the conversation.
Do not reinforce  Do not encourage the  PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS (also known as
hallucinations patients’ hallucinations major tranquilizer)
and delusions and delusion A. TRADITIONAL ANTIPSYCHOTICS OR
Orient patients  Every time we talk to the TYPICAL
to time, person, patient, we have a pattern.
 Haloperidol (Haldol)
and place, if  Introduce name, from what
indicated o The only drug that can solve manifestations
school, and until when,
everyday of positive symptoms.
Do not touch the  Most especially if the  Fluphenazine Decanoate (Fluxim)
patient without patient is paranoid, which  Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
warning them / is why you should know if o Traditional Antipsychotics: the firstones
without their your patient is sensitive or made, have been introduced first.
consent not. o These drugs have more side effects
Avoid  Patients may have ideas compared to therapeutic effect.
whispering or of reference. Avoid o Still given to patients because they are the
laughing whispering to avoid
only drugs that can address certain
manifestations by the patient.
Reinforce  Because some may have
positive o Should be given to the patient with caution.
poor self-esteem
Avoid  Okay lang maki play  Clozapine (Leponex)
competitive competitive games with  Risperedone (Risperdal)
activity with some patients, but it  Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
some patients depends if paano ka  Quetiapine (Seroquel)
severe ang schizophrenia  Aripiprazole (Abilify)
sa patient.
o Mas mahal, but lesser or no side effects
 If mag hatag ka prizes,
because these are new medications.
give prizes to everybody.


Nerve endings carry dopamine to the brain →  Anticholinergic medications are given to
you need medication to block the nerve cells deal with the side effects.
para ndi kasulod si dopamine sa brain kay if 5. PISA SYNDROME
mag increase si dopamine, patient can have  A reversible lateral bending of the trunk with
manifestations of schizophrenia. → with a tendency to lean on one side.
medications that block dopamine from entering  Name taken from the Leaning Tower of
the brain → it prevents the development of Pisa.
schizophrenia / lessens the signs and 6. ANTICHOLINERGIC EFFECTS:
symptoms.  Anticholinergic Drugs
 Akineton – an antiparkinsonian drug.
 Benadryl
 Cogentin – an antiparkinsonian drug.
 Dopaminergic – levodopa
MAJOR SIDE EFFECTS OF ANTI-  They are given along with antipsychotics.
PSYCHOTIC DRUGS  ↑ these meds are given to address the side
1. PSEUDO-PARKINSONISM effects ↓ They are given along with
 Is false parkinsonism → may tremors at antipsychotics.
rest but they are caused by the
 Dry mouth
 Blurred vision
 Parkinsonism: Tremors do not stop even if
 Constipation
may gina hold na siya.
 Tremors with alcoholism: may tremors but  Urinary hesitation
ga stop ang tremors if may gina hold na  Tachycardia
sya.  Nursing Considerations for patient taking
 Patient can stop taking the drug, but the anticholinergic: MIO, Increase fluid intake,
side effect it still there. safety.
 Stooped posture 7. TARDIVE DYSKINESIA
8. ELEVATED PROLACTIN (amenorrhea,
 Shuffling gait
galactorrhea, impotence, decreased
 Rigidity
 Tremors at rest
 Mag dako ang ila boobs, even in males,
 Pill-rolling motion of the hand. and could produce milk. Since mag taas
2. ACUTE DYSTONIA ang levels of prolactin.
 Facial grimacing / facial paralysis. 9. SEDATION
 Involuntary upward eye movement  Antipsychotic can also serve as sedation for
 Muscle spasms of tongue, face, neck, and patients in the OR.
back (back muscle spasms cause trunk to 10. ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION.
arch forward)  If patient is with orthostatichypotension,
 Laryngeal spasms assist the patient during getting up,
3. AKATHISIA (ants in the pants) dangling of feet before standing.
 Trouble holding still.  Major side effect of antipsychotic drug, it is
 Paces the floor. lethal, meaning thepatient can die.
 Feet in constant motion, rocking back and  If you see signs NMS (increasedtemp after
forth. taking antipsychotic meds, and there is
4. TARDIVE DYSKINESIA muscle rigidity) (1) stop medication → (2)
 Protrusion and rolling the tongue. provide cooling measure (TSB, give
 Sucking and smacking movements of the paracetamol), and (3) notify the physician.
 Chewing motion
 Milieu – therapeutic manipulation of the
 Facial Dyskinesis.
 Involuntary movements of the body and
o Lessen the stimulus because the more the
stimulus, the more gaka panic ang patient.
 A.P.A.T → These are extrapyramidal
o Ex. If ang patient depressed, dapat ipa siga
syndrome manifestations.
ang suga sa room. Kay if dulom ang room,
the more na ma depress si patient.

o Dapat gina expose ang patient to light if  Combination of affective/mood disorder and
they are depressed. schizophrenia.
o This can also include attitude therapies (Ex.  There is manic episodes
Matter of fact, passive friendliness). 2. DELUSION DISORDER
 Modify environment to decrease stimulation  Display symptoms similar to those seen in
and for safety. patients with schizophrenia. However,
 Staff consistency is crucial. substantial differences exist and
 Arrange environment to reduce withdrawn necessitate a diagnostic differentiation. The
behavior. following symptoms differentiate delusional
 Monitor television watching. disorders from schizophrenic disorders:
 Protect patients’ self-esteem.  Delusions have basis in reality.
 The patients have not met the criteria for
 The behavior is relatively normal except in
ADDRESS THE relation to their delusions.
 If mood episodes have occurred
ENVIRONMENT OF concurrently with delusions, their total
SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENTS durations have been relatively brief.
 The symptoms are NOT the direct result of
BY: a substance-induced or medical condition.
For patients with impaired communication: o Delusions in schizophrenia: they are other
 Be patient, do not pressure the patient to people. If student siya, ang delusion ya is
make sense. siya si dean.
 Do not place the patient in group activities o Delusional Disorder: Delusions consist of
that would frustrate them.
being the best. They have a basis in reality;
 Provide opportunities for purposeful
If student siya, siya nag pinaka the best and
psychomotor activities.
bright na student.
For patients with hallucinations:
 Acknowledge feelings, present reality,
 Includes all psychotic disturbances that last
divert attention.
less than one month and are not related to
 Provide distracting activities.
mood disorder, a general medication
 Monitor television selections.
condition, or a substance induced disorder.
For disorganized patients:
 At least one of the following disturbances
 Limit stimulus
must be present: delusions, hallucinations,
 Provide a calm environment.
disorganized speech, or grossly
 Provide safe and simple activities.
disorganized or catatonic behavior.
OTHER PSYCHOTIC  Manifestation of schizophrenia (positive and
DISORDERS negative symptoms) but experiences it only
for a brief period of time / 1 month
Schizophrenia spectrum: There are other
illnesses that have the same manifestations
 Displays symptoms that are typical of
as schizophrenia, but it is not
schizophrenia and last at least one month
but no longer than six months.
Schizophrenia: manifestations should be
 This cautious approach spares the
present for 6 months.
individual the lifelong diagnosis of
schizophrenia until professionals are sure
 Is a psychosis characterized by both
of the diagnosis.
affective (mood disorder) and schizophrenic
 2-5 months signs and symptoms of
(thought disorder) symptoms with
schizophrenia. But not more than 6 months.
substantial loss of occupational and social
These types of schizophrenia need different
labels/names because of the existence of
 Schizophrenic symptoms are dominant but
court cases with people claiming to be
are accompanied by major depressive or
mentally ill. This helps with the identification
manic symptoms.
of mental disorders present and can help
 Prognosis is better than schizophrenia.


put them into a mental health facility rather

than prison.


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