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Thank God, we always pray to the presence of God almighty who has bestowed his grace
and gifts, so that we can complete the complete proposal assignment entitled “Analyzing the
moral message, language style and character in the Novel Pulang by Tere Liye”. We realize that
this paper is far from perfect, due to the limited knowledge that we have. Therefore, therefore
hopefully this article can be a little useful for all of us and can be understood by anyone who
reads it. We hope that this paper can be useful for us, and we apologize if there are writing errors
and words that are less pleasing and less understandable. For this reason, I ask for constructive
criticism and suggestions from you to improve our future assignments


FOREWORD............................................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1

A. Background..................................................................................................................... 1

B. Purpose of analysis......................................................................................................... 4

C. Problem formulation .......................................................................................................4

D. Benefits of research ........................................................................................................4

CHAPTER II THEORY ..............................................................................................................5

A. Definition of Literature...................................................................................................5

B. Definition of Novel.........................................................................................................5

C. Characteristics of the Novel............................................................................................6

D. Moral Values in Literary Works.....................................................................................8

E. Forms of Moral Delivery................................................................................................10

F. Language Style in Novels...............................................................................................12

G. Characterization and Character.......................................................................................14

CHAPTER III DISCUSSION.....................................................................................................15

A. Novel Pulang and Author.................................................................................................15

B. What are the Moral Values contained in the Novel Pulang Karrya Tere Liye 19............18

C. Language Style in Tere Liye's Novel Pulang...................................................................21

D. Analysis of the Characterization and Character of Tere Liye's Homecoming Novel......22

CHAPTER IV CLOSING...........................................................................................................24

A. CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................24

B. SEGGESTION..................................................................................................................24




A. Background

A novel is a medium-length story that describes the life story of a person and the people
around him by showing the character and nature of each actor along with changes in the fate of
his life or telling the story of each character. A good novel is a novel that can be understood by
its readers. Literary works are considered as symptoms of the writer's mental influences such as:
obsession, contemplation, compensation, sublimation, even as a complete literary neurosis. Of
course, it is not easy for a writer to have his work accepted by society. The author must be able
to attract readers starting from his ability to combine his experience and imagination. No matter
how real the story experienced by the author still requires the author's own imagination, so that
the story becomes more beautiful, more aesthetic, and easier for readers to understand and enjoy.

Literature is an essay or work of art whose name is always popular with the general public. It
is not surprising that to this day there are still many literature fans who create and enjoy literary
works. In life, there are many things that can be used as ideas for creating a literary work because
quite a few literary works are created from experiences, both personal experiences and the
experiences of other people.

According to Mulyadi (Layali, 2021: 706) literary works are artistic and imaginative forms of
appreciation which are usually described according to what the author wants with the aim of
conveying messages and information that can be conveyed to the reader. Literature is a reflection
of people's lives, every literary work can reveal the storyline experienced by a person (character),
it can also reveal deeper aspects of human life and humanity Hidayat (2017:92).

A good literary work is a work that is able to give an impression and contains values that will
be conveyed to the reader, for example moral values.

According to Nurgiyantoro (2012: 429-430) morals are teachings about good and bad that are
generally accepted as actions, moral obligations, character and morals. Not only that, literary
works are also used as a medium by authors to express and convey certain ideas. Both about a
view of life and values that are considered to be beneficial for literature lovers.

Literature is basically a creation, a creation not merely an imitation (in Luxemburg, 1989: 5).
Literary work as a form and result of creative work, is essentially a medium that uses language to
express human life. Therefore, a literary work, in general, contains problems that surround
human life. The emergence of literature was born against the background of the basic human
urge to express one's existence. (in Sarjidu, 2004: 2). Usually literature is divided according to
geographical regions or languages. So, what is included in the Literature category are:
Novels/short stories (written/oral), poetry, pantun, plays/drama, painting/calligraphy.

Literary works have several forms, including prose which is divided into several types,
including romance, novel and short story. Some people argue that the difference between the
three lies in the length and shortness of the story, there are also those who argue that the
difference between the three lies in the plot of the story.

A novel is a literary work in the form of prose fiction that raises complex and extraordinary
problems in the lives of its characters. Knowledge of the elements that make up literary works is
also very necessary to understand the work

Novels play a very important role in people's lives, perhaps their existence helps social change,
because novels are not just entertainment reading but they contain lessons, teachings, as well as
behavior and patterns of people's lives. The author can convey morals in literary works through
the activities of characters or the author's direct speakers.

Morals are the most important part of everyone's life, especially the younger generation or
teenagers. The progress of a nation is largely determined by the moral values of its young

The existence of educational institutions will certainly help the younger generation to improve
moral values to advance a nation.

The morals presented in the novel relate a lot to the issue of human relationship with God,
human relationship with themselves and human relationship with human beings. The author can
convey morals in literary works through the activities of the characters which are usually
conveyed through dialogue, behavior and thoughts of the characters in the story.

Nurgiyantoro (2002: 22) states that a novel is a totality, a novel has parts, elements that are
closely related to each other and are mutually beneficial. Novels as a form of literary work show
a certain state of society which is a picture of life. One form of literary work that is much sought
after by readers is the novel. In this case the author wants to take one type of literary work,
namely the novel Pulang by Tere Liye. It can be seen that the development of novels in
Indonesia is currently quite rapid, as evidenced by the large number of old and new novels that
have been published, one of which is the novel Pulang by Tere Liye which is used by the author
as a research object. Of the many novels published, researchers are only interested in the novel
Pulang by Tere Liye because looking at the title alone, you can guess that in this novel there are
many life puzzles that are worth researching. The puzzles of life in the novel are reflected in the
language style.

Language style is the author's behavior in using language. Based on what Nurgiyantoro (2002:
272) said, language in literary art can be compared to colored paint. Both are elements of
materials, tools and facilities that contain added value to make a work. As one of the most
important elements, language plays a role as a means of expressing and conveying messages in
literature. Language style in writing is one of the interesting elements in reading. Every writer
has a different style in expressing each idea in his writing. Every piece of writing produced will
have a writing style that is influenced by the author, so it can be said that the character of a writer
greatly influences the work he writes.

........................................................................... Likewise, the moral message contained in the novel Pulang by

known by his pen name Tere Liye, is a famous Indonesian novelist with works that are
inspirational and full of moral values. The novel Pulang is one of the best-selling novels created
by Tere Liye which has received high enthusiasm from readers. This can be seen from the
increasing demand for the novel Pulang since it was published in September 2015 to January
2016, with it having undergone twelve reprint editions in just a few months from the release of
the first print.

Tere Liye's novel Pulang was chosen as research material because this novel presents many life
issues and contains many moral values that are very useful for readers. A life journey story that
displays various aspects of life and its problems is conveyed in interesting and easy to
understand language, thereby making it easier for readers to find the moral values in question.

The story begins with the main character named Bujang, 15 years old, who is described as being
very skilled at hunting wild boars. This intelligence impressed Young Teuke so he decided to
take Bujang to town and raise him like an adopted son. Bujang was a quiet boy who never went
to school. However, since being raised and given a proper education by Teuke Muda, he has
grown into an adult bachelor who has a professional job. Not only that, he was also given the
best teacher to help him hone his martial arts skills. In the end, he was made a bodyguard by
Teuku Muda. That's part of a short story from the novel Pulang by Tere Liye. This research aims
to determine the moral message contained in the characters and storyline in the novel Pulang by
Tere Liye.

B. Goals

The aim of the novel analysis is to provide a critical analysis of the content of the moral
messages contained in the novel Pulang

C. Problem Formulation

1. Analyzing the Language Style in the Novel Pulang by Tere Liye

2. Analyze the moral values contained in the Novel Pulang by Tere Liye

3. Analyze the characterization and character of each character

D. Benefits of Research

For the general public, the results of this research can also be used as a means to popularize
literary works and to understand the moral values and language styles in a novel, especially the
novel Pulang by Tere Liye.



A. Definition of literature

Literature refers to written works which include poetry, prose fiction, drama, and the like. It is
an artistic expression used to convey ideas, experiences, and emotions through words.

Literature is a source or reference used in various activities in the world of education or other
activities. Literature can also be interpreted as a reference used to obtain certain information.
Quoted from Sports Research Methodology by Novri Gazali, et al., (2022: 37), literature
generally takes the form of books or all kinds of writing that has a clear source of information.

............................................................................. Literature can include various types of literary works, such as

novels, etc. However, literature can also include non-literary works, such as research reports,
textbooks, encyclopedias, and the like.

In scientific research, the term literature study is also known. Quoted from Systematic
Reviews in Health step by step by Laksita Barbara, Literary study is a researcher's way of
summarizing various research into a certain topic.

The reason behind conducting a literature study is the large number of studies that show
mixed results. The reason is, researchers need to make conclusions from the results of previous
research so that they can make updates in the latest research. Literature studies are directed at
creating a clear framework for thinking about problem solving which has previously been
described in the problem formulation. Descriptions of theories, findings and other research
materials are used as a reference for ongoing research.

B. Defenition of Novels

A novel is a long fictional literary work that usually tells the story of the lives of characters
who experience certain conflicts, events and developments. Novels use narrative to tell a story,

and novels often allow for in-depth character development, detailed depictions of settings, and
exploration of complex themes and ideas.

According to experts:

•Dr. Nurhadi

A novel is a form of literary work which contains social, cultural, moral and educational values.

• Paulus Tukam, S.Pd

A novel is a literary work in the form of prose and contains intrinsic elements.

• Drs. Rostamaji, M.Pd

A novel is a form of literary work that has two elements, namely intrinsic elements and extrinsic
elements, where these two elements are interrelated and influence each other in a literary work.

• Drs. Jakob Sumardjo

The novel is a form of literature that is very popular in the world, the literary form of the novel is
the most widely printed and circulated because of its wide community power in society.

C. Characteristics of the novel

• Generally Consists of 100 Pages or More

The number of words in a novel is more than a short story. That's why novel pages are thicker,
sometimes even heavy to carry

• Narrative form

The novel is in the form of a narrative which is strengthened by the presence of descriptions and
conversations. The author invites readers to imagine the situations experienced by each character
in detail. Dialogue is created to get to know the characters of the characters and the problems
they face. A well-constructed narrative makes readers eager to find out the end of the story.

• Has Many Characters

Novels have many characters. Protagonist, antagonist, and extras or supporting characters. Their
presence complements each other, making the story more interesting to read.

• Has Many Backgrounds

Not only the characters, the settings in the novel are also diverse. It's impossible if there is only 1
setting from start to finish. The setting of a novel can be at home, school, forest, beach, and so
on. This means that the background does not stay in one place, but moves.

• There is a change in the character's fate

What we have been waiting for in the novel is the change in fate experienced by the characters.
Does it end better or vice versa? Readers expect a satisfying ending after reading hundreds of

❖ The Nature of Moral Values

Morals (Latin Morality) is a human term referring to humans or other people in actions that
have positive value. Humans who do not have morals are called amoral, meaning they are
immoral and have no positive value in the eyes of other humans. So moral values are an absolute
thing that humans must have. Moral values are explicitly things related to the individual
socialization process. Without morals, humans cannot carry out the socialization process. Morals
in today's era have implicit values because many people have morals or immoral attitudes from a
narrow perspective. Moral values are absolute values in social life as a whole. Moral assessments
are measured from the culture of the local community. Morals are a person's actions, behavior,
words in interacting with humans. If what a person does is in accordance with the values that
prevail in that society and is acceptable and pleasing to the community, then that person is
considered to have good morals, and vice versa. Moral values are a product of culture and

The moral values that apply in society are binding on every individual at all levels of society.
Every individual in behaving, behaving and socializing in society must pay attention to the

existing order. Apart from doing what is assigned to him by social life and by his personal

D. Moral Values in Literary Works

1. Understanding Moral Values in Literary Works

The understanding of moral values in literary works itself is no different from the
understanding of morals in general, namely involving good and bad values that are generally
accepted and stem from human values. Morals in literary works are usually intended as practical
instructions and suggestions for readers in everyday life. In this case,

Nurgiyantoro (2013: 430) states that the moral of a story is usually intended as a suggestion
related to certain moral teachings of a practical nature, which can be taken or interpreted through
the story concerned by the reader. It is a "hint" deliberately given by the author about various
matters relating to social behavior and manners. It is practical because the "instructions" can be
displayed, or found models, in real life, such as the models shown in the story through the
attitudes and behavior of the characters.

According to Sayuti (2000: 188), the moral of a story is usually meant as a piece of rather
practical moral advice that can be taken from a story.

Based on the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded that morals are a concept of
life in the form of advice or meaning contained in a story, addressed to readers. Based on an
understanding of certain themes, morals in literary works can be seen as mandates or messages.
The message element is the idea that forms the basis for writing a work, the idea that underlies
the creation of literary works to support the message.

Literary works are written by authors to, among other things, offer a model of their ideal life.
Literary works contain the application of morals in the attitudes and behavior of the characters in
accordance with their views on morals. This is based on the moral message conveyed through
fictional stories which certainly has a different effect compared to that through non-fiction
writing (Nurgiyantoro, 2013: 430).

According to Nurgiyantoro, morals are knowledge that concerns civilized human character.
Morals also mean the teachings of good and bad actions, behavior (akhlak). Thus, the moral
aspect is all aspects that relate to the good and bad of an action. In this case, it is about attitudes,
obligations, morals, manners and morals.

2. The forms of moral values are as follows:

a. Social Values

Social values are values held by a society, regarding what is considered good and what is
considered bad by society. To determine whether something is good or bad, appropriate or
inappropriate, you have to go through a weighing process. This is of course greatly influenced by
culture adopted by society. It is not surprising that between one society and another there are
differences in values. For example: the social value of respecting queues is a rule that must be
followed as well as a measure of a person's orderliness.

b. Moral Values

Linguistically, the word morals is the plural of khuluqin, which means character, habit,
etiquette. Meanwhile, in terms of terms, it is a stable quality within oneself that makes the
actions, which are done, good or bad, good or bad. Therefore, if a person's deeds and thoughts
are pious (good), then he and his morals will also be pious, and conversely, if his deeds and
thoughts are damaged then he and his morals will also be damaged.

For example: when receiving guests, if someone differentiates between one guest and another
or whether they are friendly or not, then that person is not said to have the character of respecting
guests. Because someone who has the morals of honoring guests will of course always honor his

c. Ethical Values

Ethical values are values that question how humans should act by considering the good and
bad of human behavior in accordance with their lives.

For example: being polite towards parents and other people, following cultural norms or
values, and respecting elders.

d. Moral Values

Linguistically, the word moral is a term that comes from Sanskrit. Su means good or good,
while sila means basics, principles, rules of life or norms. So, morality means the basics,
principles, rules or norms of a good or good life. Apart from that, the term morality also contains
the meaning of better living rules. The term morality can also mean polite, civilized and good
manners. Thus, decency with the addition of the prefix to and the suffix an is the same as

For example: act and behave honestly, apologize if you make a mistake, speak kind things,
dress according to the situation.

E. Types of Morals in Novels

The types of morals in literature are:

a. Descriptive morals are ethics that try to critically and rationally examine human attitudes and
behavior and what humans pursue in life as something of value. This provides facts as a basis for
making decisions about the behavior or attitude to be taken.

b. Normative morals are ethics that try to determine various ideal attitudes and behavior patterns
that humans should have. Normative morals provide assessments as well as provide norms as a
basis and framework for actions to be decided. If a work of fiction contains and offers morals to
readers, of course there are many types and forms of moral teachings ordered. In long works of
fiction there is often more than one moral message. This is not to mention based on the readers'
considerations and interpretations which can also differ in terms of number and type. The type
and/or form of moral messages contained in literary works will depend on the beliefs, desires and
interests of the author concerned (Nurgiyantoro, 2013: 441).

The type or form of moral message contained in a literary work will depend on the beliefs,
desires and interests of the author concerned. The type of moral teaching itself can cover

problems that are, so to speak, nature and infinity. It can cover all issues of life and life, all issues
concerning human dignity. In general, the issues of life and human existence can be divided into
issues of human relationships with themselves, human relationships with other humans in the
social sphere including their relationship with the natural environment, and human relationships
with God (Nurgiyantoro, 2013: 441). Almost moral is used to assess human actions which
include four aspects of livelihood. These four aspects of life include man's relationship with God,
man's relationship with himself, and man's relationship with the surrounding natural
environment. It can be said that in essence literature is very closely related to religion, society
and the individual. As stated above, matters in literature will always deal with human problems
with God, in relationships with oneself, and in relationships with other humans or nature.

Human relationship behavior with himself is classified into all forms of moral teachings
relating to individuals as individuals which show the existence of that individual with various
attitudes attached to him. Human problems with themselves (Nurgiyantoro, 2013: 443) can be of
various types and levels of intensity. Human and human problems in everyday life cannot be
separated from the Creator. As a human being, remembering God can carry out worship
according to the teachings of the religion he adheres to. Rasjidi (1984: 33) states that humans are
religious creatures in the sense that they worship God, perform rituals or worship and ceremonies
to ask for forgiveness and feel sorry for themselves. Human attitudes and actions in relation to
God can be in the form of piety, namely carrying out His commands and avoiding His

Human relationships with other humans in social life often result in clashes of interests.
Problems between humans and their environment can be positive or negative. Bearing in mind
that humans are basically social creatures who need each other, including relationships with the
natural surroundings, as a complement to their lives, this sometimes gives rise to various kinds of
problems. Frictions of interests (rights and obligations) that arise between an individual and other
individuals or with the environment will usually give rise to moral problems. Moral problems
generally boil down to disagreement with the moral principles themselves (Darmadi, Hamid.
2012: 32).

F. Form of Moral Delivery

From certain aspects of literary works, fiction can be seen as a form of manifestation of the
author's desire to dialogue, offer and convey something. That something may be a view about
something, an idea, a moral, or a mandate. In this sense, literary works can also be seen as a
means of communication. However, compared to other means of communication, written or oral,
literary works, which are a form of work of art which in fact serve an aesthetic purpose, certainly
have their own specificities in terms of conveying moral messages.

In general, it can be said that the form of conveying morals in literary works may be direct or,
conversely, indirect. However, actually the selection is only practical because there may be a
message that is rather direct. In a novel itself, it is possible to find messages that are truly hidden
so that not many people can feel them, but there may also be some that are quite direct and seem
to be highlighted (Nurgiyantoro, 2013: 460).

a. Direct Delivery Form

The form of conveying a direct moral message can be said to be identical to the way of
describing a character's character which is descriptive, telling or explanatory, expository. If in the
description technique the author directly describes the character of the story characters in a way
that "tells" or makes it easier for the reader to understand them, the same thing also happens in
conveying a moral message. This means that the moral that you want to convey or teach to the
reader is done directly and explicitly. The author, in this case, appears to be patronizing the
reader, directly providing advice and advice.

Literary works are aesthetic works that have the function of entertaining, providing emotional
and intellectual enjoyment. To be able to play such a role, a literary work must have complete
coherence between all its elements. Direct moral messages usually feel forced and lack
coherence with other elements. Direct moral messages can also be involved or involved with the
story, the story characters and the plot of the story. This means that what we are dealing with is
indeed a story, but the content of the story itself feels very tendentious and readers can easily
understand the message.

Works of fiction that contain direct moral messages are often found in early Indonesian
novels, although sometimes they can still be felt in relatively late novels.

b. Indirect Form of Delivery

When compared with the previous form, the form of conveying the moral message here is
indirect. The message is only implied in the story, combined coherently with other story
elements. Even though it is true that the author wants to offer and convey something, he does not
do it immediately and vulgarly because he is aware that he has chosen the path of the story.

Judging from the needs of the author who wants to convey his message and views, this
method may be less communicative. This means that the reader may not necessarily be able to
grasp what the author actually meant, at least the possibility of misinterpretation is high.
However, this is very normal, even essential in literary works. The relationship that occurs
between the author and the reader is indirect and implied. There is no pretension on the part of
the author to directly lecture the reader because this would be ineffective as well as lowering the
literary level of the work in question.

F. Language Style in Novels

According to Sugiarti (2001:76) language style in literary works means the way an author
conveys ideas using beautiful and harmonious language media and is able to create meaning and
atmosphere that can touch the intellectual and emotional power of the reader.

Language style is the specific use of language to get certain effects. In a literary work in the form
of a novel, of course there are different types of language styles. There are several language
styles in the novel but we only take 3 language styles, namely:

1. Personification Language Style

Personification language style is a figurative language style that describes inanimate objects or
things that are inanimate as having human characteristics.

2. Metaphoric Language Style

Metaphoric language style is the use of words not with their actual meaning, but as a painting
based on similarities or comparisons.

3. Hyperbole Language Style

Hyperbolic language style is a type of language style that contains statements that exaggerate the
number, size or nature with the aim of emphasizing a statement or situation to exaggerate,
increase the impression and influence.

G. Characterization and Character

• Characterization

Characterization is an important element in building a structure whose presence is very necessary

in the story. According to Jones (Nurgiantoro, 1995:165). States that characterization is a clear
depiction of someone shown in a story.

According to Aminuddin (1987:79), characters are actors who carry out events in the story.
Meanwhile, characterization is the author's way of presenting the characters in the story and how
these characters are. This means that there are two important things, the first is related to the
delivery technique and the second is related to the character of the character being displayed.
These two things are very closely related, the appearance and depiction of the character must
support the character of that character. Naturally, if the depiction of a character is not in line with
his character or even does not support the character of the character depicted at all, it will clearly
reduce the weight of the story.

• Character

Character is an indication of the character's traits and attitudes as interpreted by the reader and
refers more to the personal qualities of a character. Between a character and his character, there
is indeed a complete unity. The mention of the name of a particular character often immediately
suggests to us the character he has (Nurgiantoro, 1995: 165).



A. Novel Pulang and the Author

• Novel Pulang

"I know now that there were more wounds in my father's heart than in his body. Also, my
mother, there are more tears in my mother's heart than in her eyes."

A story about the journey home, through battle after battle to tightly embrace all the hatred
and pain.

Home, a word that means something is coming back. Which tells the story of a young man
who returns home to a situation he has experienced before. He is a bachelor, starting his journey
in the black world after he succeeded in defeating the leader of the wild boar alone in the jungle
of Bukit Barisan, inland of Sumatra. Until the nickname "The Wild Boar" stuck to him. After the
hunting incident in the jungle, Bujang joins Tauke Muda, the leader of the hunters from the city.
Mama reluctantly let go after giving a message. A message that will be the promise of a single
person's life.

“Mama knows what you will become there... I know. . but whatever you will do there,
promise me, bachelor, you will not eat pork or dog meat. You will protect your stomach from
unclean and dirty food. You will also not touch palm wine and all unclean drinks. Promise me
you'll protect your stomach from all that, bachelor. So that... so that the day after tomorrow, if
your whole heart is black, you will still have one white spot, and hopefully it will be useful.
Calling you home." Who would have thought that the group of wild boar hunters from the city
turned out to be Tong's extended family. The ruling family of the shadow economy. However, in
the Tong family's big house, the bachelor will not be used as a bouncer like most of the other
street children that Tauke recruits. At the beginning of life in the big house, the bachelor was
irritated by various lessons from Frans, his personal teacher whom Tauke recruited from
America.Yes, bachelors are schooled. He rebelled, he wanted to be made a bouncer

like Basyir, a peer he first met at that house. Even though initially he didn't allow the bac helor to
become a bouncer, Tauke finally gave in to the suggestion of Kopong, the head of the Tong
family's bouncers, that the bachelor also train with him, so that he could defend himself in the
future, without having to leave his school with Frans. After successfully studying with Kopong,
Bujang also learned to shoot with teacher Salonga, a sniper from Manila, and also studied
samurai with teacher Busyi, the best ninja in Japan.

Who would have thought that the bachelor turned out to be a descendant of a butcher, the blood
of the number one butcher flowed profusely in his body. His father's grandfather was the number
one butcher, then continued by his father who was no less great, and continued to bachelors. This
fact makes the bachelor more confident in being part of the Tong family. After successfully
bringing a bachelor's degree in economics from America, Bujang got the job he most wanted in
the Tong family. Resolving high-level conflicts, which often occur between large shadow
economy families in the Asia-Pacific. It begins with the Tong family's conflict with the Lin
family at a birthday party for Master Dragon, the leader of the Asia-Pacific shadow economy.
Where the Lin family stole a great invention from the Tong family in the world of health, a
health scanner.

With the help of the loyalty of the best team, White, son of Frans from Yuki-Kiko, the twins,
grandsons of teacher Busyi, it was easy for the bachelor to retrieve the health scanner at the Lin
family headquarters in Macau.

The conflict with the Lin family is not the only tense conflict in this novel. Because another
conflict that was no less surprising occurred within the Tong family itself, betrayal. Furthermore,
where Basyir betrayed the Tong family after the Young Tauke picked him up from the street,
raised him well, allowing Basyir to study directly with a figure from the Bedouin tribe in the
Middle East. Just when Tauke was seriously ill. A big fight took place at the Tong family
headquarters which had moved to the capital. Basyir brings the Lin family who still have a
grudge against Bujang, because they killed the leader of the Lin family while taking the health
scanner. Bujang was less fast than the basyir, he lost to the khanjar basyir, a typical weapon of
the Bedouin tribe. The bouncers who were still loyal to the Tauke were also outnumbered,
fighting the Lin family bouncers and the Tong family bouncers who also betrayed them.

The bachelors and girls survived the attack from the basyir and the Lin family, after Tauke
pressed a small object like a remote control in his hand, then suddenly the floor under Tauke's
bed opened up, the bed moved in a matter of seconds, into a secret passage. Perwes himself is
Tauke's trusted person to control all legal businesses belonging to the Tong family. The secret
passage ended in a house yard, Tauke died just as he exited the passage, the footman who was
carrying him with the remaining strength he had, fell unconscious. Bujang was shocked when he
woke up and was in a strange place, he was taken far from the capital by the parents who helped
him. Sadness spread in the bachelor's heart when he found out that Tauke had died. In this
strange place, the bujang learns a fact that has been hidden for decades, the old man who owns
the house who helps him is Tuanku Imam, his mother's older brother, the parents call the bujang
by the name Agam, only a few people know his real name. The interesting surprise was that the
bachelor turned out to be a descendant of Tuanku Imam Agam. The blood of the most famous
cleric on the mainland of Sumatra who succeeded in fighting and expelling the Dutch army,
flowed freely in Bujang's body.

After Tauke's death, the bachelor again had fear, which he thought was three layers of walls that
covered the fear in his heart. When his mother and father died, the walls of fear collapsed one by
one, the last was the death of Tauke, which also brought down the final wall, fear. seen again in
the bachelor's heart. Through the moment the sun rises, Tuanku Imam invites you to take a walk
around the religious school, then stops at the top of the mosque tower, looks at the rising sun,
giving an understanding about making peace with the past. Bujang also received an injection of
enthusiasm to reclaim what the Tong family already had from Basyir's hands. The best team is
gathered again. White brought his friend who was both a former marine, Yuki-kiko, who also
came because of the loyalty that called for him, not forgetting the bouncers who were still loyal
to Tauke. At exactly ten o'clock in the evening, a great battle broke out, initially the team of
bachelors was outnumbered, leaving only half of the bouncers who were still loyal to the Tong
family, but the second best team arrived on time, namely Salonga and dozens of his shooting

This fight was the end of the wild boar's journey home. Mamak's message not to eat haram food
and drink gave him the opportunity to go home, to go home to the true nature, to go home to
God's call.

 The author

Tere Liye, is considered one of the writers who has distributed many best-selling works. But
if we look for Tere Liye's biodata or biography, it seems we will find little because there is
almost no information about her life and her family. Just try in the novel by Tere Liye and look
at the back "about the author" in the novel, then no one can find any information about Tere

Tere Liye was born and grew up in the interior of Sumatra. He was born on May 21 1979.
Tere Liye is married to Mrs. Riski Amelia and has a son named Abdullah Pasai. Tere Liye grows
in inland Sumatra. He comes from a simple family whose parents work as ordinary farmers. The
sixth of seven children, he has so far produced 14 works. Some of them have even been adapted
to the big screen. It can be concluded simply that his name is Darwis.

Tere Liye completed her elementary to junior high school education at SDN 2 and SMN 2
Kikim Timu, South Sumatra. Then proceed to SMUN 9 Bandar Lampung. After finishing in
Bandar Lampung, he continued to the University of Indonesia, taking the Faculty of Economics.

The following are Tere Liye's works, from several titles, namely:

1. Fallen leaves never hate the wind

2. Memorize the delisa prayer

3. May Allah love you

4. Angels of heaven

5. The moon sinks on your face, and so on.

Even though every work produced is sold on the market and becomes a best seller. However,
Tere Liye seems to avoid and cover up her life. Other writers usually receive a lot of calls for
events, whether in the form of seminars on writing tips, book reviews, workshops or other
activities related to the world of writing. But not with Tere Liye.

B. Moral Values

No Moral Values Page

1 Decent: "I'm preparing for a great fight
Means the basis, principles, rules that will be remembered. The
or norms of a good or good life. day I realized the amazing
heritage of my ancestors, that I
no longer knew the definition of
fear." (Page: 20)

"Mom will let you go, Bachelor.

Although it is tantamount to
tearing half of mamak's heart.
Go, find your future. Really, the
day after tomorrow you will go
home. If you don't go to your
lap, you will return to the true
essence that is within you. Go
home." (Pages: 23-24)

"The Tong family is preparing

to pick up his glorious future.
I'm also preparing to pursue my
career, I've forgotten what it's
like to run on the slopes of the
Sumatran jungle." (Page: 158)
"In addition to going to college
during the day and being a
bouncer at night, I also continue
my regular training, which is

shooting." (Page: 169)
2 Morals: "This is the Tong family, Bachelor. all
It is the steady nature within that halal here. Some eat pigs, snakes, even
makes deeds, what he does good dogs. Some drink beer, wine or sake.
or bad, good or bad. There is no religion here. Fuck the
haram and other prohibitions. There
will be no lightning bolting your head
over a bottle of beer. Come on, finish
this drink." Basyir said. And I shook my
head, this time decisively. (Pages: 85-
"Come on, Bachelor. This is a banquet
for you. You still don't want to drink
wine now?" one of the bouncers
laughed, deliberately teasing me. I
shook my head firmly. Not. (Page: 190)
3 Ethics: "You're right about betrayal, it can be
Values that question how humans anyone. That may also include me,
should act by considering the Parwez." I tried to joke, which actually
good and bad of a human made parwez pias come back. "Relax,
behavior in accordance with their parwez. If I were the traitor, you
lives wouldn't have lived six seconds after we
met earlier." (Pages: 245-246)
"My Lord Imam has grown something
in my heart. It's exactly the same as
when I used to look at the wild boar's
red eyes with a slimy muzzle. The
difference is, at that time the courage
came with a thick lump of black. This
morning, the courage came with a
bright light. I will leave the rest to the

holder of the destiny of life. Something
I've never understood and done all
along." (Page: 345)

1. Moral Values contained in the novel Pulang by Tere Liye

Moral values are basic values in society to determine the good and bad deeds and actions that
eventually become the customs of the community. The moral values contained in the novel
Pulang by Tere Liye are as follows:

a. Moral Values

Linguistically the word akhlak plural of khuluqin which means character, habit, adab. While
in terms it is a steady nature within oneself that makes deeds, what one does is good or bad, good
or bad.

This can be seen in the following quote: Bujang always kept the promises said by his mother
during his life and until his mother died. That he will not eat unclean food and will not drink
liquor. The banquet went smoothly. Although in the Tong Family it has made a banquet for me,
and in the Tong Family it is also a common thing to do. But I still firmly answered, always
refusing to drink hard inuman and eat unclean food.

b. Ethical Values

Ethical values are values that question how humans should act by considering the good and
bad of a human behavior in accordance with their lives. Ethics is a critical and horizontal
thinking about moral teachings and views.

This can be seen in the following quote: Later I realized that betrayal could happen to anyone,
including me. And I realized, what Tauke has given me, I will make Young Tauke proud of what
I did for the Tong Family. After the battle was successfully resolved due to betrayal, I realized
that I had forgotten God's call. My Lord Imam has grown something in my heart, encouraging

and encouraging me so that I can rise from this slump and I will return to my essence that I have
forgotten, to return to the call of God.

c. Moral Values

Linguistically, the word moral is a term derived from Sanskrit. Su means good or good, while
sila means basis, principle, rule of life or norm. So, moral means the basis, principle, rules or
norms of a good or good life.

This can be seen in the following quote: Young Tauke wanted me to go to high school in
order to become a smart person. Because the future of the Tong Family is not in the hands of
people who are good at fighting, not just being a bouncer, being a keroco in the black world but a
great and smart person. That is why Young Tauke is determined to change my life to be more
responsible and courageous.

C. Characterization or character

a. Single, has a brave nature and struggles with the twists and turns of life, then manages to
overcome his life's problems and gain valuable learning.

b. Young Tauke or Big Tauke, has a wise nature even though he is tough, he is very clever in
educating his adopted son, namely Bujang. He has brought about a change in Bujang, not just
from being a bouncer but to becoming a very smart and very genius child.

c. Samad has a very tough nature and he is even too proud to give love to his own child. Even so,
he is a great father for Bujang.

d. Midah, has a gentle and loving nature. Even though distance has separated Midah and Bujang,
a mother always prays for the best for her child in the future.

e. Kopong, has a loyal soul. Always faithfully accompanies Bujang wherever and whenever he
is. Kopong was also Bujang's first bouncer teacher when he was in the Tong family.

f. Tauke Imam, is Bujang's grandfather, which means the parent of Mamak Bujang. He gave
encouragement and advice when Bujang experienced a downturn after the departure of Midah,
Samad and Tauke Besar.

g. Basyir, has a very evil nature. He had betrayed the Tong Family

D. Language Style in the Novel Pulang by Tere Liye

1. Personification Language Style

Personification language style is a figurative language style that describes inanimate objects or
things that are inanimate as having human characteristics.

a. “That night, in the middle of heavy rain, at the bottom of the blanketed Sumatran jungle

dark moss,"

b. “A terrible monster has taken away my fear.”

In quote (a), the words are covered in dark moss as if the jungle of Sumatra were humans. In
quote (b), the words take away my fear seem to have human qualities, namely making someone
anxious and afraid.

c. "A dense forest lay overhead, shrouded in mist."

d. "Last night we almost got lost, one of my cars almost rolled over swallowed by the dark

In quote (c), the words are shrouded in fog as if the forest were people. In quote (d), the words
swallowed by a dark valley mean that the car rolled over in a valley in Sumatra where there is no
light or darkness.

2. Metaphoric Language Style

Metaphoric language style is the use of words not with their actual meaning, but as a painting
based on similarities or comparisons.

a. "No, look at my face, look at my eyes"

b. "You won't find it even if you're afraid."

In quote (a) the expression Ball of my eyes contains two different comparisons, namely Ball and
my eyes. A ball is a round object that is used as a sports or game tool, while my eyes are the

sense of sight. The phrase My eyeballs means to see the seriousness in someone through their
eyes. In quote (b) the thing being compared is the slightest fear. Semili means the smallest size.
The expression semi-fearful means having no fear.

c. “I have obtained the golden ticket I have been dreaming of.”

d. "Start climbing the slope, through the path, into the heart of the Sumatran jungle."

In quote (c) the expression golden ticket contains two different comparisons, namely ticket and
gold. A ticket is a travel document issued by a company that contains the route, date, passenger
list price or entry ticket. Gold is something that is of high quality and valuable. The phrase
golden ticket means a long-awaited opportunity. In quote (d) the thing being compared is the
heart of the jungle. The heart is a very influential part of the human body which is located inside
the human body. Jungle is a forest. The expression heart of the jungle means in a forest in a
forest far from settlements.

3. Hyperbole Language Style

Hyperbolic language style is a type of language style that contains statements that exaggerate the
number, size or nature with the aim of emphasizing a statement or situation to exaggerate,
increase the impression and influence.

a. “A terrible monster has taken away my fear.”

b. “We are no longer rotten rats in the gutter.”

In quote (a), hyperbole is seen in the use of excessive words in describing wild animals in the
forest. In quote (b), hyperbole is seen in the use of excessive words in explaining that there is
progress in life.

c. "The look of his red eyes, his ragged breath and his fangs that gleamed when struck by the
light of lightning cut my chest open, giving off a shuddering feeling."

In quote (c), hyperbole is seen in the use of excessive words to describe a very deep feeling of




a.) The theme of the novel tells of the journey home, through battle after battle, to embrace
tightly all the hatred and pain.

b) The character of the novel is Bujang, who has a brave, intelligent and genius soul. Tauke
Muda has a wise nature, although he is tough, he is very clever in educating his adopted son,
Bujang. Samad and Midah (Bujang's parents) are very affectionate towards their children.
Kopong, has a very loyal nature and always accompanies, encouraging Bujang. Tauke Imam,
having a good character, gave encouragement and advice to Bujang after the departure of Tauke
Besar, Samad and Midah. Basyir, has an evil, selfish and evil nature. He had betrayed the Tong

c) The setting of the novel is Talang (a kind of village) Bukit Barisan, Sumatra. Hong Kong, the
capital, Tondo (Manila city), Tokyo, America, and in religious schools (Islamic boarding

d) The outline of the message in the novel Pulang by Tere Liye is to remind us to "go home".
Return home or return to the power of the Most High, return home to purity of heart and soul.

e.) The moral values contained in the novel Pulang by Tere Liye are moral values, ethical values
and moral values.


We realized that in writing the proposal with the title 'Analysis of Moral Values in the Novel
Pulang by Tere Liye' there were still many shortcomings.

The shortcomings are in terms of material, material content, and the way this proposal is
written, for this reason we as the authors of the paper ask for suggestions from readers and
listeners so that we can correct this paper more perfectly for the next writing. Thank you for your
attention. Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatu.


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