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Q1. Easy: The diagram shows an epithelial cell from the small intestine.

This diagram shows the cell magnified 900 times. Calculate the actual length of the cell
between points P and Q. Give your answer in µm. Show your working.

Answer ...................................... µm

Q2. Medium: The diagram shows a eukaryotic cell.

Calculate the magnification of the drawing.

Show your working.

Answer ...................................... (2)

Q3. Palisade cells are found in leaves. The diagram shows a palisade cell.

The real length of this cell between X and Y is 25 micrometres (µm). By how many times
has it been magnified? Show your working.

Answer ............................................ (2)

Q4. Harder: The drawing shows part of a plant cell as seen with an electron microscope.

Calculate the actual width of the cell from Y to Z. Give your answer in micrometres (µm) and
show your working.

Answer ..................................... (2)

Q1. Calculate the actual length of the organelle as shown by the line AB in the diagram.

Q2. The line AB in the diagram represents an actual distance of 1.5 µm.

Calculate the magnification of the drawing

Q3. Calculate the magnification of the cell.

Q4. Calculate the actual length of the cell (from A-B)

Q5. Calculate the maximum width of the nucleus in the diagram above

Q6. Write the three equations for microscope calculations

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