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Copyright #ERS Journals Ltd 2002

Eur Respir J 2002; 19: 571–576 European Respiratory Journal

DOI: 10.1183/09031936.02.01512001 ISSN 0903-1936
Printed in UK – all rights reserved


Pulmonary hypertension in collagen vascular disease

M.M. Hoeper

Pulmonary hypertension in collagen vascular disease. M.M. Hoeper. #ERS Journals Hannover Medical School, Dept
Ltd 2002. of Pulmonary Medicine, Hannover,
ABSTRACT: Pulmonary hypertension is a serious but often overlooked complication in Germany.
collagen vascular disease. The understanding of the development of pulmonary Correspondence: M.M. Hoeper, Hann-
hypertension has increased substantially during the last years. over Medical School, Dept of Pulmo-
Abnormal proliferation of pulmonary vascular cells is now being regarded as a nary Medicine, Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1,
predominant process leading to pulmonary vascular obliteration. Medical therapy 30625 Hannover, Germany.
focuses on prostacyclin treatment, which has been shown to improve exercise capacity Fax: 49 5115328536
and haemodynamic variables in patients with several collagen vascular diseases and E-mail: hoeper.marius@
pulmonary arterial hypertension. mh-hannover.de
Continuous intravenous prostacyclin remains the standard treatment of associated
pulmonary hypertension but less invasive alternatives such as subcutaneous treprostinil, Keywords: Calcinosis, Raynauds pheno-
menon, oesophageal involvement, sclero-
oral beraprost or aerosolized iloprost, as well as, novel substances such as endothelin dactyly, and teangiectasia (CREST)
receptor antagonists may be appropriate for selected patients. syndrome, prostacyclin, pulmonary
Eur Respir J 2002; 19: 571–576. hypertension, scleroderma, secondary,
systemic sclerosis

Received: September 16 2001

Accepted after revision September 17

Pulmonary complications are common in patients hypertension, human immunodeficiency virus infec-
with collagen vascular disease. They may occur as a tion, and collagen vascular disease. According to a
result of the underlying disease or as a complication novel classification, pulmonary hypertension occur-
of its treatment. Interstitial lung disease is the most ring in any of these clinical conditions is referred to as
common pulmonary complication of collagen vas- associated PAH, provided that the causes of second-
cular disease. Pulmonary vascular involvement may ary pulmonary hypertension, mentioned earlier, have
occur as alveolar haemorrhage or as pulmonary hyper- been excluded (table 1) [1]. Pulmonary veno-occlusive
tension. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) may disease and pulmonary capillary haemangiomatosis
accompany interstitial lung disease or may be the sole have also been reported in collagen vascular disease,
pulmonary manifestation. In any case, the develop- but these are extremely rare complications beyond the
ment of pulmonary hypertension is an ominous prog- focus of this review [2–4].
nostic sign. This review will focus on the current The occurrence of PAH has been reported in asso-
concepts with respect to pathogenesis and treatment ciation with every known type of collagen vascular
of PAH in collagen vascular disease. disease. However, the frequency of pulmonary hyper-
tension varies substantially. Pulmonary hypertension
is a rare complication of rheumatoid arthritis, der-
Epidemiological aspects matomyositis and polymyositis. Rapidly progressive
pulmonary hypertension may accompany Sjogren9s
Clinically, histologically and from a therapeutic syndrome but this is also a very rare complication.
perspective, PAH in collagen vascular disease is In patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, pulmo-
often indistinguishable from primary pulmonary nary hypertension is found in 5–10% of all patients
hypertension (PPH). The latter disease is character- [5–7]. In progressive systemic sclerosis, pulmonary
ized by a progressive obliteration of the pulmonary hypertension may occur in 10–33% of the patients
vascular bed. The diagnosis of PPH requires exclu- [8, 9] and this number may be even higher in patients
sion of well-defined causes of pulmonary hypertension with mixed connective tissue disease [10]. In the Calci-
such as interstitial or obstructive lung disease, myo- nosis, Raynauds phenomenon, oesophageal involve-
cardial or valvular left heart disease or chronic venous ment, sclerodactyly, and teangiectasia (CREST)
thromboembolism. Several diseases may be accom- syndrome (sometimes referred to as the limited
panied by pulmonary hypertension that resembles cutaneous variant of systemic sclerosis), which was
PPH. Among these diseases are cirrhosis with portal once believed to be a benign variant of systemic

Table 1. – Classification of pulmonary hypertension [13–15]. Plexiform lesions may also be found in
associated pulmonary hypertension. In patients with
Pulmonary arterial hypertension
Primary pulmonary hypertension CREST/scleroderma, concentric intimal thickening
Sporadic is a predominant finding [16]. Intimal thickening
Familial was long regarded as a fibrosing process but recent
Associated pulmonary hypertension studies by TUDER et al. [13] and COOL et al. [17] have
Collagen vascular disease shown that endothelial proliferation is a hallmark
Congenital heart defects of pulmonary hypertension in both, sporadic forms
Portal hypertension and those associated with collagen vascular disease.
HIV infection
Drugs and toxins The plexiform lesions, which resemble glomeruloid-
Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn like structures also consist primarily of proliferating
Other forms endothelial cells that form channel-like structures
Pulmonary venous hypertension indicating an angiogenetic process. However, vascular
Myocardial disease of the left ventricle or atrium remodelling in PAH is not exclusively refined to the
Valvular heart disease endothelium, since proliferation of smooth muscle
Extrinsic compression of pulmonary veins cells has been reported also [18]. These findings in
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
Other forms the aggregate have strengthened the hypothesis that
Pulmonary hypertension with respiratory disease or PAH is primarily a proliferative disease.
hypoxaemia This notion is further supported by the identifica-
COPD tion of a gene for familial PPH. This bone morpho-
Interstitial lung disease genetic receptor protein type-2 gene called (BMPR-2)
Sleep-related breathing problems is a member of the transforming growth factor
Hypoventilation (TGF)-receptor family [19, 20]. BMPR-2 mutations
High altitude
Congenital lung disease are found not only in familial pulmonary hyper-
Other forms tension but also in sporadic PPH [21]. Although the
Pulmonary hypertension due to chronic thrombotic or function of BMPR-2 in the lung is not clear, it is
thromboembolic disease probably intimately involved in proliferation and
Chronic thromboembolism apoptosis of pulmonary vascular cells [22]. MORRELL
Embolic (thrombi, tumour, parasites) et al. [23] have recently shown that pulmonary arterial
In situ thrombosis smooth muscle cells exhibit abnormal in vivo growth
Sickle-cell disease
Pulmonary hypertension due to disease involving the responses to bone morphogenetic proteins and
pulmonary vessels TGF-b. There are no studies so far that have investi-
Inflammatory gated the presence of BMPR-2 mutations in patients
Schistosomiasis with associated pulmonary hypertension.
Sarcoid Several other factors contribute to the pathogenesis
Other forms and progression of pulmonary hypertension. In
Pulmonary capillary haemangiomatosis patients with collagen vascular disease, inflamma-
Data as modified from the World Health Organization tion is probably an important contributor to the
Symposium 1998, Evian, France. HIV: human immuno- development of pulmonary hypertension. Clustering
deficiency virus; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary of macrophages and T-lymphocytes around vascular
disease. lesions has been reported in PPH and associated
pulmonary hypertension and has been linked to
sclerosis, the incidence of pulmonary hypertension vascular remodelling [16]. Inflammatory cells produc-
ranges between 10–30%; an autopsy study revealed ing growth factors such as platelet-derived growth
changes compatible with pulmonary hypertension factor or vascular endothelial cell growth factor have
in 50% of patients with the CREST syndrome been also linked to the pathogenesis of pulmonary
[11]. While pulmonary hypertension in patients with hypertension [24–26]. The traditional concept that
scleroderma is almost exclusively associated with pulmonary hypertension may be a result of prolonged
interstitial lung disease, it may be the sole pulmonary or extensive pulmonary vasoconstriction has been
manifestation in patients with the CREST syndrome challenged by the findings described earlier. However,
[12]. some degree of vasoconstriction may be present in
PAH associated with collagen vascular disease, and
may be a target of treatment.
Pathology and pathogenesis Pulmonary in situ thrombosis is a contributing
factor in PPH that may also be involved in pulmonary
The pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension still hypertension associated with collagen vascular disease
needs to be elucidated. Thorough histological exam- [27, 28]. Furthermore, thrombosis or thromboembo-
inations have shown that the features of pulmonary lism may play an important role in patients with
hypertension in collagen vascular disease are similar collagen vascular disease. Especially in patients with
to the findings in PPH. Thus, the major histological lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid antibodies,
findings are media hypertrophy and intimal thickening it is crucial to differentiate between associated and
of the small and medium-sized pulmonary arteries thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.

Symptoms and diagnostic approach The efficacy of digitalis in patients with pulmonary
hypertension and right heart failure is unproven but
The leading symptom of pulmonary hypertension many centres use digitalis in patients with advanced
is dyspnoea on exertion. Further symptoms include right heart failure (New York Heart Association
palpitations and the development of oedema and Class III or IV) [36]. Anticoagulation has been
ascites. The failure to increase cardiac output during found to be effective in patients with PPH [37, 38].
exercise may lead to recurrent syncopes. Clinical Although there are no comparable data for patients
findings of pulmonary hypertension are subtle in the with associated pulmonary hypertension, anticoagula-
beginning. A parasternal heave and a loud pulmonic tion is generally recommended for these patients
second sound may be the only hints. A left parasternal unless there is an increased risk of bleeding. The
systolic murmur may indicate the presence of tricuspid target international normalized ratio for patients with
regurgitation. Other clinical signs such as jugular vein PAH is unknown but most centres recommend levels
extension, ascites and oedema are due to overt right between 1.5–3.0.
heart failure [29, 30]. Specific management of pulmonary hypertension
Unfortunately, there is no early symptom or sign should be guided by the clinical picture and the results
of pulmonary hypertension. When patients develop of acute vasodilator challenge during right heart
symptoms as described earlier, they usually suffer catheterization. A trial of calcium channel blockers
from advanced pulmonary hypertension with manifest is warranted only in patients who exhibit a marked
low cardiac output. pulmonary vasoreactivity (as defined by a fall in
Echocardiography is the most important diagnostic pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary vascular
tool in patients with suspected pulmonary hyper- resistance by w20% from base line during acute
tension. Other noninvasive tools such as electro- vasodilator challenge) [32, 33].
cardiograms or radiographs are less sensitive and In the vast majority of patients with PAH and
accurate. Echocardiography should be used as a collagen vascular disease, prostacyclin/-analogues
screening tool in patients at high risk for the are a central part of treatment. Continuous intra-
development of pulmonary hypertension; in systemic venous prostacyclin (epoprostenol) has been shown
sclerosis, CREST syndrome and mixed connective in randomized studies to be effective for PPH, and
tissue disease, echocardiography should be performed has been approved in the USA as well as in several
routinely once a year. Stress echocardiography may European countries [39]. There are numerous reports
be more sensitive than the standard echocardiography on the efficacy of continuous intravenous prostacyclin
at rest, to detect early pulmonary hypertension [31]. in patients with collagen vascular disease [40–42] and
It is not clear, however, what the therapeutic recom- only recently, a multicentre trial demonstrated effi-
mendations would be for patients with pulmonary cacy of this treatment in patients with pulmonary
hypertension during exercise, but normal pulmonary hypertension associated with scleroderma or CREST
pressures at rest. Therefore, at this time, stress echo- syndrome [43]. Interestingly, some extrapulmonary
cardiography cannot be recommended as a general manifestations of collagen vascular disease such as
screening tool for the identification of pulmonary skin lesions in patients with scleroderma may also
hypertension. improve substantially during treatment with prosta-
If echocardiography unravels pulmonary hyper- cyclin. The major drawback of treatment with
tension, further investigations should determine the continuous intravenous prostacyclin is the require-
cause. A computed tomography scan of the lungs ment of a permanent central venous line, which is
should be ordered to exclude pulmonary embolism prone to infectious complications. Therefore, attempts
and interstitial lung disease. Careful exclusion of are being made to administer prostanoids via alter-
thrombosis of the lower and upper extremities is native routes.
necessary. If recurrent thromboembolism cannot be Continuous subcutaneous administration of tre-
ruled out, pulmonary angiography should be con- prostinil (formerly denoted UT-15), a stable prosta-
sidered. Finally, right heart catheterization is indi- cyclin analogue has been shown in a large randomized
cated to obtain a complete haemodynamic profile. controlled trial to improve exercise tolerance and
During cardiac catheterization, a vasodilator trial haemodynamics in patients with PPH and associated
with a short-acting substance such as inhaled nitric PAH [44, 45]. Unfortunately, this therapy is asso-
oxide, intravenous adenosine or aerosolized iloprost ciated with substantial infusion site complications
should be performed to guide further treatment such as pain and skin induration. These side-effects
[32–35]. lower patient9s acceptance of the treatment.
Oral beraprost has been licensed in Japan for PPH
after a controlled study in 58 patients showed evidence
Treatment for increased survival in patients with PPH treated
with beraprost, compared to conventional treatment
The approach to treat pulmonary hypertension in [46]. There is, however, no sufficient data on the
patients with collagen vascular disease can be divided long-term efficacy of beraprost and there is also no
in general measures, specific treatment of pulmonary information about the use of beraprost in patients
hypertension and specific treatment of the underlying with collagen vascular disease. The results of a
disease. General measures include the administration recently completed multicentre study on beraprost
of oxygen in patients with documented hypoxaemia for primary and associated pulmonary hypertension
and the treatment of oedema or ascites with diuretics. have not yet been published.

Inhaled iloprost, another stable prostacyclin Outlook

analogue, has been introduced recently for noninva-
sive treatment of PAH [47]. There is considerable With the introduction of prostanoids in the treat-
evidence for the efficacy of inhaled iloprost in PPH ment of pulmonary hypertension, there is now for
[35, 48, 49] but experiences with inhaled iloprost the first time a therapeutic option for this often fatal
in patients with collagen vascular disease are just complication of collagen vascular disease. There is no
casuistic. Thus, continuous intravenous prostacyclin evidence, however, that prostanoids do significantly
remains the treatment of choice for pulmonary affect the extrapulmonary manifestations of the
hypertension associated with collagen vascular disease underlying disease. Novel substances are being deve-
but novel noninvasive alternatives deserve attention loped in an attempt to modify autoimmune disorders
and may be used under close supervision of the and fibrosis. There is hope that substances such
patient. as transforming-growth-factor-beta antibodies [61]
Another group of substances that are currently may effectively slow or stop progression of collagen
being introduced in the treatment of pulmonary vascular disease and will also have a positive impact
hypertension, are endothelin antagonists [50]. Plasma on the course of associated pulmonary hypertension.
endothelin levels are increased in patients with syste-
mic sclerosis but the association of increased endo-
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