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Taylor Brown

AIE 3: My Personal Happiness Project


Happiness is a concept that is both deeply personal and ever-evolving. For each of us, it

carries its own unique definition and set of parameters. As we progress through life, it becomes

increasingly important to periodically assess our own happiness and, where necessary, make

deliberate adjustments to enhance our overall sense of well-being. In this personal happiness

project, I embarked on a journey of reflection and self-improvement. The central hypothesis that

guided my actions was a simple one: "After reflecting on my life, I would be happier if I took the

initiative more consistently." In this essay, I will outline the steps taken to test this hypothesis,

the data collected over a 48-hour period, a self-evaluation of the results, and finally, my evolving

definition of happiness.

After a period of self-reflection, I recognized a critical source of my stress and

unhappiness: procrastination, lack of motivation, and an inability to initiate tasks in a timely

manner. To address this issue, I formed the hypothesis that by consistently taking the initiative, I

could both prevent issues from accumulating and create more space in my life for the activities

that already brought me happiness. To test this hypothesis, I decided to initiate action in my daily

life immediately. This meant addressing tasks without delay, whether they were academic

responsibilities or the general day-to-day obligations of my personal life. To operationalize this

idea, I made a two-day plan for implementing the changes.

Day 1 (Wednesday, 12th October): Control

On this day, I adhered to my usual routine. The schedule consisted of work, leisure time

spent watching Netflix, and extended video gaming sessions with friends. I failed to address any

tasks promptly, perpetuating a cycle of procrastination. The day ended with me watching videos

on my phone until I drifted off to sleep.

Day 2 (Thursday, 13th October): Taking Action

The following day, I followed the same morning routine but dedicated my work hours to

tackling pending homework. During the day, I asked my wife if there were any tasks, she needed

assistance with. This led to immediate action in removing the A/C unit from our bedroom in

preparation for winter. Additionally, I attended to our cats' litter boxes and cleaned the area in the

basement where they are kept. This was a departure from my typical routine. I also committed to

working on my homework for the Cybersecurity Fundamentals course, thus shifting the balance

between work and leisure. In the evening, I shared quality time with my wife, discussing our day

and worries about the future. This proved to be a meaningful and emotionally rewarding

interaction, quite different from my usual preoccupation with leisure activities.

The impact of this slight change in my daily routine was genuinely astonishing. I

observed several positive effects. Firstly, working on homework during work downtime

significantly improved my concentration, reduced stress associated with pending assignments,

and allowed for a sense of accomplishment. It felt like a small but meaningful victory, knowing I

was making steady progress in my academic pursuits. Secondly, promptly addressing tasks

requested by my wife not only made her feel heard and appreciated but also enhanced our

relationship, generating happiness for both of us. The simple act of asking her if there was

anything I could help with and then acting immediately seemed to convey a level of care and

respect that brought us closer. Moreover, cleaning the cat litter boxes and maintaining the
tidiness of their area effectively reduced stress and improved my overall living environment. The

satisfaction of having a clean and organized space was a positive reinforcement of my efforts.

However, it's important to acknowledge that I encountered some challenges during this

journey. The habit of watching videos before falling asleep proved to be a challenging one to

change. It appears that this practice has become deeply ingrained in my routine, making it

difficult to break the cycle. Additionally, I realized that not all tasks require immediate attention.

Learning to prioritize them might be a more effective approach, allowing for a more balanced

allocation of time.

Aristotle's definition of happiness as "doing the right action at the right time in the right

amount and for the right reason" resonates with me more deeply as a result of this personal

happiness project. It suggests that happiness is not merely the absence of stress or unhappiness,

but the presence of actions and habits that contribute positively to one's life. Happiness, I've

come to understand, involves a multifaceted approach. It includes addressing tasks in a timely

manner, nurturing relationships, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This project has

served as a steppingstone towards a more meaningful and profound realization of what happiness

means in my life.

This personal happiness project was an exploration of self-improvement, centered around

the concept of taking initiative. The results demonstrated that even minor changes in behavior

can have a significant impact on overall well-being. Through this journey, I learned the

importance of addressing tasks promptly, maintaining a balanced approach to life, and nurturing

meaningful relationships. Happiness, as it turns out, is a continuous journey, and these initial

results reaffirm that positive change is attainable.

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