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Taylor Brown

AIE 2: The Examined Life


In this reflection, I aim to explore a 24-hour period in my life. The central objective is to

explore the relationship between time management, financial decisions, and the importance of

sleep. Through this analysis, I hope to reveal a vital truth about the connectivity of these aspects

of life and their influence on my daily life. This exploration will provide valuable insights into

the dynamics of these elements and their collective impact, allowing me to make more informed

decisions moving forward. Additionally, it serves as a foundation for fostering a deeper

understanding of how these aspects shape my daily experiences and priorities.

In the first part of this 24-hour period, from 5 am to 9 am, I learned some important

things about time. These hours were all about sleep, and it made me realize how crucial rest is in

my daily life. It showed me how important it is to set aside time for self-care and getting

energized for the day. This period taught me that how I manage my time in the morning can

impact how I feel and how well I do during the day. It made me see that time management and

my overall well-being are closely connected.

During breakfast with my Mom, I had a chance to think more about money. I paid for our

meal, which made me realize how important it is to be careful with my finances as an adult. It

showed me that even small choices, like sharing a meal, can affect my overall financial well-

being. This experience was a clear reminder of the need to make responsible financial decisions

in my daily life. It made me more aware of the impact of my spending choices on my financial

I gained a better understanding of my sleep patterns and my horrible bedtime routine.

Sleeping from 5 am to 9 am was good for my rest, but I also noticed a problem. The time spent

on my phone from before bed messed up my sleep and made me less productive during the day.

This made me realize that sleep and how I manage my time are closely connected. It's important

to balance them to feel and perform better.

The most important thing I learned from this reflection is how closely connected time,

money, and sleep are in our lives. If we neglect one, it can mess up the others. For example, my

late-night phone use messed up my sleep, and that made it harder to get things done during the

day. This shows that to have a balanced and fulfilling life, we need to manage these

interconnected elements in a harmonious way. We can't just focus on one and ignore the others.

Now, when it comes to applying what I've learned, there are a few practical steps I can

take. First, I need to work on improving my sleep habits, which means using my phone less at

night, getting enough rest, and having a more organized morning routine. Secondly, I should

keep being responsible with my money because it directly affects my overall well-being. Lastly,

I'll remember to use my time wisely, making sure I balance these essential aspects of life to lead

a more fulfilling life. So, these insights won't just stay as thoughts; I'll put them into action.

In conclusion, looking back on this 24-hour period has given me a much better

understanding of how time, money, and sleep are all connected and crucial for a good life.

They're like pieces of a puzzle that fit together. Through this exercise, I've also learned more

about myself and why it's important to find a balance in these fundamental parts of life. Now, I

want to take what I've learned and use it in my daily life. I want to focus on taking care of

myself, making smart financial choices, and managing my time wisely to have a more fulfilling
and well-rounded life. So, this reflection is not just about thinking; it's about making positive


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