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Maybe You Should Talk To Someone By

Lori Gottlieb

Submitted to Fulfil Graduation Comprehensive Examination Assignments


Under The Guidance of:

Triyopi Angga Ratnawan, S.Pd.

Composed by:

Lazuardi Azhra


XII Engineering




This Assignment was defended in front of the examiners of the Graduation Comprehensive

Examination of SMA Ar-Rohmah Putra Malang and accepted as one of the requirements to

achieve Certificate of Senior High School on

Approved by:

Lazuardi Azhra

SMA Ar-Rohmah Putra

Advisor: Signatures:

1. (.………………….) 1. (……………………..)

Examiners: Signatures:

1. (.………………….) 1. (……………………..)

2. (.………………….) 2. ( .……………………)



Approval Paper...........................................................................................................

Table of Content.........................................................................................................

Chapter 1.....................................................................................................................

1.1 Identity of the Book......................................................................................

a. Title of Book...............................................................................................

b. Author of Book...........................................................................................

c. Year of Book Publication............................................................................

d. Thickness of Book Page..............................................................................

1.2 . Resume Content..........................................................................................

a. Chapter One................................................................................................

b. Chapter Two................................................................................................

c. Chapter Three..............................................................................................

d. Chapter Four ..............................................................................................

e. Chapter Five................................................................................................

f. End of Chapter.............................................................................................

1.3 Review Content...........................................................................................

a. Advantages of The Book.............................................................................

b. Disadvantages of The Book........................................................................

c. Benefits from The Book..............................................................................

d. Criticism and Suggestions for The Book....................................................

e. Do You Recommend This Book? (Yes/No) Why?.....................................

Chapter 2.....................................................................................................................



1.1 Identity of the book

a. Title of Book
Maybe You Should Talk To Someone
b. Author of Book
Lori Gottlieb
c. Year of Book Publication
d. Thickness of Book Page
512 pages

1.2 Resume Content

The book 'Everyone Needs to Confide' explores the importance of sharing stories and
emotions with other people as a form of therapy and social support. The author tells how
ventilation can help reduce stress, improve mental well-being, and strengthen
relationships between individuals. From the experiences described, readers can
understand that this is not a sign of weakness, but an important step in maintaining mental
health and overall happiness."

A. Chapter One
The first chapter of the book "Everyone Needs to Tell" may discuss the
importance of talking about our personal feelings and experiences. This may
introduce the concept that venting emotions is not a sign of weakness, but is an
important step in understanding oneself and relationships with others. The author can
also outline some of the benefits of sharing stories and listening to others, such as
reducing stress, improving mental well-being, and strengthening social bonds. This
chapter can also provide examples of how venting emotions can be a doorway to
personal growth and building deeper relationships.

B. Chapter Two
The second chapter of the book "Everyone Needs to Confide" will probably
discuss the obstacles that often arise in the process of confiding and how to
overcome them. The author may identify several reasons why people find it difficult
to express their feelings, such as shame, fear of judgment, or feeling that the problem
is not important. Apart from that, this chapter can also highlight the importance of
listening empathetically and without judgment when someone is venting their
emotions. The author can provide strategies to help people feel comfortable talking
about their feelings, such as creating a safe and open environment, paying attention
to body language, and offering support without trying to “fix” the problem. In
addition, this chapter can also emphasize the importance of understanding the
boundaries of giving and receiving confide, as well as when it is appropriate to seek
professional help if necessary

C. Chapter Three
The third chapter of the book “Everyone Needs to Tell a Story” perhaps digs
deeper into the importance of having a strong social network and emotional support
in our lives. The author may discuss how healthy social relationships can be an
important foundation for our mental and emotional well-being. This chapter may
highlight various forms of social support, from close friends and family members to
online communities and networks. Additionally, the author may also discuss how we
can build and maintain supportive relationships, including active engagement,
listening to each other, and providing support when needed. This chapter can also
provide practical advice on how to expand our social networks and find support
when we need it. Lastly, the author might highlight the importance of providing
support to others in our network and how this can strengthen our overall social

D. End of Chapter
The fourth chapter of the book "Everyone Needs to Confide" might explore the
positive impact of confiding and listening in the context of interpersonal
relationships. The author may discuss how the process of confiding can strengthen
emotional bonds between individuals, create a sense of mutual understanding, and
strengthen relationships. This chapter also highlights the importance of honesty and
trust in emotional communication, as well as how confiding can be a means of
increasing depth and intimacy in relationships. Additionally, the author can highlight
the important role of empathy in the listening process and how it can strengthen the
bond between the confidant and the listener. This chapter may also provide practical
tips on how to listen well and provide effective support to those who confide in us.
Finally, the authors might highlight the importance of appreciating and celebrating
the vulnerability that occurs in the process of confiding, as this can strengthen
relationships and deepen closeness between individuals.

1.3 Review Content

As a book that discusses the importance of confiding and listening in interpersonal
relationships, "Everyone Needs to Confide" may be a useful resource for readers who
want to understand more deeply the dynamics of emotional communication.

A. Advantages of Book
1. Deep Understanding: Readers may feel that this book provides a deep
understanding of the importance of confiding and listening in
interpersonal relationships. This can make them feel they better
understand the emotional dynamics in communication.
2. Encouragement to Change: This book can provide encouragement to its
readers to change the way they communicate with others. This positive
response can include feeling encouraged to be more open or more
empathetic towards others
3. Problem Solving: Readers may feel that this book provides concrete
solutions or strategies that can be applied in everyday life. This positive
response can be in the form of feeling more prepared and able to face
challenges in interpersonal communication.

B. Disadvantages of Book
1. Overly General Stereotypes or Generalizations: Some readers may feel
that this book makes too broad assumptions or generalizations about the
importance of confiding and listening, without taking into account the
uniqueness of each individual or situation.
2. Difficulty in Application: Some readers may find the suggestions or
strategies presented in this book difficult to apply in everyday life,
especially if they face certain challenges in interpersonal
3. Over-the-top or Overly Sentimental: Some readers may feel that the
book is overly sentimental or excessive in its message, making them
feel disconnected from the content or writing style.

C. Benefit from Book

1. Improved Mental Well-Being: Through discussions about the benefits
of confiding and listening, this book can help readers improve their
mental well-being. Readers may become more aware of the importance
of seeking support from others when facing stress or difficulties.
2. Strengthening Social Support: This book can help readers understand
the importance of social support in overcoming life's challenges.
Readers may feel encouraged to expand their social networks and seek
support from others when needed.
3. Improved Listening Skills: This book can help readers improve their
listening skills, including the ability to listen with empathy and without
judgment. This can help them become better listeners to others in
everyday life.

D. Criticism and suggestion for the book

1. Limitations of Perspective: This book may only explore certain
perspectives on why venting is important, without considering
individual differences in culture, background, or circumstances that
may influence how they relate to problems.
2. Case Studies and Inspirational Stories: Include true stories or case
studies that show how ventilation has positively changed someone's
life. This can help readers feel connected and motivated to seek
3. Reader Engagement: End each chapter with a question or reflective
exercise to encourage readers to reflect on how the concepts presented
apply to their own lives.

E. Do You Recommend This Book? ( Yes/No ) Why?

Yes, i do
1. Broadening Perspectives: This book may present stories and insights
from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, which may help readers
broaden their perspectives on the importance of ventilation.
2. Improves the Quality of Relationships: Sharing openly with people you
trust can strengthen interpersonal relationships. This book may provide
insight into how to build a more intimate and meaningful relationship
through confiding in yourself.

3. Mental and Emotional Health: This book discusses the importance of
sharing feelings and experiences with others for mental and emotional
well-being. This can be a source of inspiration for those who have
difficulty opening up or seeking support.


This book nicely explores the importance of venting as a way to improve mental
and emotional health, reduce the stigma around sharing personal problems, and
strengthen interpersonal relationships. Despite some criticism of the general nature of the
concept and a lack of in-depth discussion, this book provides valuable insight into the
benefits of venting and provides practical advice on how to work through problems
together with the support of others.
By emphasizing the importance of listening with empathy and providing
emotional support, this book promotes a culture of mutual care that society desperately
needs today. With the addition of more in-depth research, a multicultural approach, and
more concrete practical strategies, this book could be a stronger and more useful resource
for readers who want to deepen their understanding of the importance of venting in their
emotional journey.

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