CV Simone Bol

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Work Experience

2022-Now Data Engineer LiveIntent

Development and maintenance of data pipelines and tools on the AWS
Data Lake to ensure data quality, accessibility and queryability for
data scientists and ML engineers; Debugging of hard-to-spot issues
like data and pipelines anomalies; Implementation of automation for
streamlined reporting.
2021 Postdoctoral Researcher Department of Biology, KU, Denmark
Development of a Bayesian algorithm to incorporate time-dependent
data into molecular simulations and applications of statistical mod-

Simone Orioli 2019-2021

elling techniques to extract information from molecular simulations.
Postdoctoral Researcher Niels Bohr Institutet, KU, Denmark
Data Engineer Development and implementation of a Monte Carlo algorithm to
model the geometry of proteins from sparse and ambiguous x-ray
i 7 February 1991, Italy data.
B Tomsgårdsvej 87, st. tv, 2400,
København NV, Denmark
T +45 50303155
2015-2019 Ph.D. cum laudae, Computational Biophysics University of Trento, Italy
m Applications of stochastic process in their path-integral formulation
to study the folding and dynamics of proteins.
2013-2015 M.Sc. cum laude, Theoretical Physics University of Trento, Italy
Thesis: Renormalized Master Equations with Applications to Molecular
Profile Dynamics

Experienced Data Engineer with a PhD 2010-2013 B.Sc., Physics University of Trento, Italy
in physics and a strong coding Thesis: Computer Simulations of Vortices in Trapped Bose-Einstein
background. I bring interdisciplinary Condensates
knowledge and excel in developing
and maintaining efficient data
pipelines in Data Lake architectures. Relevant Technical Skills
Ambitious and enthusiastic, I thrive
Advanced software development skills in Python · Intermediate level skills with SQL,
on challenges and embrace
C, C++ and Bash · Advanced beginner in Scala and YAML · AWS Data Lake architec-
cutting-edge technologies. With a
ture · AWS Security Services (IAM roles and policies) · Workflow monitoring plat-
solution-oriented mindset, I
forms such as Apache Airflow and Jenkins · Continuous integration / continuous
confidently navigate complex
deployment platforms such as CircleCI · Docker and AWS Elastic Container Registry
problems, leveraging my dedication
· Kubernetes and Helm charts · Elasticsearch and integration with Grafana · Meta-
to finding resolutions. Effective
data catalogs · Amazon Relational Database Service and PostgreSQL databases ·
communication skills enable me to
Graph databases such as Neo4j · Reporting platforms such as Looker · Version con-
collaborate seamlessly with diverse
trol with git · Data exploration and analysis.
teams and stakeholders. As a
dedicated team player, I fearlessly
take on responsibilities and thrive in Languages
difficult challenges. My strong
passion and ability to troubleshoot English Full professional and scientific proficiency
sets me apart and enables me to Italian Native
contribute significantly to the
optimization and enhancement of
data engineering processes. Hobbies
Singer in a metal band, drummer in another and proud owner of an electric kit, im-
Skills prov comedy enthusiast, casual console gamer and runner, football and Juventus
Python Programming

AWS Data Lake
Available upon request.
Data Pipelines

(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamen-

tal Awareness) to 6 (Expert).]

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