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Elena Gómez.


It is a well known fact that nowadays many people are spending too much money on buying
the newest brands to show some kind of social status to the rest of the world. Moreover, this
type of consumption can be either associated to upper classes but also to any economic

There are those who claim that the main reason that makes people consume conspicuously
is due the fact that we are naturally competitive. In addition to this, we tend to compare
ourselves with the rest of the world, mostly with famous people that own plenty of luxurious
items. Therefore, this comparison can even create a big insecurity in people and give them
the necessity of achieving what famous people have.
On the other hand, in my country social networks and advertising contribute greatly to
encouraging conspicuous consumption. It is very common to follow thousands of fashion
trends through social networking. Nevertheless, in Spain there are many people that use
several second hand apps, such as Vinted.

All things considered, I believe that consuming conspicuously is due to several reasons. On
one hand to achieve a higher social status in society and on the other hand it can be the
result of following a huge amount of trends that influencers and tiktokers promote in their
social networks.
From my point of view, we should stop spending this amount of money on unnecessary
things and try to buy clothes on vintage clothes so that we will have unique pieces of clothes.

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