Solubility of Water in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Thermophysical Properties of Materials, 2002

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High Temperature, Vol. 40, No. 2, 2002, pp. 203–206. Translated from Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, Vol.

40, No. 2, 2002, pp. 231–234.

Original Russian Text Copyright © 2002 by Sabirzyanov, Il’in, Akhunov, Gumerov.


Solubility of Water in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

A. N. Sabirzyanov, A. P. Il’in, A. R. Akhunov, and F. M. Gumerov
Kazan State University of Technology, Kazan, 420015 Tatarstan, Russian Federation
Received February 28, 2000

Abstract—A new experimental circulation facility is developed to investigate the solubility of liquids in super-
critical fluids at a pressure of up to 35 MPa and temperatures from 293 to 423 K. The solubility of water in
supercritical carbon dioxide is experimentally investigated on the 313 and 323 K isotherms in the pressure range
from 8 to 20 MPa. Empirical parameters of intermolecular interaction are obtained in the Soave approximation,
which enables one to describe the solubility with an error that does not exceed the experimental error.

INTRODUCTION Standard pressure gages 13 and 14 are used to measure

the pressure in the extraction cell and separator. The
The processes of supercritical fluid extraction find
an ever growing application in various branches of preassigned process temperature is maintained by a
industry [1]. The use of supercritical fluids in extraction thermostatting bath 15 into which the housing of the
processes is based on the high sensitivity of solubility extraction cell is immersed. The error of maintaining
to insignificant changes in temperature and pressure in the process temperature is ± 0.05 K. The temperatures
the vicinity of the critical point of a pure solvent [2]. of the fluid in the extraction cell and of the gas in the
This enables one, on the one hand, to carry out a super- separator are measured by Chromel–Alumel thermo-
fractionation of the starting mixture and, on the other couples inserted directly into the medium being mea-
hand, accomplish a complete regeneration of the sured through the housings of the units using special
extractant by way of simple reduction of pressure, with- sealing means. The error in measuring temperature is
out additional consumption of energy, with subsequent estimated at ± 0.1 K. The solvent flow rate is controlled
repeated use of the extractant. The repeated use of the by a valve 12 in the range of 0.3–0.4 kg/h. If necessary,
extractant implies a supercritical extraction cycle in a the receiver may be additionally pumped without inter-
circulation facility. One of the conditions for the fering with the process, which allows one to continue
energy-related optimization of such a cycle is the the process for as long as is necessary. The time of
reduction to a minimum of the exergy loss. To carry out experiment is defined by the required ratio of the mass
an exergetic analysis of the extraction cycle, one must of solvent to that of solute. The quantity of the solvent
have exact knowledge of the solubility of the target passed through the liquid being dissolved is measured
component in a fluid solvent. Diluted waste water solu- by the weighing method. For this purpose, a receiving
tions represent one of the most widespread extraction cylinder 8 is placed on an electronic balance 18
systems in various branches of industry. Therefore, it is (VM-150 type) manufactured by AO Massa-K (St. Peters-
the main objective of this study to experimentally per-
form the supercritical extraction cycle and obtain burg), which is used to determine the weight of the cyl-
desired experimental data on the solubility of water in inder before and after the experiment with an error of
supercritical carbon dioxide which is most extensively ± 0.05 kg. The initial and final amount of the liquid
used in fluid extraction processes. being dissolved is determined with an error of ±10–5 kg
by weighing on a CAS electronic analytical balance.
The amount of liquid dissolved in the fluid is calculated
EXPERIMENT from the material balance. The solubility of the liquid
is determined in molar fractions. Liquid carbon dioxide
Our experimental circulation facility and experi-
mental procedure are described in detail in [3]. Figure 1 99.8% pure, prepared in accordance with the GOST
shows the schematic of the facility operating at pres- (State Standard) 8050-85 (by POZIS-gaz, Zeleno-
sures up to 35 MPa and temperatures of 293–423 K. dol’sk), and distilled water were used in the experi-
The experimental facility is based on a membrane com- ments. We have estimated the mean-square relative
pressor 3 (MK-80-3.5/350 type) manufactured by AO error of the method for measuring the solubility in the
Kazan’kompressormash and intended to compress developed circulation facility within 7.2%. Figure 2
gases up to a pressure of 35 MPa. The operating exper- gives a comparison of our results obtained on the 313 K
imental pressure is set within ±0.1 MPa with a gas pass- isotherm with the results of [4] also obtained in the cir-
ing through a pressure regulator 5 (ADN-0063M1 type) culation facility. The consistency of the results is
also manufactured by AO Kazan’kompressormash. observed within a total error of 14%. The experimental

0018-151X/02/4002-0203$27.00 © 2002 MAIK “Nauka /Interperiodica”

204 SABIRZYANOV et al.

14 13
6 11 16
12 16




18 4
8 19

Fig. 1. Schematic of the experimental circulation facility: (1) extractor; (2) separator; (3) membrane compressor; (4) receiver;
(5) pressure regulator; (6) filter; (7, 11) thermostat; (8) receiving cylinder; (9) fine filter; (10) intermediate cylinder; (12) throttle
valve; (13, 14) pressure gages; (15) thermostatting bath; (16) thermocouples; (17) entrainment separator; (18) balance; and
(19) backup cylinder.

data on the solubility of water in supercritical ëé2 being dissolved at a given temperature T of the system,
obtained by us are given in Tables 1 and 2 and Fig. 3. P is the pressure in the system, φ2 is the fugacity coef-
The behavior of differential solubility (∂y/∂P)T of ficient of the solute in the fluid, Vm is the reduced molar
water in supercritical carbon dioxide is consistent with volume of a pure solute, and R is the universal gas con-
the predictions of the quantitative theory of solubility of stant.
substances in supercritical fluids [5]. The strong varia- The saturation pressure of water was determined
tion of solubility in a relatively narrow range of pres- from the tables in [7]. The fugacity coefficient of the
sures in the vicinity of the critical temperature of pure solute in the fluid phase may be calculated by one of the
solvent points to the possibility of repeated use of one cubic multiparameter equations of state. We used the
portion of supercritical carbon dioxide as extractant in Soave two-parameter equation of state [8], which is
the processes of treatment of dilute aqueous solutions. extensively used to calculate the phase equilibria in the
liquid–supercritical fluid systems,
THEORY P = RT / ( v – b ) – a/ ( v – b ). (2)
Bartle et al. [6] suggested and tested a model In Eq. (2), v is the specific volume and a and b are
enabling one to describe the solubility of low-volatile parameters of the Soave equation for mixture, that are
and incompressible substances in supercritical fluids, determined as follows:
ln y = ln ( P v /P ) – ln φ 2 + PV m /RT , (1)
where y is the solubility of substances in molar frac- a = ∑∑y y a i j ij , (3)
tions, Pv is the saturation pressure of the substance j i

HIGH TEMPERATURE Vol. 40 No. 2 2002


y, molar fractions Û, molar fractions

0.01 0.01

0.001 0.001
1 1
2 2

8 12 16 20 24 8 12 16 20 24
P, MPa ê, MPa

Fig. 2. The solubility of water in supercritical carbon diox- Fig. 3. The solubility of water in supercritical carbon diox-
ide on the T = 313 K isotherm: (1) [4] and (2) our results. ide: (1) 313 and (2) 323 K; the solid lines indicate calculation.

The substitution of variables A = aP/R2T 2, B =

b = ∑∑y y b i j ij , (4) bP/RT, and Z = Pv /RT reduces the initial Soave equa-
tion (2) to the cubic form relative to Z:
j i

Z – Z + ( A – B – B )Z – AB = 0.
3 2 2
where yi and yj are the molar fractions of the ith and jth (11)
components of the mixture in any of the equilibrium
phases, respectively. The parameters of the Soave equa- We can write the final expression for the calculation
tion for pure components are combinations of the criti- of the fugacity coefficient of the components [9],
cal pressure and temperature,
ln φ i = ( Z – B )B i /B – ln ( Z – B )
a ii = α i ( T )0.42748R T cri /P cri ,
2 2
b ii = 0.086664RT cri /P cri , (6)
+ ln ( 1 + B/Z ) B i /B – 2 ∑y a i ij /a A/B,

α i ( T ) = 1 + m i  1 – -------- ,
T where j is the number of another substance, whose
 T cri interaction with molecules is taken into account in cal-
culating the fugacity coefficient of the ith component.
The individual parameters of water and carbon dioxide
m i = 0.480 + 1.574ω i – 0.176ω i . (8) needed for calculation are given in Table 3.

Here, Pcr i , Tcr i, and ωi are the critical pressure, temper- The fitting empirical parameters of intermolecular
ature, and the acentric factor of the ith component. interaction kij and ηij are determined at a fixed temper-
Thus, the value of a may be calculated by the thermo-
dynamic similarity method, because the acentric factor Table 1. Solubility of water in supercritical carbon dioxide
ω is the similarity parameter. The cross parameters tak- (molar fractions ×103) at a temperature of 313 K
ing into account the peculiar features of the pair inter-
action of dissimilar molecules are calculated in accor- P, MPa 8.31 9.12 10.26 12.36 15.4 17.96 20.54
dance with the van der Waals combination rules with y × 103 0.53 1.05 4.14 4.50 5.75 6.07 5.96
the introduction of the empirical corrections kij and ηij,

a ij = ( 1 – k ij ) a ii a jj , (9) Table 2. Solubility of water in supercritical carbon dioxide

(molar fractions ×103) at a temperature of 323 K
b ii + b jj P, MPa 8.51 9.12 10.34 14.19 16.41 18.44 20.26
b ij = ( 1 – η ij ) -----------------
-. (10)
2 y × 103 2.51 5.25 7.17 8.51 9.08 9.27 10.20

HIGH TEMPERATURE Vol. 40 No. 2 2002

206 SABIRZYANOV et al.

Table 3. Individual parameters of substances temperature dependence of the intermolecular interac-

tion parameters may be explained. The chemical forces
Vm × 103, depend stronger on temperature than the physical
Substance Tcr , K Pcr , MPa ω
m3/kmol forces, because they are defined by the ordering of mol-
ecules in the solution. An increase in temperature inten-
CO2 304.2 [10] 7.382 [10] 0.225 [10] – sifies the motion of molecules, and this hampers the
Water 647 [10] 22.03 [10] 0.344 [10] 18.092 [11] mutual orientation of molecules which is necessary for
forming a hydrogen bond.
Table 4. Parameters of intermolecular interaction in the wa-
ter–supercritical carbon dioxide system REFERENCES
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HIGH TEMPERATURE Vol. 40 No. 2 2002

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